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The white stars appear!

At the moment when the head of Shengxing Yao shattered the will to lose the carrier, this neutron star completely condensed by Baili Qingfeng will core and spiritual force appeared suddenly, exuding a powerful Devouring Power.

This kind of Devouring Power is limited to the spirit level, and it interferes too much with the material World not at all.

Because of this purity and pertinence, when Sheng Xingyao ’s will was involved in this star, the horrible tearing power made his will crack and it was hard to earn drag!

“no! Baili Qingfeng! You ca n’t kill me, if you kill me, there will be no room for maneuver between Heaven and Wasteland and our Star Empire, when the time comes our Four Star Empires … No! Demi-God, the thirteenth National Congress of the Stars, will surely come out of the nest, turning the entire world of heaven and wasteland into a flat land. The so-called brilliant civilizations of heaven and wasteland will be crushed and crushed in front of this absolute strength. “

Sheng Xingyao yelled while struggling.

“Until this moment, I was blinded to me with false information. Do you want to prepare for a complete war with our heaven and earth in the future?”

Baili Qingfeng is not in my mind Any fluctuations.

He even felt sad for these people.

Pride and prejudice have corroded their minds, making them never think of how to solve the problem peacefully and win-win cooperation when facing problems.

There is only one way of doing it -acknowledge allegiance!

Anyone will acknowledge allegiance to the empire of stars, otherwise they will die!

It seems like now that he has clearly inferred that there should be thirty-forty Demi-Gods in the Star Empire, but Holy Star Yao said that the whole country was still only thirteen Demi-God when he came out of the nest … …

This is the language trap.

Baili Qingfeng If he really believes that he will only focus his attention on these 13 Demi-Gods, he does n’t know when Tianhuangjie has been hit by others.

“war ah …”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Sheng Xingyao, one after another Refining Spirit Secret Technique exploded suddenly, his vain attempt struggling out from the white stars The will of God was shattered and crushed by Refining Spirit Secret Technique, and again captured and crushed by the strength of the white star.

“Baili Qingfeng! Do you really want to be irreconcilable!?”

Holy Star Yao roared, and the voice gradually panicked!

But his spirit was inspired to the extreme, madly destroying the will of Holy Star Shine.

“You guys are already doing it.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“You … you will bring destruction to the heaven and earth!”

Holy star shouted wildly.

“I may die, but Sky Desolation Realm will not … Maybe I will be defeated one day in the future, Sky Desolation Realm is included in the rule of your Star Empire, but suffers from the persecution of Star Empire I believe that at that time, there will inevitably be a new leader who will stand up for peace, prosperity, and stability, and lead the heaven and earth to continue to resist the brutal rule of the empire of stars! If I fall down, there will be thousands of absolutes I stand up! Regardless of the extent of this war, how tragic it is to realm, he will only wake up the blood and glory of our people in the heaven and wasteland, teach them to unite and help each other, and finally unite this strength together. Together, announce to everyone in the Double Moon Realm … “

Baili Qingfeng looked at Sheng Xingyao:” Heaven is hobby peaceful, but … not afraid of war! “

“You … crazy! You madman!”

Holy star shouted, the remorse in his will gradually emerged.

How did he also did n’t expect, Baili Qingfeng would be crazy to such a point, even if the entire skyland was destroyed, he would have to die with the Star Empire, the current Star Empire Strength is almost all six The rebellion of the Great Kingdom is constrained, but it is no longer possible to open up a battlefield that requires at least three Demi-Gods.

Why …

In these dozen days, even if they left him cold and let him live in the embassy district to test his confidence, he still endured and recognized, even if The Star Order issued to him was a silver medal only one level higher than that of civilians, and he did not seem to dare to refute it.

But why …

A good person suddenly blows up the table! ?

Say to negotiate?

Do n’t negotiating be a variety of skills to establish a psychological advantage to overwhelm each other?

Is n’t it reasonable?

“Baili Qingfeng, stop … let’s talk a little bit … The meaning of the star empire not at all and the battle of the heaven and the wild …”

The last struggle of Sheng Xingyao.

“No, war has been turned on.”

Baili Qingfeng expressionlessly said: “Since you have turned on the war, then, unless the Demi-God, the 40-star Empire, goes extinct, otherwise, this The war will not end! “

” ????? “

Sheng Xingyao feels that his thinking is a little loose.

40 Demi-God! ?

Where do the Star Empires gather 40 Demi-Gods?

Unfortunately, his thinking can no longer support him to continue thinking …

His will will be completely wiped out.

An unprecedented weak rise in the mind, he can clearly feel that something is gradually away from him.

“No … Your Excellency Baili Qingfeng … True God Your Majesty … Please stop …”

The breath of despair finally emerged on this Demi-God …

After Baili Qingfeng noticed that the will of the holy star was almost wiped out by himself, the incandescent stars suddenly shone, bringing his consciousness Pull it completely and suppress it.

The weak and desperate will wave suddenly stops.


Sheng Xingyao was wiped out and suppressed. Baili Qingfeng seemed to have suddenly lost all his strength and sat down with a deep exhaustion in his eyes.

It is not easy to destroy Demi-God, and it is not easy to destroy two Demi-Gods in one breath, and it consumes a lot of spirit.

I ’m afraid I wo n’t be able to recover it completely tomorrow.

You know, the genius is just dark, and it will be a long time before tomorrow morning.

Not only spirit, his fleshy body also felt bursts of tearing pain.

In the absence of a Demi-God Artifact, the Frost Dragon with Frost God Armor is simply a turtle shell that cannot be knocked open. He had to choose to carry the Frost Dragon. When the stars are excited to the limit, they will be crushed by the star force field of the double moon realm.

While crushing him, he was subjected to several times the load on the frost dragon, so that there was a bleeding situation in the seven qiao, and now the whole person was full of blood, and it looked extremely embarrassed.

Fortunately …

This difficult battle was finally overcome by him.

The two Demi-God teamed up together. With his fighting skills, he was able to wipe out the two and became the ultimate winner.


Baili Qingfeng let out a long breath.

“Qingfeng big brother.”

Baili Qingfeng took a break, and a voice came from a distance.

But Bai Lizhu, who sensed that everyone’s breath had disappeared, ran from the hiding place.

She looked at Baili Qingfeng after taking off the Battle Armor, her body covered with blood, and even the image was sitting on the ground, tears suddenly appeared on her small face contaminated with some dirt and wood chips.

“Ah? Who caused our little bamboo baby to cry? I ’m fine, just tired and have a rest.”

Baili Qingfeng right hand propped up and stood up.

Because the right hand injury has not been completely recovered, the pain makes him slightly frowned.

But he stood up.

This level of injury …

It’s really nothing to him, it’s commonplace just this.

Although pain is inevitable …

But he is very happy.

Because, compared to his enemies …

He is still alive!

“Look, I’m fine.”

Baili Qingfeng said with a smile.

He extends the hand and wants to wipe away the tears on Xiaozhu ’s small face.

For a moment, he seemed to realize that he had blood on his hands, which was very unclean, and his movements stopped suddenly.

He did n’t wait for him to take his hand back. Xiaozhu stepped forward, and his white hand held his palm against his face. Then she looked up and smiled with bright eyes. Baili Qingfeng responded with a smile: “Qingfeng big brother, I didn’t cry.”

“No cry, I know Xiaozhu is the bravest.”

Baili Qingfeng said with a smile There was a cry.

However, he took the hand held by Xiaozhu back and said: “It’s very uncomfortable to have blood on his body. Let’s leave here and find a place to clean it.”


Little bamboo is heavy and nodded.

But before leaving, some spoils of war should not be ignored.

The Frost Dragon is not counting anymore. The Star Force Field of the Double Moon Realm is too domineering. Except for Frost God Armor, nothing remains.

Imperial Family Demi-God Sheng Xing Yao, although the head is gone and the injuries are quite serious, but most of the body is perfectly preserved. Baili Qingfeng searched a little, but Found something.

One jade token and three gold cards.

Yes, there are three gold cards representing a thousand gods of gold coins, not even purple gold cards.

Dignified Demi-God, the poor High Level Legendary even Hei Qi and Sarah ca n’t compare.

Fortunately, in addition to these three thousand god gold coins, his Demi-God Artifact sword is of high value.

Demi-God Artifact According to the characteristics of Divine Item, the price and true divine essence are half a catty.

The Demi-God Artifact in front of him has several characteristics such as tenacious, sharp, armor piercing, etc. It is obviously a well-know figure in Demi-God Artifact, Baili Qingfeng estimates that if it comes out Going to auction, I am afraid that it can sell more than one hundred thousand gods of gold coins.

Baili Qingfeng stabbed the sword twice and quickly fell in love with it.

“Very well, since the matchless sword made by Shenjin can’t keep up with the times, I haven’t had a weapon in hand for a long time. This sword … will be my new sword.”

Baili Qingfeng said while looking at the bottom of the blade …

The two words are engraved on the book.


“Heng Kong Jian? What a strange name, Sheng Xingyao’s aesthetic is not good.”

But the name Baili Qingfeng is too lazy to change.

Putting the sword away, Baili Qingfeng rushed to the “Heavenly Sword” Zuo Qiuyun who was shot by him in the sky.

This title Legendary also holds a Demi-God Artifact-level Divine Sword, but this sword does not have sharp features, and the quality is a bit worse than the horizontal sword. Baili Qingfeng thought about it and gave it directly to Xiaozhu.

When Xiaozhu ’s sword came.

After all, the current bamboo Refining Spirit realm has broken through to tenfold, and I have purchased a lot of cultivation resources in Maple Leaf Chamber of Commerce, and will soon enter the stage of supreme powerhouse, when the time comes naturally needs to be used A sword.


(This book is actually 3,000,000 words. Sprinkle flowers. Can everyone come for a wave of recommendations, monthly tickets, rewards?)

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