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until now Baili Qingfeng is constantly reading and learning new knowledge.

He always believed that knowledge is Strength.

What potential a martial artist can have in the future does not lie in how high their Innate Talent is, not in what kind of Holy War they are, but in whether they are willing to be humble and learn, and are willing to do it all the time. Continuously absorbing new knowledge in a scholarly manner.

What kind of shocking and stunning was Miro ’s incarnation? Treat cultivation base bottleneck as nothing.

What a brilliant understanding of the white clothed victory of that year was, the various Peak exercises and Sword Techniques came into my hands.

But in the end they were all without exception, leaving him behind.

Why! ?

The reason is that he keeps reading, keeps learning, and enriches himself all the time.

But now …

He is delayed by too many things, and the time for reading is getting scarce.

For nearly a year, it was first placed in Xiyanzhou for a few months, which solved the scourge of the cavemen in Xiyanzhou for several months, and then in the laboratory of Bikini Basin. I stayed for a few months, but later I went to Shangguzhou, convinced the Legendary Fire Dragon to change the evil, and went to the West Yanzhou Karan Gate to attack the Legendary realm …

Not busy this is busy He even drastically shortened his time in Xia Ya. How can he still have enough thoughts and energy to study hard and study hard?

So much now …

To meet Xiaozhu’s simple eyes …

“I’m understood.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded .

Then he turned around slightly and walked outside.

At the end, he seemed to think of something, and added: “Yes, you created this Sword Technique and showed it to me, let me see if I can modify it for you.”

“Good Qingfeng big brother.”

Xiaozhu is cleverly nodded, watching Baili Qingfeng leave.

But, looking at Baili Qingfeng who left at this moment, for some reason, she felt that his appearance was similar to the Great Grandpa that had come to him several times before.


In the study, Baili Qingfeng glanced at these books quietly.

Two hours later, he put these books down.

“It’s a bit slow, and I should have a faster way to read.”

In my mind, I think of a lifeform computer project in the laboratory that hasn’t progressed so far.

“Lifeform computers are already eyebrows in our World, but I did n’t have enough contact with them at that time, I do n’t know the detailed process of making lifeform computers … But if Middle-earth World is Earth World, or Earth If World is connected … if I can return to Earth, I will be able to get the detailed information of lifeform computer, so that I can develop the lifeform computer. By then, the efficiency of the use of many technologies I can definitely climb to a new level … “

Baili Qingfeng calculated a little, put down the books, and took out a box under his bed.

The chest is a set of Blood Armor Battle Armor in the style of Storm Ripper.

As for the Black Kobelco Battle Armor ……

In the battle with the Lord of Flames, it was almost melted by the flames of the King of Flames, but the Black Kobelco in his hands did not. It ’s not enough to recast a set of fine black Kobelco Battle Armor, simply …

Baili Qingfeng retreated to use the blood Kobelco Battle Armor next.

Now that he has developed the field, the characteristics of the blood Kobelco’s increase field can come in handy.

Replaced with the Battle Armor, Baili Qingfeng took out a sword box again.

The sword box is not small, but inside it are ten swords and ten handleless swords.

These ten swords are all made by Red Kobelco. They are tailored Flying Swords by Baili Qingfeng, and they are regarded as supporting facilities for the new Storm Ripper Battle Armor.

He hung the sword box over his Battle Armor and quickly went downstairs.

“Qingfeng, you are …”

Shi Yiyi, who is finishing the clothes downstairs, saw this appearance of Baili Qingfeng, which is lightly startled.

“I’m going out.”

“Oh? Will you come back for dinner at night?”

“This … I shouldn’t be back at night.”

“Can’t you come back?”

“Yes, I’m going to Gu Xingzhou, a little far away.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

During this time, he studied electromagnetic levitation … studied the air defense technique, the intensity of thirty spirits can ensure that he maintains subsonic cruise, one hour eight-nine hundred kilometers Looks like a passenger plane.

But Gu Xingzhou is more than 18,000 kilometers away from the East Divine Continent. Once it returns, it is 36,000 kilometers, so …

“I estimate I will be back the day after tomorrow, tomorrow No need to dig for my meal. “

” Okay, don’t get lost. ”

“No, Heaven Wasteland Domain is not a bi-monthly boundary. There are so many features to distinguish directions. Besides, my mobile phone is connected to the satellite positioning system of Heaven’s Mystery Building, and I am not afraid that I cannot find my way back.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Out of the courtyard, he glanced at the courtyard where Zhao Jiansheng was.

Zhao Jiansheng has found his way and there is no one in the courtyard.

Fortunately …

Baili Qingfeng glanced back at his yard.

In a few months, Thousand Bamboo has completed the Kingdom Guardian-level cultivation. It can be regarded as a High Level martial artist, especially her Sword Immortal Primordial Spirit. As for the environment of Xia City and the Void Knight group in Xinghuiyuan, not far away, as long as she can persist for a while, the members of the Void Knight group can immediately come to support, and there is not much need for people to worry about security.

At present, his body is floating in the void, and then gradually accelerates, and soon he has drawn a shatter void and flew towards Lone Star Island.

Ten hours of driving is not easy, especially when there is nothing to do.

When bored, Baili Qingfeng was moved, and a handleless Flying Sword in the sword box hung on the Battle Armor was quickly taken out.

With his right hand, the handleless Flying Sword was suspended in front of his palm, True Qi flowed, and a magnetic field was formed under the guidance of the spirit containing the attribute, which induces current with the armature. The formed magnetic field interacts to generate Lorentz force to propel the armature, and all forces are exerted on Flying Sword created by Chishin Steel …

“Go, coil … Royal Sword Technique!”


With the outbreak of thunderbolt True Qi, the current input skyrocketed and Flying Sword transformed by Kobelco fired out in an incredible and rapid way. …

When the Flying Sword cast by Akami Steel disappears, the spirit of Baili Qingfeng is also immediately following the explosion. In the realm of stars, he is fully integrated into the magnetic field of the stars and uses the magnetic field of the stars to operate. Instantly, breaking through three times the speed of sound, chasing towards Flying Sword, which was shot by Wuthering.

A few seconds later, Baili Qingfeng emerged from the magnetic field of the stars.

After repairing the Star Realm, the magnetic load on the body of the stars has been greatly reduced compared to the previous one, but it can still only last for two or three breaths.

But …

I haven’t caught up with Flying Sword that I shot out with Star Realm. This effect is quite satisfactory by Baili Qingfeng himself.

“Very good, although the speed is a bit slow, but the speed has reached at least six times the speed of sound, which is the same as the Super Star Assassination Technique I exhibited in the special environment of the bimonthly world, but this is not an electromagnetic guard. The limit of the Sword Technique, when I am proficient, it is not difficult to break through to ten times the speed of sound, and if I give enough time to strengthen the magnetic field, I can even shoot Flying Sword twenty times the speed of sound. “

Baili Qingfeng flew for a moment in the sky, following the spirit induction left on the Flying Sword, and quickly found the sinking Flying Sword in a piece of Sea Territory sixty kilometers away.

With the movement of the Spirit, the sinking Flying Sword seems to have been salvaged by an invisible arm.


Retrieve Flying Sword, and Baili Qingfeng moves on.

With things to do, the next trip is not alone.

“Battle Armor!?”

Alec’s lightly startedled, then he seemed to think of something, complexion greatly changed, and quickly said, “What style of Battle Armor?”

“It’s the Battle Armor of the Storm Ripper that has spread to the East Divine Continent!”

“The Storm Ripper !? Hurry up! Put away all your weapons! Absolutely don’t show a half-point attack! Even if the opponent attacks you No one can resist! “

Alec took a breath:” I think I know which adult has arrived … “

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