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Shi Yiyi glanced at the young man and knew at a glance which kind of person he was.

Despite the dissatisfaction in his heart, out of literacy, he said a little lightly: “No need, we will take a taxi by ourselves.”

“It’s not so easy to take a taxi around the airport, especially for beautiful women like Miss. If you accidentally get a black car, your own safety will be affected.”

The young man took off his sunglasses and gave himself a handsome smile.

“No, I’m with my friend.”

Shi Yiyi said coldly.


Middle-aged man glanced at 3 people standing on the side of Shiyi.

An old farmer who looks up and down 50 and looks simple, as if he has just come up from the field, a little girl who seems to have good genes and looks exquisite and cute, but has a dirty body, and there is a girl about the same age as her. Add up to an estimated no more than 100, the same dusty youngster.

Also this youngster looks familiar?

However, he thought about it for a while, the star track city, and even the entire Chiyan country did not seem to have a great character that matched him, plus the middle-aged man who accompanied Baili Qingfeng and the dress on the little girl , The side can reflect his grade.

He laughed now: “Since you come to Xingdao City, you have to have fun. I am a native of Xingdao City, but I am most familiar with Xingdao City. However, if the lady is here to play, I can still block your guide. Even if we are in the most famous Xingkong Building in Star Rail, if you want to go shopping, I also have a way to avoid the pain of queuing for your appointment. “

“Starry Sky Building?”

Baili Qingfeng is a little strange. Isn’t Xingkong Building bought as the station of Golden Ten 2 Star Palace?

Why do they have to make an appointment and line up when they go to their Golden Ten 2 Star Palace station?

“No need to.”

Shi Yiyi replied again, already too lazy to bother him anymore, and at the same time facing Baili Qingfeng, Zhao Jiansheng, and Xiaozhudao: “Are you really going to run over?”

“Yeah, it’s not that far anyway.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“I want to ask, do you know the way …”

“It doesn’t matter, the Starry Sky Building is the tallest building in Star Rail City. I can see it now. We will run according to it and we won’t get lost.”

Baili Qingfeng said, glanced towards Star Rail.

Although it is the star rail city airport, it is only 20 kilometers away from the star rail city. Even if it is only 30 kilometers away from the starry sky building where the city center is located, he does not need to worry about polishing the lens, just glance casually. see.

“okay then.”

Shi Yiyi was helpless: “Then I will go there to take a taxi.”

At this time, three other luxury cars that had previously parked with this sports car came over and stopped on one side. One of them with a female companion and a man of his age smiled and said, “Jiang Lun, it’s okay. It looks like your face is not useful. “

“Listening to their accent came from Shia. Jiang Dashao ’s car is the latest Lima chaser type. It ’s worth more than 60 yuan if it ’s a Shia currency. Should n’t this Little Sister simply not recognize it? . “

The beautifully dressed female companion in his car laughed.

“60 more than 10000?”

Shi Yiyi said nothing, Baili Qingfeng was slightly surprised: “It is too wasteful to buy a car for more than 60, 10000. Although the yard where I live is worth 100000000, if I buy a car, the maximum is 60000.”

After speaking, he seemed to feel wrong: “What do you buy a car, the car runs so slowly.”

Then he shook the head again.

“Living in the yard is worth 100000000 million?”

Several people in the car heard Baili Qingfeng’s words stupefying at first, and they couldn’t help looking at the looks of the people again.

However, no matter what Zhao 4, Shi Yiyi, Baili Bamboo, or Baili Qingfeng wear, they are not well-known brands, especially Zhao 4. When others looked at him, he even grinned a bit, for a time, a simple country atmosphere assaults the senses.

Suddenly, a few people laughed in unison: “haha, the yard where I live is worth 100000000, and I can laugh at this joke for a year.”

“A 100000000? A 100000000 yuan?”

“Look, Jiang Lun, he was beaten …”

Several people laughed at the same time.

Jiang Lun’s face was a bit ugly, and she looked at Yiyi Yi: “What’s the name of this lady? I’ve got a head and face in Star Track City, and I will send you back with good intentions. Will this face be given?

Shi Yiyi ignored it.

Just as everyone else was laughing again, a convoy suddenly came from afar.

When several people traveling with Jiang Lun saw the first sedan, their voices immediately converged: “It is a limited edition of the Veyron sedan of Binya Group. The price of Heycoin is more than 600 and 10000, which is replaced by our Chiyan currency. 40 million starts! “

“Although the rear cars are not as good as the” Weilong “, the price is not much worse.”

Another voice followed.

Compared with the vehicles driven by this convoy, the so-called “Follower” of Jiang Lunkai cannot compare with the cheapest one in the convoy.

“The team … seems to be coming in the direction we are?”

In another car, a young girl crying out in surprise wearing a flashing white gem.

Not like.

The convoy stopped short by the side of theentire group.

As the team stopped, two people quickly got off the bus. One was Miao Hao’s current Patriarch Miao Haoran, and the other was Miao Wuji, who had a good relationship with Baili Qingfeng.

“Is the chairman of the Big Dipper Group!”

“I followed my dad to participate in the Chamber of Commerce move held by Miao.

Seeing 2 people, a few people in the car expressed excitement.

Miao Haoran and Miao Wuji were out of the car and came straight to the entire group.

At this time, there was another roar of car motors not far away, and then another team was quickly coming from another road. The first silver car was so dazzling on the road.

“It’s ‘Silver Charm’!”

“Oh my gosh, we have only one ‘Silver Charm’ in the entire Chiyan country, that is, the Evergrande Group Eldest Young Lady, the car of Miss Chiyan, the most shining star of Chiyan Country. 120 million. “

“Is Miss Yueliang here? He is the idol of all the young women in our country!”

Jiang Lun’s entire group, men and women, couldn’t help screaming.

“The people of Hengguang Group are here?”

Miao Haoran watched the fast-moving convoy, and expression changed slightly.

But he and Miao Wou-ki immediately came to Baili Qingfeng and the others. In Jiang Lun and the others’ dull eyes, a saluted respectful to him: “Your Majesty.”

After saluting to Baili Qingfeng, he turned to Zhao 4 again: “Zhao Jiansheng.”

Even Baili Zhu and Shi Yiyi did not miss it.

Baili Qingfeng was politely nodded to Miao Haoran, but smiled at Miao Wou-ki: “Hidden fairy, why are you here?”

Miao Wuji thought of the previous communication with Luo Yingying and the others, and still smiled, “The big guy didn’t even notify me when he came to Starrail City, and let me do my best to help the landlord. Fortunately, we found the teacher Young Lady Yiyi’s flight, so hurry up. “

“Isn’t this going to meet you directly at the Sky Building.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

At this time, the “Silver Charm” stopped at the side of Baili Qingfeng and the others, and then, it was glorious, full of successful femininity, the helm of Hengguang Group, Yue Illumination, and a look similar to her. The young girl stepped down from the car and immediately came to Zhao 4: “Bobo Zhao.”

Then I greeted Baili Qingfeng and Shi Yiyi.

At this time, Jiang Lun and several others finally woke up from the shock of the helm of the two major groups of the top ten groups in the Kingdom of Chiyan.

Plus the names of the leaders of the two major groups on Baili Qingfeng and Zhao Jiansheng …

“Baili Qingfeng! He is Baili Qingfeng! He is the supreme ruler of the Aurora Empire! Chairman of the 6 Union Alliance of Knights! Chairman of the West Yanzhou Nihility Temple! “

Jiang Lun screamed in his heart.

“Zhao Jiansheng, that’s our East Divine Continent 1st Sword Holy! We are the world’s first High Level life! A pioneer of the Legendary era!”

After identifying Baili Qingfeng and Zhao Jiansheng, they already knew the information of several people around Baili Qingfeng, and they naturally guessed the identity of Shi Yiyi, who they had talked with.

For a time, Jiang Lun looked pale and frightened.

The few people who walked with him narrowed their necks as much as possible, anxious to turn into a hidden person.

“Uncle Zhao, why did n’t you let us pick you up when you came to Xingluo City? We always keep your villa in Xingluo City and take care of you all the time. Eagerly looking forward to uncle Zhao, you can go home. “

Moon Lighting smiled.

“Miss Yue, I came to Star Rail this time to say to you, that villa and so on, I do n’t need to waste it anymore, I stayed in Xia Ya very well, and lived comfortably, and Qingfeng Little Brother is also very talkative. I do n’t think I will come to Star Rail City in the future. You can give those houses, shops and so on to those in need. “

Zhao 4 said.

“Then how?”

Moonlight’s face did not change, and she still had a gentle smile: “Since these things have been given to Uncle Zhao, naturally they are all assets belonging to Uncle Zhao. In addition, is it not customary to live in that villa? Nothing, our company There is a garden, covering an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers, which can be given to Uncle Zhao. Uncle Zhao can do anything there. “

“Really don’t need it. OK, I won’t tell you.”

Zhao 4 waved his hand.

Seeing this, Miao Haoran quickly immediately stepped forward: “Your Majesty, Zhao Jiansheng, Golden Ten 2 The other 9 people of Star Palace have already arrived, and have moved into the Starry Sky Building. Look …”

“They’re all there? That won’t make them wait long, walk around, we’ll run over right away.”

Baili Qingfeng said quickly.

“Qingfeng, you see, Miao Wou-ki have all come to pick you up. You always let them return empty-handed. Let’s just go by car.”

Yiyi said aloud.

Baili Qingfeng listened, looked at Miao Wuji, hesitated for a moment, nodded, and boarded with Zhao Jiansheng and the others.

When she got on the car, Shi Yiyi seemed to think of something, and said to Jiang Lun who seemed to treat himself like air: “We have a car and a tour guide, so we will not give you anything.”

After speaking, Jiang Lun, who ignored him, got into the first luxury car worth 6,000,000.

Miao Haoran and Miao Wou-Ki sent several people closely from behind, of which Miao Wou-Ki himself drove the car.

Miao Haoran, who was in the second car, took a glance at Jiang Lun when he got in the car, called an assistant, and ordered him to quickly follow the vehicle in which Baili Qingfeng was leaving.


(I do n’t understand the car at all. I ’ve been checking the car ’s information. People with 1000-degree myopia have more than enough energy to drive.)

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