Energy Group

Chapter 1976:

Linghu Pinqiu can be said to be a trump card of the Eastern Empire. The Linghu family where this old fellow belongs is even a first-class military family in the Eastern Empire. There are only twenty generals in their family who control more than two million troops. Many, the nephews and nephews in the family are basically working in the army. If it weren’t for something terrible, the Eastern Empire would not easily let such old generals out. The so-called soldiers against soldiers against generals, Li Cong admitted himself. He can be regarded as a good commander, but there is still a big gap compared with the great general in front of me. It is not that I am afraid of this old guy, but I am not aware of some things in this era. How familiar, it is better to let someone who is more able to match him to help him, this person is the current deputy commander of the guard army, the former general of the Western Empire, Tuoba Zhiqiu, is better to help. (wWW.VoDtw.coM)

Tuoba Zhiqiu has always helped Li Cong guard the frozen forest in the northern border area. If it weren’t for this old guy who had come out, Li Cong would not let him come. The things over there are also very important, but this doesn’t move. Even the lives of millions of people, I am really a little scared, I am afraid that because of one of my own mistakes, these guys will lose their lives in vain. Although the population on this planet is relatively large, it is still human life anyway. Ah, the education I received on the earth in the past is that human life is the most precious thing, and other things are negotiable, and millions of human lives are even more precious.

Bringing Tuoba Zhiqiu, Li Cong still has his own thing to do, and that is to take advantage of Linghu Pinqiu's tens of millions of troops before they arrive, and he has to be well with the three empires. The royal family discussed it. Lao Tzu shed you blood in the front, and you have to make some concessions to Lao Tzu at the back. Lao Tzu also has to work a little bit hard. You don’t want to have a face-off with the people of the Eastern Empire. Fear of a full-scale war, Li Cong has also analyzed this issue. It depends on what Raiden Gate is like in the heart of the Eastern Empire. If the Raiden Gate absolutely cannot be lost. At that level, this full-scale war will rise sooner or later. No matter how you avoid it, it is useless. But if it is something dispensable, it is estimated that they will not start a war. In addition, they will all The failure is so terrible, so they will also consider their own combat effectiveness. We are more useful at this time. If you don’t let us develop for a while, it’s not justified, isn’t it? I have to give you that chance.

The three major empires are also unspeakable at this time. The Thunder Gate is a huge scourge. They must be eliminated. This is something that many emperors have understood in their hearts, but this Cao family firm is still not very eye-catching. What will it look like? Will it be here? The lightning door was killed by the front foot, and they will come out later. This is definitely a question to think about, so now they must be careful. This strategy of driving away the tigers and the wolves must ensure that the Cao family firm cannot grow too much, otherwise this is a plan that does not pay for it. They are all smart people and will not let themselves fall into another danger. The three empires usually do. At that time, they had their own disputes, but now they are all together on this issue, and they all think that the Cao family firm must be well managed. Can't go wrong.

Takubara Haraha has also admired this old general for a long time. People like them on the battlefield generally want to fight against such people. Although he has some reputation, he compares with this old general. I still have a lot of difference, if I can tell what happened to this old general on the battlefield, then my reputation is really... so this guy immediately taught the matter to his deputy after receiving the news from Li Cong. . I came over here in the airship. I wish I had to live with this old general right away. I felt comfortable. Both of them were ninth-level fighters. When it comes to fighting alone, the old general might not belong to Tuoba Yuanye. Opponent, but this thing can't rely on this, isn't it? What we have to pursue at a deeper level is to fight these guys on the battlefield. This is what they want to do most.

"I said you are so excited. This is a war, not a child's play. Besides, have you arranged for me over there? Why did you come here so soon?" The guy Li Cong really didn't know what to say. He started the war to achieve some goals, but the guy in front of him seemed to start the war purely for the sake of war, especially to challenge his idol.

"Of course it’s arranged. Just put a hundred minds on the things over there. Don’t you know me, don’t you know what you should do for you, plus more than 300 teachers. The army is already in place, and the people in the Thunder Gate can't get out even if they run. I thought I would be able to fight the old guy when I came. I didn't expect to have to wait for him for half a year, this half a year. It's really boring." Tuoba Yuanye said helplessly. In his opinion, half a year was really slow. If he waited for something every day, the time would pass slowly. Li Cong also saw that. If you really ask him to wait for half a year, his energy will be burned out. I have to find something for him to do. This is a normal human thinking. I don’t feel so much now. I really wait until it’s time. Maybe that day, my heart would be panicked.

"Hehe, we are all transported by airships here. I said that it is a very good thing that they can reach our eyes in half a year. People have to assemble so many troops. All these aspects need to be prepared. The amount of food and grass is not small. The efficiency of our work here is relatively fast. You can't think that others are also very fast. In fact, I think you have a good time in the past six months. I have arranged some things for you. What do you think?" After Li Cong finished speaking, he took this guy to the sand table. Tuoba Yuanye also looked at Li Cong with a confused expression. Is there anything else he can't do besides waiting for half a year?

"Look, here is our position. In this half a year, I am going to mobilize 50 divisions from the Northern Empire. People are increasing the army, and we must have the necessary actions, otherwise no matter how powerful our army is. Qiang may be dragged down by the enemy. Even if the number of people is not dominant, it cannot be too small. What you have to do now is to kill all the Dongdi teams in these strongholds and drive them back. Now We are a big victory. They want to delay with us, but we can't do such a thing. No, we have to take advantage of our current victory to make some moves and expand the results." Li Cong pointed to several Eastern Empires on the sand table According to the point, it should indeed be like this. After the defeat of the Eastern Empire's army, their more than 10 million people on the front line are basically defeated in a very serious mood. They set up a few strongholds around here, ready to guard here. Waiting for the old guy Linghu Pinqiu to bring the army to fight back. Li Cong is not the one waiting, and Tuoba Yuanye is not such a person. Hearing what Li Cong said, he became interested. Then do it, take advantage of your weakness and kill you. This is absolutely true, and you have to do that if things are really real. Otherwise, it will still be behind when you suffer.

"Hehe, the two of us really wanted to go together. I also thought so, but there was no specific plan. You are a good messenger. What is this, why I haven't seen it before. . Having this thing is really convenient.” Tuoba Yuanye looked at the sand table and said, some things can be found on it, which is much better than the original map.

"Hehe, this thing is a progressive product. Don't underestimate this thing. It can make your army a few points more than the enemy. Anyway, I taught you the way. Now our army is here. There are also less than ten million. We are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, but in this spirit, they can’t compare with us. As long as you don’t fail, I think we have to give a lot of enemies in half a year. It's troublesome." Li Cong's words made Tuoba Yuanye very uncomfortable. If the guy in front of Linghu Pinqiu was in front of him, he might not be able to win. But what are these people in front of you? All of them are obscure rats. If Lao Tzu didn't win in front of them, Lao Tzu, the invincible general of the Western Empire, would be nothing, nothing shit, Li Cong just took the word to run against this guy, hoping to effective.

"Yes, this thing is really good, but don't underestimate me. I just tell you that. It doesn't take half a year to deal with these guys. I can tell them to **** off in three months. The place can also build two strongholds for you, but this stone is not very easy to handle, and may not be too strong, but it is okay to cause some trouble for the old guy Linghu Pinqiu." Tuoba Yuanye said. This matter can’t be said too full now. In case, if you don’t do well at the time, there will be room for reversal. If you really can’t do it, you can say it very straightforwardly. There is no place to put it.

"You don't need to worry about the stone matter. As long as you kill all the troops of the Eastern Empire, I will settle the matter.." The two people started discussing happily. The dispute was really good, but just When the two people discussed for almost an hour, a staff officer from outside ran in. You can see from the expression on his face. Things have changed. It's not as good as they predicted. Could it be that the three empires have appeared? What's the problem? Li Cong and Tuoba Yuanye took a look at each other, and they were most worried about this. Maybe the Eastern Empire bypassed them and negotiated with the three empires. In that case, they would...

"Things are not good. The situation on the front line has changed. The two generals and the Eastern Empire have already begun to pull out their camps. They are all ready to retreat. It seems that they are going to give up here..." The words made Li Cong and Tuoba Zhiqiu a little bit unable to turn around. What's the matter? Where did the matter go? Why did it start to retreat? Li Cong hadn't reacted yet, but Tuoba Yuanye seemed to understand.

"Linghu Pinqiu, an old thing, is really a **** of war. We estimated that he had thought of it a long time ago. Now it is of no use to them to keep these places on the front line of the Eastern Empire, but if they lose it again. For tens of millions of troops, it’s even worse. They must have got the news that I’m here. Frankly speaking, except for the old guy in their army, I really didn’t think of anyone else in their army. Yes, they can save their vitality in this way. This old guy didn’t expect that after so many years, his brain is still very useful and his eyes are very poisonous. I am really happy that such a person can become his opponent. . I must kill this guy.” Tuoba Yuanye sighed and said, Linghu Pinqiu's accomplishments in military divisions are really remarkable, just giving up like this means that this old guy is a warrior. Li Cong has become interested in this old guy, but he feels threatened more. With such a master of strategy as his opponent, Li Cong is not happy at all. He is different from Takuba Hara, that guy is a war madman. I wish I could fight every moment, but Li was never the same. It would be the best thing to accomplish his goals without fighting.

"Then it shouldn't be too late. Since they have escaped, we will pursue a chase, and we can gnaw off a piece of their flesh." Li Cong pointed to several strongholds and said, at this time, the advantage will be taken.

"No, our people have chased quite a few times in history, but every time they were chased they would fail. Mainly because of the terrain. They went up when they backed up. If we chase, we will change. It has become an offense. As long as they resist a little along the way, our victory may become nothingness. Besides, going southeast is their territory. We are not easy to chase." Ye said sadly, many people have verified this kind of thing many times in history, and there is no need to make mistakes in Mao's affairs.

"It's really uncomfortable for me to just let them go like that, shit, such a good opportunity is gone. These guys are running too fast." Li Cong just received a report from the scout. People like them didn’t take a lot of things away, so that they could run out quickly. Linghu Pinqiu’s ability, Li Cong knew, such a person is his opponent, and the future will be difficult. For half a year As for time, it is impossible for Li to leave this time to others. Li Cong saw a few points on the map, and soon he knew what to do. These guys went well, but if you want to come in the future, it won’t be that simple. Li Cong wants to build a fortress combat mechanism. , In this era, there is no explosive bag or anything. As long as their gun towers are made stronger, they won't be able to attack it so easily.

"I have an idea. This area is full of plains. I want to form a blockade area, which is to use watchtowers 20 meters high and about 10 meters in diameter for defense. Each watchtower should have about ten soldiers. They All of them have to use serial crossbows. The entire watchtower must be equipped with a large number of crossbow arrows except for what they eat. If they are surrounded, we can also use airships to supplement them. These watchtowers can definitely be used by the Eastern Empire. People have suffered heavy losses. I think these things are okay." Li Cong pointed to a line about 30 kilometers long and said. Li Cong remembered the blockade line very clearly. If there were thermal weapons, such blockades Lines are naturally nothing, but in this society nowadays, they are looking for such things. They want to break through such a blockade with cold weapons, but it is a bit impossible.

"Well, this can be considered. The Eastern Empire army will definitely be here in half a year. We only have half a year to know if we can finish it? The robustness is also worth discussing." After thinking about it, he didn't know as much about these things as Li Cong. If he knew that there was still cement in this world, he would be very satisfied, but he didn't know it now.

Li Cong also clearly remembered that when he was on the planet RTY, he demonstrated how much shock the cement thing brought to those guys. Now that the time has come, he has to take this thing out. Li Cong followed Tuoba Yuanye discussed it for a while. At least more than one hundred thousand watchtowers must be built in this place to achieve the effect. After seeing this, the army of the Eastern Empire will definitely charge with cavalry and infantry in concert. It’s Li Cong’s favorite thing. They estimated that they would have to pay tens of millions of people in this place to get past here. This figure is what Tuoba Yuanye said, but Li Cong can feel that these watchtowers will let They paid more, maybe that general Linghu Pinqiu might be ruined here for the first time. These things are absolutely possible, and the world is full of wonders.

After setting up all this, Li Cong began to contact Li Yin from the RTY planet. This kid has now transformed the RTY planet into a very large agricultural planet, which can produce tens of billions of tons of food every year. Now, the annual output rate is still increasing, and they are working hard to do some industrial things, but the industry is strictly controlled in the hands of the people on the earth, otherwise it is highly intelligent automated operations. Nearly 200 million people have come from the earth now, anyway, the land area on this planet is very large, and more people will be no problem.

"Father, the current RTY planet is absolutely completely different from before. No matter what your requirements are, I guess it can be done." Li Yin said to Li Cong confidently.

"Very good, very good, now I need some cement. A very large amount of cement." Li Cong thought for a while and said that a watchtower at a height of 20 meters requires at least 50 tons of cement to complete. In the first phase, more than 100,000 will be built, which is 5 million tons. In addition to some traffic defenses here, cement less than 10 million tons will definitely not work. Li Cong knows about RTY planet. There are a large number of cement plants on the Internet, but the production is very primitive. The number required now may be a bit large. "I will need 5 million tons for the first batch. I will need this number in two months. I don’t know. Is it?" Li Cong’s words directly made Li Yin, who was full of confidence just now, wishing to slap himself hard, this number is really nothing on earth, but this is not the earth, it’s the planet RTY. So much cement.

"Uh.. This number is a bit big. There is so much cement produced here a year, mainly because the production here is not modernized yet. But it doesn't matter, I will send it from the other side of the earth, father What kind of things are you going to build over there? Why do you need so much cement?" Li Yin still knows a lot about architecture. This cement can only be said to be one of the many building materials, so much cement is needed. The number is up. This leftover stuff will definitely need more, and Li Yin really wants to go over and see what's going on. It is estimated that there are such factors of instability in the minds of their Li family.

"Hehe, what I need to build is a cordon for trimming the artillery building, how about it? Do you have any good suggestions for you, Lao Tzu?" Li Cong said with a smile. It is always good to listen to one more person's opinion. It took Li Cong more than ten minutes to tell Li Yin about his own situation. This kid also thought about it for a while. To be honest, when he was on the earth, this kid was very capable. He did things. Yes, especially in terms of fighting, but there are too many ways than the boss Li Er. Li Cong also wants to listen to his son's opinions, and by the way, see if his son has made any progress during this period of time. It is also very important.

"Father, I think based on the conditions you mentioned, I think it would be good if there were some barbed wire or something in the forefront of the bunker. I don't think this minefield is necessary anymore. It is impossible for so many to be buried for the time being. Lei’s people, but father, if you have enough manpower, the barbed wire fence is really good, and the connection between each bunker must be improper outside. It is still possible to use a rope or something to transmit something. Yes, it won’t work if you send people. It’s better to build some secret passages from the ground. If you can’t keep one of them, you can retreat from the ground. You won’t let your own people die there. This is a very correct way to supply the island." Li Yin said. His words really caught Li Cong’s attention. Li Cong also thought about air supply methods, but if there are so many masters in the Dongdi team, , Your own airship may be shot down by them. Naturally, you don’t want to see such a thing, but if you don’t supply it, you can’t watch those guys die like that. This tunnel is the best. It is a plain area. I believe that the tunnels are easier to make. It is a good idea. It seems that the test set for his son, he answered much better than he estimated.

"Boy, after so many years, I can see from your idea that you haven't abandoned yourself in these years. What you did on the planet RTY is still very good, but the production of the serial crossbow will be accelerated. , I don’t want the production process of the serial crossbow to come to this planet. The people here can still imitate, but they can’t get some of the most critical parts, just like we were on the planet RTY back then.” Li Cong said that all the serial crossbows are currently manufactured on the planet RTY, and now they are all of the original species. I don’t know if there have been a lot of improvements on the planet RTY, but Li Cong thinks that those things are all One's own back. But you can't take it out casually, you have to wait until a later time, if the serial crossbow is released in the future, there will be an improved version of it, which has the same advantages.

"Father, haven't you heard that there is a kind of father for any kind of son, father. I would also like to go to your side, and I want to be a magician. That's so handsome... "The words in Li Yin's mouth came out immediately, but before he finished speaking, Li Cong closed that side. What a joke, the danger here is really too great, even with his current ability. If you can't keep it up, if your son comes again, don't do anything by yourself. Just look at this kid directly. You can't do something like that. I still have a lot of things.

Just broke? Li Yin looked at the teleportation array a little helplessly. This Lao Tzu was too irresponsible. He had returned to the earth for a few years. For some reason, the earth has long been a human being. The solar system Several big planets in China have been transformed, but the father is not clear about these things. The old people in the family have the pills that Li Cong sent back. All of them have gained a long life. Now they are all on their own. Fortunately, they are still the biggest here. They can decide everything by themselves. The elder brother who is a prince at home is not so lucky. , Who made the royal family more and more people.

"Contact the earth. Let them deliver 20 million tons of cement as soon as possible, and give us a few more equipment to make cement. We have a lot of resources here." Li Yin said weakly, this frustration It's really too big. I have liked those magicians since I was a child. Listening to my father telling myself some things over there, my eyes are hot. It is a pity that my own Laozi seems to be unable to see anything.

Li Cong also feels relaxed after talking to his son. This kid has not made much progress over the past few years. As an old man, the success he has achieved can no longer make himself so happy, but he If his son had achieved a lot of success, it would be totally different. I am really happy about this. I don’t know how to say it. I didn’t expect this idea. I must put this into practice. The upper bunker, the underground tunnel, this is really an all-round battle, and there is no city wall or anything, it is all relying on iron wire, the impact of the cavalry is not even a place for the mouth, it is really good, this idea If it could be achieved, it is estimated that the people of the Eastern Empire would shed more blood here, and they would never have thought that they would use such a method to deal with them.

Just when Li Cong was about to go down and arrange things, Li Cong suddenly felt that the little thing in his body was moving again. This time it was completely different from before. Although it was still a round administration, this The little thing already has its own eyes. In the past, he relied on his own feelings to do things. Now that he has eyes, it immediately seems to be different from before. Li Cong also feels that this little thing is even better. It's like a life. If according to the book, this little thing is now Level 2 and it can be promoted in such a short period of time. It also has something to do with Li Congwei's silver. From last time to now It’s 30 million taels of silver every time. Every time he eats the one that feels comfortable, Li Cong does not see any increase in his strength. He can only tell himself slowly that this thing is a long-term investment. The money that went in will definitely not be thrown in for nothing, and it will definitely come back in the future. Now seeing this little guy slowly revealing his facial features, Li Cong really feels that it is a good investment, although This life was not created by myself, and I am not a creation **** or something, but after all, this little life became like this because of me. This sense of accomplishment is something that no one else can experience.

"Dad.." The little guy's words directly made Li Cong dumbfounded, how could there be such a thing, and even call himself a father when he came out? Li Cong immediately opened the book to see if there were any similar records. After reading it for a while, he knew that plant life is like this. It doesn’t matter who they see at first sight, it doesn’t matter if they cultivated it, anyway. The first thing they saw was their parents. Many unscrupulous profiteers did this kind of thing before and took this thing away. When they are about to grow eyes, they sell it to others to make huge profits. Some wealthy people like it very much.

"Haha, I really didn't expect that I would have a son like you, but it doesn't matter, you will be the junior in my family in the future." Li Cong said loudly, but after speaking, he felt uncomfortable again, **** it. What kind of junior, how could it be so ugly. But he is ranked third, forget it, just call it that way, there is no such thing as a small third here, and he should do it again when he returns to Earth.

"Three...three..." The little guy also seemed to know what Li Cong was talking about. He kept jumping around in the room and repeating the word. It seemed that he was very satisfied with this matter. Li Congye Happy. I thought so much about what I did, but I didn't see that the little guy was very satisfied with this term. I didn't feel unhappy because I called him Xiaosan. Maybe they still like this name.

After two people played happily for a while, Li Cong thought that this little guy hadn't started to eat money, so he quickly took out some of the silver from his space ring. This little guy is more kissed than seeing Li Cong now. It rushed into the silver all at once. Now the ability has grown, and the food is fast. I can eat 5000 taels of silver every second. If Li Cong is a rich guy, this silver is really not enough to eat. This is 300,000 silver in minutes. One hour is 18 million taels of silver. It seems that 30 million taels a day is not enough. I have to continue to dispatch.

After the upgrade, the little guy has indeed increased his appetite a lot. Li waited until this guy didn’t eat. He counted a little bit. This guy has bought 80 million taels of silver in a ton, which is about to catch up with the previous three cups. And this kid also told himself. From now on, I can’t eat one meal a day. I have to eat two meals. Otherwise, there will be problems in growth. Li Cong’s bitterness in his heart, more than 100 million silver a day, how can he eat so much? It's better not to eat small things like silver, for example, some soil or something, but Li Cong quickly dismissed this idea. Is silver and soil the same thing? That’s definitely not the same thing. The fighting power of those who eat money is definitely different from that of eating dirt. So it’s better to eat money. Isn’t it two meals a day, 160 million taels of silver? This amount is still not the same. questionable.

However, Li Cong also saw another thing while reading the book, that is, the book in his hand is for a beginner, and the plant life in his hand is a very high-end thing. Silver is still okay, but at the next level, you have to eat some good things. You must get a relatively high-end growth manual. Only then can you cultivate your plant life into the best things. If I am negligent now, I will regret it later, and I don't want to regret it that much.

I didn’t even know what was going on with such books before, and there was no such thing in the trading house under his hand. Li Cong could only take this matter to his heart and look for it slowly. The things here are taught to Tuoba Yuanye. This guy already knows exactly what he is going to do, and how to use cement. After staying here for a week, Li is ready to go out to find this feeding. The books are gone. This thing cannot be delayed now. If it is really because of his own problem that the little guy will be disabled in the future, then he can... But Li Cong's luck is also really good. He just left in the airship. Here, Li Cong immediately got the news that there was a martial arts family in the Northern Empire, and their family had such a pamphlet, which was said to be very high-end.

I am afraid that there is no such thing all over the world. That is the worst thing. As long as someone has it, then Li Cong will not be afraid. If you have this thing, you are still in this world. This is The two important ones, I can meet any of your conditions to negotiate terms with you. It doesn’t matter if the conditions are too much. What kind of business is negotiated, and it is definitely not a one-off price. This kind of feeding Books are of no use to ordinary people, that is, they are useful to people like Li Cong, but if the other party knows your identity, they will definitely open their mouths, because they know clearly no matter what price they charge. , You will all agree, because you can't take the risk.

This martial arts family is the Ouyang family. These big martial arts families were still very good thousands of years ago, but now it can only be said that they are beginning to fall down one by they have long been The glory of the year is gone, why? Just because they are proud and arrogant, don’t look at the royal family. The royal family holds power. If you have a ninth-level peak magician or a tenth-level warrior in your family, we can still let you take a step. If you don’t have it, you can only be sorry. Your life must have been difficult these years. It’s normal for the royal family to suppress them. These guys will teach a large number of students. These students are not ordinary people. They only see Their master, as far as government and other things look like **** in their eyes, how can the royal family be worthy of themselves if they don't suppress them.

There are now less than ten of the thirty martial arts families in history that can survive. These ten families are either with deep foundations or good relations with the royal family. This Ouyang family is considered to be among the remaining few. Ranked second, the Linghu family of the Eastern Empire is naturally the number one. It turns out that the Tuoba family of the Western Empire is also number one, but now it’s nothing. They have been destroyed. By the way, the Patriarch of the Ouyang Family is a tenth-level fighter. In addition, the Ouyang Family’s official power in the Northern Empire also has its own power. Some of the Ouyang Family’s ladies have also been married to high-ranking officials or royal families. The relationship is still very close, which is one reason why they have not been suppressed, and of course it is only temporary. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...)

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