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Vast and magnificent!

spirit space …

Or Divine Kingdom.

The round of sun that hangs on the top of Divine Kingdom is significantly larger and more magnificent than a few months ago. The rays of light and heat emitted from it, even though Refining Spirit realm breakthrough now reaches Baili in eleven layers. Qingfeng seemed to have a sense of unbearable directness.

It’s as if mortals look directly at the sun with their own eyes, and they will inevitably be stabbed by the light of the sun.

“hong long long !”

At the same time that Baili Qingfeng’s eyes fell on the Eternal Sun transformed by the immortal emperor, the immortal emperor also seemed to be aware of the location of Baili Qingfeng. The powerful spirit carried the suffocating Divine Power and condensed on Baili Qingfeng.

Just looking straight, it seemed as if it had become a substance, which directly affected his body.


The immortal emperor quickly recognized Baili Qingfeng, and a ripple rippled through the spirit.

The ripples spread like a storm, sweeping through his body layer by layer.

“You surprised this seat. I don’t know what means you used to avoid this sword. Fortunately, it is not dead, but … your luck is over!”

The voice of the Immortal Emperor is immense in Divine Kingdom.

The next moment, a circle of horrible spirits directly penetrated into his consciousness, and even followed his consciousness to trace back to his location at a very fast speed, in an instant …

“this is!?”

Baili Qingfeng faintly felt an astonishing crisis, without the slightest hesitation, it was necessary to disconnect the induction between the Spirit Holy Spirit Eternal Life Technique and this spirit space.

“Step into this Majesty’s Divine Kingdom, how can you come when you want, and go if you want!”

spirit shock!

Baili Qingfeng, who is about to be disconnected from the immortal emperor Divine Kingdom, feels that his spirit and thinking 2 are controlled and deprived by a mysterious Strength. His thinking has been disconnected from the immortal emperor Divine Kingdom. Induction, but his spirit still remains in the immortal Divine Kingdom.

It is as if the other person has left his “corpse”, and is extracting his spirit frequency from the “corpse”, and then using the Supreme divine force to perform the spirit frequency level. Whenever he flees in any direction, any and he People with the same spirit frequency will be fatally hit.

“No! Spirit cannot remain!”

Baili Qingfeng immediately realized this consequence. The eight spirits in his Spirit World and the core that belonged to him will shine at the same time. The countless radiance is like burning all the flames. The one that fell directly into the immortal emperor is stripped of consciousness. The spirit burned away.


The spirit of the Immortal Emperor is shaking in the sky.

Vaguely, Baili Qingfeng seemed to see a silhouette wearing a black robe, and the whole person looked like a silhouette of a black hole that swallowed all light sources. This line of sight carried his will, along the burst of flame that Baili Qingfeng transformed into spirit. Further tracing back, it was clearly understood directly to his Spirit World that he would soon come to his Spirit World in a form similar to incarnation, and even control his body.

“Awesome! Really worthy of Refining Spirit 13-layer, even ten-four master!”

Baili Qingfeng was truly astonished.

Each time the immortal god embodies the means he can use, he can broaden his horizons, as if the amount of spiritual force at this moment is higher than his Mediation Method third realm, and even opened a new world door for him.

Although he admired the means of immortal emperor in his heart, speed was not dissatisfied.

Just as the will of the immortal emperor was about to fall to Spirit World of Baili Qingfeng, replacing him, the strength of Baili Qingfeng Refining Spirit eleven layers was spared in a frantic release and turned into a bright starry sky.

“weng weng! ”

In the starry sky, a shining sun and 8 stars transformed by Spirit trembled, and directly collided with the spirit of this Spirit. When the two collided, a pulsating ripple formed.

“Astral Strength?”

The spirit is full of fluctuations, accompanied by a more dazzling and endless light.

But just when this light shone and seemed to cover the bright starry sky, an invisible barrier emerged out of thin air, blocking the will that he wanted to come out …

“Power of the World? Hidden again in the World of Stars and Flames …”

This change gave the immortal God consciousness a meal.

He stared at Baili Qingfeng carefully. Just when Baili Qingfeng felt that he was about to launch a more violent offensive, the will of the immortal emperor had generally receded, and Baili Qingfeng burned his spirit link down: ” Does it make sense? Your small will in front of this seat is like a candlelight in front of the sun. If it is not the power of the world, this seat can be crushed with no difficulty, unless you never set foot in the bimonthly world, otherwise When you next come, it will be the day of your death … “

“weng weng! ”

Baili Qingfeng’s spirit consciousness was stripped from the space of the immortal Emperor Divine Kingdom, and he recovered with some consternation.

“I was almost caught by immortality …”

Baili Qingfeng took a sigh of relief.

But soon he found it a little embarrassing that he retreated too fast and too hurriedly. It seems that he did not leave the coordinates to lock the immortal god. If there is no coordinates to lock the immortal god, even if he uses Holy Spirit Eternal Life Technique again It is estimated that the immortal emperor cannot launch an attack.

“Wait a minute, the key is the power of World !?”

Baili Qingfeng suddenly thought of something.

When he confronted the Immortal Emperor just now, the Immortal Emperor originally had a second hand, but he was blocked by an invisible barrier.

It should be the power of the World as immortal.

Baili Qingfeng took a look at the vast divine force that belongs to the True God of Death projected from the Space Gate, and recalled the 1000 years of contact between the Heaven Wasteland Domain and the bi-monthly world, and never had a God come to this World… …

Suddenly guessed something.

“Because of the world barrier, the gods can’t come to our Heaven Wasteland Domain! Or … because the Heaven Wasteland Domain rules Strength, once the gods come to our World, Strength will drop sharply, I am afraid that the decline is even greater than Legendary It’s amazing … “

If the Heaven Wasteland Domain is likened to a small pond, the Legendary powerhouses in the bimonthly world are equivalent to strong sea fish. Although the equivalent to the top of the food chain in the pond, it can be degraded or even died due to unacceptable water and soil. , And as True God, which is called Peak in the bimonthly realm, is equivalent to the huge blue whale!

The moment they are thrown into a small pond that is only 2 meters deep, they are equivalent to stranding, and they fall into death at a speed faster than those of strong sea fish.

“Try it out. If my guess is true, then the Immortal Emperor should not launch another attack when he knows that I am hiding in another World.”

Baili Qingfeng read this, and while wielding a sword to kill the burrowing warrior who culled up, he started the Holy Spirit Eternal Life Technique again.

The familiar chants and praises sounded again …

Baili Qingfeng traces along the sound, reappears in the Divine Kingdom of the immortal emperor.

Feeling in the sky, the brilliant Divine Power that still exudes the atmosphere of the bright 1000, Baili Qingfeng issued a spirit wave, saying hello in good faith: “Hi?”


The originally functioning Divine Kingdom suddenly stagnates.

An unprecedented depressive atmosphere shrouded the entire Divine Kingdom, and even the prayers, chants, and praises that filled every corner of Divine Kingdom seemed to be smaller, like the depression before the rainstorm.

“hong long long !”

In the next moment, thunderbolt 10000-kilometer Divine Power swept the power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth and blasted the spirit awareness of Baili Qingfeng.


The horrible Strength is mixed with the spirit idea and explodes wildly.

But at this time, the immortal emperor apparently just wanted to destroy and expel his spirit, instead of looting him directly through the Holy Spirit Eternal Life Technique, like True God came to their Holy Spirit. same.

“Sure enough … the separation of the two realms will weaken the strength of the immortal emperor … but this strength is just good for cultivation. If it is not because it is now surrounded by countless cavemen, it is very dangerous to leave the country. I am afraid that you can directly transfer 2 The Tao Spirit has transformed. “

Baili Qingfeng regretfully looked up at the increasingly voluminous God of Death Divine Power in the sky …

“The immortal emperor can’t lock my body, then God of Death cannot come, otherwise he can stop his Strength once he arrives!”

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng immediately withdrew Spirit from the Divine Kingdom space of the immortal emperor. His eyes, like electricity, crossed the void and fell directly on Holy Spirit Garuda.

During the war during this time, although the number of cavemen he beheaded was small, at most it was 1000, but he restored the 10000 energy cells within the body, not only the 10000 energy cells, even his spirit. It has also recovered more than half. Although it is still a bit far from the peak, even the enhanced version of Star Assassination Technique can be performed twice. This Strength is barely enough to deal with a Holy Spirit!


Sword light Broken!

Baili Qingfeng’s fighting style, which was constantly training with the same force as Taiji Sword, suddenly changed, and Sword Qi shot, sweeping the cavemen within ten meters of several meters.

Then he squatted, his feet bent, and as the Strength erupted, the entire person hit the shatter void like a cannonball and went straight to kill Galadar, who was the ceremony of the sacrifice, more than ten kilometers away.

This scene fell into the eyes of the ascetics who were still full of passion, and immediately made them spirit: “His defense can’t be sustained, his defense will be broken! He is about to run away! Stop him!”

It was just that Baili Qingfeng’s long rowing-like battles made other cavemen’s reactions slightly slower. When other cavemen fighters reacted, Baili Qingfeng had already crossed the void and had a tendency to break out of their encirclement.

Seeing this scene, Holy Spirit Galauda, ​​who presided over the sacrifice, also slowly stood up, with the power of Holy Spirit flashing on his body, as if a black flame was attached to his body. He looked directly at Baili Qingfeng. Loud shouted: “Let him come! The great True God has poured Strength into my body. At this moment, I am more powerful than ever!”

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