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“Frost Dragon … Dead!?”

Sheng Xingyao felt a little dry in his voice.

Holy Star, one of the Demi-Gods of the Frostland Kingdom, an old rivals who has played with him more than once.

Despite the ability and the life and death battle of two people, he can pay a 60% win rate, but he ca n’t stand this time. Frost Dragon is wearing Frost God Armor, one of the six Divine Items in the Frost Kingdom !

Defensive Divine Item is worth more than offensive Divine Item.

As if it were also an item cast by Yaojin, the materials used to cast weapons were significantly less than the materials used to cast Battle Armor.

The price is expensive, but the effect is extremely amazing.

Relying on this Frost God Armor, unless their veteran stars sit in the Star City and veterans rush out of the nest, otherwise they want to keep this Demi-God powerhouse in God Armor.

But now, such a veteran Demi-God dressed in Shenjia, died in the hands of Baili Qingfeng, a High Level Legendary from the barren World “Heaven”, not even the will of God. Can escape, he used a kind of …

It seems that the secret method of Refining Spirit Secret Technique is completely refined?

“Impossible! Impossible is Refining Spirit Secret Technique. How did the low-level methods of Refining Spirit Secret Technique exterminate a Demi-God ’s God ’s will? The Peak Divine Skill of the Will of Soul, either hides a powerful Divine Item for Demi-God and True God! An ancient Divine Item that ca n’t even be reflected in the mirror! ”

Holy Thinking of this, Xing Yao felt a little cold sweat on his forehead.

With such a powerful Divine Item, it can explode with incredible speed, now …

He quickly put on one of the six Divine Items belonging to the Frost Kingdom Frost God Armor …

Problem …

Somewhat serious.

“Your Excellency Baili Qingfeng … about the union of our Star Empire and Heavenly Desolate Realm …”

Holy Star Yao wiped the virtual sweat, just about to say, but see Baili Qingfeng has pointed out his right hand at him.

His right hand just hit the Frost Dragon ’s Frost God Armor with a punch, and was shocked by the powerful defensive power and anti-shock force of the Frost Dragon Armor, but now …

The blood is still there, but it has recovered a lot.

But this is not the point. The point is that as he lifted the right hand, a Flying Sword has reappeared in his palm and spun up quickly under the influence of Lorentz force.

“His Lord Baili Qingfeng …”

Sheng Xing Yao shouted anxiously, but his Strength was running but he did n’t dare to have a little delay: “Please listen to me …”

“Om weng!”

The electric arc explodes!

Flying Sword burst shot!

The Divine Sword made of this red god steel carries the shriek of the torn sky, and fiercely thunderbolt into the starlight vortex immediately condensed by the holy star ray with fiercely thunderbolt. Quickly lead.

It seems that Shengxing Yao Strength has consumed the dramatic condensed divine star phasing formidable power, or time hastily failed to excite the formidable power of this divine art to the extreme, even if it was shifted. One-point Flying Sword still clings to his body whistled past, the fierce energy contained on the sword edge tears his wound that had been shot by half of the body, sweeping the red blood light splashing into the void, Even the shape of his body was biased by the shape of this strength belt …

“My hand …”

Somehow, Baili Qingfeng was avoided After the sword was shot, Sheng Xingyao was about to speak again, but seeing Baili Qingfeng’s hands raised at the same time, and the electric light was shining, and a Flying Sword had already accelerated again.


Seeing this scene, Sheng Xingyao no longer has the courage to fight against Baili Qingfeng, he suddenly retreated and rushed towards the direction of the Star City, At the same time, he shouted loudly: “Shao Ming, Hurry, ask the Star City for help, the situation has changed! Let the Star Mong come to help me! No! Call Stardust and Taimo again! Please come out of the Divine Item field, only this way Recover the situation! “

His long whistle rolled in the clouds and instantly spread over ten kilometers.

The Legendary who has been driving Legendary birds outside the clouds and fog was startled: “This …”

He was shocked for only a moment, and he was extremely determined without the slightest hesitation driving the birds Rise from the sky.

At this time, another surprised and angry roar came out: “Be careful!”

At the same time, this Legendary powerhouse named “Shao Ming” also felt have One’s hair stand on end like a crisis, but the crisis came too quickly, without waiting for him to have any response, his body is like an ordinary person who was hit by a Barrett sniper rifle ……

“bang ”

It burst on the spot and exploded into blood mist, even with the birds under his seat.

Flying Sword!

It was n’t until this sword light shot the target that its Tearing the Void ’s trajectory spanning tens of kilometers was revealed in the sea of ​​fog, just like a vacuum channel was created in the endless ocean.

“Shao Ming!”

Sheng Xingyao sensed Baili Qingfeng’s shot, both shocked and angry.

In addition to surprised and angry, he has a touch of panic!

Baili Qingfeng ……

Actually shot a Legendary volley in the sky ten kilometers apart! ?

In other words, the effective killing range of his Sword Technique is at least a dozen kilometers, and if he wants to escape Baili Qingfeng ’s chase, these ten kilometers will be converted into his life. Crossing the sky.

Think again of the speed that Baili Qingfeng showed with the frost dragon traversing for ten kilometers in a very short time …

“Ca n’t escape!”

If you escape, you ca n’t escape!

Only find a way to persevere until the rescue arrives!

But the premise is …

Someone can take the information for help!

Sheng Xingyao suddenly raised his head and turned to the Heavenly Sword which had not left yet: “Lord Zuoqiu Yun …”

“no! It ’s not my business, Master Baili Qingfeng, I did n’t see anything, I did n’t know anything, so I left! “

Zuo Qiuyun seemed to know what Sheng Xingyao wanted to say, his face was pale, and he shouted in panic and flew back.

Baili Qingfeng did not speak, but the spreading arc and Flying Sword of the Tearing the Void already represented his will.


In the horrified shout, the legendary Legendary, who had already experienced a war, instantly walked in the footsteps of “Shao Ming”.

The cloud was once again pierced through a channel, and somewhere in the channel, it was stained with Yin Hong’s blood.

“Baili Qingfeng!”

Can’t escape!

Baili Qingfeng made it clear that he was going to kill him. He simply could n’t escape the horror of Sword Technique.

Holy Star Yao shouted in despair, bursting his imposing manner to the extreme, his body retreating.

If Baili Qingfeng ’s flying Sword Technique is not close to him …

He simply does not have any chance of defeating defeat!

A close fight, there is a glimmer of survival!


As Shengxing Yao swept through the hurricane hunt, Baili Qingfeng flew back.

A little bit at the foot, the figure is incredible beyond 1000 meters, and at the same time the right hand is lifted …


Electric arc explosion Scattered!

“Baili Qingfeng! We have the ability to open and aboveboard a fight!”

Holy Star Yao roared, strength and strength surged all over the body, a new round of magical bite The stars condensed out.

“hong long long!”

Under the starlight vortex and twisting, this Flying Sword once again screamed from the side of the holy star, causing a deafening burst of gas.

But before he could breathe again, he suddenly discovered that Baili Qingfeng …

disappeared! ?


Not disappear!

His figure actually appeared in front of him 100 meters at the moment he resisted Flying Sword with his magic, and then …

His right foot was on a boulder With a kick, the strength burst, and this huge stone, thirteen-fourteen meters high, burst into pieces.

With this strength, Baili Qingfeng’s figure broke through the air waves, carrying the blazing golden blaze, and violently killed him.

“Good to come!”

The holy star shines brightly in the dazzling light, Divine Sword bursts out the sword glow that cuts the void in his hand, and bursts out at Baili Qingfeng.

When he stabbed the sword, the Strength of Domain stimulated concussion, seeming to compress the void, and the strength of the compressed void resonated with the sword he stabbed, making the sword appear to be blocked when it stabs. The entire space was blocked, and even one World was blocked.

Retreating is irreversible, avoiding unavoidable!

This is superb and amazing Sword Technique!

Any supreme powerhouse ca n’t cultivate Sword Technique to this level of realm in his lifetime!

After all …

Compared to the supreme powerhouse ’s lifespan that is short to no more than 200 years, a Demi-God, the effort devoted to kendo may be 300 years, four hundred Years, 500 years, and even …

Almost a thousand years!

Even if Sheng Xingyao was shot by the shoulder of the right hand, the sword was out of the left hand at this moment, but he did not conceal the subtlety and Profound Truth displayed in this sword!

Unfortunately …

In the face of this Sword Technique that blocked the entire space, Baili Qingfeng simply did n’t mean to evade or retreat.

At the moment when the sword is about to hit his body, his strength that runs through the whole body rises from the thigh, passes through the spine, and is accompanied by a twist of waist strength, pouring into the right hand and punched out!

fist strength is broken, like a giant dragon rushing out, roaring to explode the void, and explode on the sword sword pierced by the holy star.


Floating volley fist and Peerless Sword face to face, a burst of high-frequency loud noise erupts, deafening!

The exploded fist strength and Sword Qi shattered the fog, land, and trees tearing apart the dozens of square meters.

“break for me!”

Holy star shines all over the body, with a long whistle in his mouth, inspired by the will of God, a sword that violently shakes up and down Baili Qingfeng The fist strength hit is defeated.

Then …

His sword edge swiftly turned into a thorn, and thousands of troops were easily changed!

Strength that has n’t waited for this sweep to condense to Peak …

An arm with bright golden light is captured laterally!


The collision of the flesh and blood and the peerless Divine Weapon shocked the sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu!

A Sword Force slashed out of the holy star shattered the golden flame on the arm like a bamboo, and finally touched the crystal clear and near-transparent gauntlets of the Frost God Armor …

No matter how hard it is!

The slashing momentum stopped abruptly …

The blade of this sword was held by Baili Qingfeng in one hand!

Holy Star is changing color.

Without the slightest hesitation, he will retreat with his sword.

But the speed of his sword drawing is fast, Baili Qingfeng’s other hand is faster!

This arm is carrying a golden blaze as if it were punctured by lightning, and the head of Shengxing Yao is buckled in front!

And then …

“No … stop it!”

Holy Star shouted in panic.

Strength has broken out!


Head burst!

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