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“Qingfeng, you are back.”

The teacher Yiyi in the yard heard the noise from outside and walked out of it, smiling and watching him play with Xiaozhu .

“I ’m back.”

Baili Qingfeng said aloud, and at the same time said with a relaxed face: “The problem of fearing the Lord God has been solved, and there is almost no urgent matter to be rushed. Finished, I can read the book at home for a while. “

” Really? Qingfeng, you can finally have a good rest. “

” Is n’t it? “

Baili Qingfeng said with some emotion:” I have lived under the Qingyuan Mountain for four or five years, but I have n’t logged in once in these four or five years except when I just went to university. Qingyuan Mountain, and the last time I visited our most prosperous Sandalwood Street in Xia Ya City … It was four years ago … “

” The Xia Ya City has changed a lot in the past four years. Sandalwood Street has changed more, but the biggest change is still in the area of ​​University City. The new urban area has been established with University City as the center, and whether it is planning, greening, and commercial and dining, compared with Sandalwood Street is not inferior, and even more so for youngsters. Qingfeng, if you have time, we can go shopping. “

” That ’s good, it ’s better tomorrow. “

Baili Qingfeng said, and touched Xiaozhu ’s little head:” The three of us go together, lest Xiaozhu grow up. ” Later, I said that I didn’t give you a happy childhood. “

” I am very happy with the Qingfeng big brother. “

Xiaozhu looked at him with his head tilted, cute little There was a sweet smile on his face.

“Then I have more time to accompany you, but I should have more free time in the future.”

Baili Qingfeng said, and said to Shi Yiyi : “I just came back from the outside, and I’m going to take a bath to change clothes.”


Shiyiyi is nodded.

And Baili Qingfeng went upstairs, pulled out a set of clothes from his clothes, and placed it on a chair outside the bathroom.

Then he closed the bathroom door and opened the shower to the maximum amount, enjoying the impact of the water flow.

I took a bath for half an hour.

After taking a shower, scrub and dry your underwear, hang it on the balcony, and put your jacket and so on on the washing machine.

Then he holds a plastic comb in one hand, a hair dryer in one hand, blows his hair to dry, and then combs a fresh hairstyle. The whole person seems to be a lot more handsome.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Baili Qingfeng nodded: “Although he is a man, he should not be so hypocritical, but before he gets married, he still has to tidy up a little to avoid finding his girlfriend.

Baili Qingfeng read the book for a while, then practiced Sword Technique with Xiaozhu for a while, and went out directly at noon.

It is rare to be free. Baili Qingfeng deliberately brought Shi Yiyi and Xiaozhu to a small stir-fried restaurant he used to eat when he was studying at university, planning to enjoy the treatment of the restaurant …

However, when he came to this small shop, he found that the small restaurant was actually closed, replaced by a Martial Dao knowledge training class.

Not to teach Martial Dao, but Martial Dao knowledge.

Baili Qingfeng looked at it, but could n’t help but feel sorry: “The taste of this restaurant was still very good, and it was very cheap.”

“University City has changed a lot, Qingfeng you The stores in the previous period are still less than 30% of them so far. “

Shi Yiyi smiled.

“Yes, what is this Martial Dao knowledge training?”

“A new course, just like high school will be divided into liberal arts and science, due to the children ’s Martial Practice The best time is for junior high school, so there will be one more Martial Dao class in junior high school. Martial Dao class not only teaches people to practice martial arts, but also has to learn related martial arts and Martial Dao spirit. “

Teacher Yiyi said this, and looked at Baili Qingfeng: “Many famous quotes in the Martial Dao course can be adapted from your words. For example,” Heavy mountains have been chiseled, the fire is burning, and the bones and bones are not afraid. Staying peaceful in the world … this is me, Baili Qingfeng’s way, and ‘deep in the dark but looking up at the light,’ My heart is righteousness, ‘which is righteousness.’ Heaven and Earth are horrible, and hell is empty, The devil is in the world, I don’t go to hell, who goes to hell ‘etc … “

Baili Qingfeng heard, some sorry.

The Baili Bamboo looked at Baili Qingfeng in worship: “Qingfeng big brother is so good.”

“In addition to what Qingfeng said himself, there are many people in Shia. What is your comment on Qingfeng, ‘The reason why Baili Qingfeng Sect Master can become a real powerhouse in a very short time is the real reason is Baili Qingfeng Sect Master himself! He has a hot and sincere heart, a fearless sacrifice, no Fear of hardship Faith! He was born small, starting from humble, but longing for glory, achieve greatness! He is our Shia, our martial artist Yong unyielding service, never give up spirit example! ” Some things, after all, Someone has to do it, you do n’t stand guard, I do n’t stand guard, who will defend the motherland, who will protect the Wei Family …… So, Baili Qingfeng came out and the like. ”

Shi Yiyi finished, what did he think of? , Take out the phone directly, and call out a picture from the inside: “Qingfeng, you see, this is the first time you have stepped on the battlefield to assist the first group of army commander Joeson to attack the northern defense of the Aurora Empire. The commander personally removed the Battle Armor photos for you. Many people said that this is Qingfeng, you really set foot on the East Divine Continent, and even stepped on the dividing point of the World stage. “

Baili Qingfeng looked at This photo, how well did he take it? How does he care, what he cares about is: “My quotations, can’t you take the exam?”

“Of course you have to take the exam! Everyone should learn Qingfeng you That kind of spirit that is positive, not afraid of hardship, not afraid of sacrifice. “

Shi Yiyi.

Baili Qingfeng covered her eyes helplessly.

He thought of the celebrity quotes he recited while he was reading, then …

It was a really painful experience.

Now, he has become the shaper of the painful experience of the student era …

This is really not what he wants to see.

“Your Majesty … Qingfeng Your Majesty?”

At this time, there seemed to be a lot of discussion from the roadside.

Baili Qingfeng, Shi Yiyi, and Xiao Zhu stood here for a moment, which has already attracted the attention of many people.

“Really Qingfeng Your Majesty … wow, Your Majesty is so young …”

“Is n’t it true that Your Majesty only graduated from our Shire University? One year, I spent all my energy to be admitted to Shire University, just to be able to admire the traces of Your Majesty left in Shire University … ”

“I actually saw the True Master of Qingfeng Your Majesty … It is definitely the most correct choice to choose to travel to Xia Ya this holiday.”

The reverberations are echoing, in small groups Pedestrians stopped quickly and looked at Baili Qingfeng with excitement and excitement.

Baili Qingfeng took a look at all around everyone …

Since this is the entrance to Shire University, since it is mostly youngster, most of them are his Junior Brother junior sister, Hearing their cries, he naturally waved his hand.

For a time, the onlookers quickly screamed.

But no one came to disturb him.

It ’s like a country leader going out for inspection. People may cheer and yell, but they will never take the risky past and take pictures with him.

Hello, the three of them left the block and walked to the commercial pedestrian street not far from Shire University.

Baili Qingfeng not long ago came here with Xiaozhu to buy breakfast for Shi Yiyi, but he is very familiar with this commercial street.

Since it was newly built, this street looks new and fashionable. It is almost the same as the commercial street in some small cities of his era. It is nothing more than a large number of flashing LCD screens and holographic projections.

A group of three people strolled around and quickly came to a snack bar where many people lined up.

“There are a lot of people in this bun shop, and the food should be delicious.”


But Baili Qingfeng glanced at it and hooked the head.

He ’s not the kind of customer who is willing to wait in line for more than ten minutes or half an hour for a little bit of food. In addition …

“People in that store should just pull in In a sufficient amount, a really delicious shop will not use this method to attract customers and waste everyone’s time. “

Baili Qingfeng said, sitting in a shop not far away Down.

This shop he chose, he ca n’t guarantee how it tastes, but the hygiene is very good.

Shortly after he sat down, Boss ran over with excitement, with a trace of excitement in his expression: “Excuse me … what do you want to eat …”

“Boss on order What you have done is just fine. “

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Please … please wait, we will prepare …”

Boss said immediately and ran in.

As Baili Qingfeng enters this store, some people who recognize him come into the store one after another, and even the people who have sold meat and steamed buns have diverted a lot. This shop is full of people.

“Please try it.”

Boss quickly delivered what he made.

Baili Qingfeng took a moment …

“The taste can give 70 points, but … the ingredients are very fresh and can give ninety points.”

Baili Qingfeng said truthfully.

The taste of this store is not amazing, but it is also small and unique, but the fresh ingredients and good hygiene can add a lot to this store.

As Baili Qingfeng and Shi Yiyi finished eating and leaving, his comment quickly spread and quickly made the store one of the hottest shops on the commercial street.

Instead, it ’s the meat bun shop on the side. The original taste was okay. There are many customers. With the comments of Baili Qingfeng, it was quickly spread out and was quickly regarded as the reverse of false propaganda The textbook criticizes that the business has been thousand zhang, but it has been closed for half a month because it can’t afford the heavy rent and labor.

After lunch, Shi Yiyi suggested to visit Black River City.

Baili Qingfeng considers that he has not returned home for a long time, so he nodded to answer.

But when he actually came to the Black River City old town that had not returned for more than half a year, he discovered that the old town that was supposed to be demolished was actually renovated and covered with ash. -Gray’s floor does not say that greening, environment and sanitation have all been greatly improved.

Especially the small two-story building he lives in has obvious signs of renovation.

Looking at this scene, Baili Qingfeng could n’t help but feel a little flustered: “My dream of demolition to get rich … is it so broken?”

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