Energy Group

Chapter 1541:

The war entered the last day of the first week. A lot of changes have taken place on the battlefield within a week. Now the energy group’s army can no longer be in front of the Europa army. After all, Turki is still in the name of others’ territory. If the energy group has been so nonsense, even the soft guys may have some actions. So this morning, Li released the 500,000 Europa army into Turki, but when they entered Turki Not only did they not wait for the support of their early troops, but on the contrary, they encountered a lot of obstacles. After advancing less than two hundred kilometers, they had already suffered 8,000 casualties, and they only captured less than two hundred Vatican troops. After contacting their friendly forces, they realized that they were also surrounded by division. M[]

If it is for the priests of the Holy See to find a way, they certainly can’t do anything. It is now that Li Cong’s staff advises the Holy See army to achieve today’s victory. Li Cong also severely warned the Holy See army. In the past, you fought with more and less, so you have victories like this or that, but now it’s completely different from before. Now you may encounter evenly matched battles, but these people won’t even listen. Yes, their brains were already a bit ignorant of the logic of the victory in the previous paragraph, so their defeat came soon.

Just when General Joey lost 8,000 people, they should retreat at this time. After all, they only had more than 30,000 people around, and they didn’t have any heavy weapons. It was very dangerous for them to continue to harass the army. Things. But their commander didn't think so. They felt very satisfied that they could give the Europa army a head start, so they continued the harassment they had just now, such as shooting cold guns, burying landmines, and so on. It was natural that they could do that when the Europa army was not wary. , But now? Europa’s army already knew that the army that harassed them was only a small group of troops, so General Joey immediately gave instructions. A large number of helicopters began to search within a range of 20 kilometers around them. Soon there were dozens of them. The individual team was discovered by them, and then a lot of rockets passed. These people naturally had no way to survive, and from the captured prisoners' mouths, General Joey knew that their largest army around had less than 30,000 people, and the rest were scattered. They mingled among the common people and caused them heavy losses.

The speed of the mechanized troops is terrible. In the third hour after the prisoner’s confession, dozens of Europa helicopters were attacked in the sky above the Vatican barracks, because they lacked the necessary detection equipment and most of the soldiers They all think that Europa’s army has just come in, and they may not know much about the local situation, so these people must be familiar with the situation. They can’t attack themselves so quickly, so they relax. Be alert, the result. The biggest retreat since the beginning of the war began.

The Vatican army is like this. If they win, these people will rush up like wolves to tear the enemy to pieces. If they fail, these people are not regular troops after all, and they don’t have such a tough fighting quality. I was looking for excuses for my escape, so a dozen helicopters stupefied these tens of thousands of people. A senior priest was the boss of this army. He was just named a senior priest. But this guy doesn’t have the ability to make high-level sacrifices. In the past, he was a car repairer. Because he was more brave in the previous battles, this guy became the boss. When he goes all the way, he shouts a slogan who can’t, but it’s true. Let him direct these things. It is estimated that he is not so good, and the result is obvious. When this guy saw the helicopter roaring and releasing rockets, he was so scared that he peeed his pants. It's not that he had never seen a large-scale war. It was just that he was hitting people at that time. The beatings really never happened. He didn't know what to do for a while, and he knew that the clothes on his body were personal. The sniper on the plane killed the guy with a single shot.

After this guy died, his deputies became even more unwilling to resist. In fact, their headquarters had more than a dozen anti-aircraft machine guns. Even if they couldn't cause any damage to the enemy, there was no problem driving them away. Who knows? The adjutant saw that he couldn't deal with it, so he immediately got into the car and ran away. The bosses all ran away. The following people were a mob. Naturally, they would not give their lives to the Holy See. They also ran away immediately. The Turki War From the beginning to the present, the most surprising scene appeared. Tens of thousands of people were driven to run by more than a dozen helicopters. They were as embarrassed as they were. A dozen helicopters quickly shot their own ammunition. They lost less than 1,500 people, but the loss caused by their own crowding was several times this number. It can be said that the big win at the beginning has become a tie now.

The losses caused by this troop’s escape are not just these. This troop ran around quickly. Some of the troops that had been hidden around them were ready to ambush Europa’s army. Who knew those people saw these people? He ran out, one by one, everyone panicked and ran out. There are several places where the helicopter scouts in the sky saw that they were very talented. If the ground troops behind came over, they would definitely have them. It was a small loss, but they didn't expect them to expose themselves, but this loss was much less.

Li Cong was also a little silly when he received the investigator’s report. The **** fighting power is too weak. Didn’t it mean that 50,000 troops have deployed a lot of defense lines? Why did they retreat in less than an hour? Twenty kilometers, and looking at the photos above, a lot of the dead have died, and they are all from the Holy See’s army. The Europa’s army has never come over. They have just crossed the sea, and they are still in formation at the moment. General Joey was also very depressed. There were not many helicopter troops coming over, otherwise their losses would definitely be more.

"Sir. These Vatican troops really don't know what to say about them. This is the entire record of their retreat recorded by our satellite. These people are not military at all. It is really bad for the mob to mix up. [Read Novel Just to~]" Li Xian also came with a batch of arms. Now the whole world is having trouble. The military affairs have been on the right track. There is nothing wrong with him. Come and see if he may be busy on the list. Thinking of their arrival, the Holy See's army immediately came to such a big retreat to welcome them. I really don't know how they fought before.

"To be honest. I thought that they would retreat when they met General Joey’s elite army, but I never thought that their army of tens of thousands would be beaten like this by a dozen helicopters. I guess they would retreat. It’s fine to reach Davao. After all, there is a large camp organized by the Pope. There are 200,000 troops and two running regiments in the area. It should be fine." Li Cong glanced helplessly, their retreat method I'll be in Istanbul in a few days. If the Pope doesn't have the contract he signed, it won't work.

"Hehe, sir, our army hasn't exercised for a long time. The tiger regiment that came with me this time was outstanding in the recruit training. I also brought them to meet the world, should I ask them to resist?" Li Xian asked tentatively. Although a large-scale conflict with Europa is definitely unwilling, this kind of small-scale conflict should be no problem, especially for training newcomers. Li Cong sometimes supports it very much.

"Tiger group? The group that Xiao Er brought?" Li Cong asked with a frown. The Xiao Er here is naturally his youngest son. This kid has completely changed since that incident. Li Cong tentatively After several times, this guy no longer had the same mood as he used to fight for hegemony, so Li Cong arranged for this guy to enter the army for training, but he didn't expect it to be that way. Within a period of time, he became a regiment leader. Then the regiment he commanded won the title of Tiger regiment in the exercise. It was not that other troops allowed this kid. He didn't tell everyone when he entered the army. It was Li Cong's son, so everything he did in the army was done by himself.

"Yes, sir. Li Yin's recent performance is very good. The tiger group has more than 10,000 people. It is a strengthened group. In the exercises under the computer-controlled full simulation environment, they can give close attention to the whole group. A regiment of the Guards caused more than 50% of casualties. They are already the trump cards in the ordinary army." Li Xian thought of the exercise he watched. The Tiger regiment had an aura from top to bottom that other troops did not have. As soon as they were on the battlefield, they were like little tigers, so they also got this title again. They had been adapting to altitude training before. This time I brought them here to check it out.

"Huh, I'm so happy? I don't look at my true ability. There are still many differences between the actual training and the actual training on this battlefield. Tell this kid to be honest with me and tell him to guard the railway line." Li After thinking about it, there is still no idea of ​​letting my son go to the battlefield. This is not because I am protecting my child, but mainly because things on the battlefield are not under my control. Everything about this kid is not so easy to talk about. This has changed a lot. Who knows if it’s the same way when it’s on the battlefield. If this kid insists, it is estimated that this kid will fill in more than 10,000 people. If this is the case, there will be no future. What's the way out? Even if he was promoting this kid, he wouldn't have achieved much. Therefore, Li is holding this kid from now on. When he can use him, he will be Li Cong's sharp knife.

Li Xian nodded. Although he didn't know what Li Cong thought, he also thought that Li Yin was a bit unreliable. Recently, he just looked at the changes not small. It's not this kid's own business after going on the battlefield. If this kid doesn't master it well, it will belong to the heads of tens of thousands of people. This thing is sloppy.

Although Li was never prepared to let Li Yin go to the muddy water, the Pope did need a buffer of time. If they were not given this time, Li Cong estimated that they might be depressed. Don’t look at them. Millions of troops have only lost tens of thousands of troops. They still have a million troops. Li Cong has already seen the essence of this one million troops. These people have no problem in fighting the wind. That's it. There is nothing wrong with God's blessing, but they don't have the ability to let these people fight such a war of survival in adversity. Especially in the case of failure.

The rumors are very powerful. Although the frontline only lost less than 30,000 troops, Europa’s propaganda system is not a fool. They will make good use of this matter. Soon the Vatican troops in the rear will think that they may lose another ten thousand on the frontline. An army of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands may not think of anything else in their minds, but they may be able to think of this problem. If this goes on, they will be able to think of the outcome of a fool. After all, these people are not. Regular soldiers, they are all monks halfway through, although they used to think about the future glory. But that was when death did not come. When death came, the first thing they thought of was not other things, but their own life. This was the most important thing. Everything else can be discarded, even if it is your own belief.

In fact, at the beginning, the Pope thought that they were deadly loyal and there was a problem. Their sincerity was only on the issue of their faith, but they did not say that their bodies would also be sincere. Their bodies belonged to them, not to God, if they were If Europa wants to kill them, it is estimated that faith will not be so important. Of course, the Holy See still has more than 100,000 powerful troops, and their faith is very firm. These talents are people that the Pope can rely on, but these people are currently by the Pope’s side, and the Pope does not want them to go to the battlefield. They are the last support of the Holy See. The Pope will not let them out until the last step. The Pope is now I've had enough of the days of taking Mitre out, only one entourage, and he wouldn't be there even if the Pope died.

"Sir, since you don't want Li Yin's troops to go up, which one is more suitable?" Li Xian asked casually looking at the map. 【】【】Actually, this kid also wants to go to the battlefield to see. He is always in the rear headquarters. It’s not interesting anymore. He didn’t come all the way to the headquarters to look at the map. If that’s the case It might as well be at the headquarters.

"Haha. I think the newly compiled Great Russian First Army can let them transfer two regiments. I also want to see how they fought Turki in history. They have also been training for half a year. They should have a little ability, let them come over.” Li Cong thought for a while and said with a smile. Although Turki and Great Russia are mortal enemies, they have not had many battles recently. Li Cong wanted to see this in history. Whether the two peoples really fought a war, it depends on whether the Great Russians would do all evil when they came to Turki's territory, and whether these Turkis really depended on the natural enemies of the Great Russians.

Li Xian paused, and soon laughed. The so-called Great Russian New Army is a newly recruited army in Great Russia. There are 100,000 people, all Great Russians in the energy group. They are all trustworthy people. Of course, this is relatively speaking. The officers are all from the energy group army. Their original mission was to garrison in Novosibirsk, but now they are all peaceful areas. There is no need anymore. It's okay to transfer them to the battlefield to make adjustments, and maybe they will receive unexpected gains.

After receiving the order, the New Great Russian Army immediately came to the battlefield to mobilize. They all forgot how brilliant their ancestors were. What they want now is to help the energy group to sell their lives quickly, and then their family members. They can live a good life. In the eyes of other big Russians, they are all traitors and traitors, but their life is very good. They also like the life of two devils in China. Yes, what happened to such a day in their opinion? We are living very well. We eat meat every day. Unlike you idiots, we still think about the dream of the Soviet Union. Didn’t you see that the red cedar trees are now gone? That is simply impossible. Good birds choose wood to live, they are the good birds that will choose, and the Energy Group has now given them a chance.

They have been soldiers for such a long time. Of course, they also clearly know some regulations within the energy group. They must not be able to earn much income if they always take on guard duties in their original places. The maximum income is only two thousand yuan a month. Although they have done a lot of things, far more than this number, people are not satisfied. When this person is not full, what they want is to have a full stomach, but when he has enough food Then they will want more, for example, some meat or something, and when they eat meat, they may have to drink. People are like I.

The commander of the New Russian Army immediately replied that there was no problem. The most important thing is that this guy made a request, is it possible to increase the number of manpower? There are two infantry divisions, a mechanized division and an air burst division under the New First Army. The air burst division is controlled by people from the energy group, the mechanized division. It’s not a good thing. It’s estimated that the energy group will not call it. Now there are these two infantry divisions. These are all full-staffed infantry divisions. Each division is 30,000 people and five regiments. Two divisions. There are ten regiments. Now it only requires two groups of 10,000 people to do anything in the past, and the other groups are also very unwilling.

You must know that their soldiers are here for 2,000 yuan a month (6,000 yuan for energy group soldiers, 1,800 yuan for Fusang mercenaries, and 1,500 yuan for ndu mercenaries). According to the regulations of the Energy Group, as long as they reach the war zone, their salary can be doubled, at least four thousand yuan a month, four thousand yuan is just a basic, if they win something, there will be bonuses. , Anyway, it’s not a problem to get 6,000 yuan a month on average. They have money in their eyes, and it’s too little to get 10,000 people.

Li Cong smiled and nodded. It seems that their days are really not so easy. Otherwise, why would anyone rush to the battlefield? We turned the two regiments into four regiments and came with 24,000 people. The number is not very large, but as a soldier of the energy group, I will delay General Joey in Turki’s territory. There is no problem with the time.

Hundreds of transport planes will take off immediately. These Russian soldiers have picked them up. Li Cong has seen their drill records. In general, their combat effectiveness is still passable, but they are just passing by. Let them and Li It is estimated that none of the three regiments are Li Yin's opponent. Of course, Li Yin's regiment is bigger than them.

The four regiments of the Russian mercenaries were brought over by a division commander. At this moment, the division commander received an order five minutes after getting off the plane to take the local train to Dawa. Although there are more than 100,000 in the Holy See. The army, but at the moment they are panicking. If you rely on them, it is impossible to stop Europa's army. The task of this Russian army is to reach the front line of the Vatican to buy two days for the Holy See to consolidate the army. The Pope has sent a group of people to reach the Vatican. These people are the Pope’s whole army. They want to establish a military force. There were 300,000 troops on the Wa defense line with them.

A total of 470,000 Vatican troops have to build a line of defense around this area to defend against General Joey’s 300,000 troops. Originally, the Vatican has more troops, but they can’t draw them out at the moment. This is the same as Europa some time ago. There are two large-scale armies in Turki. One is General Joey’s army, and the other is those airborne. They have 200,000 Europa elites and 100,000 plans. The original army of Erqi, but currently there are 600,000 Vatican troops surrounding them. For the time being, they have nothing to do. As long as the Pope can solve Joey’s army, these people will not be afraid, General Joey He also saw this, so he had to quickly turn with that troop.

The commanders of the two armies, even their ordinary soldiers, understand that these two armies must be turned in order to be effective. Otherwise, even if the Holy See army is just a mob, they will kill them sooner or later, Holy See. The army’s combat effectiveness is not high, but they are fighting locally, and many of them are related to the local area. Even if the ordinary people don’t help them, they will at least cause trouble for them. They are different, although Turki has joined Europa. Yes, but Europa has never taken care of this side, so the people here have no sense of belonging to Europa’s army, and there is no support for them. Although they are blocked from time to time, they want them. Helping with things is also impossible.

"Report, Chabarov, the commander of the First Division of the Russian New First Army, reports to you." Soon the person in charge of the Great Russian New First Army came over to report to Li Cong. Li Cong looked at the two-meter tall man in front of him. The big guy smiled slightly. In the last century, these guys bullied their own people, but it was not light. I didn’t expect that now they are the cannon fodder of their own, and some problems they cannot solve are given to them. It's better, and these people seem to be able to adapt quickly to everything in Turki, after all, they are not very far away. These people are more suitable than their elite troops to get things done.

"Very good. Colonel Chabarov, your speed really surprised me. In my opinion, you are the most elite force in the energy group. This time using you on the knife edge is also a test of your Russian army. On one hand, if you do well, the group will once again form a new Second Army in Russia.” Li Cong said with a smile, he said flatly, this Chabarov can’t be listened to, although the energy group On the territory of Russia is the occupier. But after a long time, everyone can no longer remember the past. Everyone needs to eat. Even Moscow does not care about them, and they can become ordinary people of the energy group with peace of mind. To reflect their role and obtain more resources is what people like now want to form a second army. You must know that there are also 20 million people in the area occupied by the energy group, and the construction is going on there. There is no high income for the energy group’s army. If the energy group is really looking for soldiers, it’s okay to get one million, and it’s okay to form three armies. The commissioner is only a major general. But it is the major general at the headquarters of the Energy Group, even more powerful than these major generals outside. Does he say to himself that he might become the commander of the New Second Army?

Naturally, Li Cong didn’t expect this guy to think so much. He just wanted to encourage this guy. He immediately started discussing the situation on the front line with this guy. Li Cong found out that the guy who graduated from the Frunze Military Academy is indeed Those with two brushes quickly worked out their own combat plans. The Energy Group has an agricultural base in Turchi, and the annual output is not much, that is, only two million tons of energy wheat. However, the location of this farm is on the forward route of the Europa Army. Chabarov means to use this agricultural base to make a fuss. Chabarov is going to sit on the map with his hands and feet, and take the next one that must pass through. The road is drawn to the area of ​​the agricultural base, so that those people will not be able to pass if they want to.

"Very good. Your method is very good, and I support you very much. Just follow your method. Your troops will immediately be replaced with mechanized equipment. We have a lot of large-scale equipment here, so that your soldiers are armed. Okay, now you are soldiers of the energy group. Remember, the lives of soldiers are above all else. As long as you can stop the Europa army for two days, I will ask for your credit." Li Cong patted this guy very hard. Shoulders, shit, these Nordic people are **** tall.

"Yes, I promise to complete the task." Chabarov went out with a standard military salute. In his impression, it seemed that Chinese people only had such physical movements for people who were very close to them. Then, did you follow this? A special commissioner has established a good personal relationship. The major general of the headquarters, this brand is very scary. Although he will soon have the rank of major general, his troops are not regular troops, but mercenaries, mercenaries. Sometimes some generals of the regular army have to salute everything when they meet with some commanders of the regular army. Otherwise, there won’t be so many mercenaries who have to cut their heads and run into the regular army. They actually want to be respected. , But the energy group has regulations that mercenaries must pass the assessment and there are two actual battles before they can enter the regular army. Of course, if you do meritorious service, many people can enter the regular army according to the size of the merit.

Chabarov never thought that his army could be replaced with a mechanized army. When they came, they were all lightly loaded. They were the original mechanized division and they were not as good as they are now. Tens of thousands of officers and soldiers had their own. In the past, the infantry division used to walk on foot. Look now, it’s either tanks or armored vehicles. There are even more than one hundred helicopters of various types. This configuration is seen in the regular troops of the Energy Group. It’s almost low, but for mercenaries like them, this configuration is absolutely high-end. When they receive these equipment, they also receive a notification from above. As long as they can block the Europa army for two days, everyone Everyone can get a bonus of 20,000 RMB, and officers can get a bonus of 100,000 to 500,000 according to the size of their official rank. At once, most of the people are happy and go crazy. Many of them are here for money. This time they But I really saw the madness of the fighting forces, and one more thing is that as long as they die for the energy group, then his family can get a one-time pension of 500,000 yuan. Let their family members live well. In the past, Li would never give these things to mercenaries, but this time he took them out in order to stimulate their combat effectiveness.

Under such conditions, the New Russian Army quickly set foot on their vehicles and moved forward quickly. Li was never afraid of what they would do. They were just mercenaries of the energy group, even if they did. If it is out of the ordinary, when the energy group is expelled, it will be beautiful for them. All things can naturally be blamed on them. This is also a good thing that has been said before, and they all have this consciousness. Money doesn't do anything.

Chabarov urgently called a combat meeting on his tank, and he divided the 24,000 troops into three parts. Prepare to divide three lines of defense. In this agricultural base of the energy group, there are still 5000 energy group regular army defenses. Those people will definitely not come out to help them, and those people will not give them any support. Even if they fail in the end, they can’t go anywhere. This is what Li Cong has given them. Otherwise, the five thousand people may shoot them and kill them. This interception must not happen with the energy group. It’s related. Although I’ve known it for a long time, the people below are still a little unhappy when they hear it. After all, we are working for the energy group. They treat us like this, but when they hear about the various policies of the energy group , Their dissatisfaction disappeared immediately. Such a generous reward for them has not been encountered in a long time.

"Everyone, this time our ammunition is very sufficient, and we have another four hours of preparation time. I hope that everyone will consume as much ammunition as possible to preserve our own strength, otherwise our troops will not consume much." Chaba Rove told the heads of the regiment at the last time that Europa’s army is also very powerful. If it is really short-handed, they will certainly not take advantage of it. The loss will be severe at that time. Europa’s army may take them. To be wiped out.

In fact, Li Cong gave the pope the news after giving them an explanation. It is said that you can only buy a day, let the pope figure it out by himself, if you want to keep his hard-won fruits, work quickly, and Energy Group can do this too.

"Sir, the morale of our troops is very high. These Europeans are not our opponents." The commander below said indifferently, and he has not experienced people from time to time. It's just that their Eastern Europeans look down on those Western Europeans, which is normal.

"This time is different from before. We have to face fifteen times as many enemies. I think the previous arrangements can help us for a while." Li Cong will let people from the agricultural base come out in advance to officially stop General Joey. These troops only went up when it was really impossible. Li Cong estimated that he could hold on for a few hours at most, which was their preparation time.

When the heads of the regiments went back to prepare, they received a good news that 30,000 troops from the Holy See had also arrived. They had arrived at the predetermined position, and Li Cong's instructions came immediately. They protect themselves and let the people of the Holy See go first. This moved Chabarov. Li Cong has said several times to reduce the casualties of soldiers. It seems that they are really going to be accepted by the energy group. People in the energy group have already regarded them as their own.

When they were two children, they also entered the combat position. Their observation post could already see the vanguard of the Europa Army in the distance, a vanguard composed of a reconnaissance battalion, and hundreds of four-man field combat vehicles produced by Mercedes-Benz from the highway. There was a roar from above. At an intersection, hundreds of regular troops of the energy group were ready. Although there were only a few hundred people, they believed that the brand of the energy group was more useful than hundreds of thousands, although the new Russian army They are ready, but they also know that delaying a little longer is good for everyone. The Pope’s army will take more than an hour to arrive.

Seeing that Europa’s car was about to enter the area he was defending, a company commander of the Energy Group fired a few shots into the sky, and then shouted with a loud horn, "All vehicles stop moving, and the agricultural production of our Energy Group is ahead. No one is allowed to enter the base. Don’t be conceited.” The company commander’s voice is tough and powerful. At this moment, he represents the energy group. The morale of everyone around him is high, although they may face 300,000 enemies. They only have a few hundred people, but they know the power of the group behind them, what happened to the hundreds of thousands of troops, do you really dare to provoke us? You don't have the guts. Just look at the shot here and stop right away and we will understand that you don't have the guts.

Soon a command car in the car group drove over, and a battalion commander came down from it. This guy said in a blunt Chinese, "Hello, gentleman, I am the leader of the advance team under General Joey. We have studied the surroundings. The road we are walking does not belong to your energy group. We are Europa’s counterinsurgency army. Please let go.” The battalion commander is not humble or humble, although this is no longer the law enforcement area of ​​your energy group. Yes, but we have given you a lot of face, besides, what is said here is also in the territory of You are no matter how powerful you are on the territory of Europa, and our army is on our territory No matter how you act, it’s illegal. You dare to set up a card to intercept them. The battalion commander doesn’t think these hundreds of people have the guts to stop them, but what he didn’t find was that he was facing the company commander of this energy group. I am also a little afraid.

"Hello, battalion commander, I don’t know how you knew that this is not our energy group’s law enforcement zone, but the order I received was to block this road. This has always been our energy group’s defense zone, ten kilometers south. There is also a road in the place where you can go over there. We have something internal and need this road.” Since the energy group wants to intercept them, it will naturally have its own reasons. It is still impossible for them to refuse. I have given you directions. Of course, ordinary people will definitely take a detour, but they are going to Dawa, a military town. If they detour, where do they go?

"Mr. Company Commander, please rest assured that our Europa will not cause damage to any of your facilities. It is impossible for us to make a detour. Our goal is the Dawa in front. Our army is very qualified. No I have some thoughts about your property." This battalion commander is a bit uncomfortable at this moment even if his temper is good. Damn, a few hundred people dare to let the hundreds of thousands of my army detour. Several heads. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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