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“What happened? What the hell happened?”

George looked at Ron, Flanders, and Hei who were all ignited within the body Holy Spirit. And the others, his face was filled with irresistible terror.

This unknown death is enough to inspire the most primitive fear of human beings.

“No! The great immortal Your Majesty, forgive me …”

Ron yelled in pain, but the Strength with the mighty Divine Power seems to be separated by billions Thousands of kilometers of emptiness, relentlessly ignited the power of the Holy Spirit within the body, leaving him to mourn in pain and despair in pain.

Until the end …


In a shout of unwillingness and humiliation, he was completely burned into ashes.

“Conspiracy! Conspiracy! This is a conspiracy!”

“We are wrong, we are wrong, the alien gods can’t believe it! The alien gods don’t believe it! They It ’s just taking our lives as a plaything to please them … I hate … I hate … “

When Ron died, the two remaining Fleders, who prayed to the immortal, Hess soon followed their footsteps, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in the screams of remorse.

“His Excellency, this …”

The others in the command room watched the three great characters in the empire end up like this and each and everyone was at a loss. Startled.

But George ignored them, feeling his feet soft, sitting on a chair, distracted: “Why is this!?”

He did the same with the body The power of Holy Spirit is circulating. Not long ago, the huge energy contained in these Holy Spirit powers was still their capital against Baili Qingfeng. But at this moment, these Holy Spirit powers made them feel less secure, but let them He was in fear of being incomparable, and seemed afraid that in the next second he would end up like Flemish, Vice President Ron, Hess and the others.

Fortunately …

After waiting for a while, the Strength that can burn him into ashes from the inside out has not yet erupted. He was slightly sighed in relief.

But he didn’t wait for him to let go of a hanging heart completely. The voices of the guards have already heard from outside: “The President, Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty is here. He wants to see you …” /p>

“Baili Qingfeng!?”

George heard these four words, and finally felt that he had escaped from the dead, and suddenly gave birth to a kind of nightmare that has one’s hair stand. on end.

It seems that these four words contain the power of the evil curse, and just echoing in his ear has made him whole body cold, shiver coldly.

At this moment, he was full of remorse.

Why, why didn’t he insist on postponing the plan to attack Baili Qingfeng with Divine Punishment weapons to an international conference one month later?

Why do you know that Baili Qingfeng is known as the son of a miracle and survived the impossible miracle of each and everyone? Fortunately, he and he cast aside all considerations for face without being fully prepared?

The lessons of Aurora Empire, Mirror Mountain, Heaven’s Mystery Building, Realms, Hunters Association, and Myriad Realms are just around the corner. Why does he even imagine that relying on a few Divine Punishment weapons can cause Baili Qingfeng to die?

It’s ridiculous to think of what they did! What childishness! How naive!

If God is willing to give him another chance, he will not dare to give attack orders anymore.

But now …

Everything has happened, no matter how upset he is, no matter how he regrets, he will face the thunderbolt brought by Baili Qingfeng after the failure of the Divine Punishment weapon attack anger.

“No … hurry … take me out of here …”

George stood up from his chair with a stiff body.


At this moment, a powerful spirit swept across, and the entire Prime Minister’s House was enveloped in an instant.

At the moment when he noticed this spirit, George seemed to have fixed his body, and his body stagnated.

“The power of Holy Spirit! I feel the power of Holy Spirit! It seems to be the strength left by the fall of Holy Spirit!”

Baili Qingfeng ’s spirit wave flickered, Soon, his figure appeared beyond 1000 meters, and flew towards the capital as if flowing.

Vaguely, the shouted of the guards seemed to come from the outside: “Who is it!”

But he just came out shouting, and someone had followed him immediately: ” It’s Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty! It’s the nihilistic temple controller, the Xiyanzhou savior, the elder liberator, the endlessness of the Legendary era. True God Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty! Don’t offend! “

With their Yelling, the outside world soon stopped the idea of ​​interception.

Golden Eagle Empire always regards Baili Qingfeng as scourge, but at the time when Baili Qingfeng is in full swing, it still dare not expose its dissatisfaction with Baili Qingfeng, otherwise heaven knows what the consequences will be.

The upper layers of the empire dare not ban, and the achievements of Baili Qingfeng spread to the Golden Eagle Empire. The Golden Eagle Empire who worshipped the powerhouse by nature was full of respect and yearning for him, so that when Baili Qingfeng was a little bit When he trespassed into the residence of the members of the President’s Cabinet of the Golden Eagle Empire, he was not blocked in any way, and easily walked outside George’s command room building.

“Sir President, have you been attacked by Holy Spirit and defeated Holy Spirit by other means?”

Baili Qingfeng’s voice came from outside.

Almost as soon as his voice sounded, George turned around quickly: “Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty, please listen to me …”

Having stopped, he stopped.

“Do you want to explain the Divine Punishment weapon? I can understand you, as long as you also use the Divine Punishment weapon to deal with the invasion of alien beings, I do n’t plan on this Investigate. “

Baili Qingfeng said to George.

“No … don’t plan to pursue it?”

When he heard what Baili Qingfeng at first said, he felt that things might be different from what he guessed, Right now I can hear Baili Qingfeng’s unaccountable statement. The whole person was on the spot, almost thinking that there was a hallucination.

“Yes, I do n’t plan to pursue it, but you have to sign an agreement. Divine Punishment weapons ca n’t be used in the internal war. They can only be taken out when they are unable to resist the invasion of the bimonthly lifeform.”

Baili Qingfeng added a sentence: “You should understand that this weapon is very harmful. If there is no restriction, everyone will use this weapon arbitrarily. Soon, Tianhuang World ’s The environment will be destroyed, and it will be all humans who will suffer. “

” Sign! I sign! “

George without the slightest hesitation promised.

“Okay, let ’s draw up an agreement.”

Baili Qingfeng said: “From now on, any one of the forces that research Divine Punishment weapons, I will be with them. Signing this treaty, even me, will abide by this agreement, and will not use Divine Punishment weapons in disputes within the forces of Heaven Wasteland Domain. “

George has been secretly looking at Baili Qingfeng when he spoke Holding him, trying to figure out what he really thinks.

When all his experience points to Baili Qingfeng, it seems that he really just wants him to sign this agreement, and there is no point to revenge for the fact that they launched Divine Punishment weapons to attack him. in the mind.

Baili Qingfeng clearly has the strength of the world ’s invincible. If he wants, a few months ago, with the momentum of the Aurora Empire, Sia Kingdom, and Knight alliance, he can completely fight across the continents and conquer Lone Star. The entire Lone Star Continent is included in his reign, but he does not at all, but instead puts his energy on fighting against the aliens and quelling the threat of Heaven Wasteland Domain.

Compared to Baili Qingfeng ’s selfless dedication, what are they doing?

Every day I try my best to kill Baili Qingfeng.

Think about it, if they really do, who can resist Legendary Youying and Legendary Chaos?

Who can resist the invasion of the three major temples of the Xiyanzhou Grottoes?

Large generations of dragons have been cultivated in Lao Guzhou for more than ten years. Who can resist the legendary Fire Dragon?

Report grievance with virtue!

This is the true quality of complaining with virtue.

“Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty, you are a great person, your integrity is bright enough to illuminate the sky, I George here promise you, as long as I am still in the presidency for a day, I will be firm The agreement signed with you will be carried out. “

George said sincerely.

“I believe in you.”

“I will let people prepare the agreement.”

George finished, and thought of something, I added another sentence. : “Your Majesty, what is the name of this agreement?”

“Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Agreement!”


The signing of the agreement went smoothly.

Baili Qingfeng felt that when President George signed the agreement, he was sincere and did not force it at all.

This result made him quite satisfied.

I saw that the matter in the Golden Eagle Empire was resolved smoothly, and Baili Qingfeng did not stay any longer. He also wanted to return to the laboratory outside Charia as soon as possible to see if he could develop a lifeform computer to enhance his own. Computing power.

With the increase of computing power, the astral structure can become more stable, and the thirty-two spirits can play a stronger role.

President George personally sent Baili Qingfeng out of the mansion and watched him leave with a wave.

After he left, His Excellency the President of the Golden Eagle Empire still stood still for a long time.

It took a while before he returned to his office.

Looking at the empty office, after the fear brought by Baili Qingfeng dissipated, new fears came again from the bottom of my heart.

Experiencing the power of Holy Spirit within the body, he felt that a bomb was tied to him, and it was a bomb that did not know when it would detonate.

But there is the lesson learned from Fleders, Ron, and Hess. Once this bomb detonates, waiting for him is definitely the end of scattered ashes and dispersed smoke being burned into ashes.

“No! I must find a way to clear out this Strength, otherwise … wait until he burns in my within the body, everything will be late …”

George panic Immediately think of the pope of the only church, and shouted to the door now: “Please contact me, the pope, and ask the pope to come to our golden eagle empire … No, I personally go to the only church to visit the church Sect Pavilion. “

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