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“en! ?”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Holy Spirit Galounda with black flames burning all over him …

No, Galunda at this moment is no longer even a pure Holy Spirit.

God of Death’s Divine Kingdom shrouds his body. From the Divine Kingdom above the Space Gate, there is a horrible and majestic Strength continuously passing on his body, even though this Strength has passed the World’s killing power It has been reduced a lot, but after continuously absorbing the power of sacrifice, it is more than enough to maintain the battle strength of Garuda’s Legendary Holy Spirit.


Seeing Baili Qingfeng approaching, Galunda no longer simply stood still waiting, but issued angry roar. The sword in his hand seemed to burn a layer of black flames. He just roared, striding meteors, charging at full speed, right The sight of Baili Qingfeng swept and killed, but the person has not yet arrived. I do not know that the spirit of Divine Power or Saint is already rolling in like a mountain.

“The experiment just verified my guess! Because the world is different, the immortal emperor cannot come to this world. I don’t believe that God of Death, which is at the same level as the blood god, can project Strength over!”

In the eyes of Baili Qingfeng, flashes through a bright light, facing Galouda from the charge, he also kept accelerating, and his momentum continued to rise during the charge.

In the process of continuous hedging, the distance between the two has rapidly decreased!

6 1000 meters, 4 1000 meters, 2000 metres, 1000 meters, 500 metres …

When the distance between the two was less than 2 meters, the restored 100 energy cells of Baili Qingfeng within the body were detonated again by spirit.

golden light burst!

At the same time, Spirit pried the magnetic field of the stars, and his body directly entered Heaven and Earth to fit his body.

Half-step stardom!

The moment he entered the half-step star, the sword light burst!

The golden flame exploded into more than a dozen sword lights, flooding Galunda’s body in front of him.


This enhanced version of Star Assassination Technique is still performed when the two are less than 2 meters apart. Almost at the same time as Baili Qingfeng’s sword, the sword light has penetrated Galunda’s body without giving him any blocking or evasion. Opportunity!


Galauda itself did not seem to be blocking it!

He seemed to let Baili Qingfeng assassinate the bright sword light running through his body, piercing his body through more than a dozen holes, and the whole person still carried the horrible inertia, while wielding the sword in his hand and carrying the mighty Divine Power and black flame, fiercely’s cut in Baili Qingfeng’s body!


Baili Qingfeng, located in the half-step star realm, was instantly killed by the sword.

The thunderbolt 10000-kilometer Strength erupted, forming a circle of naked eye visible gas explosion, the smashed shovel tore the ground on the spot within 100 meters, and all trees, flowers and plants within several hundred meters. The hurricane swept away shattered.

During the gas explosion, Baili Qingfeng, who was smashed at full speed, flew out at a speed no less than the speed when he arrived, and was chopped off for more than 30 meters.

In the middle of the air, he has twisted his body, recaptured again, and then landed on both feet. Fiercely stepped on the ground and resolved the inertia with the ground’s friction. Soon, his footing had been plowed out of two trenches.

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes immediately fell on his shoulder, which was cut to pieces.


The golden light shone, but it had been cut open.

Yin Hong’s blood flowed out from the stab wound. Although the wound was small, he was soon sealed by the precise control of himself and stopped the blood loss, but it is undeniable that …

he got hurt.

He was stabbed and wounded by Holy Spirit Galounda in front of him.

Compared to Baili Qingfeng’s shoulder, the wound was cut and blood was flowing. The figure of Galauda, ​​who had penetrated more than a dozen Sword Qis by Baili Qingfeng, was slightly shaking. The Spirit of Holy Spirit in Divine Kingdom above the Space Gate was continuous. Infused into his body, the injuries on his body were quickly repaired. In just a few moments, more than a dozen cave bodies had actually recovered.

After seeing the wound on Baili Qingfeng, he also showed a trace of cruel contempt with aloof and remote in his face: “Just a human!”

Having said that, his body slumped and he charged again, and the sword in his hand boiled in flames.

“Holy Spirit …”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Garuda.

Finally understand why the special existence of Holy Spirit is different from Legendary life.

Legendary life still belongs to the category of flesh and blood, and Holy Spirit, due to the transformation of life forms, has been evolved into a special kind of life with half flesh and half energy under the circumstances that the power of Holy Spirit has been inspired to the extreme.

It is precisely because of the energy of parts of their bodies that they can have a lifespan far superior to that of humans, reaching 300, 400, or even 500 years.

“hong long long !”

It seems that because of Holy Spirit and energy, Galunda’s speed is not slow. A sprint has already killed Baili Qingfeng. Thunderbolt’s blade light of 10000 Jun was cut off again. The mighty Divine Power in this blade is like a torrent of terror.

Vaguely, Baili Qingfeng’s spirit World seemed to hear countless people screaming.

“Death! Death! Death!”

This kind of sound contains Strength that oscillates the heart. It seems to be able to inspire the deepest fear of death in the soul of human beings. If it is replaced by other people, even if it is the Legendary life, the mind will be seriously disturbed by this continuously impact. 70% of Strength cannot play 1%, but …

cultivation Holy Spirit Eternal Life Technique He was used to this kind of prayers and chants, plus the divine strength of the divine prayers in the immortal God Divine Kingdom is much stronger than this mental shock, so this interference is directly affected by Baili Qingfeng ignored.

“Holy Spirit, although it can be transformed into half-blood and half-energy life when the power of Holy Spirit is extreme, but it is life after all. Once there is no fleshhy body as a carrier, there is still only dead end! Therefore, burst your fleshhy body Just fine! “

At this point, Baili Qingfeng no longer casts a half-step in the realm of stars, the 10000 energy cells inside the body detonate, and the flame of golden suddenly rises into the sky, like a golden light column that tears the sky, with a magnificent 1000 meters and a range of 1000 meters. Changes in the sky, rising winds, scudding clouds.


With the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique breaking out of strength, Baili Qingfeng burst out!

This sword is no longer winning with speed and fierceness, but Strength!

The explosive Strength contained in the sword edge!

In the face of such a sword, Galunda, who swept Divine Power and chopped down the blade glow, quickly realized what the blade light was.

Originally abandoning all defenses and turning to Baili Qingfeng’s sword, I immediately collided with a sword stabbed by Baili Qingfeng!

“hong long! ”

The swords intersect, and the Strength contained in the two is released at the moment of the impact, which makes it appear that a blasting bomb is released within 2 meters of the circle. The flowers, trees, stone debris, soil layers, and even the air within this range, All shattered.

And exactly ten cavemen who happened to be in this area were blown into a blood mist in front of this horrible shock Strength.

It even includes a Level 9 Knight wearing a Battle Armor.

During the explosion, Galunda’s body flew out like a cannonball.

Even if he blocked the sword at the critical moment with Baili Qingfeng’s Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, the smashable sword light and blade glow would still tear his body with 1000 sores and 100 holes, and the blood splashed red with blood. , And soon stopped by the Holy Spirit’s power poured continuously in from above the Space Gate!

“Mortal! You have irritated me!”

Garuda, who flew upside down, growled, and his injuries were quickly repaired by Holy Spirit when he flew down. When his body landed and he stood still, the broken body had been repaired as before!

It was just that he didn’t have time for another counterattack. Baili Qingfeng’s body had been smashed by the air waves of Self-destruction, like a cannonball hitting a shatter void, carrying a terrifying impact. Lou Da’s figure!


blade light, sword glow, blow up again, and tear everything in the range of several dozen meters!

However, due to the exhaustion of 10000 energy cells, this sword did not excite the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique. Although Galounda’s foothold shattered and collapsed into a large pit of several meters in diameter, it carried his sword to life. .

“that is it!?”

Taking down the sword of Baili Qingfeng, Galunda counterattacked violently, Holy Spirit form inspired the extreme, endless flames entangled his body, and turned into a bright blade light madly chopped to Baili Qingfeng’s body.

After losing some Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, Baili Qingfeng originally had some room for resistance. It seemed to be completely returned to its original shape and turned into a Half-Step Legend. Under the attack of Holy Spirit, the battle strength of Galounda To make every effort to defend.

“Good! very good!”

“Galada Holy Spirit received the gift of my Lord and was given the power of the great Holy Spirit! At this moment, he is invincible!”

“Great Death True God, you are a walker of death, you are a substitute for the underworld, you Ruler is the death of all beings …”

Seeing this scene, all around those people in the caves became extremely excited, each and everyone shouted the name of the true God of death, eyes full of frenzy.

“Half-Step Legend, after all, is Half-Step Legend! Even relying on the outbreak secret and relying on the inheritance divine technique, you can’t get rid of the fact that you are Half-Step Legend! I will capture you and ask what you have in you All secrets! “

“bang! bang! bang! bang! ”

Knife after knife!

Galounda in Holy Spirit inspired Blade Technique to the extreme.

The mighty Divine Power and the devastating Holy Spirit force were released and blown out continuously, tearing the body of Baili Qingfeng in waves, smashing and crushing the golden light on him.

At first, Baili Qingfeng was still able to counterattack, but in the later period, his simple Sword Technique was completely pierced by Garuda. His counterattack became weak and weak. Under the crazy attack of Garuda, it seems that he can only Passively beaten.


Galauda filled the void with a proud voice.

It is only a matter of time before Baili Qingfeng’s defeat completely loses his resistance.

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