Energy Group

Chapter 1733:

Although the princes in this house are unwilling to contribute money, they also know that this bank is their most important asset. Although it has not been very good in recent days, it has brought them less money. A lot, but this place can send millions of gold coins to most of them every month, so it’s still very important here, but let them spend millions or even those who squander every day It may be impossible for tens of millions of gold coins to come here. Their money is not in their own hands at all, and their money stays in their hands for no more than a few days. These princes are big Some of them will take their own money to enjoy and squander, in short, they will not do serious things, especially some of the "excellent" children, these people are also the most unsaving money, and they sell their wives. I can't get the money.

"This... this, isn't there still a lot of liquidity in this bank? We quickly recover some of the money released. We don't need to take the money out. I think we will let our dividends this year Just don’t take it. There are hundreds of millions of gold coins.” The second emperor didn’t want to talk at first, but thought that he was going to get such a large sum of money. This is not a joke, this is not to sell his own blood. Well, although I am a prince, I have a salary of one million gold coins every year, but what can the money do, let alone anything else, I have to eat thousands of gold coins for a casual meal. This year Just eating with my own wives can’t beat millions of gold coins. It turned out that there weren’t that many when there was no tea. Now this tea is a symbol of high society, even if you don’t like to drink it. People drink it. If you don’t drink it, people will laugh at you that you can’t afford it. Don’t tell people that you don’t like it at all. Everyone thinks tea is a good thing. The reason for drinking is that you can't afford it, and there is no other reason. This mansion has to consume dozens of kilograms of tea a year. This is not a small amount. Besides, besides the family members in the mansion, I am willing to go to the theater to find someone to cheer for a while. If you spend less money, you must not throw a 10,000 gold coins every time you go, or you will lose your prince's face. If you take out these thousands of gold coins, let alone drink tea. It’s a little bit difficult to eat. Of course, I won’t starve myself to death. After all, I’m a prince. All the supplies are provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But if you want to eat well and drink well, that seems a bit impossible. , The Ministry of Internal Affairs will not reimburse you for that.

"Second, I tell you, you can do anything else. Tomorrow morning you must give me your share, otherwise you don’t want to get a cent from here, if someone wants it. It doesn’t matter if you withdraw the shares. I will give you ten times the amount of money I took out at the time, and then I’ll get out immediately. There is no place for you in this prince alliance. There is no place for you anymore. The fourth prince is about to go out. When I heard the emperor’s second child say that, the anger immediately rose up. Damn, it’s that your group of useless things occupy so much money in the bank. Usually, it is very profitable, so I opened my eyes. Don't care about you with one eye closed. Who knows that you are going too far one by one, you don't know how to converge, and you don't know when it is now. This is about to hit the house, and you are still calculating your own gains and losses.

The other princes had to say a few things, but after hearing what the fourth child said, they immediately dared not speak. Everyone knew that the prince was gone. The fourth eldest is the most powerful faction. Although the eldest seventh is a popular candidate for the prince, but since Li Cong got a vote for the prince, the good guy’s formal election has not started yet. The news is up and down. It’s all spread, and many people say that it’s impossible to choose the seventh son of the emperor, for nothing else. When his own brother had an accident, this guy was okay, let alone others, and others are not what he cares about. So many people don’t dare to mix with this guy. The fourth emperor has become a very popular candidate. The concubine Wen Yi was born. Although his biological mother is no longer there, his aunt is now But it is also the seat of a noble concubine, and the contacts in the palace are also very good. Moreover, this guy’s grandfather Yu Guogong can be said to be the first of the Guogongye. This guy has been the official secretary for 30 years. It is absolutely impossible to have no contacts. He said that his peaches and plums are all over the world. This guy is absolutely powerful, and it gives the emperor's fourth son a lot of points.

"Yes, what the fourth brother said is that what we want at this time is to help each other in the same boat. I don't care what you do. Anyway, I will definitely help. Although this bank does not have my shares, I do have 5 million gold coins. I'll go back and get it right away." Old Qi, this kid is very good at being a good person at this time. He is so deep if he doesn't have any shares. If other people still shirk, this would be too unhuman. How many people are now They all hated the old Qi and wanted to bite him. When the prince was in the past, the queen empress had to cover it even if she gave something to him. After all, the prince was the eldest son of the queen empress, so you can’t leave good things to the eldest son. This is absolutely impossible for my little son.

Everyone knows that in the recent period, the empress has been rewarding this guy constantly. They have known it several times, and every time they don’t pay a million gold coins, they don’t have these things, even though they see the queen. They want to be called mothers, but can they be the same as the real blood relationship? It is absolutely different. Take these things as an example. The seventh prince can easily come up with five million gold coins, but what about the other princes? There are good things at home, but should they go out to be things? This is not a joke, it would be a joke if it were really going out.

These princes have all gone out and started to collect money, but none of them knew the originator of this thing is now watching their movements cheerfully. Li Cong still knows what to do against these princes. Some time ago If it weren’t for the affairs of the Southern Empire, Li Cong would not just let them develop. This hijacking incident was definitely not done by Li Cong’s people. All of Li Cong’s people stayed in the Imperial Capital. In the last two days after the incident, the people in the major prince’s residences were already full of empires looking for murderers. At the beginning, they thought it was Li Cong who did it, so most people were staring at Li Cong. But Li Cong's people didn't move at all. They didn't believe that Li had organized such a reliable group of people in such a short time, so they gradually lost their doubts about Li Cong. Perhaps this was not done by Li Cong. Others may not know how rich Li Cong is, but they are very clear that the money they make in such a year by Huaxia Bank alone is not because of the money they lost. I know how many times, so Li would never do such a thing to take risks, but it was not for Li Cong. There are only a handful of people in the Imperial Capital who can solve a team of two thousand people so quickly. They began to doubt one by one and investigate one by one. The people and things involved are not the same, so every day they are exhausted, and they can't find them one by one.

"Are they all gone? Actually, they shouldn't be asked to do this thing. It's a bit risky. After all, compared with the major events of the Southern Empire, this little thing is simply too trivial." Li Cong was in his back garden. Said to Lao Yang.

"The prince, they did things very neatly. The prince of the Southern Empire told him the news when he was young when he left. The princes of our empire are also very powerful people. It's just that they have a mind and no intentions. The odds of winning have increased a lot. I found those people in an ambush at Tiger Gorge for two days. They were cruel and cruel, even our people were not half of them. We will deal with them in the future. If you do, you should be careful. Two days have passed now. They gave us the money near the border of the Imperial Capital. Our people also gave them 60 million gold coins. Speaking of this transaction, we are a bit at a loss. We can do these gold coins by ourselves. Why should we give them 60 million gold coins?" Lao Yang said depressed. In his opinion, the manpower in his house is better than The crown prince of the Southern Empire was a lot more powerful. It is very easy to kill them. Who knows that the prince didn’t ask his own people to do it. Naturally, Lao Yang couldn’t see so many. The Prince Regent’s Mansion was completely stared at these two days, even if he was out of Beijing. One person will also be discovered. This team of two thousand people is not so easy to go, so it can only be done by the prince of the Southern Empire. In their opinion, this is a matter of convenience. The prince of the Southern Empire did a big deal after he returned. Tens of millions of gold coins may not help him much, but he can definitely do a lot of things. After Yang told him the news, this guy didn't have any delay, and set off with his own people. Fortunately, things went smoothly, otherwise Li would not know where to find the dozens of counties. Who is going to ask for it.

"Hehe, if you want to make a horse run, you have to feed him. Although the crown prince of the Southern Empire may not care about the money, you give them this news in a disguised way to tell this guy to know our strength. , In the Northern Empire, we are the strongest. We can even get important news from the princes. Isn’t this a proof of our strength? Only in this way, that guy is willing to cooperate with us, otherwise every day. I don’t know how much power is needed for internal consumption. If dozens of princes can unite, how can we succeed? That guy is here? I want to see what this guy’s mind is like. Interesting, I asked myself if you can’t be wrong to see people, but this person makes me see through. Although we monitor the empire very strictly, we still haven’t noticed the money. If it wasn’t for this kid to give us this Important information, we can’t let this prince alliance fight so quickly. Speaking of my original plan is to use this empire alliance to fight, now it seems that I don’t need it anymore.” Li Cong said with a smile. The most people in this world are internal traitors. This prince alliance is so powerful that you need to give in. I also thought about using the divorce plan to get myself a few internal rapists, but I didn’t expect it to be expensive. The proud ones, they would betray their brothers and begging for an outsider. There are so many things that they did not expect.

"Master, the man has arrived, I have taken it to the waiting room, the prince is going to go there?" Lao Yang looked at the sun, didn't he say he wanted to stretch this guy? In the past, it seemed a bit too much for this guy. This guy said he was a very famous person in the imperial capital and even the entire empire. This guy is the second son of the emperor Longwu. He had a very deep conflict with Li Cong before. From stunned, even the old man who was responsible for Long gave a beating. Unexpectedly, this guy would actually become Li Cong's internal response within the Imperial League. It is really impermanent.

"You go first, I'll go there for a while, good tea is served, our prince is a person who can enjoy, but I don't know why this kid came here, this matter has to be carefully weighed." Li Cong seemed to be speaking to himself. Generally, Lao Yang ignored Li Cong when encountering such things, anyway, he was in his garden. Li Cong can do whatever he wants. There are so many beautiful maids within 50 meters. Whatever Li Cong wants to do, and at this time, I hear something that I shouldn’t listen to. Maybe my life will be lost. Guaranteed.

He didn’t believe in the betrayal of the second son of the emperor, but this guy didn’t know how to do it. She felt the joy of revenge against the royal family. It might be because his mother died in the imperial family. Although his mother is the top girl in Bada Hutong. But the scheming is not very deep. In this very chaotic place of the palace, don’t say you have no scheming, just the slightest inadequacy of this mind may be calculated by others, and his mother is unfortunately calculated. A guy, he left the West Exit soon, since when. This kid has learned to pretend to be himself. Anyway, he is not qualified to be an emperor, so he started to mess around. The old emperor knows what he did to him, but he doesn’t care much about the face of his dead wife. At that time, Li Cong was considered to come over. Although this guy often does some terrible things, but this guy knows how to control this measure. Generally speaking, although the things he does are grievous, he will never reach the bottom line in the emperor’s heart. For the young master prince, the face of looking at the emperor is gone. If you grab a girl from any family, you can just pull it over to be a wife. Anyway, to be able to marry the prince is considered the supreme glory. Although he is a prince who is of no use, he is also a prince anyway? There is still a very low probability of becoming the emperor, so although this kid is ridiculous, but when someone said something about him, the old emperor just smiled. If it is very powerful, he will ask someone to denounce it. Even if it is over, if he really punishes this son, he still can't do anything.

The second emperor looked at the things in the reception room of Li Cong, and he started to mumble. Didn’t it all say that the palace is rich and the enemy country? How come the decorations in the room are very common, if you say it to ordinary people At home, everything in this house is invaluable, but he was born in the royal family, he has seen too many rare treasures since he was a child, and ordinary things will never enter this kid's eyes, could it be this? Li Cong's house is also an empty shelf? That’s right. It’s a good thing and a bad thing for him to control the government. The good thing is that he can do everything according to his wishes. The bad thing is that he can’t do many things. Many profitable businesses have to be handed out. There is no money for trading, or the cost of Li Cong's fried tea is not as cheap as he said, it should be very good.

"Hehe, the second prince came a long time ago. I'm really sorry. I have had too many things recently, but fortunately, the second prince helped me a lot. Otherwise, I might sleep well at night. , Your Highness, please have tea." Li Cong came in and said with a smile, acting very natural, but the second prince on the side was a little bit upset. It said that one of them is a noble prince, and the other is now. The prince, but his identity is still not as valuable as the guy in front of him. It should be that Li Cong was afraid of this guy. I didn’t expect this to be the other way around. There are still many things that people don’t understand. The prince is a whistleblower and should be regarded as a person who has the initiative. Li Cong is passive and shouldn’t have such a situation. The reason for this situation may be the aura of these two people. One is afraid in his heart, and the other I think that the world is in control, and there is no feeling of fear when I see anyone, let alone the prince, even you, I have been killed by me a long time ago. Seeing you have anything to be afraid of, you are not qualified.

"The prince joked. Actually, I just helped me with a lot of things. Other things were done so well by the prince’s subordinates. I couldn’t help it. Regarding that seat, it seems that all of our brothers can inherit it, but you have also seen that they have ever regarded me as a brother. It is difficult for me to be the one who is the best at it. Get one What kind of **** prince alliance, but one by one did not come out to be the leader, and pushed me out. Who didn’t know that the father hated the most for gang formation, and some of them would push me out. This obviously prevents me from having a way to survive. When I was a child, my life was bitter, you don’t know the prince. My mother is inferior, but she is not as capable as their mother, so they were bothered soon after entering the palace. It’s a great miracle that I’ve been alive because of the scourge. Alas, when it comes to things back then, my heart..." Seeing this guy, I’m going to talk about the history of the revolution. , Li Cong hurriedly told this kid to stop, usually watching the kid feel carefree. Unexpectedly, this heart is really fine. I find this guy to do serious things, but I don't ask him to talk nonsense. If this kid continues to talk nonsense, it is estimated that he will be able to say it in a few hours.

"Ahem..., Your Majesty, what happened to you back then was so miserable. I express my deep sympathy and sympathy." When Li Cong finished speaking, the second prince on the side also nodded, and he would definitely cry. After I came out, I didn't think about it in my mind. You sympathized without saying anything. What's the point of sympathy. "His Royal Highness, I call you here today, but there are serious things. If you want to give them something good, you have to do it on the actual situation. It won’t work if you keep talking about it. Let’s be here. Speaking for a while, they can still enjoy their own life. They will not have any loss at all, don't you think?" Li Cong said with a smile, this guy also nodded, and the same thing is happening in the same room. It is not desirable from others, but for the second prince, these younger brothers did not cause them a little bit of pain in the past. They are all human beings, betray them, and unite them with outsiders. Such a thing is much better than exercising on a woman's belly, and he feels that his spirit is refreshed.

"Yes, what the prince said is that I just remembered the previous things that made me feel a little uncontrollable. Alas, the xinxing is still not well controlled. If the prince has a good way, just say it. I am A rough person, it’s okay to go out and do errands, but I won’t be able to do anything if I have any ideas. This is a bit of a wiggle." This guy said, if someone said something like this before, Li I certainly believe it, but after observing this guy for so long, if I still believe this guy, Li Cong himself has a brain problem. Such a person is obviously a guy pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Such a person is still careful A little bit is better, this brother can betray, absolutely no lower limit.

"I watched you cover the things at the bank for a few days. It's good. This is not possible. You have to work harder. As long as your bank goes bankrupt, many of you will be susceptible to it. The prince alliance is eccentric. As for how to let this thing go bankrupt, I don’t think I need to say more.” Li Cong said with a smile. It is quite difficult to sell a business well and do well. But if you want to do a bad business, this is a very fast thing. You may soon do bad things. In many cases, doing bad things is much easier than doing good things.

"Hey, the prince is really looking for the right person for this matter. In fact, the business in the past was also good. The prince’s business was too strong, and we run out of it when we came out. I am also a person who is used to enjoying it. Without the source of the gold coins, my day is... alas..." This guy made a depressed look, how could Li Cong not understand? The topic of today is that this kid should be paid the last time. If he is not paid, this guy would never stand up and do such a thing. After all, if Li Cong checked him after he had done such a thing, it would not be a capital crime, but would be imprisoned.

"I know that your Royal Highness has also lost a lot in some recent actions. I am a person who is always very talkative. How can I make him suffer from the person who does things for me? This is a trivial matter. Your Royal Highness laughs. If your Royal Highness can close the bank, it’s okay to have more money.” Li Cong smiled and gave a golden ticket. Recently, this money has been spent on the horses, especially the horses, but the money is for Li Cong. The flowers are still very worthwhile, just like the 20 million gold coins in front of me. That can make the people of the prince alliance lose more than ten times. This little money is okay. He can earn it back every two days. When the second prince saw this golden ticket, he didn’t know his surname anymore. I just betrayed a few of my brothers, and honestly didn't do anything. This is not the second time I took 20 million gold coins.

"How embarrassing is this. Haha, even if I borrowed this money from the prince. There are too many wives and children in the family. This cost is really not a small amount. I think the prince also has a lot of things, I don’t Excuse me, don’t bother.” The kid quickly picked up the money and was about to leave. Li Cong knew that this must be a place to spend money. If the old emperor knew that his son was such a virtue , I really don't know if I will pass out. Twenty million gold coins are enough for this kid to squander for a while, and he won’t always give him money. If you want money, it’s okay. You must have useful information to give here, otherwise. That is absolutely impossible. In many cases, this money is not so easy to give to you, and our money is not caused by strong winds? But the money given to this kid was really robbed by Li Cong.

The emperor's second child went out happily. Lao Yang kept sending this guy to the back door, and seeing the guards at the door shook his head and signaled that no one was around, the guy went out. Now at such a critical juncture, Li Cong should be more cautious when meeting him. it is good. If this is seen, the life of the two of them will not be so easy. Li Congjin’s schedule is one after another. After this meeting with the prince, the dozen editors of the newspaper have also arrived. Although the social status of literati in this society is very high, they all refer to those who went to school in the Imperial College or Imperial College. These editors are people who can only write and don’t know much about articles, poems and songs, so their social status is not very high, but what the newspaper says is not very esoteric, and they are all capable. Competent, this newspaper has been in operation for such a long time. It is the first time that Li Congcai meets these people who have to be enthralled. Naturally, I have to have a good chat with them. Otherwise, they will give it to themselves later. If you don’t do it, when you regret it, many editor-in-chief salaries on the planet are very high, and they are surprisingly high. There is no other reason. These editors can give their bosses To create wealth, such people absolutely must stay, just like the dozen or so editors in this house are the most promising among the hundred editors.

These people in the house also had a variety of ambitions when they were young. These people also thought about passing the imperial examination to make themselves shine, so they started to carry the savings of the whole family when they were less successful. I came to the imperial capital to find a famous teacher, but unfortunately, their ideals are too far from reality. This imperial capital is not something you can accept with your talents. In a small rural area, a hundred or ten gold coins is a lot. The imperial capital, if you want to live with this little money, it’s really impossible. Soon their ambitions will be wiped out by this cruel life. Some even become fortune tellers on the road, but it’s also for some things. Feng shui and other things can be considered a little bit of research, otherwise, could they all starve to death? When Li Cong's newspaper first started, they didn't think this was a good place. Who knew it would appear here? This kind of thing has developed so well, and every one of them has asked to go in as if they have been beaten up. It turns out that these literati don’t want to go in and work for fear of embarrassment, but a salary of 100 gold coins a month, if they are not tempted. I’m really a fool. The emperor’s army only earns three hundred gold coins a year. They do 1,200 a year. What are they saying there are all kinds of benefits? It’s a fool if you don’t go. Now a few months have passed, and there are hundreds of gold coins for bonuses alone. If I don’t participate in the imperial examination, my life is very good, and my pen name is a little bit famous in the upper class. It's the best thing for a literati. Who doesn't want to be more famous? Now people come to ask to be their apprentices. You must know that they were apprentices a few months ago.

Lao Yang has been talking with these people for a long time. Li couldn't call her over without finishing work. Although these editors are important, they still have a certain gap compared with the second prince over there. , So Li Cong had to finish the matter there first, but Lao Yang was an official when he was an official. He really didn’t have much common language with these literati, and Lao Yang didn’t think much about it from the bottom of his heart. Human. They are all savage scholars who were found on the street. These people are not orthodox scholars. Why should they be given so much money? In fact, when they are given one-tenth of the price, many people will rush to them. The newspaper office worked, but Lao Yang was still very polite on his face. These editors also knew that Lao Yang belonged to him, who was a person who could see through the sky in the emperor. The last time people from the Imperial Administrative Office came to check their documents, they actually came to ask for money. The people they see most on the street are these people. These people are very powerful. If they resist a little bit, they will be pulled out and beaten up immediately. In the end, they have no good end. It is a pity. They didn’t see anything like that this time. When Lao Yang went, he directly asked the guy to come out for their chief, and hurriedly rolled up their chief. At that time, they saw that the chief seemed to be an extraordinary one. The official. It's a fifth-grade master no matter what, it's heaven to them, but that person didn't dare to look up in front of Lao Yang.

A housekeeper in the palace is already so powerful, let alone the master of the family. They have all heard of the name of the regent. They used to feel that Li Cong would definitely be a majestic. Winners, but they don’t have that idea anymore. One by one, I saw that Li Cong was even younger than them. If these people had just arrived in the imperial capital, they might have believed in Li Cong’s words that everyone was a family and brothers. But now they all understand that this is just a kind words, a first prince of the dynasty. A group of people who just got food and clothing, are they a family? The emperor's daughter is in the same family with this person, and the other people should forget it, which is simply impossible.

Li Cong can also see that they are uncomfortable, and they don't go around too much. In fact, sometimes these people who play word games are more cunning than those politicians. Politicians are still deceived, but these people have been deceived very few. The newspapers are explaining some of the deceived things recently. It is better not to say these things that do not affect them. It is estimated that they are also very disgusted. .

"Hehe, you guys, there are several reasons why I found you all today. The first is that we haven’t met each other. If something happens to you on the street, I might not know you, but Now that we all know each other, it’s okay to ask Lao Yang to help you do anything in the future. The second is that I heard that you all live in places where the Imperial Capital does not have a number. This is not so good. This is where I am. Although a courtyard in the Imperial Capital is in the Southern District, it is still very good. It has already been remodeled. A large house has been transformed into several three-in-one small houses. You can move in at some time. , I have already fixed most of the things for you. Just find a time to go in. Good accommodation can also help you live better in the future. Another one is about your future benefits. I’m going to revise it.” Li Cong took a sip of tea after finishing talking. Li Cong saw the expressions on these people’s faces. Many people were very happy. They never thought they could be in the capital city. After living there, there is still a three-entry yard. The southern district is where the people live, but the two-entry yards are at least more than 100,000 gold coins. How can the three-entry yard cost more than 200,000 gold coins, which is a dozen. Personally, this house alone is already worth millions of gold coins, so the prince is really generous in his moves.

"Master, our treatment is already very good. We are now about the same as some small officials in the Sixth Department of the Empire, and there is no need to increase our salary." The editor-in-chief Wang Lunhai said, this guy is also a poor scholar. However, it can be said that it is very creditable in the layout of the newspaper. Recently, this guy has done all the marketing of the newspaper. Generally speaking, it is still very good.

"Yeah, yeah, our salary is already a lot, and we don't need to increase it." Other people also agreed. They are not greedy for money, but their days are changing too quickly. Now, they can't accept it.

"It's okay. The money you earn is too little compared to the money I earn. I am going to sign a ten-year long-term contract with each of you. In ten years, your salary this year will be 3,000 gold coins a year, next year An increase of 10%. Every year in the future, as long as you do nothing wrong, you will increase by one-tenth of your salary at the house you live in five years later can be transferred to your name. During this period Our newspaper has taken care of all the weddings and funerals of your children and your children. By the way, Editor-in-Chief Wang, I heard Lao Yang said that you are going to talk to a girl about marriage. This matter will be called Lao Yang to you in the afternoon. It's done." Li Cong said with a smile, but Editor-in-Chief Wang didn't show the joy he deserved, as if something happened.

"The prince, our childhood sweetheart, the editor-in-chief, has been married into someone else's house, and she will enter the door tomorrow." Wang Lunhai really can't tell, but the prince can stop this thing. Others couldn't stop it at all, he said to a nice guy in Wang Lunhai.

"That's it, Editor-in-Chief, do you still like her? Can you tell me something about you?" Li Cong will be fine anyway. Since he wants to buy people's hearts, he has to make a gesture. It’s not impossible to leave it to Lao Yang, but the whole thing seems to be that he is not very careful. It will not receive the predetermined effect. The expression on Wang Lunhai’s face has changed several times. When he came, these people As I said, this matter is a trivial matter for the prince, but it is a huge matter for them. This opportunity is in front of him. As long as he speaks it out by himself, the prince will definitely give himself a result. Yes, but if you don't say it, you might never want to see her in your life. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.) Guiqiu to share

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