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“hu! It ’s too difficult!”

Baili Qingfeng disperses the neutron star illusory shadow formed by the entire strength of Star World.

Spirit is much worse than the will, especially the will of God.

The two are like water and stone.

Although it can be worn by water droplets, the time and cost it consumes is much larger than the frontal collision of two stones.

Fortunately, with his unremitting perseverance, he eventually wiped out the will of the god of longevity.

After the rays of light of the thirty-two stars in the astral world dimmed at the same time, Baili Qingfeng also felt a deep sense of exhaustion.

“Compared to Demi-God, True God has the stronger strength, the biggest advantage lies in their god body. True God with god body can fully demonstrate the destructive power of a God. There is no god body … This god of longevity is at most equivalent to a profound High Level Demi-God …… “

Baili Qingfeng thought about it for a while, and gradually got a rough idea of ​​his own strength Positioning.

High Level Demi-God.

Considering that although Demi-God does not have a god body, it also has a body, which is estimated to be between Demi-God and High Level Demi-God.

Considering that after all, he is just a cute new martial artist with less than five years of Martial Practice. The mastered Sword Technique and Divine Technique are definitely a bit worse than the real Demi-God. Therefore, Ordinary Demi-God is his true standard.

“Demi-God …… is barely enough.”

Baili Qingfeng is slightly satisfied with this conclusion.

Moreover, with this experience of confrontation with the God of Eternal Life, the next confrontation with the God of Fear will undoubtedly add a sense of confidence.

“The Lord of Fear is Evil God, and Evil God ’s will is more terrifying than True God, so for safety reasons, I should strengthen my Will Core and add more Faith to Will Core, Make it more powerful … “

Baili Qingfeng thought of this, and couldn’t help but think of the time required for the process of Will Core to become powerful.

At this stage …

It ’s hard.

If he really follows the step-by-step cultivation, I am afraid that for decades, hundreds, and even hundreds of years, the Core will not necessarily be strong enough to transform into the will of God, so the best way is to use My own advantages …

“Although I have n’t read a lot recently, and I have accumulated at least very little, but my chance coincidence splits the spirit again and again, and has a strong General spirit that is far superior to the powerhouse of the same level. Indisputable facts, maybe I can start in this area … “

Baili Qingfeng thinks of the neutron star of the Star to Core equivalent to Will Core.

This neutron star is clearly only manifested by his will Core, but it is surprisingly harmonious with the star world he simulated, the whole process …

It seems where water flows, a canal is formed.

For a time, there was a clear comprehension in his heart …

True God cultivation ’s First Step is to condense the god body, Second Step is to shape Divine Kingdom, and Third Step is to evolve into an innate god. , The ancient god.

Compared with True God and God Lord, the biggest difference between ancient gods is that they represent a certain kind of divinity, or even a certain natural phenomenon …

He manifests Will Core as A neutron star unconsciously conforms to the characteristics of an ancient god, so that the neutron star can maintain the normal operation of the astral world.

“If my guess is true … I will become an ancient god directly, why waste time to condense the god body, develop Divine Kingdom, and form a god system? Isn’t it a good one step? ? “

He remembers that the two cultivation realm, Legendary and High Level Legendary, are also in one step.

Realm is something that is fixed by man and can be used as a reference, but if it is regarded as truth, then it will be very wrong.

Since he can cultivate the core of will in the top powerhouse stage, then in the Legendary stage, a natural phenomenon … a universe phenomenon seems reasonable.

“The greatest advantage of human beings is that they possess extraordinary wisdom and non-stop innovative spirit. Because of this, they can continue to deepen their exploration of the Heaven and Earth Universe, thus establishing Prosperous and brilliant civilization … “

Baili Qingfeng weighed it and decided in his heart.

His time is too tight.

Moreover, his experience in cultivation is too little. If the step-by-step cultivation continues, I am afraid it is an individual …

No one can.

A god jumps out and can shoot him to death. In this case, if he wants to ensure that Heaven Wasteland Domain is safe and sound, he will be in danger and start his own wisdom, completely incarnation Universe The cultivation stage of the phenomenon, cultivation to the ancient god level at a stretch, to reach the point of no repair, no practice.

By that time he was standing up, the weak and the most Peak existences of the two-moon world made requests to occupy the Heaven Wasteland Domain, I believe they would definitely agree to come down.

“hong long long!”

At this time, the roar of fighter planes came from a distance, and the flag belonging to the Golden Eagle Empire can also be seen on it.

It is estimated that they want to test to see if that god of longevity was killed under that round of bombing.

“Exactly, I also intend to talk to them about the Divine Punishment weapon use agreement. Although I allow them to use Divine Punishment weapons, I want to prohibit them from using this weapon for hegemony …”

Baili Qingfeng saw him, waved at them remotely, and strode meteor toward the capital.

After being captured by the reconnaissance plane, such a kind and friendly expression was instantly transmitted to the capital of the Golden Eagle Empire, located more than 100 kilometers away, and projected on the large screen on the command room. .

Looking at the silhouette of the unharmed and seemingly unharmed, George, Frides, Ron, Hess and the others in the command room, each and everyone feels like an ice cave It’s clearly mid-summer now, but they can’t help but feel cold in their hearts and shudder.

“How is it possible? Why is it not dead? He … how is it possible to be okay?”

“Four Divine Punishment weapons, what a terrifying strength that is, we detonated Divine Punishment weapon, a kilometer square in the center area of ​​Divine Punishment weapon, everything is extinct, and no life can resist the burning of that horrible temperature … “

Forcibly asked to launch Divine Punishment weapon once and for all , The sound of the two Freders trembling.

Hess was like being pulled away from all the energy of his body, sitting on the sofa, and lost his mind: “Charles … is white dead? Baili Qingfeng …… really powerful to this point?”

Among the few people, the only one who can be called normal is President George.

He looked pale back to his seat, at this time, he wanted to be quiet.

Unfortunately …

A voice soon rang out: “His Excellency President, gentlemen, Baili Qingfeng is coming to the capital at full speed, he will be in ten minutes Arrived in the capital. “

” He’s here, he’s here! He must revenge us and kill us. “

Hess said in horror.

“I do n’t believe that he can really bear the formidable power of Divine Punishment weapon explosion. Ten-nine, the Divine Punishment weapon just did not hit his body successfully, launch! Launch Divine Punishment weapon ! Let all of our remaining Divine Punishment weapons be fired! “

The expression on Ron’s face was a little daunting because of fear.

“You are crazy, it takes time to launch Divine Punishment weapons. When Divine Punishment weapons are successfully launched, he has all arrived at our Golden Eagle capital. Do you want to let 20,000,000 people in the capital be buried for you?”

George shouted loudly.

“is it possible that we are here waiting for him to come over?”


Freders said solemnly: “Deterrence Baili Qingfeng, if he dares to do harm to us, we will launch all Divine Punishment weapons in the country to the East Divine Continent, to the country of Shia, and even to the city of Shia. With the current interception level of Shia, we absolutely cannot stop our Divine Punishment weapon! We use this to let him refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, to save our lives … As for the future … I will say it later! “

” This is a way, But I think we need to change places now. I really do n’t want to talk face-to-face with Baili Qingfeng. “

George Road.

“Let’s move to the refuge fortress!”

Ron and the others followed closely.

But at this moment, they seemed to have sensed something, among them the most fanatical to the Immortal Divine Emperor, Ron who obeyed suddenly looked up, his face happily said: “My great Immortal Divine Emperor, great Immortal Divine Emperor is calling us! It seems that our prayers not long ago have effect! “

” The Lord Lord responded to us? I heard that Lord Lord Your Majesty seems to be planning to send a powerful presence to our World Reinforce us, is it possible that … that exists? “

” Hurry, pray to the great Lord! If the messenger dispatched by the great Lord really arrives, the threat of Baili Qingfeng will surely be solved, No matter how strong he is, he will not be able to overcome the messenger who won the Lord! “

Freders and Hess seem to have caught the life-saving straw, while praising the greatness of the immortal Divine Emperor.

George said quickly: “Now is not the time to put the hope on the immortal god emperor of illusory, Baili Qingfeng will arrive soon, we must hide as soon as possible …”

” What is the respect of the great Immortal Divine Emperor, and how vast is Strength? When his messenger arrives, it is no longer us that needs to be evaded, but Baili Qingfeng. Your Excellency President, why not pray with us to the great Lord? “

Freders Road.

At this time, Ron, who was the first to pray and felt the most enthusiastic about the Immortal Emperor: “Responded, responded, I felt the eyes of the great Immortal … the kind of Divine Power, that The vastness … I feel that my spirit, my consciousness, and my body are all burning … “

As soon as he finished speaking, the power of the Holy Spirit within the body was like the gasoline being ignited , Violently burning from within without the body.

This abrupt change makes Ron, who was full of frenzy in the last second, stunned.

Feeling the fierce burning of Holy Spirit within the body, the joy on his face was gradually replaced by panic: “What’s going on … Great Lord … Your lamb is full of respect for you And piety, why … “

Not only him, but the two other Fleders and Hess who prayed to the immortal emperor also issued painful cry at the same time.

“No! No! Great Lord …”

“Lord, what have we done wrong, why do you punish your servants like this!”

The burning Holy Spirit power and screaming screams suddenly filled the entire command room.

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