Energy Group

Chapter 1540:

It’s just that the plan couldn’t keep up with the big changes. Just when Li Cong was about to let go, the staff member strode in. "Report to the special commissioner that the twelve patrol planes of our Air Force were attacked by enemy fighters, and we immediately counterattacked. , But due to a sudden loss, our aircraft lost more than half, and the enemy left after losing three fighters. m[Reading the novel will arrive~]" The staff officer said with some indignation, damn, we have always dealt with others, now It's our turn to suffer, how can we swallow this breath?

Li Cong’s current status is the special commissioner of the Energy Group’s military headquarters, who is dedicated to managing some recent affairs in Turki. The highest rank of Turki’s garrison is a colonel, so Li Cong, a major general with a general, is here. It still has a very high status. The energy group military will naturally have a system of superiors and subordinates. Although many soldiers do not know what Li Cong did before, they all show sufficient respect for Li Cong and follow all major and minor matters. Li Cong gave a report. If he had any comments, he would listen to Li Cong. If there is no comment, the people below are going to do it. Although many people below are wondering, there was no such person in the military department before. Where did he come out suddenly? One of the major generals, but since the identity was confirmed, he didn't say anything.

"To give 40 anti-aircraft missile launchers to the Vatican army, say that we help them form an air defense force and leave this to them." Soon Li Cong had his own ideas, and he couldn't do it himself. Yes, this conflict is only a small level, you can't make things big, but you can't suffer. Europa’s army knows that the Holy See’s army has no anti-aircraft missiles. Therefore, they will unscrupulously send planes over in the future, and those arrogant Holy See troops will not be them if they don't launch missiles.

The staff officer smiled. The special commissioner was indeed a talent. He thought that the commissioner would immediately order our fighters to rush over and tear them up. He didn't expect the commissioner to transfer the conflict so quickly. The Holy See has said this several times. They don’t have anti-aircraft weapons anymore. This time, it happened to be a favor. Although the Holy See has no previous power, but the Holy See has a lot of money, except for the first batch of weapons to support them. Others are purchased with real money. The charity department of the energy group does not have charity arms, but this time the boss said that it will be given away, and the people below will not have any extra ideas. The officers of the Holy See have given them nothing lately.

The Holy See’s army has indeed made a fortune recently. They are a religious army, and they are destined to be very crazy. Many people are very aggressive in doing things. If there is a sensible superior, this situation cannot happen, but It's a pity that they don't have what they don't. They protect their own members very well, but if it's not their members, then I'm sorry, all your things will be confiscated. If you don’t resist, it’s okay, but if you resist, I’m sorry, don’t let your life go. Tens of thousands of people have died in the last few weeks, and the Holy See has received tens of millions of assets into his own hands. , It has also made tens of billions of dollars. The Holy See army is full of food from top to bottom. The energy group has also taken a lot of advantage. Some people inside have already wanted to put in the Great Russia. The set of redemption policy is used here, if it were not for the above disagreement, it is estimated that they have already started.

The efficiency of the energy group is very fast. From the time when Li gave the order, it took ten minutes to arrive at the warehouse. Many religious soldiers happened to be here. They came here to do some business with the soldiers of the energy group, although the Europa number The army of one hundred thousand has arrived. But for these religious soldiers, they are not worried at all. Those doglegs of the Catholic Church will definitely not be their opponents. They don’t have time now. If they have time, they can be killed in a few days without seeing Turki’s territory. Are all the troops killed? Although they are from Europe, they are all the same. It's no big deal. It's better to continue their trade.

The soldiers from the energy group on the warehouse side just received the foster care assigned above, and immediately a large number of religious soldiers came over. They had valuable things in their hands, but they had less food and not much use. So During this period of time, their main goal was to exchange some of the high-value items they robbed for some food and drink.

The movement of the Holy See over there is also very fast. I immediately found out that there was a high-level military officer here, and asked him to organize some officers and soldiers on the spot to pull the anti-aircraft missiles back. There was no need to send troops from the Holy See. After coming over, it can be considered as one less process. The energy group is not afraid that this guy will embezzle these things. Religious management is better at this point. Everyone will not embezzle the finances of the Holy See. Because in their view, these things are God's things, not their own, they are only God's slaves.

Larsie has been dissatisfied with the Europa planes in his head for several days. He immediately ordered the people on his side to install these things. There are only less than two thousand technical soldiers in the millions of soldiers. Fortunately, the technology of these people is still very good. These anti-aircraft missiles can be used at night. The good days of the Europa Air Force are over.

At 8 o'clock in the day, General Joey had ordered his two most elite regiments to prepare to fight directly. Who knew that Europa’s high-level officials ordered them not to take the initiative to shoot at the energy group’s army. Joey was a little surprised. Now, what's going on, people are all at the door. In the past, they just said that the right was handed over to them. Whether or not you want to beat yourself is the final decision. Why is the order now so tough? Up?

Joey still had a lot of friends in the staff headquarters, so I quickly understood what was going on. A task force arrived in the English Channel and was confronting Europa’s Atlantic Fleet, although the fleet was not very large. 【】【】It consists of only three destroyers and three submarines. But this place is an extremely sensitive area, and the destroyer’s attack capability is also very powerful. If the three destroyers attack the hinterland of Europa desperately, they can launch more than 60 missiles before they are destroyed. More than a dozen missiles can definitely turn the city of Paris into a deserted area. Therefore, the high level of Europa had this order. They informed General Joey that there should be no drastic actions recently, and that they must be tough after these warships leave. Measures.

Although General Joey's stomach was full of fire, he said that he had to pass at 8 o'clock today, but he didn't expect it to give him such a hand. He has also heard of things like what will be out, but he is not so courageous. He can get to this point all by his own hard work, but he does not want to let the whole Paris because of one of his mistakes. The urban area was in flames. And his family is all in Paris, no one can say that they are so lucky to escape, or just be a tortoise for a while.

He can be a tortoise, but Ralsh can’t. On the newly equipped missile base, Ralsh enthusiastically inspected the missile base here. In his opinion, this is how his Vatican army has entered modernization. A sign. At the beginning, they had nothing. They had nothing except some light weapons, but later they also had heavy weapons in light weapons such as rocket launchers. Then there are tanks and tanks. Now there are even missiles. The gap between them and the Europa troops is getting smaller and smaller. He feels that he is the smart man. Although the idea of ​​building an empire was remembered by Li Cong, Now this is implemented by himself. Moreover, Li Cong also has people in the Holy See from time to time, so naturally there is no need to give him this credit. He cares more about it from time to time. The Catholic Church just expands the area of ​​mission. What are they compared to yourself? There is no weapon in his hand, and sooner or later it will be just a small force. The Catholic Church always says how great he is, but now? Still nothing, still the original ones. Has Europa's senior management ever valued them so much? Our side is the place that attracts the highest level of Europa the most, and Larsie wants to laugh out loud when he thinks of this. But he also knew that the pope should have his own reserved.

"Your Majesty, our radar has found that the enemy's air patrol is entering our airspace again. Are we going to use these weapons to give them a little bit more power?" said a guy in religious clothes, supposedly wearing military uniforms. , But in the religious army, if someone can put on religious clothes, this is the supreme glory. Although there may be some obstacles to work, for these people, this is nothing, they can overcome, If they are not allowed to wear it, then they are unhappy.

"These hateful infidels, we build a great country and they don’t have to come and submit. Now they dare to come and fight us. What are you waiting for? Let them know that God’s servants are also God’s servants, not that they can bully Yes, let all of our officers and soldiers see that we also have such advanced weapons. I really thank the Almighty God." The pope made a pious look, and the people below naturally followed suit, as if God could really I see the same, but these things are not given to you by God, but given to you by Li Cong.

"His Majesty, I heard that there was a firefight between the plane of the Energy Group and the plane of Europa in the sky. Why didn't this Li never deal with them by himself and let us come? Is there any conspiracy?" One is still there. The guy in the brain said, the pope showed a displeasure look on his face when he heard him speak. This guy is the former mayor of Istanbul and one of his diehards. If it weren’t for the cooperation of this guy, the Holy See would not It might be so easy to take down the entire city. At the beginning, the Pope liked this guy very much, but from later contact, I found that this guy is a guy who doesn’t know how to advance and retreat, just like now, I said It’s time to launch missiles and kill their aircraft. Just say good things like everyone else. Do you need to show yourself here? When the pope treats others as showing off their opinions, naturally there will be no one. The only thing that can't live with him is this guy who often makes some suggestions, but they only make suggestions, and the pope doesn't want to listen.

"Can there be any conspiracy? Haven't you seen it yourself? The Energy Group does not want to go to full-scale war with Europa. They are afraid of this. Our brave Vatican fighters will never be afraid. We are just to liberate the suffering brothers and sisters. Yes, pass my order, and as long as they find their plane, they will be killed immediately.” The Pope said uncomfortably, he didn't see any conspiracy. This proved that there was no conspiracy. You guys are stubborn, and when you go back later, you will be asked to guard the temple and see if you stay in it for so many years.

Several other staff members immediately began to say that this guy was thinking too much. In fact, they also felt that what the guy said was something like that, which seemed to be taken advantage of by Li Cong, but that's it when you think about it. They should be the cannon fodder of the other energy group. The big ones have been taken advantage of. Who is accounting for so much on the small side. Besides, this offends the Pope. Who will stand up and speak? Those Europa planes are just like returning home to our heads. This should give them a little bit more power. They are all in favor.

Seeing the flattery of these people, the pope felt that he was going to float. These people are really the pillars of the future empire. This is what a subordinate should do.

Since no one objected, the missiles quickly targeted those aircraft. Soon the radar on the plane also found that they were being targeted. The patrol team of these 12 planes did not think that the army of the Holy See had targeted them at all. They just believed that the army of the energy group did it, but several The sky has passed, and the energy group has nothing to do. Just aim at it. Do you really dare to fire? Several pilots continued to chat and advance, and within 40 kilometers they were back to the place where they were looking back. Their air force may be the easiest arm of the war. From the battlefield to the present, apart from the battle with the energy group, there are some Outside of a minor loss. [Just read the novel~] Nothing else was lost at all.

"Didididi..." The sirens soon sounded in the cabins of these pilots. Their first impression was that the people from the energy group had moved towards them, but soon they discovered that the missile was launched. It is not the jurisdiction of the energy group, but the direction of the religious army. When do these lunatics have weapons again? With such a large-scale weapon? This is something the pilot above did not understand. But soon their heads don't have more time to find one. They have to take a surprised journey with their plane. Among them, the skilled veteran pilots can basically survive by relying on high flying skills, but they know that this is only the first stage. When the enemy’s missiles start to launch, their air force must also take off. Unexpectedly They will die here today who can ride half of the European continent.

Looking at the twinkling sky, Li Cong knew that the pope absolutely couldn’t tolerate someone shooting on his head, so he would definitely do it this step, that’s because this guy did these things, Europa’s. Nao Teng became even more turbulent. In the end, some people drove their tanks to rush over. They also knew that if there was no acquiescence from the energy group, they would still be waiting for the past, but after the incident, the energy group even had a press release. I didn't say, this made Europa even more unaware of what they wanted to do.

When General Joey was depressed, he received this report. The patrol of twelve planes was shot down. A total of 45 anti-aircraft missiles were fired to give them a three-to-one, and finally they were all hit. Later, the Pope was already celebrating. It’s no wonder that they have not had such a big victory since their establishment. Of course, it was in the air force. Li Cong looked helplessly at the battle report. If the energy group’s army came. If you use it, one-on-one can make them run back to three at most, and they still look like this after using three times the ammunition. They have to celebrate. I am really convinced. These troops don’t know how they are mixed, but Li Cong immediately I confessed that, except for the 70 anti-control missiles given to them, all the rest will be sold to them. According to the international price, 800,000 US dollars a piece. If you want it, don’t just drop it. I need it here too.

The Vatican army immediately got cold after receiving this news. Damn, dare to believe that this is for us to try, but they don’t have the backbone to buy it. They know very well that this air battle is just a small trial. , Absolutely not what the Pope said killed the opponent's main air force, these armies can't even keep up with a fraction of the main force.

Although the price of 800,000 US dollars is not very expensive. But it's definitely not cheap anymore. The Pope is happy at this time. If there is no such weapon, the plane will come again in the future. Where can the Pope's face be put? Not to mention missiles, it’s just shit. As long as you can save the Pope’s face, you have to buy it. Immediately, the first large-scale arms purchase by the Holy See will come. It will buy 1,000 such missiles at a time, and there are others. There are a total of 3,000 missiles such as ground attack, and Li Cong was also taken aback by the financial resources of the Holy See. The billions of dollars in arms purchases have just come. Don’t they know what they need to save? It’s all right at the beginning of the army’s war, and then it’s time to decide the outcome. It is estimated that they will not have much stamina in the end. At that time, it is estimated that all the support of the energy group will be taken into account. It seems that Li Cong needs to plan early.

General Joey also got the news. After all, it is impossible for such a large arms purchase to go out without revealing the wind. Europa’s submarine force has already spoken, and it is absolutely impossible for these missiles to reach Turki. Dozens of blocking sites have been arranged in the sea. If there are few, they can still be transported by landing ground. If all the three thousand missiles are used by train, it will take a while, so now it can only be by sea.

The Pope means to let the energy group help escort. At the beginning, Li Cong refused. We are only selling things. Naturally, you have to solve your problems yourself. If we also help you deliver, this face will not be needed anymore. We said the two don’t help each other. Now we help. It's already very bad for you to block General Joey. Now if I help you transport it, there will be no fig leaf, helpless. The pope begged the American head. This was also controlled by Li Cong. There is no reason to fight Europa on your own side. You can develop it yourself with a sullen expression. This is not in line with Li Cong's wishes. It is also not in line with the development of the world, especially not conducive to Li Cong's idea of ​​unifying the world.

Americans are not interested in transportation at all. However, there are also millions of Orthodox church members in China. Although not many, they are a small force from time to time. They have already started conflicts with Catholic church members in China, and many people have reached the level of using weapons. In the end, the United States still did not resist the Pope’s plea. Of course, the most important thing was not the Pope’s face, and the most important thing was the Pope’s money. The Pope also bought 1,000 US-made missiles, but the price was higher than that of the Energy Group. Quite a lot. It costs one million dollars. The Americans will naturally have to do something after receiving the billion dollars. As long as the pope buys weapons from them, the domestic military industry still needs to develop, because energy groups are expanding everywhere. The U.S. military has no chance to cause trouble in the world. If there is no chance to make arms, there is no need for production. The arms industry is a bit behind. Now arms dealers seem to see hope.

Europa was very dissatisfied with the attitude of the Americans and asked the United States not to be involved in this matter, but the Americans, like the energy group, simply ignored it.

For the energy group Europa, I can’t afford it, but you Americans are the same. Do you think it’s your world now? Are you still the world leader? Wake up, it’s not your world anymore. The Europa Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately issued a strongly worded report, pointing out that the role of the United States in this matter is a very disgraceful role, not only did not play a role in safeguarding world peace. On the contrary, it has contributed to local wars. The U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs has no comment on this. In their opinion, Europa absolutely dare not be like them at this time. Now the U.S. economy has just improved a bit, and they absolutely do not. Many investment institutions have predicted that if the United States can seize this war and make a war fortune, it is estimated that the economy will take off again soon. Thinking about the two world wars, they will know.

Europa sees this as a symbol of the alliance between the United States and the energy group, while the Americans see this as the beginning of their money making. They are now beginning to thank God. Generally, when Americans encounter difficulties, God can always do it well. Brought to them, many people don’t know how they are so attached to God. The United States is immersed in an optimistic attitude. They naturally ignore Europa’s ideas. They think that as long as they are strictly neutral. It's okay, just **** is nothing, and the high-level has also issued an order to the US Navy, even if Europa's submarine sinks the transport ship, it doesn't matter. As long as they don't deal with warships, everything can be negotiated. The pope paid for those things anyway.

The war on the front line began in such a quarrel. Originally, Li Cong thought that Europa would send a warship to kill the American transport ship at this time. Unexpectedly, these people were so courageous. The last time they bullied Europa. The energy group was not prepared, otherwise it would not end so hastily at that time, but it was prepared this time. I did not expect that the Americans would want to make a fortune in the war. This group of unseen Yankees, could it? Don’t know if the energy group wins, there will be no place for them in the world?

When the missile arrived in Turki. The Pope issued a speech to people all over the world. In his speech, the Pope has wiped out all the estrangements between Catholicism, Orthodox Church and Protestantism. All the language says that God is being destroyed by Europa, if the Orthodox Church is defeated. Although the Orthodox Church is destroyed, these people are also believers of God. They are not evil pagans at all. Such internal wars cannot be so fierce. The Pope has cleverly branded Christianity. Although not all of the hundreds of millions of Christians were infected by this old guy, at least half of them felt that what the Pope said was right. In addition to the enchantment of Orthodox Christians everywhere, the original hundreds of millions of Orthodox Christians immediately Another half of the people returned to their original beliefs, and they began to donate money and materials. Even the whole family returned to Turki to help the Pope win this holy war.

Although the other Christians didn’t clearly go back to help Larsie, they all gave generously. The Orthodox Church received tens of billions of dollars in donations. Even Li Cong felt incredible. Damn, these people are too. When I got a little richer, the tens of billions of U.S. dollars immediately came to Li Cong's hands, in exchange for more than 3,000 tanks and armored vehicles, and ten base ammunition, issued from several arsenals in Central Asia. The train goes to Turchi day and night. The pope may be brewing a relatively large battle to eliminate the more than 200,000 remaining troops in Turki in one fell swoop. The result is that the pope can fully control Turki, and then he will announce the establishment of the Byzantine Empire. Li Congke wouldn't care. Everything has to test themselves, as long as they can kill the Europa 2 million army here. Their task is considered complete, and then their life and death are not our concerns.

General Joey naturally knew about the Pope’s attempt. Now he has half a million elite troops under his command, but he can’t afford it. He can only watch the destruction of his brother’s troops, although there is another about 30 troops behind him. Wan's troops came, but what use is there to stay here? However, the people of the Europa military still have a role. They do not want to offend the energy group at this stage. Although the bridge is guarded by the energy group, the sky is unlimited. You can't seal all the sky in Turchi, so Large-scale transport planes drove to the front line, with a speed of 30,000 people a day towards Turki for reinforcements. Now Li Cong has no choice but to let our own air force pass by and take down the transport planes. This is true. The state of war has come, and Europa is afraid that he will not be a tortoise. It can only look at the Pope’s own ability.

Although the Pope has a large number of anti-aircraft weapons, compared to their firepower, they are not on the same level as Europa. After the war began, Europa’s elite pilots bombed the munitions train from Central Asia, which made the Pope. He was dumbfounded. He did not expect Europa to have such a powerful ability. In the eyes of the pope, it seemed that war should be decided by people. Not only this, the new armored army of the pope was also affected by the large-scale Europa missile. In the attack, hundreds of missiles directly destroyed the entire armored force in half, and the remaining tanks were also injured. It is not a problem if you bully a commoner or something, but you have to fight against the armored forces of Europa. It’s not possible. Just like this, I was beaten by the Europa’s air force. The pope came to Li Cong again. He hoped that the energy group could dispatch the air force to support them. They also have an air force, but only a few hundred backward third-generation fighters. , I don’t know how many years the American F16 has served. These things can’t be said to be **** now, but they are almost there.

"Your Majesty, you should be aware that the support we are currently giving you is very substantial. If we continue to support you, it will not be easy for us to explain not only to Europa, but also to the Catholic Church. In the past. I did say to support your air force. As you can see, I expanded the airport here, but Europa has more air forces. If I dispatch the air force at this time, I guess my air force can only be for Europa. The air force is stuffed between his teeth." Li Cong thought for a while and said, it’s really not that he didn’t help this guy. It’s just that the Europa’s air force is too large. Now there are four times more than the energy group’s air force around, the Pope’s thousands. The anti-aircraft missiles didn't play a role, and his plane was not superhuman. If it is really released at this time, it is estimated that there will be no good fruit, unless a large number of navies are transferred here, but the Turki Strait cannot accommodate its own large aircraft carrier at all. Some small and medium-sized aircraft carriers have no effect.

"But... But, if Mr. Li doesn't help us, their ground troops may perish once they enter, and we can't help Mr. Li to contain them." The pope is long gone. The arrogance he used to be, in fact, he should have known since the time when the Catholic Church defeated them.

"Your Majesty the Pope, you also know that I and you are very good friends. As friends, I want to help you very much, but now we are talking about official affairs. Official affairs are not as easy to handle as private affairs, I I need to give my group an explanation. More than 100 million people will eat with me. I have to take them into consideration when I do things. Therefore, our air force needs benefits when dispatched. These points are considered valuable by our military. Places, as long as His Majesty the Pope can rent them to us, I think our air force will protect these places. With these places, I think Europa’s air force will enter only half of the original number, plus The anti-aircraft weapons in the hands of His Majesty the Pope. They have come back and forth." Li Cong took out a map with several dots already drawn on it. The place here is the military center of Turki or a developed military. Area.

The Pope tremblingly picked up this map. If he really leased these places to Li Cong, then he might be a vassal of the energy group even if he builds an empire. Because he has all important places in the country except for the Istanbul area, what can only one Istanbul do in his own hands?

His Majesty the Pope thought of China in the nineteenth century. At that time, it seemed that it was foreigners who gave these things to them. At that time, China was the fat in everyone's eyes. Anyone wanted to take a bite. Why did it seem to have become that way now? Turning to the second page, here are some areas under common management. These are all the main traffic routes of Turki. The important cities and traffic routes of a country are in the hands of others. What is the future of this country? What?

"Your Majesty, I know this condition makes you very embarrassed, but you also have to see my difficulties. If I don't have enough interests, I will rush to confront the people of Europa, our life will be difficult, Europaco They are not a small force. They have millions of troops and can mobilize tens of millions of troops at any time. The navy is also very powerful. The earth is so big. If we want to fall out with them, our life will not It's easy." Li Cong lighted a cigarette and said. The pope nodded his head at this time, but he cursed Li Cong to death in his heart. This guy probably thought that way from the beginning, and forced himself to the end. At this time, I said to myself that it is difficult here and there. In fact, he still feels that no matter what conditions he proposes at this time, he has to agree? This guy's heart is really black, and the pope suddenly found that when he negotiated with Li Cong, he seemed to be desperate.

The Pope is really fighting at this time. If he doesn’t agree to Li Cong, Europa is now madly transporting troops here. This is not a joke. Their transportation capabilities are also very strong and they don’t have much time. Maybe it’s going to surpass my own side. Moreover, the army over there is very powerful. I know exactly what my army is. If it doesn’t work, you must act decisively. If you promise Li Cong, you can at least survive. , If you don’t agree, you may have to be overthrown next month. What will you do? Wander around the world? It feels uncomfortable to think of the Pope.

"Mr. Li, I agree to this condition, but I hope you can take immediate action. Europa's army is now transporting too fast, and we will not be able to resist it." The pope's face was pleading, and there was no way. Now, what kind of face is there at this time? If this treaty is signed, it is estimated that Turki will not be his own in the future. It has only been a few days after I won it. Now I am not my own, and I may be my own in the future. Only in Istanbul can it be useful. If you leave this city, your own words will probably depend on the attitude of the energy group.

"Hehe, I still agree with the words of His Majesty the Pope. We are also helping His Majesty. What does Turki say? It is a safe place from time to time. Although this is the headquarters of the Orthodox, it is all over the country. There are still a lot of chaotic parties. The places we occupy are leased, and some other things are up to you, the Pope. In terms of taxation, we only charge a certain percentage as defense costs. Too many." Li Cong said with a smile, but at this moment, there was every smile on the pope's face. The pope didn't see clearly just now. Only then did I see clearly, shit, a certain percentage? A certain proportion is half. You must know that these places are all important taxation areas in Turki. What development capabilities do you have in the future? At least one-third of a country’s income is from others, and this one-third will certainly not be used in this country.

It’s just that the pope has agreed at this time and can’t say anything. Otherwise, others will think that the pope’s words are not counted. Li called the air force colonel immediately after sending the pope away, and ordered him to send a large number of planes to start. Cruise over Turki, but we can’t fight Europa. It’s just that Europa’s transport planes are not as frequent as before, and their transport volume can be reduced by half. After all, Li Cong wants to change Turki. It’s a big wound for Europa. Every time you ask them to come in with hundreds of thousands of people, they can’t kill the Pope. On the contrary, the Pope can make them bleed so much that Europa’s income can be thrown on this piece of land. If he had any big moves, it is estimated that Europa would not be able to fight against him with the same spine as it is now. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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