Baili Qingfeng one after another responded, and at the same time looked at these people. Among them, familiar faces are not rare, and without exception, from all parts of East Divine Continent.

Reynolds, Prince Yao, Uwe, Judy in the Knight League, Moonlight, Leng Yu, etc. in the Chiyan country.

Although the number of top powerhouses is not large, the number of High Level martial artists in the field has broken through three digits. If these people are pulled out of the field and thrown into the World of Crypts, it will destroy most of the 10,000 people. It’s not difficult.

“Although many of these people are guests, it seems to me that along the way, there are also many people wearing our Thunderbolt Sect disciple … Do we have so many people in Thunderbolt Sect?”

Baili Qingfeng all around is a bit strangely said when looking around.

“Thunderbolt Sect, thanks to your reputation as Vice Sect Master, is rapidly expanding all the time, even if we have repeatedly raised the threshold for recruiting discipline, there are still Countless young Junjie not far away ten thousand li came from all continents and wanted to join our Thunderbolt Sect. In this case, the number of Thunderbolt Sect disciple naturally grew extremely fast. To this day, Thunderbolt Sect disciple has surpassed thousand thousand. . “

” hundred thousand? “

Baili Qingfeng nodded:” How many Inner Gate Disciple and how many True Disciple are there in the thousand thousand disciple? “

” Inner Gate Disciple? True Disciple? “

Hundreds of miles have gone away.

“Shouldn’t all be like this? The one who just joined Thunderbolt Sect is Outer Disciple. After staying in sect for a period of time, it has Inner Gate Disciple, which has the potential to further cultivate, and those who have achieved success Is it true that Disciple is already available? “

Baili Qingfeng said with a little thought, he remembers that it is described in many books.

“This … There is no division … There are only two types of Disciples in Thunderbolt Sect. One is the disciple taught by Elder and the deacon, and the other is the Elder collective. Teach … ”Shi Tianya on the side of

introduced it, and at the end he immediately added:“ But Qingfeng, your statement does have some truth. At present, the number of Thunderbolt Sect disciples has exceeded hundred thousand. It ’s really inappropriate to have no management system as before … ”

“ I have thought about this, but I originally planned to divide the discipline into one level, such as level 1 disciple, Level 2 disciple, and so on until Level 9, but this statement has not been reported to the Sect Master. “

Dong Shengyang followed nodded.

“Qingfeng just said a bit of truth, but outer sect, Inner Sect, and true biography are too general, and the so-called classification of East Saint Palace Palace is not clear enough … Why not outer sect Level 3, Inner Sect Level 3, true level 3? “

Shi Tianya negotiated.

Baili Qingfeng aside, I felt that the system of outer sect Level 3, Inner Sect Level 3, and true level 3 …

It seems a little strange.

But it ’s weird for a while.

But when he looked at Xiaozhu and Shi Yiyi, what seemed to come to mind, suddenly he said, “If the outer sect is not Level 3 but Level 6, is it not Primary 6? Inner Sect? It ’s junior high school, the true story is high school!?

“Primary school, junior high school, high school?”

Bali Changkong, Shi Tianya, Dongshengyang are unknown.

“How many levels of Inner Sect and so on do you want?”

Baili Qingfeng martyred.

Otherwise, when True Disciple bullies the disciple outside, he always has a high school Level 3 bullying elementary school scene …

“Let ’s go back and discuss it.”

Shi Tianya.

Next, Baili Changkong and the others took Baili Qingfeng to dinner while introducing him to the current situation of Thunderbolt Sect.

Because of the arrival of Baili Qingfeng, the next celebration is obviously a lot more lively than the original. There are not only fireworks, singing, dancing, but also various sects. Young martial artists selected from various places compare with swords, To martial arts friends.

The media from Shia and even outside of Shia are trying to record the most lively pictures of the celebration. Most of them are looking for the silhouette of Baili Qingfeng.

After all, Baili Qingfeng has made too few real public appearances, and attending the celebration of Thunderbolt Sect like this now continues to appear in front of the public for several hours, which is unprecedented.

“Qingfeng, because of your arrival, all the original sects were sent to equivalent to the formal comparison of the sword and all the staff have changed, replaced by the best disciple in their sect, what do you think?”

Shi Tianya laughed beside Baili Qingfeng.

Baili Qingfeng is going down for the test, and there are various sects disciples that are going to be on stage to take a look …

The age is generally not high, below 25, cultivation base ……

very difficult to deal with!

The strongest person is already on land True Immortal!

You know, even if he breaks through to the Kingdom Guardian level that is on par with True Immortal on land …

Thinking of it is like yesterday.

“How is it? Do you want to accept a disciple?”

Bai Changchang followed the echo.

“No need, no need.”

Baili Qingfeng quickly shook his head: “I’m not fit to teach disciple, let me accept the apprentice, that is the wrong child.”

“Missing children?”

Bai Changchang, Shi Tianya and the others looked at him, then looked at the completion of the Xeon Road, and successfully broke through to the Kingdom Guardian level. Thousands of bamboo …

Twelve-year-old Kingdom Guardian to find out! ?

The pure Kingdom Guardian level is also that’s all. The key is that she has already reached the peak of the Refining Spirit Ninefold in the Refining Spirit. According to Dong Shengyang, it will be several months, and one year slow. Thousands of bamboo Refining Spirit realm will inevitably break through to the top ten saints, which is equivalent to top powerhouse-class battle strength!

Teach a twelve-year-old top powerhouse …

This is the wrong child?

“Qingfeng, didn’t you tell me before that I wanted to help you find a few better disciplines? These and each of them are excellent.”

“I ca n’t teach it just because it’s too good. After all, I only had a level with them not long ago, how to teach him.”

Baili Qingfeng said sincerely.

Among his disciple, there is no one who takes a shot except for one hundred miles of bamboo.

Yu Caiwei left unfathomable mystery, apparently dissatisfied with his Master’s teaching.

Ge Feibai has broken through to the Grandmaster level. It is said that he is now a Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster, but he has formed an association to become the president. Occasionally he will run to him, but rarely People who met him.

When he is busy cultivation himself, and even the time for reading and listening to music is taken up, he really doesn’t want to collect any more disciples.

Bai Lichangkong and Shi Tianya saw this, and they couldn’t help sighing, so they had to let go of this idea.

Thunderbolt Sect ’s all around year celebration is due to the unprecedented Perfection held by the arrival of Baili Qingfeng. All the media in the world are rushing to report, completely raising the reputation of Thunderbolt Sect to a new level.

There is even a good person who claims that the only church, the mirror mountain and the gate of heaven that have already become history are no longer qualified to be called Super World. There is only one super power in the Martial Dao world, and that is Thunderbolt. Sect.

Similarly, the world ’s six super empires are no longer accurate.

In today’s era where Legendary is rampant, you do n’t have Legendary to sit in the town. Fortunately, you call yourself a super empire?

Therefore, there is only one country that truly meets the standards of the super empire, and that is the country of Hea.

Under the influence of this kind of media, three days later, the Golden Eagle Empire launched, convening hundreds of other steel empires, glorious empires, the country of the forest, Olympus, Chiyan, Kalan and other hundreds. Countries sent invitations to Sia Kingdom and the leader of the Nether Temple.

Facing the increasingly precipitous integration of the bimonthly and the Heaven Wasteland Domain, if the nine continents of the nine continents are scattered again, similar events like Legendary will be common, so leaders of various countries have discussed and held international The meeting discussed the formation of the Famine Alliance.


(No! No! No! I will not write this chapter! BGM ~ ten thousand zhang The sun shines on you and me …)

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