Energy Group

Chapter 1977:

nbsp;Generally speaking, the base camp of the martial arts family is not in the capital. This seems to be a common practice. Maybe they also feel that the capital is too close to the imperial family. If they are there, they feel very uncomfortable. , So these guys put their homes in a place not very close to the capital. This place is not very far from Xinjiang Ningcheng, which is more than three thousand miles. Li Cong went back before going there. Once at home, the things on my body were not very good enough. Such a family would either not open their mouths. If they did, they would be a big one, and Li Cong also felt that he might be unfair to them, so he let Gu Xin follow him. The stewards in this family are now taking care of their own affairs. It just so happens that Gu Xin is on vacation. If such a person doesn't hold a strong man, I'm really sorry for him. M♠

Gu Xin just married his cousin. This kid is considered good-fortuned. His wife is dead. His aunt loves this guy's two children. She is afraid that if she finds another stepmother, it will be bad for the children, so she The master gave his little daughter to marry this kid as filling the house. This kid is almost forty, but the little girl is only 18 years old. This kid is really beautiful. It is said that what happened to him when he was newly married I can’t just take them out to work at this time, but I can’t do anything about it. Basically, the other people are not at home. If I look for them temporarily, I don’t believe them, I can only go to ancient times. Xin's family apologized to Gu Xin's elders. Even though Gu Xin had a good life in the past, it was pretty good. But compared to now, it’s really incomparable. Everyone in the family knows that this kid is so good because of the Cao family. So the family is really flattered about Li Cong’s arrival. I heard that Li Cong I have to do something very important with my old heart, and I can’t wait to hurry out. I have something in my family, but nothing at all. Our whole family depends on the Cao’s family. If this isn't done well for the Cao family, this person will really be unable to get through it. This is definitely worthwhile.

"Hehe. Lord, this thing is really not authentic. After I finish the work, you can go back and rest for a few days, go out with your siblings and you two, the Chamber of Commerce will give you an airship, you want to get it yourself You can go anywhere." Li Cong saw Gu Xin staring at the scenery outside in a daze. Thought this guy was homesick. Said with a smile. If I want to come to myself, I really have become a villain. The young couple hasn't warmed up yet, so I brought them here. Don’t look at the time when the bride was very happy, but it’s hard to say what she thinks in her heart. The eighteen-year-old girl is just getting tired of it, sigh...

"What did the young master say? Gu Xin knew from the day he worked for the young master that the young master’s affairs are the biggest thing. If I used to do things for the young master immediately, it’s just that this time I feel that things are not so good. The main thing is that the Ouyang family is a martial arts family. We have never had any dealings with such a family. Although the Tuoba family was like this in the past, the Tuoba family was more of a secular family. The aristocratic family is almost there, and they will all look at the problem with profit. These martial arts family is different. Their face is very serious. They hate to have any relationship with a commercial family like ours. We will be ashamed of them when we come and go. I'm afraid that this time I will follow the young master to do the wrong thing to the young master, which is not good." Gu Xin said with some worry, the thing is really like this, just look at Li Cong's appearance. Knowing that what he was going to do this time was definitely not small, he was not as optimistic as Li Cong, these martial arts families were definitely not small, and they were not so easy to get along with.

"I have also thought about this problem. It is indeed not easy to handle, but the ancient book I need is currently only owned by their family. I don't know if other people have it in their family. If I could wait, I wouldn’t provoke such a guy, but now it’s time to burn my eyebrows. If I don’t get this thing, I’ll regret it later. In that case, he wants me to be in the Cao family firm. I might give this guy a third of the Northern Empire's industry." Li Cong's words shocked Gu Xin. One-third of the Northern Empire's industry? What a huge industry this is. You must know that the Cao’s commercial firm now is completely different from before. If this one-third of the industry is converted into silver, it would be worth hundreds of billions of dollars, even It is possible that there will be more, can this amount be given? Master, what did he see in his family? At first he thought that Li Cong was interested in the daughter of Ouyang family. That was the first beauty in martial arts, and she was as famous as Li Cong’s princess wife. The two beautiful women, but now this guy hasn’t said that at all. He said it was a book. What kind of book can be so valuable? By the way, is it a book for alchemy? That thing is indeed worth the price.

"Young master, my subordinates take the liberty to ask if they are books on alchemy. I don't think we can get the books in that area. Ouyang Family really has a fourth-grade pharmacist. What he has It’s really hard to get it out. Some time ago, although the young master offered a high price when he made alchemy in the Western Empire, the young master attracted these old customers to them. On the one hand, they admired the young master's alchemy skills very much. , But there were also complaints in their hearts. Many people begged them to make alchemy. Either they didn’t have the ability to do it, or they just didn’t have the conditions. To be honest, if it wasn’t for the young master who did it, now they too It won’t be so leisurely. There were tens of thousands of people waiting at their door some day before, but now? It’s less than half." Gu Xin thought about it and said, this pharmacist The hatred between them is even greater. There are only a few pharmacists in the world. Now that you kid has done my job, I have no way to survive. Even though the pharmacists have a lot of work, I don’t think I can do it without them. comfortable.

"What? They still have books on alchemy at home?" Li Cong said with some surprise. Damn, I really didn't see that this Ouyang family really had something. This time I won't be small.

"Hehe, master, you may know less about these martial arts family. This Ouyang family has existed for nearly 60,000 years. The masters in the family do not know how many masters have appeared. Even the alchemist has one in his own family. It is said that none of the many martial arts families in the world has a pharmacist, but others do. This kind of thing is unique in the world. They have books on alchemy and there is nothing doubtful. Their family Some of the collections of books are not much better than the royal family." Gu Xin spoke with some admiration, and she can only honestly look up to such a big family.

"The thing I want is not a book on refining medicine, it is far worse than that. But for me it is more precious than that thing..." Li Cong spent ten minutes talking about this plant The book of life told this guy. He is an ordinary person, although because of drugs, he is now a seventh-level fighter. However, these things are still not very clear, and it feels like listening to the heavenly scriptures.

"If the young master said so, I think we should not show up on this matter. If he knows the true identity of the young master, this matter will be difficult to handle. Just like the young master said, as long as someone knows what you need If people don't increase the price of this book, they will really be sorry. They will definitely do it, and then we will suffer a lot." Gu Xin said anxiously, what the young master needs is really strange.

"Yes, this thing is a **** strange thing to live in. For this Ouyang family, what useful news does our investigation department have?" Li Cong thought of his intelligence agency, they should have ideas.

Gu Xin thought that when he came up, the investigation department had already sorted out the information of the Ouyang family. The Ouyang family ranked third among the dozens of existing martial arts families. It can be said that it is a very powerful family, even the imperial court. Some of the big families on the Internet also looked at them differently, and basically did everything they wanted to do. The entire Ouyang family had a tenth-level fighter, with more than fifteen fighters at the ninth level, and people below the eighth level. But there are too many to go. They are still members of the Ouyang family, not including those outside who are attached to their names, and the twenty apprentices under the current master Ouyang are really amazing. All the twenty people are level 9 fighters, because they have never shown their strength in front of outsiders, so it is not clear whether they are recognized by the source of power.

Every year, the Ouyang family recruits more than 300,000 talented young people. After a series of training, they will always have some skills after they come out. Of course, most of them are only limited to the fourth-level fighters, but there are also some problems. Few have become fighters of level 6 or higher. Such people can be cultivated for the Ouyang family. These guys will also have the opportunity to marry with the Ouyang family, so that they can rest assured. The development model is somewhat similar to that of Raiden Gate, that is, what they do is just and righteous, and it's not against zhèngfǔ. What Raiden Gate does is hard to say.

Even in the surrounding provinces, there are people from the Ouyang family or gathering strongholds. They call it Wuguan, but Li Cong thinks that is their stronghold. Some wealthy children also want to enter the Ouyang family. After cultivating for a while, people like them have no so-called potential, so they can only put in a lot of silver, and when they come out, they can also get a name. It may not be very useful. The job is to go out for exercise for their children. At the beginning, not many people were willing to do this, but there are still many people who want to send their children in, and the number is quite large.

The overall strength of the Ouyang Family is very good in the whole arena, but for Li Cong, this kind of ability is far worse than his own. He is also a ninth-level fighter inferior to them, but his other strengths are lower. Much stronger than them. Your high-level force can be supplemented by monsters, but you can’t. After knowing these news, Li Cong is even more sure about what he wants from this family. That’s the secret book. No matter what price I have to pay, I have to get it. As for Gu Xin's problem of finding someone to come forward, Li Cong also thought about it. It’s just that now I’m on someone’s site to do this kind of hands and feet myself. If it’s not seen by others, it would be good to do it by myself, but if it’s seen by others, it’s not so good. Cause some unnecessary misunderstandings, and things that could have been done can’t be done. These are all possible. Li Cong is a bit hesitant to think of here, but if he comes directly to the door, who knows what they are thinking. . If the real lion speaks loudly...

On the way, Li Cong himself did not think of what to do. Because the distance is not very far, I reached the place very quickly. Gu Xin also gave some reports to Li Cong, telling Li Cong that they also have a lot of influence in this county, but compared with the Ouyang Family Not much to see. Among the surrounding provinces. This Ouyang family belonged to a soil emperor. I can only be regarded as a wealthy family. The place where my business is connected with the Ouyang Family is that they just bought a few of their own villas, and the young children in their family often go to the Grand Hyatt Hotel to spend. Apart from that, there is no other contact, and it can be said that there is no contact. Li Cong also took a look at some of Ouyang’s business. In fact, his own shipping can allow their family members to be the nursing home. In addition to accepting apprentices, the martial arts family like them has the biggest source of income from exporting mercenaries. Under the banner of the Ouyang family, no matter what you do outside, you must have half of the income taught Ouyang’s family, otherwise, you will encounter a joint fight. This is also a rule that most people in the rivers and lakes know. Li nodded after thinking about it, and he could not be too abrupt and just come to the door. It is better to have a reason.

The top officials in the county town knew that Li had come to greet him, but they were greeted by Gu Xin himself. Li never wanted to be like a giant panda. The members of the Ouyang family were not fools. Yes, in the past, no one came to ask about this thing, and the time it was put in their home was not short. Why did someone come to ask about this before Li, it was too easy to doubt.

Although Gu Xin is a big steward of the Cao family firm, it has a very high position within the firm, but it is of no use to these martial arts families. They will look at your own strength and spread among them. The boss is the one who has the hard fist. If you don't have the qualifications, no matter how powerful the family is behind you, it doesn't matter to you. It has nothing to do with you, and you will be killed as if you were alone.

Li came down from outside the city. In addition to not wanting to expose himself, the other thing was that the little guy felt hungry. Li found a place where there were few people and took out the money for the little guy to eat hard. This little guy hasn’t grown up much compared to that day. Li Cong guessed that it might be because silver is no longer attractive to this little guy. What he needs is something else, but he now I don’t know anything about this other thing, I can only get the cheat book from Ouyang’s house as soon as possible, so this matter is at the last juncture, Li has never had the time to wait for this or that. After setting up this little guy, Li Cong became a Jiangyang thief immediately. He was going to visit Ouyang's house first. If he could hurt the sheep, he wouldn't care about doing that. Anyway, such a thing is strictly impossible. It's a treasure, if you have plant life, then it is a treasure, but if you don't have it, it's almost like a waste, and you can compensate you slowly in the future.

The Ouyang family here is similar to the Cao family’s skills in Xinjiang Ningcheng. As long as you ask someone to inquire about it, they won’t doubt it, because these guys on the street look very strong. All of them are going to be apprentices in Ouyang's house. Some seventh-level fighters come back. For nothing else, it’s for the old man Ouyang. It’s not easy to turn his apprentices into ninth-level fighters. This kind of ability is comparable to my own. Are the ninth-level fighters much better? Many people have never made a breakthrough in their lives, but basically they have not failed. This Li Cong also wants to know very much, but now there is no news spread in the world. Li Cong knew it. This must be Ouyang's family is based on the fundamentals. It is not that simple to want to know. It is other people's business whether they are willing or not.

On this street, Li Cong just walked away and saw an Ouyang martial arts museum a short while ago. There are no less than ten such places in the whole city. The Ouyang family does not do business, but they have a lot of land. These were bought by the Ouyang family a few years ago. At that time, the land price could not be said to be free but it was almost the same. The land has been rented out. As the population increases, the city is expanding more and more. Now one-third of the commercial land in the county is owned by Ouyang, so they can sell anything they want. It can be sold in these shops, and a large amount of rent can be collected every month. This is the basis on which the Ouyang family can stand. The power of the Ouyang family in these provinces can be said to have been formed for a long time. When many people mention the Ouyang family, they are in awe. It is from the heart and can be seen.

The place where Li Cong was going was naturally not such a martial arts gym. This is just a very low-level martial arts hall in Ouyang's family. There is no useful news at all. Ouyang's family will not put some of the core secrets of their own home here. If you find information in this place, it is estimated that there will be no news next year, so Li Cong is going to go directly to the Ouyang's mansion. . This place that has been built for tens of thousands of years must have something that I don't know, luxury? Not great, floor space? It’s not very big, but from the outside, you can feel a kind of coercion. It’s not because of the master’s presence. It’s the kind of momentum that has been formed for tens of thousands of years. Such things are the most difficult to form. Li Cong When I saw this, I thought of my own home. I really don't want to have those things in my home.

The gate is the largest gate size stipulated by the imperial court. From this point, it can be seen that the relationship between the Ouyang family and the imperial court is still good. Some sizes used by the prince can also be used by the Ouyang family. The Ouyang family is not far away because of the sky. Li Cong had seen some history here and knew that a martial arts family in the Southern Empire did not follow the requirements of the imperial court. They were also very powerful. Naturally, when the imperial court began, it would not be because of this reason. Go and fight against a behemoth, because it is really not worth it, but then it was different. After the court has its own skills, you have to take it out as a target immediately, and the 100,000 army will directly target you. The family is leveled, so what to do in the future, see who dares to refuse, Ouyang family obviously does not want to be that target.

There are only five or six guards at the gate, which is different from other big households. In fact, even a wealthy merchant in the city will definitely not have only these few people at the gate. They will definitely have more people here. But there were only a few people at the door, and Li looked at them. These were ordinary people. The Ouyang family believed in their own abilities too much. They thought that the Ouyang family relied on their prestigious name, and absolutely no one dared to be in their favor. If there is a disturbance at the door of the house, besides, it is just such a short distance. If there is a disturbance, the master in the house will rush out, and there will be no delay in any matter.

When Li Cong was about to go in, something interesting happened at the door. Several guys who looked like doctors came out from inside, and they heard the doorkeepers say, "What the **** are these genius doctors? They all say that they have this or that kind of ability, how come it is useless today, damn, the vainly murdered Lao Tzu gave the young master a scolding, one by one is useless, so hurry up and get rid of me, still thinking What kind of carriage fees do I need, I don’t give up your quack doctors today, even if it’s giving you face.” The doctors at the door had a big change in their faces when they heard this. If others say this, they will definitely pass by. I've made an excuse or two, but now it's Ouyang people who are talking to me. What qualifications do I have to challenge others? I am absolutely disqualified, and I dare not challenge others. I am afraid...

Li Cong was about to go in. This also took his feet back. It seems that something has happened in this mansion. Naturally, Li Cong can't directly ask the doctors for news, but the doctor's follower is fine, Li From following a doctor to the distance, the doctor was trembling with anger, but there was no way it was not. People are so powerful, we are not their opponents.

"Oh, now this is really the wind of the world. The old man thought that the Ouyang family was considered a family member. They should have their own set of rules for treating doctors. I didn't expect that as long as the people who couldn't be cured were still driven out like this, This was not the case when we were invited. It sounds so nice, even if it doesn’t work, we won’t be blamed, alas..." The doctor sat down at a tea stand and said angrily, his body still trembled Trembling, the attendant next to him can only be relieved, and he can't say anything. This Ouyang family is not something they can contend with. If this is not good, it will be his own. What is the place of the house?

"I said. What's the matter with you? How did I see you being kicked out of Ouyang's house just now?" Li Cong hurried over while asking for something from the fellow.

"Are you?" The attendants were not ordinary people either. It was obvious that Li Cong was not an ordinary person either. This question involved patients. So it's not easy to say. In addition, this patient is still from Ouyang's family. Then...

"That's it. I'm asking Ouyang's family for errands. I'm from afar. I'm at the door and I'm about to go in. Who knows if I saw you come out, did this happen? I'm also anxious. This matter is related to the life and death of my family, but I can’t get in easily. This is a little bit of heart, and the little brother will reveal something.” Li Cong smiled and took out a coin of twenty taels of silver, the little guy was dumbfounded. , I don’t have that much money for a year. This person is really connected with Ouyang’s family. If there is no contact, how could he directly give out so much money? It’s nothing to say.

"Oh, we are not locals either. That is my uncle. My uncle is also considered a famous doctor in our county. Some difficult and complicated diseases can be treated well, so we have some reputation around. Yes, this lady from Ouyang’s family has a strange disease that doesn’t know what to do. She can’t eat or drink anything. In fact, it’s fine, but she’s a little weak, just take some tonics. Who Knowing that he just can’t eat it, he would vomit out after he was given it. We really can’t help it. We have prescribed a prescription for you, but you don’t have the ability to let her drink it. Could it be our doctor? It’s wrong, but Ouyang’s family didn’t care about it, so they drove us out. We had to spend a hundred taels of silver on the way back to the Cao’s firm. It’s really a loss." This guy Depressed, he said that he knew the skill of his master. As long as the medicine was put down, the lady would be able to get better. Li immediately became happy when he heard this. This thing is very easy.

"Can you guarantee that there is no problem with your master's medicine?" Li Cong asked, and finally annoyed the young man. Isn't this questioning his uncle's ability? How much is a famous doctor? This is a trivial matter.

"What are you talking about, do you think that my uncle's reputation came from casually? That's been earned for decades. In our place, whoever mentions my uncle must not put his thumb up? "The little guy stood up and said, and everyone around him looked over. Fortunately, the old doctor was tired now and fell asleep on the table. Otherwise, let him see that Li Cong couldn’t do it. You have to know. But no doctor is willing to sell his prescription. This is a big deal for doctors. One is afraid of someone stealing the teacher, and the other is that something will affect him.

"Hehe, this is natural. You can see from the face. I want your uncle's prescription. You also said that there are some tonics on it. It is useless if I steal it. Besides, I also eat those things. The undead basically has no effect on your uncle. This is fifty taels of silver. If you want to, this is yours. There are many things you can do with this money. Look at your age. Those who haven’t married yet, all of which require money, with a small amount of effort, but you can set aside your rest for the rest of your life. Think about it yourself.” Li Cong took out the money and said, you don’t need to deal with such a small attendant. If you say anything more, this kid will definitely accept it. Looking at his expression, you will know that Li Cong's words have really reached his heart. It seems that this transaction will be concluded in the near future.

This guy took a look at Li Cong. From the face of the guy, he didn’t look like a bad person. Of course, this was mainly because of the fifty taels of silver. Although his uncle took good care of him, he did There are also many children in the family. Although I am his nephew, my uncle’s sons have several. My parents are no longer there. I casually say that I am pretty good, and I will leave everything to myself in the future. But the aunts don't think so much anymore, every time they think of the way they look at them. I feel uncomfortable. Now is an opportunity. I now have seventy taels of silver. Although it is not a lot, it took a long time to get it without eating or drinking. If I had this silver You can build your own house in the country, and you will be able to see a doctor more or less. The old folks in the city don't dare to see it, but these people in the countryside still have no problem, thinking that they will be better in the future. life. This guy was completely dreaming of it in a fantasy.

"I said. Brother, how exactly do you have to give me a sentence? In this way, I am giving you twenty taels of silver. If you are not happy, then forget it. I think several other doctors should also have prescriptions. Yes." Li Cong saw that this guy himself was there and knew he must have agreed. I don't want to let this little guy come out of his fantasy, but now I don't have so much time to talk nonsense with this guy here, Li Cong said quickly. This guy immediately became anxious when he heard Li Cong’s words. Indeed, this lady’s illness is not a disease at all. As long as he can drink these medicines, there will be no problem in one or two days, but if it is If you can't get in, you'll be damned in these two days, and these doctors can see it, so your prescription is really not a noble thing.

"What is this gentleman saying, how can their prescription be the same as my uncle's, my uncle..." This guy wants to continue bragging for a while, Li never has so much time. Just threw down the twenty taels of silver and took the prescription in this guy’s hand and left, leaving this kid holding the silver on his own, silly, you kid helped me a lot, I was worried that I didn’t have a chance to go in. Well, now I have it. This lady's status in Ouyang's family should be considered not low. If I can fix this girl's illness, this matter is basically not difficult. My luck is really extraordinary. Well, Li Cong also saw such an incurable disease when he was on the earth, and even the best doctors were helpless, but a rural doctor solved the problem. It is difficult and difficult to say. Simple and simple, Li Cong still remembers the words of the countryman, is it fatal or face-to-face? If it is to face, it is estimated that this life will be lost, but if it is to death, this face is also not. Yes, you can only choose one of the two. Generally speaking, people will choose to kill first. After all, only with fate can the problem of face be said. If you really choose to save face, it is estimated that it is not biological It’s not your own flesh, so I don’t feel bad.

Everywhere in this city are the flyers of Ouyang’s family looking for a famous doctor. As long as you get one casually, you can go in. Li Cong casually got one on the wall next to it and went to the door of Ouyang’s house. .

It didn’t happen that it took a long time for another group to be rushed out. It seems that the Ouyang family got a lot of doctors, and these doctors may be able to pass the medical skills. It’s just that way. That's what you can think of. If you change someone else, you won't be able to do such a thing. Even if you think of it, what can you say in front of a big house like Ouyang's? It's strange if you don't peel your skin cramps.

"Fuck you all, one by one is not so good at all, what can you do to show it, you don't have any skills..." The few guards at the door scolded and they were in a bad mood. , In the past, it was more or less to talk about the face of some aristocratic families, but now it’s not the same as before. Now I don’t need so much face. I scold myself several times every day. If you are crazy, you naturally don't have the courage to the people in the house, but for you so-called famous doctors who don't have a social foundation, it's not a good idea to vent.

"I said, this little brother, I am a capable person. I want to go in and treat your lady." The doctors didn't wait to say anything. This Li Cong said, yes, everyone is going to ask The people who talked stopped talking at this time. They returned to China one by one and looked at Li Cong. Is this kid still awake? What nonsense? All of them have been in medicine for more than 50 years. Yes, we can't cure this, can you? Are you kidding me? You guys really think that this place is a place where ordinary people can go in and eat and mix together. This has to be seen clearly. This place belongs to Ouyang's family, not that of ordinary people.

"Hehe, you kid will be able to talk, what do you have, where are you from, what reputation did you have in the past, let me listen, if you are really capable, I will serve you well for a while Let’s take a look at you, but at most it means to come out like them again, but if you don’t have the ability, the board in my hand will serve you see if you can still Speak out." This kid has been scolded by those in charge of the house these days. No, I have to play with Li Cong in the street. I have to play with Li Cong, or else I can’t. So speaking, the other doctors were also gloating. They didn’t see from Li Cong’s body that this was a doctor. They thought Li Cong was just a rogue. It’s normal to be beaten. Something up.

"Hehe, you naturally can't tell if I have the ability, but I am a magician, I think my words should be more convincing than them." After Li Cong said two fireballs, he began to wander around Li Cong's side. , This... this kid turned out to be a magician, and then the street exploded immediately, how many magicians there are in the world, this kid turned out to be one, and a magician will naturally not be bored here. To cheat and drink, some of the busy butlers who were in the house just now ran out quickly. As for the little Si who was talking to Li Cong, he was immediately pulled aside to get fattened. A meal is light. If it is powerful, it will definitely kill this guy. In what tone did you talk to others just now, are they ordinary people? This is a magician, **** it, any magician who is not helpful is also an earl. Although the Ouyang family has a high reputation in the martial arts, but in the court, some real family members look down on them, if they are caught by the court The Yushi knew that all the minions in their family dared to talk to the magician like this, so their sons would not be able to live well. Besides, the magician's union had always looked at them and the big clans, and something like this happened. they..... )

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