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Star Rail outside the airport direction.

2 big, 3 small, 1 silhouettes are running forward at extremely fast speed.

It is Baili Qingfeng, Zhao 4 and Baili Bamboo.

Seeing that the houses around all around were getting denser, Baili Qingfeng and Zhao 4 in the forefront stopped a little, waiting for Baili bamboo, which had been some distance behind.

While waiting, Baili Qingfeng also glanced at Zhao 4 a little unexpectedly: “Mr. Zhao most recently seems to exercise regularly and his body is much better. He ran from Xia Ya to the star track in one breath, but it didn’t seem to be laborious.”

“Isn’t it because I’m busy farming every day? I used to have nothing to do when I was in Star Rail, and people tend to get rusty when I’m idle, and I have something to do every day in Xia Ya, and my body naturally slowly It’s getting better, plus Nascent Soul within my body has grown to the point where it can transform to Primordial Spirit. True Qi is endless and endless. It’s easy to run a 2 kilometers. “

Zhao Jiansheng said some sorry.

“Great, I don’t know when I can solve the problem of lack of energy within the body, so that now I can’t run after running for 2 kilometers. If the energy cycle problem can be solved, let me surround Heaven Wasteland Domain After a lap, my waist is not sore and my legs do not hurt. “

Baili Qingfeng has some envy.

“Running around Heaven Wasteland Domain, it’s amazing, it’s really amazing!”

Zhao Jiansheng immediately gave Baili Qingfeng a thumbs up: “I’m afraid I will never reach this level in my life. Therefore, I can only work on the Primordial Spirit. According to my recent research, Essence, Qi and Spirit have three kinds of energy. As a whole, when the essence of your body and True Qi are strong enough to use God for traction, you can manifest a kind of existence similar to External Body Incarnation and achieve a pure energy incarnation. Go out and plow the fields. “

After speaking, there was a smile on his face: “The energy incarnation body is more convenient than the flesh body, and it can completely ignore the air resistance. I tried it, and the shuttle speed can reach 3 times the speed of sound.”

“External Body Incarnation? 3x the speed of sound !?”

Baili Qingfeng stunned.

“Yes, it should be faster in the future … Unfortunately, I do n’t know if it is due to the lack of” God “or any other reason. It is expensive, lasts short, and the distance is very limited. At present, it can only move within 2 kilometers, and it cannot be like True Master moves too heavy objects at best to catch thieves. Once someone steals my food, I can reach the field opposite Qingyuan Mountain in one or two breaths. “

“Surely,” God “is not enough. At this time, you need to be distracted to make your Divine Transformation stronger!”

“You mean the next cultivation of the Legendary realm, condensing the will Core, and adding other Faith while condensing the will Core, using one after another to assist Faith to enhance his master Faith, thereby inspiring a stronger spiritual force and Heart Strength? “

Zhao 4 looking thoughtful.

“What Master Faith and Assistant Faith?”

“It is to strengthen Faith by using other Faith to strengthen your Faith. Just as your Faith is peaceful, then supporting Faith naturally includes solidarity, love, kindness, etc., and I In order to plant a good field, Faith in the heart is life, and assisting Faith is incubation, growth, joy, and so on. “


Baili Qingfeng shook the head: “Although the method is good, but this is too slow. It is better to cut it off and break it into two parts. Naturally, there are two Refining Spirit ten spirits. Wait until 2 After the Tao Spirit recovered to the tenth level, it was cut once again, and then there were 2 tracks. After the 2 Spirits had grown up, they were cut and turned into 4 tracks. “

Speaking of which he laughed: “I now have ten or six spirits.”

“Ten six? Equivalent to Refining Spirit ten times ten times !?”

Zhao 4 suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air.

Ten times the amount of ten times the spiritual force of the Refining Spirit. How strong is that?


The color of envy on his face lasted for a while, and immediately became a little frowning: “I want to practice this way with you, but my core has already been trained, and then I must cut off my spirit It’s too late. “

“Have you trained your Will Core?”

Baili Qingfeng was slightly surprised.

“Yes, I felt the joy of a bumper harvest when my rice field was first harvested. A lot of food, a lot of farmland, how much life can I feed? In this turbulent mood, I suddenly realized, Will Core was trained. “


Baili Qingfeng nodded: “The Will Core is really easy. When I first knew something like Will Core, I felt that this layer of realm was simply welfare, and the result was not what I expected. I have not yet reached the Legendary realm. Well, Will Core came out first. “

“Yeah, it’s really easy to practice things like Will Core. It’s not too much to say that the welfare is too much. I didn’t practice it much, and it came out.”

Zhao 4 agreed very much.

“Yes, I hope that in the future, this kind of freem will be a bit more, let’s practice True God soon.”

“Can True God plant many fields?”

Zhao 4 asked.

“It might work.”

Baili Qingfeng said: “In my impression, Divine Kingdom should be a space similar to Dongtian, a private asset belonging to cultivator, wherever you want to grow anything.”

“Then we have to cheer, and get to the True God Realm as soon as possible.”

Zhao 4 said.

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

“hu! Call! Call!”

At this time, Baili Bamboo ran over, panting.

It was only when she strode forward that the meteor was running forward, and Baili Qingfeng apparently felt a strange Strength on Xiaozhu.

This Strength seems to be Sword Intent, Sword Force, or One with the World, but it is different from Sword Intent, Sword Force, One with the World, but it is close to the Celestial situation of Baili Qingfeng.

As this Strength burst from her body, the air resistance seemed to be torn apart and split into two halves, making her obviously a Wargod-level cultivation base. When running, the speed was even worse than the True Immortal on the land where True Qi broke out. Not inferior.

Although she looked a little tired, she was full of joy on her face: “Finally catch up with Qingfeng big brother and Zhao grandfather.”

“Xiaozhu, what is this … something similar to Sword Force?”

Baili Qingfeng curiously asked.

“What Sword Force?”

“That’s when you run wild.”


Baili Zhu quickly said: “I have always wanted to help the Qingfeng big brother to achieve the purpose of world peace, but it turns out that Qingfeng big brother and Zhao grandfather are running a little slower and waiting for me intentionally, I still ca n’t keep up, so I I’m anxious, I just want to run faster and faster, catch up with Qingfeng big brother and Zhao grandfather, but when people’s speed is too fast, the external environment will become a burden, so I want to split them Open, and eventually that kind of momentum emerged. “

“So, how did you split them?”

“Hmm … that’s …”

Baili Zhu thought for a while, it seemed to be organizing the language. After a while, she said: “Our Primary School Teacher taught me the shortest line between 2 points, and I also read the book on your bookshelf by Qingfeng big brother, World can use points , Line, surface, three-dimensional surface, and flowing surface. We find the shortest two points between these points, line, surface, three-dimensional surface, and flowing surface, and then split it. The past is fine. “

Baili Qingfeng listened for a moment, but she felt like she didn’t understand.


Xiao Zhu just said, that was taught by her elementary teacher.

If at this time he says he doesn’t understand …

What is the face of senior students at Charles University?

You know, not long ago, the Director of the University of Shire has delivered his diploma to him. Would anyone else suspect that he had obtained a fake diploma if he couldn’t figure out even a primary school subject?

“Oh I see.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded, and at the same time gave Xiaozhu a praised gaze: “Practice well, practice hard.”

“Well, I will try to catch up with Qingfeng big brother and Zhao grandfather.”

“Xiaozhu is such a good child.”

Zhao 4 looked at Baili Bamboo, his eyes were full of likes: “I do n’t know how to come and ask me. Although I am not as smart as Qingfeng Little Brother, I stay at home most of the time, have time, and the grandfather family There are a lot of delicious ones, and those local products will be tasted by you. “

“Thanks Zhao grandfather.”

Baili gave a sweet reply.

“Yiyi’s flight should have already arrived. She might have waited a long time. We will go in advance.”

Baili Qingfeng said, together with Zhao Jiansheng and Baili Bamboo, headed for the airport arrival exit.

Before reaching the arrival gate, Baili Qingfeng had seen distantly wearing a light purple dress, dragging a large suitcase, and a teacher full of girl charm came to the direction outside the airport. The youthful and beautiful image attracted people along the way. Fewer eyes.

She has a mobile phone in her hand and seems to be trying to call Baili Qingfeng.


Baili Qingfeng shouted.

“Qingfeng, Uncle Zhao, Xiaozhu.”

Seeing 3 people who seemed to be in the dust, Shi Yiyi replied happily and walked over.

“It looks like I’m just here.”

“It’s mainly because I’m walking too slowly, otherwise we could arrive at the airport and wait for Yiyi’s elder sister.”

Baili Bamboo was annoyed.

“Xiaozhu is so small and can run so far. It’s really amazing.”

Shi Yiyi praised sincerely, and at the same time she gave Baili Qingfeng a wink.

Xiao Zhu, who was only eleven, was so hard-hearted that she really ran so far.

“Okay, let’s go on to the city. I remember the Starry Sky Building?”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Let’s take a taxi.”

Shi Yiyi proposed.

At this time, among the several luxury cars gathered outside several hundred meters, a streamlined sports car came out, and the sky-throttle throttle opened from the side.

A young man with sunglasses looking up and down in the car, smiling and saying hello to Shi Yiyi, “Where is this lady going? Stars are the most hospitable and hospitable people, shall I take you for a ride?”

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