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blood mist!

At this moment, more than Sheng Xingyao felt his breath freeze, even wearing the Frost God Armor, even if he was facing three Demi-Gods at the same time, the Frost Dragon he was sure to kill had changed. Complexion.

When their complexion changes, Baili Qingfeng has lifted his right hand again, under the control of spirit, a new Flying Sword has been translated into his palm, and accelerated under the influence of Lorentz force ……

“What the hell is this Sword Technique …”

For the first time in the dazzling Holy Star dazzle.

“Om weng!”

The answer to him is that Flying Sword is once again broken!

Although Baili Qingfeng ’s electromagnetic Sword Technique attack is simple and straight, the speed is too fast …

Almost ten times the speed of sound, emitted outside of several hundred meters, 10% The target can be hit in seconds.

Even if anyone can understand this attack, how can it be avoided?

It is as if people are facing bullets, even if they can calculate the trajectory of the ejection of the barrel from the angle of the gun, they still ca n’t escape the fate of being shot.

“Frosty Dragon!”

Holy Star Yao shouted again, and the magical star-bite was reappeared.

And Frost Dragon is also a burst of strength, long spear roars, and is targeted at Baili Qingfeng.

Baili Qingfeng takes a virtual step, this step seems to have crossed time and space under the stars, and the teleport usually appears beyond 1000 meters.

Pull away the distance and wait for Baili Qingfeng to show the Sword Technique again. The Frost Dragon ’s Strength of Domain is excited, rolling down with the power of a surging tsunami.

In the process of rolling, it began to merge with his field, so that the two fields are not separated from each other, and then interfere with the normal operation of Baili Qingfeng within the body Strength through the will contained in their field. .

“I see that your Sword Technique is using a special” force field “to launch an offensive, as long as it interferes with the normal operation of your” force field “and breaks your Sword Technique with no difficulty. “

” with no difficulty? “

Baili Qingfeng felt the Frost Dragon covering his Strength of Domain, striding the Meteor, and suddenly slaying towards the Frost Dragon, with gold flames all over him Ascending, the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique is almost fully stimulated, and the violent waves rushed to the sky and stirred the sea of ​​mist.

“Come well!”

The frost dragon screams, without shining, long spear assassination, like a mad dragon going to sea, even if there is no increase in the strength of the field, the power of this spear Yes, it still contains the power of terror to destroy the city and destroy the pool.

If you let this spear hit, do n’t say the body of flesh and blood, even a hill of 100,000 tons will be penetrated instantly.

“Om weng!”

“You ’re curious about my speed? I ’ll show you how to experience it!”

Baili Qingfeng ’s Strength of Domain is completely open, allowing Frost Dragon ’s waves of strength to crush itself Covering his body, it seems that his realm was completely destroyed by him.

However, in the next moment, an unspeakable strength comes suddenly.

Strength …

Vastness, magnificence, magnificence, greatness …

He ca n’t even describe it with language, use spirit to perceive …

Like the whole World, how do the creatures living in the World describe the greatness of the World?


The moment the thought flashed in Frost Dragon ’s mind, the unspeakable Strength skyrocketed.

World! World! World!

In an instant, the strength of the whole World acts on his body …


Actually, it is acting on Baili Qingfeng.

However, his field, his Essence, Qi and Spirit, and even his Fleshy body are intertwined with Baili Qingfeng. When this Strength is acting on Baili Qingfeng, it naturally divides a part Act on him.

Maybe only 1/4, or even 20% …

But …

When a World ’s Strength is rolled down, it ’s still enough to daring all The material against him was crushed!

“Stop it!”

Shuanglong shouted, crazy to take back the strength of the field, and wanted to get out of Baili Qingfeng ’s tight hoop, next moment ……

His body has been pushed by World Strength …

It ’s like the ordinary person class flying supersonically without any protection, that kind of terrible overload …


The frost dragon sends out mournful scream.

Speed ​​up! accelerate! accelerate!

Baili Qingfeng no matter what, the Star Realm is stimulated to the extreme, continuously pulling the force field of the entire World of the Two Moons to infuse his body, the kind of terrible load even if his body is here This kind of horrible strength gradually tears under the crushing, and more blood escapes from the eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

But …

He did n’t stand still for half a point!

Continue to accelerate!


Finally …

The force of terror instantly exceeds the limit that the frost dragon body can withstand, viscera, skeleton, cells , Was crushed to smash!


blood mist!

The speed of Baili Qingfeng to the extreme is also abruptly stopped.

The Frost God Armor reflects a long-range attack, and even a process attack. It can face the suppression of the entire World Strength, but there is no reaction at all.

“Baili Qingfeng!”

A burst of anger and pain suddenly sounded.

Demi-God ’s powerful God ’s will will make the Fleshy body almost frosted into blood mist. The frost dragon has not yet completely died.

But before his anger was fully excited, a shining white star appeared from behind Baili Qingfeng, and the most powerful Devouring Power swept out of this white star. Losing fleshy body and leaving only the will of the frost dragon involved.

“What is this!?”

Shuanglong’s voice finally felt a little frightened.

“hong long long!”

The glowing white stars condensed on the basis of a large number of spirits exude terrifying Devouring Power, constantly pulling and tearing the god of the frost dragon will.

Suppress and crush!

At the same time, one after another spirit is separated and turned into Nine Heavens Thunder Move, constantly attacking and bombarding, defeating his will to condense the will of his God The fast speed is consumed and obliterated.

“no! No! No!”

Shuanglong is struggling fiercely, wanting to get out of this blazing white star Gravitation Force transformed by Baili Qingfeng spirit .

But …

The will of the god who lost his body is like rootless duckweed. Strength cannot be supported, and the more it is consumed, the weaker it is!

Baili Qingfeng spirit’s neutron star has a rich background, and even the will of the longevity True God has been wiped out, not to mention Frost Dragon a trifling Demi-God! ?

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