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Thunderbolt Sect.

all around

At the time when Thunderbolt Sect was first established, there was a grand ceremony, but at that time, let alone the great forces from abroad. Even the number of guests rushed to the country was few. The most Peak ones were only a few. Six-level powerhouse on the braced facade.

However, in just four years, Thunderbolt Sect has undergone changes like Heaven and Earth turning upside down. It has not only expanded rapidly in these four years, but has become a Sia Kingdom number one Sect, even if it is not brought by Baili Qingfeng. Influence, still has the heritage of the Peak World Level forces.

Refining Spirit’s strongest Dongshengyang has reached the hundred miles of Celestial Level 9, driving the hundred miles of Legendary Fierce Beast, plus sect protecting Divine Beast Linhuang …


Which one of these people can make a sensation in World?

Not to mention the Vice Sect Master of Thunderbolt Sect.

Therefore, it is now night, but Thunderbolt Sect is still a splendid light. From the gate to the inner temple, to-and-fro’s pedestrian guests are endless, and the whole Wushan is full of celebration and liveliness. In.

Baili Qingfeng is almost seven o’clock under Thunderbolt Sect.

Even if he hasn’t climbed the mountain yet, he can still clearly see the lights of almost half of Wushan around the Thunderbolt Sect gate.

Under Wushan, where the Thunderbolt Sect gate is located, I do n’t know when a small town was formed. Buildings and villas that have been completed or are being built are flooding Wushan to Sanshun Town. Dozens of kilometers to Black River City.

“It’s a big change.”

Baili Qingfeng said heartily.

The town outside Thunderbolt Sect is clearly planned by someone, not only the roads are extremely spacious, the greening on both sides is even more beautiful, plus the facade of each and everyone, full of vitality.

The main reason for this vitality is pedestrians.

There is a lot of pedestrians in the area from Wushan to Wushan. Even the traffic jam that Baili Qingfeng did not see in Black River City actually appeared in the town under Wushan.

“This is where our only Martial Dao Holy Land is? It is spectacular and very lively.”

“I said that Wushan will not let you down? I have heard from friends more than once that Wushan is a must-have time to travel to Xia Ya. “

” Well, I heard that our Legendary True God Your Majesty is from Wushan. Martial Dao Holy Land Thunderbolt Sect, is it true or false? “

” Of course it is true, let me tell you … “

Baili Qingfeng while walking up the mountain From time to time, the voices of pedestrians were heard.

Under the influence of Thunderbolt Sect and the transformation of Wushan, this mountain range is now gradually forming a scenic spot, and it will attract many domestic and even other Knight Alliance countries and Aurora and Chiyan tourists. .

To-and-fro pedestrians like this one are less than one third in Wushan Town, and the remaining 2/3 are occupied by tourists and martial artist respectively.

Thunderbolt Sect ’s Shanmen Torii is built magnificently, and I do n’t know when it will be converted into a square outside.

Hundreds or thousands of people are walking around the square at this time. From time to time, some young couples can take pictures.

Whether it is a tourist or a martial artist, there is no contempt between the two parties, and no one maintains aloof and remote.

Hia ’s current law and order is excellent, coupled with the promotion of international status, a large amount of capital injection has made the people rich and friendly.

martial artists are no longer domineering and feel that they are experts. Although ordinary people will have some respect and longing for martial artists, they will only regard martial artists as a respectable profession, such as soldiers. such as.

The whole square is harmonious, filled with happy laughter and cheerful voices everywhere, almost the same as his last World Temple Fair.

Baili Qingfeng watched for a moment, and soon came to the position of Shanmen.

Because Thunderbolt Sect is holding a celebration, visitors are not accepted in the area, so that there is a Thunderbolt Sect disciple at the door to guard it. Only invited Martial Dao people can enter it by invitation.

As Baili Qingfeng looked around, three people were arguing in front of him.

The three of them are a middle-aged man and a youngster in his twenties, one male and one female.

“One thousand is too expensive. Our two-month wages don’t add up, Ah Sheng, forget it.”

At this time, the girl was pulling the young man. Persuading something.

“No, Xiaoxiao, take a closer look at our Martial Dao Holy Land at Thunderbolt Sect. This is your biggest wish, and we took a train from Feitian for more than 30 hours to get here. , How can you turn around and go back. “

The young man said.

The middle-aged man on the side also said: “Although my ticket is expensive, it is expensive. This is an internal ticket. You can not only visit Thunderbolt Sect, but also enter the interior of Thunderbolt Sect. , Thunderbolt Sect’s official Disciple is living in Thunderbolt Sect, especially now it is the celebration period of Thunderbolt Sect all around year. If you are lucky, you can even meet a Mount Tai Big Dipper in our Martial Dao world … … Looking at your appearance, there is also Martial Dao next to you? If you are lucky enough to get a great character and receive it as disciple, you will definitely be able to fly Huang Tengda in one fell swoop, and the future is unlimited! “

” No, it is too expensive Now, you can save half a year’s money to accompany me to Xia once, I’m very grateful, don’t spend more money. “

The girl will leave when she pulls the man.

“Xiaoxiao, haven’t you always said that one day must come to Thunderbolt Sect in person and thank them for destroying the Purple Clothes Building, this evil organization, how can you …”

“My hand The price of one thousand is already a good deal. If it is replaced by other people, it is not a strange thing to sell you one thousand and two thousand and three thousand. “

A middle-aged man saw that the two were so contentious. Don’t bother to waste time on them again, their eyes turned around, and they quickly fell to Baili Qingfeng, who looked like a tourist for the first time.

Although he feels a little familiar with Baili Qingfeng, it is now more than seven o’clock in the evening, even if there is orange-yellow light, it doesn’t look too real. Now he put it together: ” Little Brother is traveling in Wushan? I have an internal ticket here, an invitation to Equivalent to Martial Dao, and I can directly enter the inner courtyard of Thunderbolt Sect. Thunderbolt Sect is holding a grand celebration, and there will be various shows at 8pm. I have absolutely regretted it for a lifetime, and I will sell it to you for a thousand! “

” I still need a ticket to Thunderbolt Sect? “

Baili Qingfeng said.

“It was n’t needed before, but the time period is different now. Think about it, but this is the Thunderbolt Sect all around the annual celebration ceremony. How many great characters will come, youngster. I think your skeleton is rare and is rarely seen. Martial Practice genius, if you can get the guidance of a famous teacher, it will not fly to heaven! A thousand dollars for such a valuable opportunity is definitely worth the money! “

middle-aged man said.

“No, I don’t have to buy a ticket, I can go in.”

Baili Qingfeng waved his hand.

“Do you have tickets? So little brothers sell them? If the Thunderbolt Sect mountain gate tickets are two hundred collected, and the tickets into the Thunderbolt Sect inner courtyard are six hundred!”

“Sell one Thousands? Recycling six hundred? “

Baili Qingfeng looked at the middle-aged man as if he were looking at a profiteer …

” After all, we are also responsible for smashing tickets in our hands It ’s a risk. “

middle-aged man hehe.

“I walked in on my own, I have never bought a ticket.”

Baili Qingfeng ignored the middle-aged man and said to young men and women who are struggling. A greeting was said, “Are you going to Thunderbolt Sect? Would you like me to take you in?”

“You …”

The young man has asked in surprise. A cry: “Can you bring someone in?”

“It should be possible.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Thank you so much.”

The young man quickly pulled the woman over.

middle-aged man watching Baili Qingfeng not only did his own business, but broke his own business, tsk tsk said, “You can just walk in? Never bought a ticket? Also Bring someone in? When you are the Deacon of Thunderbolt Sect, Elder? Even Sect Master? Do n’t look at the time now. ”

After you finish your arms, stare at Baili Qingfeng who is walking towards the mountain gate: “I just watch you pretend to be quiet!”

“Thank you, this is Lin Wusheng, this is my girlfriend Zhao Xiaoxiao, will not cause you any trouble?”

The young man followed Baili Qingfeng with thanks.

“Hello, everyone.”

Baili Qingfeng said, adding: “It’s okay.”

The girl Zhao Xiaoxiao on the side also said something sorry: “My parents opened a small dojo, but offended Purple Clothes Building a few years ago … My parents died in their killers. After learning that Purple Clothes Building was destroyed by Thunderbolt Sect, I always wanted to come to Thunderbolt Sect Thanks a lot, but … we Feitianzhou is too far from here … “

” Purple Clothes Building? “

Baili Qingfeng nodded:” Those people are really not good people . “

while speaking, he has taken them to the semi-closed gate of Thunderbolt Sect.

Because it is a special period, even if you enter the outer sect, you need to scan invitations or work permits, but fortunately, in addition to scanning the invitations and work permits, there are two artificial channels left and right by the discipline. .

Baili Qingfeng waved at the discipline wearing Thunderbolt Sect costume: “Hello, please open the door.”

This discipline has been looking at Baili Qingfeng when he came over. Now, when I saw him approaching, his face was a little cautious, even more incredible: “Are you … Sect Master?”

“I’m not Sect Master.”

Baili Qingfeng shook the head, and then said: “Sect Master is my second grandfather, I’m just a Vice Sect Master.”

Hearing Baili Qingfeng’s recognition of his identity, this disciple’s complexion was suddenly excited. Red: “Hundred miles … Ah … Sect Master … I … we’ll open it for you … open … open the door …”

“Sect Master?”

Zhao Xiaoxiao on the side originally thought that Baili Qingfeng was a little familiar, but it was a bit inaccurate at night, and now he heard disciple’s words. Then he turned his head and looked at Baili Qingfeng carefully, and suddenly opened his eyes: “One hundred … Baili Qingfeng Sect Master!?

Baili Qingf eng laughed at the two.

At this time, the disciple returned to his mind a little bit, and the excited grandma opened the door: “Sect Master … I …”

Aside those who also recognize Baili Qingfeng Thunderbolt Sect disciple is even more difficult to be excited.

“Thank you.”

Baili Qingfeng said a word, and beckoned to Zhao Xiaoxiao and Lin Wusheng.

After the three of them left, these Thunderbolt Sect disciples suddenly fry pan: “I see Qingfeng Sect Master, I see our Baili Qingfeng Vice Sect Master of Thunderbolt Sect!”

“Oh my god, Qingfeng Sect Master actually thanked me!”

“Sect Master is here! Our Thunderbolt Sect’s Vice Sect Master is here! Come, tell this to Sect Master, and tell everyone Elder ! “

For a moment, the message was transmitted to Thunderbolt Sect at a very fast speed.

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