Energy Group

Chapter 1722:

After Wu Hai made the deal with his cousin, he reported to Li Cong over there. Li Cong smiled. The price is okay, but the real money has entered Li Cong. It’s impossible to ask this guy to take out his wallet, but these things are what must be needed in the army now. Li Cong smiled and said a few words in Wu Hai’s ear, no one I know what it is, but Wu Hai’s eyes are already laughing and I can’t find it. He still keeps saying thank you, prince, thank prince, etc. I really can’t see what this guy means. Anyway, this kid can go when he leaves. I was very hurried, and I ran into several people in a panic. This caused the people in this room to make trouble, and I couldn’t wait to go up and ask what was going on. Most people knew from Wu Hai, it must be Lucy. Is it possible that Li Cong has the ability to eat so many horses directly? This Li Cong’s financial resources is also a little amazing. You know, the new army has paid a little money to build the empire. The rest of the money is Li Cong himself. The treasury has also issued an IOU, but the empire Let me start by saying that part of the treasury that exceeds the budget is not reimbursed. Otherwise, the annual fiscal revenue of more than 30 billion gold coins may not be enough for Li Cong to spend so much? Good guys, three million troops eat more than tens of millions of troops. Those with more salaries will scare people to death. Some people with an annual salary of 1,000 gold coins are billions of gold coins per year alone, not to mention nothing. If this is the empire’s financial support, the entire financial system may go bankrupt in a few days. Although Li Cong has made a lot of money recently, he can’t just spend it so generously. No, the new army’s The cost is not a small amount, and many people are starting to play a small 99.

Although many people have ideas, these people have no way out. At the moment, all of them will go to drink with Lucy with their glasses. The luck of this kid is really good. The guy who would have been unable to do it, the whole family It may be weakened because of this money. Who knows that this kid has survived so much. Why doesn’t he have such a good cousin? Look at my cousins. They are all proficient in eating, drinking and having fun. When it comes to serious things, they all have their tongues bent. Ben, can't do any serious things, his life is not as good as this kid.

Lucy drank half a catty of wine in a while. This kid's drinking capacity is very strong, but he can't hold on to such a drink for a while. But at this time, fortunately, Wu Hai came over and pulled this guy out. Otherwise, Lucy Jin’er might have died in alcohol. The eldest son of the only ducal mansion in the empire would die like that, and it might make the entire empire. The people are all taken aback. No one knows what Wu Hai said to Lucy. He just knows that this kid drank directly after he came back. It seems that he never thought that there would be such a good thing, until today. The secret was unlocked a month after the banquet. This Lucy not only gave all the horses in his hand to the new army, but also a profit point is that this guy did not receive a gold coin from Li Cong, but used all Li Cong’s goods to offset the price. Finally, this When the batch of goods was released, not only the money from the bank was returned, but there was a profit of less than one million gold coins. If someone said it, it would feel that the profit of this one million gold coins was too little. It's not interesting at all, but this kid is going to face losses of hundreds of millions of gold coins. Now you don't need to pay out a gold coin. On the contrary, you can still get 100 million gold coins into the account. This is already a pretty good thing. Many people I didn't expect this guy to have such a result. Another point is that many people have more or less dared to offend this guy after knowing that Li Cong took his horse.

The banquet is still going on. The second prince and the princes said a few auspicious words while waiting for the old lady to come out and left. They are too big to lose today, so they don’t want to stay here anymore. It means that a few people and Li Cong's Liangzi are just like that. When they went out, they saw Li Cong's proud smile. The few people were really very uncomfortable. The most noble person in this empire was them. The kid who was not very prominent a few months ago has turned into an empire. The first person with rights is really impossible to imagine. Many people don’t know how to say good things. But the current big situation is that no matter how people get up, don’t you always pay attention to facts? Don’t take care of people. What did you do before? Anyway, people are now the first princes. If you are a prince, they might even let you. After all, you are the future prince of the country, but now is completely different. Although you are all princes, On the surface, your name can't catch up with a prince. Even if you all add up, it is useless. The prince is the prince, and the prince is the prince. The gap between the two is really too big.

There are many reasons why the second prince and Li Cong are upset. Another problem is that the Huaxia Bank has recently emerged. This thing has not appeared in the past. It suddenly came out in recent months. The place is also the best place on Qianmen Street. The second prince also asked someone to inquire about it. The fifteen shops there are all dowry by the little princess. If the wife of his own sister had that idea, it would be too unhuman. I will be mixed in the imperial capital in the future. I can’t do this thing. I thought it was the little princess that the little girl made a joke on her own. Who knows that this thing is getting worse and worse. Now there are at least three in the imperial capital bank. One-third of it can’t be mixed anymore. It’s not a good thing that you can’t let out the money in your own hands. More than half of the banks have entered a half-dead state, and they are basically busy every month. The Huaxia Bank alone is very well-run. It has released over tens of billions of gold coins in one month. You should know that it will return at 40% of the profit after one year. This money makes money. It will be the most profitable at all times. Several princes used to control the most profitable business in the capital, but now someone has reached in. Although it appears to be their little sister, in fact everyone knows that, This thing is Li Cong's business. Speaking of Li Cong, these brothers are all gnashing their teeth, but there is no way to deal with this kid.

"Damn, this **** China Bank has caused a lot of losses to our brothers. In the past, the monthly profit was worth a million gold coins. Now it's all right. There are hundreds of thousands of gold coins in a month. , These **** guys. They all know that the interest there is 40%, and all of them went there. In fact, why those fools don’t understand. Although our interest rate is higher, we can still pay I came to calculate with them that these **** will have to pay back one year's interest at once, thinking how much advantage they have taken." On the way back, I passed a Huaxia Bank. In this era, many people did not have the concept of opening a branch. Li Cong opened 12 stores in the whole city when he opened the China Bank. The twelve rooms are all in well-positioned places, so they have opened up and attracted the attention of the people in the city.

"Hehe, brother, it’s not that I said you. We are all princes. It is better to pay less attention to these matters in business. Although money is very important, the most important thing for us is not the issue of money. , If the second brother keeps looking at the money problem, then something will happen. Our princes have their own sources of income. Although the money house is a big item, it can’t be considered so important. We can’t follow Like that guy Lucy, he became the laughingstock of the people in the entire imperial capital. Nobles are nobles, not like ordinary merchants. Only those non-genuine nobles in the Southern Empire would take business matters so seriously." The son said with a smile, their prince values ​​money, but it’s easy for them to buy some money, so they don’t care much about losing the money house. After all, this thing is for them. It can be considered dispensable.

If someone else scolded the emperor's second child like that. It is estimated that the big ear melon seeds have passed, but the fourth son of the emperor has always been a less prominent figure in the guise, but after the prince was abolished this time, the fourth son of the emperor suddenly became the leader of the entire prince. Now, whether in the court or under the court, the connections of this guy are amazing. No one knows that this guy who usually seems to smile has such a huge power. The second son of the prince smiled like that and didn’t say anything. This younger brother was different since he was a child. This guy would only smile at you when he hated you. In the past, this Jiahui would treat the prince. The prince smiled brilliantly. What happened to the prince. Although he didn’t die in the hands of this guy, he was still in contact with this guy. The relationship between the prince and him was still okay. Rebellion should ask him for help. I knew that the prince would definitely fail, but instead of persuading the prince not to continue, this guy helped the prince do a lot of preparation work, and finally left the prince with nothing.

"Four brothers, don't you always say that the economy may affect the direction of a country? Didn't we also think about giving the financial industry of the imperial capital to our own hands? Without this China Bank, maybe we Maybe it’s done already?” The seventh emperor has been in the middle stage since the Queen’s Uya’s unlucky, until now, this guy is still in the middle stage. It used to be said that if the prince is finished, this kid will definitely become a prince. It’s a pity that this kid not only didn’t become the prince’s seat, but was disgusted by His Majesty the Emperor. It’s not like this kid jumped out again after the establishment of the Prince's League. It seems that this kid has the most jumped position in the entire alliance. Huanshi looks like a harmless human and animal. In fact, this guy has a lot of thoughts in his mind. The fourth son also knows that if someone competes with him for that seat, this kid must be a big enemy.

"Seventh brother, you underestimate the economy of this country. Our empire has billions of people. Now that the savages have been laid down, there are so many more places. There are too many people and things of all kinds. Don’t talk about us, even the father dare not say that he can control the economy of our country. First of all, how many gold coins can we mobilize in our hands? How much are in Li Cong’s hands, these are not things we can decide, many At that time, the money can determine big things. I heard Li Cong say a few days ago that being an official is only for money. This sentence may not be approved by many of us before, but now It should be good to think about this. You can see that many of our nobles have lost their power now. They just have a name. What are they worrying about now? It's not something in the court at all, it might be Worried about their meals, they will try their best to make money for themselves, just like our brothers. We are now the prince. To be disrespectful, if the father is in the past, most of us will become Prince and county prince. The most unprofitable person must be a duke. Our life should be okay, and our son’s life should be okay, but how about two or three generations later? Our descendants may not have a prince at that time, they are all The duke, they would all enter a more embarrassing time at that time, they were too good. The emperor at the time would be jealous of them and would not give them a chance to make a head start. If they were not good, the family’s expenses would be a problem , Maybe you will say that the court has to give them tens of thousands of gold coins for food every year, but you have to think that they are not ordinary people, and a gold coin is happy for a long time. They are all dragons and grandchildren. They simply cannot do it for that. They are happy with a little money. All of them came out of the rich village with a golden spoon in it. They don’t want to live the life of the ordinary people, they all have to live the rich life. It’s like we say that some of our children of the same generation will have no money to save face. At that time, this was also true for our children and grandchildren. If we leave them some business at this time, we can make money. Maybe it is. It’s different. Even if they are all down, they can still have a good little life. The title will change. Whenever the money comes, he will still be money. Hehe. This is a long way to go, I just want to say If we really put it together, we won't have the advantage." The fourth son of the emperor has only recently come to this realization. In the past, many things were not very clear, but recently it has been understood from a sentence of Li Cong.

"Huh, didn't Li never sell tea perfumes? Those things are not something common people want to eat every day. That is to say, the nobles can use them. Although they make a lot of money, they don't have much. We are different. We have the empire’s largest grain and cloth in our hands. This is the most profitable business. At least 500 million people in the entire empire are waiting for our grain to eat and our cloth to make clothes." The second son said disdainfully. When it comes to the money, the kid is really a little sitting and watching. If nothing else, if the horses in Lucy's hands are given to them, they will pay people with food, and they will not kill them. If you are willing, they don’t have a place to put the grain of these billions of gold coins. If they are not preserved, there will be nothing left after a rain. The tea and perfume are different. There is not much cargo, and a slightly larger cargo hold can be put down.

"Second brother, this is your fault. As far as I know, this Li Cong's business is really good. Although our grain, oil, cloth business occupies a relatively large market, our profit is also low every year. There are only one billion gold coins. This thing is huge, but the profit is not very high. It is normal for Li's tea to sell for 100,000 gold coins per pound. His cost is about 40,000 gold coins at most. Fifty percent of the profit is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the entire empire has more people selling food. Although the strength is not as strong as ours, they are also doing this business. We are just better than others. It’s just a little bigger. This Li is different from there. You see, the things he sells are not what we can produce at all. Didn’t we also ask our people to study those things for a long time? It’s a pity It seems that we can’t even make it, especially the perfume, let’s say nothing else, the glass bottle alone is beyond our reach.” The seventh emperor knows Li Cong the most. He originally had it at the time. At that time, I wanted to win over Li Cong, but what can Li Cong have to say to a prince who is going to be angry? Speaking of hatred for Li Cong, this guy is also the most.

"Old Qi is right. In the past, we still had our own place in the bank of the imperial capital. Now it seems that we are not as good as this Chinese bank. We are also caused by our disunity. The money in this bank They are all like our own, and we use a lot of them every year." The third son never spoke. This guy is not very famous in the royal family, and his mother is not very prominent, so good things are not in our turn. Boy, the bank was managed by his subordinates in the past, but the princes here are always running out of money, so they ask people to withdraw some. Up to now, these people owe the most money, but Can you force debts with them? It seems impossible, but this is just a grievance.

"Lao San, what do you mean, how do I feel that you are angry? Yes, brother, I borrowed a lot of money, but it's not that I didn't give you the loan, let’s talk about it. The bank also has my shares, Do I have to pay interest if I spend my own money?" The second emperor was immediately unhappy. Although several of them have debts, they still have the most debts from the boss of the Prince Union. Yes, this guy owes a debt of tens of millions of gold coins, want to call him back? There is no drama at all, this kid just opened his mouth and used my dividend. Their bank has the scale of one billion gold coins, and it was organized by dozens of people. One year’s profit is also given to five or six billion gold coins, but it’s not bad that 200 million gold coins can be left for all kinds of expenses. The emperor's **** can be allocated up to 10 million gold coins, if he also has the money. In terms of interest, it is estimated that this kid will have to pay back a few decades of dividends and can't get enough dividends. Several other people also have debts. I heard the third child say that, although they are not as big as the second child. Annoyed, but there was also dissatisfaction in his eyes. This is about to go up and break with the third child, take some of his own money and spend it, what's wrong.

"No, second brother, how could I talk like that? Naturally, our brothers can use them casually, just those small ones. And those princes in the palace, they also came out to share with us, Isn’t this a bit too much? These guys usually have no effect at all. These people are almost like parasites. One by one, they count on the share of their ancestors to enter. Like a princess, who could see him as a prince in the early years. Who in the imperial capital can buy his account? Good guy, now it’s amazing, we’ve been with Li Cong. He should be kicked out of our bank. He didn’t make a lot of money. When the bank was established, his grandfather paid 5,000 gold coins and took up one percent of the shares. Such people are one or two. It’s nothing, but shareholders like our bank can have more than 15% of the shares. We might as well think of a way to get them out. This 15% is almost 1% a year. 100 million gold coins." The third child thought for a while and said, he naturally didn't have the confidence to offend his brothers, but his mind was to move around fast, and to make up for his own fault, he quickly thought of a way to kill chickens and get eggs. Although there are a lot of shareholders in their bank, those shareholders are also very powerful. If anyone offends them, they will not be able to die, so their bank has a lot of transactions. No one dares not pay back the money. If they didn’t have these shareholders, it would be difficult to say what they would be like in the future. The fourth eldest wanted to oppose this matter, but they did not expect that the princes all agreed after the third. There is no long-term vision at all. These people are very ignorant of advances and retreats. They are happy to do things about killing chickens and eggs. Everyone does not think of their tomorrow. Everyone thinks of them. How much money is going to be divided? This money is not a small sum.

Soon the princes’ decision came to Li Cong’s table. Li Cong was really dumbfounded. What did these princes think in their minds, they would have such thoughts, maybe they all felt that they were already very powerful. They don’t need the help of these palaces and dukes at all. They can run their own business. For many palaces and dukes, they are dumbfounded when they receive this notice. It’s not a lot. Just like King An, one percent per year is 100,000 gold coins. This is certainly not a number for the current King An, but in the past, when King An didn’t follow Li Cong, These 800,000 gold coins are a very important income for the Anjun Prince’s Mansion. At that time, the Anjun Prince had a prince’s sign, and there was nothing left. There was no filial piety below. The money is gone. It’s nothing for the Anjun Palace. Isn’t it just hundreds of thousands of gold coins? Now the Anjun Palace has bought and sold some from Li, and millions of gold coins are credited to the account every month. , I don’t think so seriously about the money, but what about other minority shareholders? Not everyone can share something to eat from where Li, many people are still the same, there is no other source of income at all, the princes do this but they will kill others.

Just like Prince Qing’s house, this old man didn’t care much about the affairs of the court a long time ago. Although Prince Qing’s mansion was considered to be very rich in the early years, after so many decades of waste, the entire palace was It's very disappointing. Prince Qing has 2% of the shares and now he can get 2 million gold coins every year. Counting other income, Prince Qing’s annual income is 5 million gold coins. This money is absolutely vital to the palace. If so much money is lost all of a sudden, it will make it worse. The palace was even more difficult, so the actions of the princes directly angered the clan family members headed by Prince Qing, and they all came to the gate of the second prince’s mansion together in groups. They wanted to ask if this prince alliance was established, could they swallow everything regardless of their relatives. Are all people so conscientious?

"Long Wu, come out to Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu wants to see what you have become. You are too courageous. Yesterday, we were beaten up by the Prince of Dingjun. Today we are going to be kicked out of the bank. Damn, this bank has become what it is now, is it our reason? It's not your brothers who are borrowing money everywhere. Famine is everywhere. "Prince Qing is already in his fifties, but the relationship is now In your own life, this cannot be flinched.

"Yes, why are you the prince? The prince can't just swallow our money like that. This *what kind of withdrawal plan, we all paid out the money at the beginning. It was not the empty glove white wolf that went in. Give us as much money as you put in, and let your fart.” Another guy in ducal clothes also said. It seems that he is also one of the victims of this incident. Look at the face, if it is a dragon If Wu is here, he should be hit.

"Yes. Come out and explain to us, otherwise, don't blame us for not being affectionate..." Each one of them is really exciting.

The princes in the yard never thought that these people would react that much. In fact, this is a very normal thing. You ruined everyone who eats. Do you still expect others to treat you well? Besides, others dare not. How about the prince. They are not afraid, anyway, the laws of the empire stipulate that if the children of the royal family really fight, it will be a fight, and they will not be sentenced, and everyone is not very afraid, as long as they come out, they will really be beaten.

The people outside want to fight in, and the people inside want to get out too, mother, this matter today is beyond everyone's expectation, the youngest who made this idea is almost beaten to death by these brothers. , What kind of horrible idea is this *? The treasurer of the bank reported this morning. They happened to be discussing how to divide the spoils with the second child. After all, hundreds of millions of gold coins came out over a year. It's not for a small amount. How many people watch it. It must be divided properly. Although their bank is not very good now, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and there are still a lot of them every year. When the profits come down, everyone needs to eat and live, so they all came early. I didn’t expect that the serious things they thought had not yet begun to be discussed, and each of them would be blocked here. If it were other people Just ask the city guard to come and pull it out, but this is not good. People from outside can walk into Suzaku Street. Which one has no foundation? There are still a few officers from the city guard outside, or their brother or brother-in-law is the city guard. Since the city guard is not available anymore, it is not possible to use your own guards. They are a hundred or ten people, but there are more people outside. It is absolutely impossible for these hundred or ten people to disperse them. Maybe there will be bloodshed. I just offended Li Cong recently. , If it continues to offend people, it is not a joke, even if their alliance is very strong, it is impossible to face so many enemies at the same time.

"Lao San, you came up with this idea. Go out and explain it clearly to them, and quickly give them the compensation money and tell them to get rid of it. The heads of the callers are all dizzy. Why are they so different? It’s getting better.” The prince said with his mouth wide open. He said that before. The third child over there must have gone to work immediately. The third child is relatively honest, but today the third child is silent. He is honest, but he is definitely not a fool. He is very aware of the power of those people outside today. If he really doesn't handle it well, he may be his own sin, but he can't bear it.

"Second brother, I did say this idea at the beginning, but when I said this idea, everyone seemed to be there. Everyone didn’t say anything to our opinions. Many people said it was very good. If things are up, you can’t just let me take care of it. I think it’s useless to ask me to go out as a scapegoat. Everyone should think about it honestly. I think it’s better to avoid other messy ideas. "The third son said neither softly nor hard, shit, you didn't see Lao Tzu when you divided the money, now one by one you saw something went wrong and wanted to get Lao Tzu out, there was no door, and Lao Tzu was not a fool. How could it hurt this block. You are too naive.

The second child became angry when he heard this, and he had to come up and grab the third child by the neck to give him a beating. This guy is really too much. Whenever he was so courageous, he dared to challenge the second brother, but before this guy got up, the fifth and sixth would go up after receiving the fourth look. Pulled away, "When is the time, the fire is in the room, can you two say something specific? Don't be so indifferent to the fireworks one by one, I asked you to come here to do things. I'm not asking you to be nonsense here. Yes, the imperial capital will never have any secrets, even if the third child pushes it out, it’s useless. Who doesn’t know that this decision was made by our brothers, the second child, if you say this, it’s hurting the brothers. The feelings of him." Although the fourth child is the fourth child, his strength is considered the strongest right now. Therefore, many people nodded when he said. Indeed, at this time, someone has to stand up and stop the fight between the second and third child. Otherwise, if it hasn't started yet, the position on his side will be messed up first.

"Huh, kid. Wait for me." The second child hummed and glanced at the third child. The third child over there looked back at him, not to be outdone. They are all *princes, and *mother is not good enough, so they dare not say goodbye. The prince contested with Lao Tzu for some garlic, don't think Lao Tzu is easy to bully.

"Ranks the fourth. Today, you face a brother to be, otherwise certainly meal fat beat this guy, I said, this is not OK, that's not OK, and how can we do it, what these people at this time are related to red The eyes are the same, there is no humanity at all." The second child glanced at the passionate eyes below, all of them were going to get fire in their eyes, telling them to tell them these things that would kill him. Will never go down,

"We have broken other people's financial resources, and they will naturally find trouble with us." Old Qi said gloomily. Anyway, he is the least worried. This bank does not have his shares, and he has his own money. Queen mother, you can’t say that you can spend too much money, but you don’t have to get pocket money for those who are as poor as the few of them. People who have tens of millions of new year's money in seven years old, although not too much, But it was quite a lot. Besides, after the queen had lost the prince, she sent things out in two or three days. A small part of it went into the queen's natal house, and a lot of it was in the hands of this guy.

"It's not good, it's not good, the masters are not good, our bank's convoy of gold coins from the southern province was robbed, and more than two thousand people were killed. It was in Laohu Gorge, fifty miles outside the city. There." Just when they were thinking of a way, a guy who looked like a steward came in and said. His words made everyone dumbfounded. Damn, how could this be? I should have been to the convoy transporting gold coins yesterday. It was delayed for several days and didn't arrive, so I asked people to look for it along the road, but they got back such a result, which killed them.

More than two thousand people were killed? Their brains are a little dumbfounded. In the past, the Empire would often have such things, but this has been for many years, this kind of thing has long been gone, at most dozens of people died, this time they transported The number of gold coins is not a small number. More than three hundred carriages are pulling nearly two thousand boxes of gold coins, which is a full 100 million gold coins. This is gone. All the two thousand coachmen guarding are dead, so there is no need They weren’t stupid thinking about what happened to the gold coins, so they didn’t even ask this sentence. From the look of the shopkeeper, you should know that this guy must have ran back. He didn’t dare to stop for fifty miles. His sweat is still ticking.

"It turns out that this is the case. Since 2000 people are dead, you don't care if you die, so follow along." The fourth child glanced at the shopkeeper, his eyes sharpened, and the shopkeeper suddenly thought of why. I'm dying, I know too many things. If this news is spread out, the bank may not be able to do it anymore. So these princes must block the news. How to block this news is naturally This guy was killed, otherwise the news might spread.

As soon as the fourth child had finished speaking, the shopkeeper felt a pain in his back. Looking back, the second child was already hideous and stabbed the knife through his The guy’s life has come to an end in this way. If he knows that something like this will happen, he may not come back. Perhaps the best thing to do is to run in Laohu Gorge. Let yourself send such important news. When I came back, I got such a knife. My 20 years of hard work was wasted. These people are simply not humans. I used to hear them saying that they would sacrifice some small people in exchange for huge benefits. I thought I was not. Little people, now it seems that I am too boring to talk about the kind of little people.

"This news must not be spread. If it is really spread, it may cause many people who deposit money with us to withdraw money. Then we will not be able to pay so much. Now it is not the time to fight. To solve the problem, ask all the shareholders below to come in. The 100 million gold coins are one-third of our liquidity. It’s okay for them to be shareholders. At this time, they have to contribute money, and so do you. When I come back, everyone has to pay according to their own shares." Everyone was still depressed just now, and now they are even more depressed. You must know that the people who came to collect money today have become spending money. And the money spent is not a decimal. The emperor calculated it, shit, but he wants to pay 5 million gold coins, and the money is less than 5 million gold coins. The money is so much, it will This kid doesn't have such a high interest anymore, he is thinking how to bugger. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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