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“Divine technique! Divide technique! This is the divide technique!”

Watching Nalo, who was the life of Legendary, die in front of himself, Galauda felt a coldness all over her body.

At this moment he finally understood why the two men, Hei Mukai and Yehua, who had gone to meet this human being had almost no decent fight, so they disappeared silently.


This human being was killed by this weird without any Sword Technique.

Silent slaughter!

This silence and no trace, but brought Galouda a kind of suffocation from the soul!


It’s too late to realize this.

This human has killed Black Mukai as Legendary Holy Spirit with crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, killed Naluo as Legendary’s life, and killed Yehua who is Holy Spirit like him. Next It’s his turn.

He didn’t think that this kind of horror that could n’t resist Legendary Holy Spirit or Real Legendary could be resisted by his new Holy Spirit who had gained Holy Spirit Strength for less than 3 months.


“chi chi chi! ”

Golden sword light howling wind and torrential rain pierced and torn Nalo’s figure!

That miserable appearance once made Baili Qingfeng worry about how the burrow people would bury in time, divided into several parts.

However, after all, they are aliens. Baili Qingfeng cannot treat them like Hei Qi and Sara as they are intimate little cotton jacket.

Instantly assassinate the enemy. A Legendary who does n’t know if it ’s a Legendary Holy Spirit, a Legendary, or a Holy Spirit, has completely burned out his 10000 energy cells within the body, plus the Spirit burst to pry the half-step starry realm in Celestial The star magnetic field, so that he will be consumed within the body Strength.

Although there is still a Holy Spirit that has not been completely resolved, Baili Qingfeng has no choice but to give up.

“I can only wait for tomorrow!”

After all, he was just an assassin.

It’s 1000 miles away without a hit.

It also hit 1000 miles in a single hit.

Now all around the Grotto Warrior has been driven over continuously under the Holy Spirit’s summon of the Grotto Man. The number is probably more than ten ten thousand. Once he is dragged by this Holy Spirit, he is caught in the sea tactics, He will also die from exhaustion.

The most terrifying …

Behind these cave people …


Without being able to continue into the half-step astral realm, he has not faced the spirit of True God directly.

At this point, Baili Qingfeng turned around, True Qi erupted, thunderbolt roared on the matchless sword, and dozens of cavemen within the radius of several dozen meters were shredded by the smashed Sword Qi.

After clearing the body around a bit, Baili Qingfeng bent under his feet, squatting slightly, and the violent Strength burst out from under his feet as he squatted, like a rocket lifted off …

“hong long! ”

The earth sinks!

Baili Qingfeng has just settled on the ground and collapsed into a large pit with a diameter of ten meters. When the debris is flying, his body is like a shell hitting the shatter void, flying away at full speed.

Seeing this scene, Galouda, who was so frightened by the horrific assassination of Baili Qingfeng, was a little surprised, and immediately thought of something, shouting: “Stop him! He has a Half-Step Legend, which inspired him That Sword Technique is bound to consume a lot of money, and now it is very likely that it has run out of water. Don’t let him escape! “


The cave people who got the order snarled at the same time, chasing wildly towards Baili Qingfeng, some cave people who were rushing to hear the silhouette stood up and moved towards Baili Qingfeng who flew by and rushed away.

It was just that they hadn’t had time to throw Baili Qingfeng’s flying shape down, and the matchless sword had turned into a stubborn cold glow and penetrated it in one fell swoop.


Passing the distance of several hundred meters, Baili Qingfeng’s figure fiercely smashed into the ground, trampled and crushed 2 cavemen on the spot, blood mist was diffused, and the scattered Strength did not just form a large pit of several meters on the ground, the air waves raised It is the crooked people in these burrows once again.

However, such a fierce scene is a burrowing man who has failed to scare away the fierce and unafraid. During the roar, there are still burrowing people who have come forward to kill and die suddenly.

“These cavemen are sometimes very heroic and sometimes extremely cowardly. They don’t understand their mentality at all … It is probably the difference between the elite and the novice.”

Baili Qingfeng flashed this bizarre thought in his mind.

Faced with those burrowers who came out, the matchless sword was again assassinated wildly, and the matchless sword was too late to assassinate, and he simply collided with those burrowers by relying on his own speed!

The collision of iron and blood sounded in the sky!

“Kill him! No one can trample on the glory of our Black Temple warriors so!”

Garuda continued to shouted and gave orders.

He knew that this was the only chance he could kill this terrifying human, otherwise he would not be able to resist it again when he returned to recover and assassinate again.

“roar! roar! roar! ”

The Grotto fighters who received Garuda’s order fully developed their spirit and courage, and the tide was generally moved towards all directions.

In the past 3 months, no one knows exactly how many burrow people have poured into Xiyanzhou.

hundred thousand? 200,000? 500,000? 1,000,000? Or 2,000,000?

The Black Temple in this dungeon world. Although it only rules a 10-20 million population, the proportion of soldiers in this 10-20 million population can reach a staggering ten to one, and as the True God of the Supreme-the black god Oracle issued by himself, countless cavemen went to the World Gate from their country of residence, entered this world, hoping to hold sacrifice, get the gift of the black god, and then transform themselves into Holy Spirit.

Once you become Holy Spirit, you can not only ascending to the skies with a single leap have the battle strength of Legendary, but also have a lifespan far superior to Legendary.

Coupled with the fact that the cavemen themselves are a fearless and dauntless militant race, at this moment Baili Qingfeng is culled, really like a tsunami, waves after waves, surging and surging.

“Too many. There are too many people in these caves …”

Baili Qingfeng’s matchless sword spun around him quickly, tearing the 3 throwing axe in the volley, and then burst out with a punch, and the explosive Strength bloomed in his fist, and the ten meters in front of him were empty. As if being blown by fist strength.


The body of a ascetic man with a rune and Great Knight battle strength was almost beaten into a blood mist by this violent Strength. His body that flew into a corpse and crashed into the crowd. The cavemen spit blood and the skeleton broke.

But before he could take advantage of the all around environment to clear up and fly back again, the 4 5 same-dressed Grotto man assassins had been madly slammed, and his mouth gave a nearly fanatic roar: “Death ! “

For a while, Baili Qingfeng had to punch again!

“Yes, yes, that’s it! Siege him, he’s just a human, and he can’t hold on for long, especially since he just broke out with the Sword Technique, which is almost like a divine technique. It consumes a lot of physical energy, True Qi, and spirit. Don’t let him escape, he will die today! “

Galata seemed to finally see the hope of killing this terrifying human.

This human being is the strongest person in the entire wasteland, and has even become the spirit pillar of many people. If he can be killed and the spirit pillar of the wasteland human beings will be defeated, it will be much easier for them to rule the wasteland.


Baili Qingfeng clasped the matchless sword with his hands and swept across the sword. He beheaded a Commander-level caveman, and suddenly there was a roar of rage!

“With me, return to the arms of my god!”

At the next moment, a giant axe that broke the sky and carried a thunderbolt of 10000-kilometer Strength fiercely cut into his body.


The fire is shining!

Baili Qingfeng’s Battle Armor, a storm ripper made by Blood God Steel, was cut off on the spot, and the huge Strength made him lean towards the ground!


Taking advantage of this opportunity, another grotto man with a rune on his body roared wildly, and a giant axe held up, pointed at Baili Qingfeng’s head, and chopped off!


This is beheading!

“Not good !”

Baili Qingfeng complexion changed, the spirit broke out, and the matchless sword like a dragon, shot lightningly at this burrower.

But before waiting for the matchless sword to shoot the burrower, another big hand full of rune was carrying a fearless and dauntless Faith fiercely and grabbed his matchless sword!


Splashing blood.

The shooting of matchless sword came to an abrupt end!

“kill him!”

In the roar, the giant axe held up high was no longer lagging, fiercely chopped on the skull of Baili Qingfeng with a thunderbolt of 10000 June!


The helmet cracked!

Baili Qingfeng felt as if he had been photographed with a brick board from the back of his head. Although his skin was rough, flesh is thick, it was not very painful, but he was photographed lying on the ground with dirt on his body, which seemed to be quite Howling for the wolf.


With such an axe going down, all around the frantically roaring burrow people seemed a little quiet.

Especially the black temple ascetic who wanted to behead Beili Qingfeng …

He looked at the split of Baili Qingfeng’s helmet, but apparently was intact without a bit of blood flowing out of his head, and then looked at his baby giant axe with a crack in it for a while.

It’s not just him, the same is true of all the cave people who saw this scene with their own eyes. Because of this, Baili Qingfeng felt that the voice of all around suddenly became a little smaller.

“kill him!”

This weird silence lasted for less than a second. A monk with a Half-Step Legend cultivation base yelled, and the sword in his hand fell again.

Just patted the ground, Baili Qingfeng, who wants to use his strength to get up, faced this cut down and rolled away on the spot.

But when he was about to dodge, he thought of something.

The caveman who had the axe who wanted to behead him earlier seemed to have gathered the strength of life, and the strongest among the cavemen who surrounded him all around was this level.

Even these half-step legend dungeon cavemen who gathered the strength of life did not scratch his scalp with an axe chopped on his head …

What can he do to hide from this attack! ?

Although he is an assassin …

But if the enemy is too weak, the assassination will not escape.

He could leave something else to do.


The fiercely sword slashed Baili Qingfeng’s neck, and the knife blade contained in the sword shattered, tearing the air in the range of several meters to shatter, and the 2 weak burrow people in the cultivation base were even shot. blade light tore on the spot.

Such a knife …

It just made Baili Qingfeng sloping and leaning his head.


Baili Qingfeng, facing the cracked sword, slowly straightened the inclined body: “Since you don’t want me to go, then I won’t go.”

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