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Baili Qingfeng hesitated whether to go to the house to see, there was a voice in it, and immediately saw father Baili Hong coming out from inside : “I haven’t seen you back in a while.”

“I thought there was no one at home.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

This home …

He has indeed not been here for more than half a year.

There are too many things that need to be busy during this time. Even the courtyard under Qingyuan Mountain has less time to spend, let alone go home.

Baili Hong has changed a lot compared to not at all a few years ago …


It seems to be younger and more confident. The appearance of a successful person, Essence, Qi and Spirit is quite different from the previous ones.

Dress up in his current state and say that he is only in his thirties and there are a lot of people who believe it.

“Ahong, outside is …”

At this time, a voice came from inside.

I saw a woman in her thirties who walked to the door.

When she saw Baili Qingfeng, she was stunned for a while, and then expression was a little embarrassing.

“Yes … is …”


Baili Qingfeng greeted him.

The woman he recognized was named Mu Ran. He had seen her in his house long ago.

Before, Bailidie told him about this woman.

“You … Hello …”

Mu Ran looked at Baili Qingfeng looking a little restrained.

And Baili Hong hesitated for a moment, and still said: “Qingfeng, come in and sit down.”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the side Shi Yiyi, still said: “No, I just Come here for a stroll. ”

Shi Yiyi hurriedly said: “I just saw a newly opened cake shop over there. I took Xiaozhu to buy a little and taste the taste.”

Baili Hong is also facing behind Mu Ran said: “Xiaoxin is going to leave school now? You can pick up Xiaoxin today.”

“Oh, okay, I will change clothes and go.”

Mu Ran left in a panic.

“Sit down? The house has been renovated, but I did n’t move your room, and your things were there.”

Baili Hong opened the mouth and said again.

After seeing this, Baili Qingfeng did not refuse any more and entered the house.

After changing his clothes, Mu Ran also helped Baili Qingfeng and Shi Yiyi to serve tea and some snacks.

“Thank you.”

Baili Qingfeng responded.

“You sit down, I’ll pick up Xiaoxin and have dinner together at night?”

Mu Ran said a little bit cautiously.

“No more, we will go back in a while.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“You go first.”

Baili Hong said.

After Mu Ran left, his eyes fell back on Baili Qingfeng and sighed: “As you can see … Ran Aunt … she is not a bad person … early When you have n’t gotten up, we already knew … “

” I know. “

Baili Qingfeng nodded:” And, I can understand, after all … It ’s been 20 years. ”

Baili Hong has n’t been looking for since Ge Li ’s death, but little by little pulled him and Bailidie ’s two children. It ’s really not easy.

The two of them are now Great Accomplishment, and they each have their own lives. If Baili Hong wants to find a continuation, he and Bailidie both stand in support.

“Okay, okay …”

Baili Hong looked at Baili Qingfeng and sighed a little: “I wanted to talk to you about this, but … I do n’t know how to say it. “

” It ’s okay, as long as you think it ’s okay with father. “

Baili Qingfeng said.

“We have been with each other for four or five years. You understand Aunt. She understands me as a person … In my early years, I was dragged to the present because I met someone unhappy and brought a 10-year-old child …”

“Oh, when are you two going to get married?”

“Hey, what ’s married and not married, just made it.”

Baili Hong saw Baili Qingfeng seems to be really lifeless, and some restless emotions have also recovered a lot. After looking at Baili Qingfeng, he smiled and said, “When it comes to marriage, it’s you, when will you give me a quasi letter? You and the teacher Yiyi ’s little girl has been in it for several years. It should have been a result for so long. “

Baili Qingfeng was silent for a while, and finally …


“Well, I know … there will be an international parliament soon, after that … I will go to the second grandfather and let the second grandfather talk to me about grandfather …”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

Baili Hong nodded, looking at his gradually unfamiliar son, he ca n’t help but feel trance, no one can imagine, following the second uncle Baili Qingfeng Martial Practice Marili Practice Baili Qingfeng can actually have this kind of achievement .

Although he is not really a person in the Martial Dao world, but the news media, coupled with the constant mention of Baili Tianxing in his ears, he still knows that Baili Qingfeng is now in Shia, even In the East Divine Continent, what weight does it have.

Stomping on the foot, the whole East Divine Continent trembles, by no means empty words.

It ’s just …

It ’s too accomplished and too rewarding, but it ’s farther and farther away from the ordinary son ’s image in his family. He wanted to talk to him about something, and he had to hesitate for a long time, and hesitated for a moment and thought about it again. It was not a big deal at all, and he just let go.

It has been put more times, and gradually becomes this look.

It is rare to meet for the last time in half a year.

“Okay, you have a heart for this matter, I can wait to hug my grandson early.”

Baili Hong said with a smile.

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

He is also waiting for the trivial matters to be resolved earlier, so that he can get married and have children quietly, and then watch his child grow up happily.


It ’s been three days since the time shook.

On this day, Baili Qingfeng was sitting on the balcony looking at the high-dimensional World books. The remote sensing should come to Shouzheng.

Also with him are several top powerhouses and more than 20 High Level martial artists.

Baili Qingfeng went downstairs, and the entire group had come to this small courtyard and fell out.

“Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty.”

“Great True God Your Majesty, Olympus pays tribute to you.”

“It ’s an honor to meet you, Dear True God Your Majesty.”

See Baili Qingfeng, whether it is top powerhouse or Level 9 martial artist, and saluted him respectfully.


Baili Qingfeng was nodded to everyone, and at the same time turned his attention to faithfulness.

It seems to want to understand the purpose of Shouzhen taking them over.

“Your Majesty, Olympus, the Kingdom of the Forest, the Glorious Empire, and many other countries have heard that you have been collecting too much gold, and in recent months, the power of the country has taken all the best in the country. The gold was collected and dedicated to Your Majesty. “

Shouzhen explained.

“Too first-class gold?”

Baili Qingfeng shines.

He thought that Heaven Wasteland Domain ’s first-class gold had already been collected by him. Did n’t expect any more?

“Great True God Your Majesty, this is 42 pieces of first-class gold collected in the whole territory of Olympus. Please accept the great True God Your Majesty.”

“Your Majesty, during our time in the Forest Country, we collected a total of 29 first-class golds. I would like to dedicate them to the True God Your Majesty, and I wish the True God Your Majesty Divine Power infinite and glorious forever.”

“Dragon Sect United Nations has collected a total of 16 first-class gold …”

“Our Kingdom of Taihong …”

One representative Ambassadors from various countries have contributed too much gold.

Except for those top-ranking powers and super-empires, most countries have contributed only a dozen or even a few first-class golds, but they ca n’t withstand many forces. Thirty or more forces eventually gave Baili Qingfeng Contributed a full 320 second prizes.

320 two copies!

This number shocked Baili Qingfeng.

Be aware that since he found that Taijijin has a significant increase in his Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, so far, the total amount of Taijijin collected has not been much higher than this number.

“So much? Heaven’s Mystery Building doesn’t mean that you have collected all the first-class gold in the area of ​​Heaven Wasteland Domain?”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at Shouzhen.

An Ruisi is a little embarrassed: “This … Your Majesty, your identity is extremely respected. At that time, you were very eager for the first-class gold, which attracted us to pay attention to it. After collecting the first-class gold, we transferred it to the research section in the empire and thought … want to understand what is so amazing about the first-class gold, so that we can make more copies to contribute to Your Majesty … “

Baili Qingfeng got it.

This World is never short of smart people.

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