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The Golden Eagle Empire ’s capital was in a mess at this time, from President George, Vice President Ron, to an ordinary cabinet member, all completely unprepared by the news just passed from the front.

“Why did Baili Qingfeng come to our Golden Eagle Empire suddenly !? is it possible that what he found?”

George asked Charles in a hurry.

“It’s impossible. Although our scale was not small at that time, it was extremely secretive and could not be detected by him.”

Charles said.

“What if it is found?”

George turned his eyes to his own defense minister, Freders, with anxiety: “Are we fighting Baili Qingfeng now?”

“This …”

Freders hesitated for a moment, and said, “I’m afraid it’s still a bit reluctant now.”

“Why? Our side But there are eight Holy Spirits! Each Holy Spirit is the existence of an Equivalent to Legend Level, even if it belongs to the weakest Legendary, that is also the Legendary. The eight Holy Spirits join forces together, and the High Level Legendary can besieged, that Baili Qingfeng should be at the level of High Level Legendary? “

” But we are not absolutely sure. “

Vice President Ron seems quite calm:” We may now have a victory Baili Qingfeng’s grasp, but it may not be able to kill him. After all, we are all very aware of how difficult Baili Qingfeng’s physical strength and resilience are. Once he cannot be killed, once he is turned into darkness, or he surrenders himself The two ends of the Legendary Fierce Beast and the Legendar y Fire Dragon is called, the situation of our golden eagle empire must become extremely dangerous, so … the day of the opening of the international conference, directly using Divine Punishment weapons, giving them a fatal blow, and eradicating them in one fell swoop is the best choice. “

” What if we choose to use Divine Punishment weapons now? “

” No! “

Freders opened the mouth and said: “At the same time as the news from Brigadier General Alec forwarded, he also submitted a piece of data. The data showed that His Excellency Baili Qingfeng had burst into supersonic speed and was still flying speed. If no one is responsible for containment, unless thirty is used, Covered bombing with more than one warhead, otherwise it would be difficult to kill him, and it would be necessary to use more than thirty warheads … We need at least an hour, during this time … I am afraid he will reach our Golden Eagle Empire capital. “

George suddenly became dignified when he heard his face.

“According to Alex, Baili Qingfeng’s attitude is not like Xingshi’s guilt, so we may be scaring ourselves, even if he really wants to do something, our Golden Eagle Empire is now It ’s not like it was before. ”


“I’m afraid that Baili Qingfeng is more powerful than we thought. Our intelligence personnel in the bimonthly world said that he would most likely have a semi-God’s Force … which is more than High Level Legendary. A powerful class … a kind of Peak that we have never seen before. “

George said this, looking at Ron who wanted to speak:” I know what you want to say, feel Baili Qingfeng The probability of being Demi-God is extremely low, but do n’t forget that Baili Qingfeng has a nickname besides the nicknames of True God and the Chairman of the Six Nations Military Joint Committee, which is the son of miracles. He is best at creating miracles and transforming Impossible is possible. Anything we think is strange can happen to him! “

Ron, Flanders, Charles and the others looked at each other, and finally Ron said:” If His Excellency the President is not assured, we … pray to the great ‘Immortal’ Your Majesty? See if the generous ‘Immortal’ Your Majesty can once again respond to our believers to give us additional help? “

” A two-pronged approach This is the right choice, the critical moment we can even took out Divine Punishment weapons as a threat. “

George expression grave road.

For a time, high-ranking soldiers of the Golden Eagle Empire scored their way and got ready.

The President George, according to the report, soon came to the square in front of the courtyard of the capital, quietly waiting for the arrival of Baili Qingfeng.

A little while later, as the fighter roared the sky, a silhouette dropping from the sky wearing a dark red Battle Armor fell to the square in front of the capital courtyard.

“Welcome Baiyan Qingfeng Your Majesty, the rescuer of West Yanzhou and the liberator of the ancient kingdom, to our Golden Eagle Empire.”

See Baili Qingfeng, a Battle Armor, a storm ripper, George The president a little courage, stepped forward and smiled, greeting, expression looked extremely friendly.

“Hello President George.”

Baili Qingfeng also came forward and shook hands with President George very friendly.

After all …

This is a presidential figure.

“Why do n’t you notice that Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty came over, or let us host a grand welcome ceremony for Your Majesty, like now, for your distinguished status of Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty In other words, it’s too shabby. “

” No, it is too labor-intensive to welcome the ceremony and so on, and it doesn’t make any sense. It’s better to have this energy than to concern the welfare of the people. ”

“Oh, what Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty said, our Golden Eagle Empire has always been committed to the development of people’s livelihood and pursued a democratic and free system …”

George brought Baili Qingfeng with a smile on his face House.

At this time, Baili Qingfeng also said the true purpose of the trip: “I have come this time to hope that the Golden Eagle Empire will be able to return some of the artifacts that were stolen from the ancient continent. These things originally belonged to Owned by the ancient continent, the Golden Eagle Empire stole the data for more than ten years, and it should be the owner. “

” Are we stealing artifacts from the ancient continent? “

President George froze, Immediately afterwards he said, “I don’t know what Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty said? We haven’t contacted the ancient island for a long time since the ancient island fell into the hands of the Legendary Fire Dragon.”

“That The Sky Mothership that fell on the ancient island is also a relic said by Heaven’s Mystery Building! “

” Remains? “

George’s face changed dramatically.

At this moment, he almost thought that Baili Qingfeng knew that they had manufactured the Divine Punishment weapon, and used the technology from the ruins to transform it into an intercontinental missile with a speed of more than ten times the speed of sound …

It took a few seconds for George’s face to return to normal. He looked at Baili Qingfeng and said with a yell: “This … Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty also said that these things are ruins, since they are ruins If you say that it belongs to the ancient continent, it ’s a bit unbelievable? ”

“ Although these things belong to the ruins, they fell on the ancient continent, after all, it should be the object of the ancient continent, as if the outside meteorite fell on There are all kinds of minerals formed on Lone Star Island, can it be said that these ores do not belong to Lone Star Island? “

Baili Qingfeng said, looking at George, expression was a little more serious:” Before ancient times The continent is occupied by the Legendary Fire Dragon, no one cares about it, but now … the ancient continent has recovered, shouldn’t you plan to occupy the ancient continent and not return it? “

The thinking in George’s mind moved to Cause, wanted to lift the table almost directly out of hair Divine Punishment weapons will Baili Qingfeng to the ka-cha.

Just …

Considering Baili Qingfeng’s current location, plus a series of other reasons …

He crushed the idea after all.

He will choose Baili Qingfeng at the international conference, and will catch the leaders of all countries to catch everything in one net, so that he can take the opportunity to make the Golden Eagle Empire, which hides the strong Strength, rise strongly and rule the entire Heaven Wasteland Domain in one fell swoop. Heaven Wasteland Domain is included in the Golden Eagle Empire’s territory, completing the brilliant feats that the previous dozens of Presidents of the Golden Eagle Empire have not completed. In this case …

If you ca n’t stand it, you will make a big deal!

In addition, the contents of the relics are almost the same. The remaining information is more or less left behind. It really let Baili Qingfeng take it …

Also Not much.

Anyway, one month later, they lost ten times and hundred times what they lost in the Golden Eagle Empire.

Thinking of this, George’s face barely showed a smile: “Since the ancient kingdom has been recovered and ruled by Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty, then it is reasonable for Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty to take those things back. This makes people gather those ruined items and take them away with Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty. “

” I am very pleased that His Excellency can understand the meaning of justice. “

Baili Qingfeng said With a sound.

At the moment, George called his guard Captain Coulson and told him to leave with Baili Qingfeng.

When Baili Qingfeng left a short time ago, Flinders had gathered up: “His Excellency President, this is an opportunity, why not take Baili Qingfeng to our grounds on the grounds of those ruins? Base, the Divine Punishment weapon is buried in that base, and he will detonate the Divine Punishment weapon when he enters the base? “

Why did George know that this was an opportunity.

I don’t know why. As soon as he saw Baili Qingfeng, he didn’t have much confidence in him.

After all, there are too many forces falling under his sword because they can’t see him through. Aurora Empire, Jingshan, the indirect four neutral organizations, the glorious empire, which are not all with their golden eagle. A huge monster at the same level of the Empire?

It is precisely because of the previous lessons that he clearly had the opportunity to kill Baili Qingfeng, but never dare to make a real decision.

He was afraid that this decision would be made once, waiting for him was the end of consigned to eternal damnation.

Even if a decision is to be made in the end, he also hopes that he is far away from Baili Qingfeng, so that if the plan fails, he can still have time to change his name and save his life.

So, in the face of Fleders’ persuasion, it took him a while to make an excuse for himself: “The place where we store the ruins of the item is not a top secret place. Baili Qingfeng has collected Heaven’s Mystery Building. The stump, they must know where those relic items are, plus the suddenness of his arrival, we want to transfer time too late. If we really take him to a base, we will beat the grass to scare the snake. Let him be vigilant against us, and we will have to deal with him with Divine Punishment weapons, or it will not be so smooth to surround him with eight people. “

” Then we will watch He took away those ruined items? There are many ruined items, but we have not been able to analyze them … “

” Just let him temporarily take away that’s all, and wait for our plan to be executed smoothly one month later, World will be in the hands of our Golden Eagle Empire, not to mention the ruins item? “

George Road.

Fladers aside, shrugged, no more words.

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