Energy Group

Chapter 1991:

nbsp;"Hehe, Lord, you are really joking, who dare to come to the place of our Jia family? They don’t want their brains anymore, let alone come to look for things, but there is nothing to say, just those Everyone who sells pants will not say anything about us.

The kid Jia San has taken an unusual path when he was young. When the brothers around him were struggling hard, the kid had already embarked on another path. That is to establish their own dynasty at the gaming table. At that time, the brothers looked down on this kid one by one. The casino was only a very bad business among all the transactions of the Jia family. You can see it, but after Jia San took over part of the family’s casino, his annual income has increased by more than 20%. Thirty years later, the casino is already the top ten income of Jia’s family. Thirty years later, it is now. The casino is one of the three pillars of the Jia family. And in terms of influence, it is much stronger than the two old ones. Such a thing was never expected by the entire Jia family.

"Well, this is the best. If there is any trouble. Please explain to the brothers below. No one can break the rules. As long as there is a trouble, you have to tell this kid to remember. It's okay to lose your head. Don’t just ask people for their fingers. It’s not scary anymore. Our Jia family doesn’t like this kind of thing at ordinary times, so we have to work harder. These guys know the place and the market, so naturally they don’t. He will come to us. By the way, I have to say to the mortgage guys outside and tell them that even if they want to solve something, they can’t be solved in our place. It’s their business to drag it outside. As long as you enter the gate of our casino, whether you are a rich man or a beggar, as long as you can have a dozen silvers, then you are our distinguished guests. They cannot be allowed to do it. When they are gone, what they want to do is them. It’s something.” Jia San saw that there were a few loan shark thugs at the door who were about to beat up a kid, and he quickly told his subordinates to pass. Those guys don’t look at the usual fierceness. Now I see boss Jia A few small ones retreated quickly, and the big ones hurried over.

"Oh, isn't this Master Jia? It's been a long time since I saw your old man. Let alone, I really miss you if I haven't seen you for a long time. Brothers can have a full meal thanks to your care. , I’m here to please you.” This old man seems to be an old river and lake, and he hurriedly greeted Jia San as soon as he came up. The words in this mouth also came out one by one. These words are usually from others. What I told him, the only use was that the kid wrote them all down and then came back to say these things to Jia San. This Jia San heard them very comfortably, not bad.

"He Laoliu, you can be regarded as an old man in this business. These little things don’t need to come out. Just teach those things to the people below. You say you don’t know how to go back to rest when you are old. The kid owes you money. What do you want him to do is your own business. This is not red on my land. I feel uncomfortable when I see this. Okay, don’t stand here, just go away. , I have something here too." Jia San said as he walked, he didn't put the head and face of this society in his eyes at all. Even if their boss is here, he also uses this way of speaking. The reason why he gave this kid one The face is because this kid is still agile, and the most important thing is that the filial piety of this kid in the past two years is very good. Otherwise, how can such a guy be qualified to talk to himself, he is an old bastard.

He Laoliu didn’t dare to say anything, he quickly apologized to Sanye Jia, and kept bowing to Sanye Jia, hoping that Sanye Jia would not be too much to himself. This is also Sanye Jia. Come this time, you can usually use money to buy the steward here. Today’s bad luck, just go back and prepare some money. You have to be respectful. For those who lend usury, this casino is definitely It is their most important source of money, and it is absolutely not to be offended here, otherwise it is possible to starve to death when you look good in the future.

Jia San walked in slowly from the door. If he used to greet the gamblers in it cheerfully, this is what he used to do, although he didn’t make the most money from the people downstairs. , But the greatest popularity is brought by these people. Generally, at this time, Sanye Jia will give a small bet to everyone present. There is such a rule in this casino that the minimum bet is one Bai Wenqian, this is also the smallest bargaining chip. Unlike some junk casinos, a few yuan is also fine. Sanye Jia will definitely not give a hundred yuan as little as it is too shameful for him. He wants If you give it, you have to give it like five hundred characters. The old gamblers around just run out of capital right now. Seeing Sanye Jia come in is really happier than seeing his own father, just waiting for Jia This reward from Sanye. Although five hundred writings are not a lot, there are hundreds of people here, and fifty taels of silver can be done by Jia Sanye in one go. This also left him with a bold nickname, but When he was about to speak, suddenly his eyes looked at the innermost gaming table, he didn't speak...

What did he see? The people who followed Jia Sanye around were also wondering, what kind of person came here that would surprise him so much? Could it be that the elder of the family came here? This is impossible, the elders in the family will definitely not come here, they all have their own affairs. They all looked past Jia Sanye's eyes. Good guy, how can it be a child? There are a lot of people who come and go in this casino every day, but children of that age are rare. It's nothing. Children come only children. The most terrible thing about this kid is that the whole body is green, such a kid is really rare, let's look at the bargaining chip in front of this kid. Luck is okay. The dealer next to Jia Sanye's gaze thought that Sanye Jia thinks this kid is a son. The dealer shook his head slightly to indicate that this fellow is not a son.

If it’s an old man, Sanye Jia will definitely have his own excuses. Sanye Jia is not an ordinary person. As a member of the Northern Empire family, although he is a young master who came out of the family, he has seen the great People in the world, this Xiaoao can be seen by him at a glance, he can feel that this kid is not an ordinary kid, he is a thing without real life, this kid is a plant life, Jia San himself He only has the skills of a third-level fighter, and he can feel that this kid is much stronger than himself. What does this show? This shows that this kid is definitely much higher than his own skill. Such a guy is definitely a rare thing. You must get such a kid. You must know that a plant life is even the best. It’s not uncommon for me to be like that, because I can’t support such things, but the one in front of me is different. He has been growing for a long time, and such a small thing is definitely something you can’t find. .

The combat effectiveness of a plant life that has grown to the present stage may not be defeated by a sixth-level fighter. Seeing the expression on that kid's face, he can also know that such a kid is not something of ordinary qualifications. This kid He must be very good at his skills. I really have a relationship with such a kid. Usually he likes to collect these things, so he can quickly tell the value of this kid. What is the casino? How much money can the casino earn in a year? Is it comparable to this little thing? If he expected it well, this little thing would have cost tens of billions of silver up to now. This is the money that all the casinos under his control can only make in five years. This blind man can get it in one go. If you don’t eat the fat, I’m really sorry.

The people in this city basically know it. As long as the things Sanye Jia is looking at, they will basically not run away. The general things are still like this, let alone such a valuable kid. The two guards have been with Sanye Jia for a long time. He will know where his eyes are. Of course, he clearly knows that this kid has entered his eyes. What we do is just how to catch this kid. This is absolutely impossible under the public. This is my own casino. If you do something like that, no one will come. You can only wait until this. After the kid went out slowly, I will have some exciting activities with him, but this kid’s luck is really good today. Just now this kid guessed a leopard again. The croupier can see clearly, this kid There is absolutely no gambling. He just put the chips on the leopard just because he put the wrong chips. The good guy lost thirty-eight. Fortunately, this kid put a dozen silver coins. If you put more Yes, the profit of their casino went in for a day. Even if the rake was removed, more than 300 silver cars went in. The croupier was also in pain. If it was in the past, Sanye Jia would definitely be distressed. These hundreds of dollars are not a small amount, so how could it not be distressed to export such money.

"You guys have a good look. You must bring it to me when you go out later, and you must never hurt this kid. If something goes wrong with this kid, you two don't have to come back. Yes, I tell you clearly, if you can manage this matter well. You will be in charge of the business of a county city in the future, with 2 million taels per person." This guy said to the two seventh-level guards behind him. The two of them also knew that there were a lot of rewards for following Jia Sanye. In the past, they would do such things at most hundreds of thousands of silver or house women, but they never thought that this time it would be so powerful, 2 million taels of silver. ? Seventh-level fighters like them who have not experienced fighting in the Warcraft Mountains are not easy to make so much money. The two of them smiled and nodded. Although this kid is already very powerful, it is not in their eyes. Here, besides, the two of them have been together for so many years. How come there is no place to cooperate. The mess is good, that is, this kid can be killed in a few minutes, and they are sure they can do this.

But when the two men disappeared, Sanye Jia told the other two guards the same thing. He was really worried about this matter. The best two people in front can do this well. Otherwise, these two backs of your own can also be useful. You can't let this kid be wrong. It's this wealth that got rid of his own hands. Millions of silver are nothing. If such a kid is sent to the black market, which can definitely sell for billions of silver, those people will naturally have a way to make this kid obedient. That doesn’t need to be considered for themselves. All they have to do is to catch this kid. Then wait for the black market to open.

The most successful time before Jia Sanye was to catch a princess of the murloc clan. At the beginning, this little girl was about to die, mainly because she was bullied by unscrupulous fishermen on the shore. They all said that Girls are monsters, all because of the useless guys who have lost the aristocratic aura of bullying a little princess, but I still sold nearly 50 million taels of silver, which was my most successful time. At that time, people in the whole city knew that they liked to collect these weird things, but this time the record was about to change.

Suddenly, Master Jia shuddered all over his body. Last time, I had encountered several assassinations. The Murlocs are a relatively declining race and I don’t need to be afraid of them, but the kid in front of me is obvious. It's not something that ordinary people can raise. If it provokes the people behind him, don't look at the current scenery, but it is also a money-making machine in the family. When the real family leaders see themselves, they disdain to talk to themselves. Such a person would say one more thing. If the person behind this kid really comes, it is estimated that he will not be around him, and the family will not establish a strong enemy for himself at that time.

We must first find out what is going on with this kid. Although Sanye Jia is greedy for money, sometimes he is not brainless. It is like this time, you can’t go too far, you have to have your own brain. This head is called rìzi.

Sanye Jia’s power in this city is definitely not a joke, that is, someone sent back news to Sanye Jia within ten minutes. This kid got off a boat, it seems to be with the city. A certain organization engaged in smuggling together, and they did not find out which party it was, but they knew that the goods delivered on the ship should be from the Northern Empire.

With this news, Sanye Jia happily sat down in his exclusive seat. Usually, his favorite thing is to see the people below in this place. At this moment, the smile on his face is even stronger. , Is this kid really a gift to him from heaven, from the Northern Empire? The Northern Empire is about to be in a state of war with their Eastern Empire right now. No one can find it here. Even if this kid is very important, he will be his own world, no matter who comes from the Northern Empire. , He can handle it, haha, don’t think about those annoying things, just look at his little God of Wealth honestly, this guy now thinks about where to send him to the auction Go, so that you can earn the most benefits for yourself. The young masters of big families want this thing, but there will definitely be many.

Xiao Ao didn’t know at this moment that he was being watched. Maybe he had a lot of fate with the Sanye Jia above. The three gangsters wanted to send him here, but now he I came here by myself. Such a thing can only be said to have fate, but such fate is probably not desired by all people.

He has already won nearly five hundred taels at this moment, except for the few hundred taels just now. Later, I won a lot of money, because this kid doesn’t have a serious status, so he can’t issue cash. He can only take the dozens of kilograms of silver on the street. He is not willing to continue in that place. Now, he felt fresh there, but after a long time, it would be nothing. At this time, he missed his Lao Tzu a little and wanted to go back. At this time, he was depressed. How should I go back? He knew that he had come up from the beach. After eating a few plums, his stomach became even more hungry. In the past, he used to eat silver, but the hundreds of silver was useless after he went down. This is not enough to stuff your teeth. At this time, he was still thinking about it. What did he do? How could he have so much silver? It took him so long to get the silver. It's not enough to eat one bite. Although there was a lot of silver just now, it was only a few hundred thousand, not enough to eat for one minute by yourself. Where did my Laozi get so much silver?

He dragged himself slowly towards the beach. This is what he remembered. Anyway, there is the beach to the south. Go back and find out if you can find the ship that sent him. If you can find it, after going up, ten I can still persist when I am young. I'm really too responsive. How can I run out at this time? It might affect my advancement.

Although Xiaoao regrets it at this time, there is no regret medicine sold in this world. This guy is already being watched. He needs to go through a section of the market to walk towards the beach. It is definitely in the afternoon when he comes. It was crowded, but it was already night, and naturally there were not so many people. Xiaoao walked forward step by step. He didn't know if he could go to that place. Suddenly he felt danger. I suddenly avoided, and a sharp knife came from behind me. Even so, my skin was cut and a green liquid came out, but the wound was immediately repaired. This is the plant. The life skills are different from the black magic potionist's. On the surface, it is the same, but the gap inside is much greater. The black magic potionist's ones don't generate any energy by themselves, and can only rely on absorption.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking me?" Xiaoao stood up and looked at the two people before and after. He was a little careless just now, mainly because he missed his father too much. Otherwise, he couldn't be attacked by these two guys. , They are close to themselves without noticing it at all, is it? At this time, Xiaoao felt a little unclear in his heart, they were better than himself.

The two guys didn't say anything, and continued to rush towards the front. Sure enough, Xiao Ao couldn't see the movements of the two of them clearly, but Xiao Ao also had his own abilities, that was his transformation. This guy immediately became a green spot, he wants to shoot himself? That’s impossible. You don’t have that ability, Xiaoao immediately became smaller. These two people were also very surprised. How could such a thing happen? Then when they were surprised, the little green dot turned out to be A tentacle-like thing grew out, and it smashed the eyes of a seventh-level warrior at once. Such a powerful attack made the seventh-level warrior cry, and Xiao Ao was also a little surprised by his own power. In times of crisis, his explosive power was already there. He didn't have the ability to defeat a seventh-level fighter, but now he has it. This is the potential.

Another seventh-level fighter saw this scene and didn’t care if Sanye Jia had confessed to hurt this kid. If he didn’t show some real skills at this time, maybe this kid would have his own life. The one who killed this kid slashed towards Xiao Ao’s head with a single knife. Sanye Jia, who was hiding in the dark, was furious. Damn, even if you two die a hundred times, it’s impossible. Boy important, what do you mean now? You can't kill if you can't beat it, but Xiao Ao immediately shrinks and hides, which makes him feel relieved. In fact, even if it is slashed, Xiao Ao will be fine, but his combat effectiveness may decrease. It's better to hide than that.

It’s a bit difficult to fight Xiaoao against a seventh-level fighter, but he can guarantee that there will be no problems within 200 moves, but it is this stage. After this stage, his physical strength will be unable to keep up with anything. Time to lose yourself.

Jia San also noticed that this kid is not easy now. If you rely on conventional combat methods and methods, you can't do anything to this kid. Now you have to use some new tricks. For example, things like Mixiang. Although such things are a bit overused in the next three, they can get the best results. This kid will definitely be killed.

Two other 7th-level fighters also joined the battle group, but they had already understood the medicine and were psychologically prepared, so the role that this mixiang can play on them is much smaller, now It could only have an effect on Xiao Ao, and Xiao Ao also felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, as if he was going to sleep. In the impression, he felt that he was attacked by the opponent. He slowly fell down, and then he was picked up by others, and then there were many people laughing, and it seemed that he was caught by others. The outside world is indeed very fraudulent. I came out recklessly.

When he was caught, Li Cong also just landed outside Yunlan City. Things like airships are not the same as ships. Airships are a new thing for the entire Eastern Empire, if they are seen. Shiyou are all regarded as giant pandas, how can they still find someone? This is impossible. The ships are different. The Eastern Empire has more ships than the other three empires. If Li Cong hadn't used some technology on the earth, it would be far worse than others. Well, because of his rush to come out this time, Li didn't bring a few useful people, but there happened to be people on the airship who traded with the society here, and he was still very familiar with some of the situations here.

From the place where Li came to the city, there were generally only a few wood-cutters, no people, so the group of them easily entered the city. Li Cong knew that he wanted to be in such a big city. Finding someone is not that simple. He has to rely on the help of the club that he is doing business with. According to the words of the small five who followed him, the ability of that club is generalized here, without any background. It’s just that I’ve been doing business with them recently, and I’ve been a little better. Although there are a lot of people, their strength is really not flattering, but now there is no other good way to contact them. Yes, who made these people unfamiliar here?

"Master, we basically have no influence here. The gang we work with is called the Axe Gang, and they are considered to be an older gang in Yunlan City. In the past, the boss of the previous generation was too jerk. Now, this guy stole money from the club, even to seduce his wife. Anyway, this guy basically did all the bad things that he could think of, so their club was constantly weakened, until the tenth. A few years ago, the boss was killed by a rush. The new guy was a young man, and this kid was pretty good. At that time, our spies in the Eastern Empire happened to be looking for a partner for cooperation. It came into our eyes. Everyone has been working together for nearly half a year. This guy is still very good, at least when he pays us. It is very good." Xiaowu introduced Li Cong to his local partners on the way.

"What kind of business does this axe gang mainly do with us, and how are the profits distributed?" Li Cong said as he walked. He didn't care about such small things before, and Xiao Wu also felt himself. It's like reporting to Li Cong. It's so rare that people at my level have the opportunity to report to the boss. I think it's impossible.

"What we do with us is trade. We are transporting some things from the Northern Empire here, and we are transporting them back here. We collect about 2,000 boxes in one ship in the Northern Empire, which is less than 2,500 taels of silver. , But here, we give them a box of 4,500 taels of silver. They can sell about 4,800 to 5,000 taels of silver. Although they don’t make a lot of money, each box is 300 to 500 taels of silver. , But every time our 12 ships are 24,000 to 25,000 boxes, they are also worth millions of dollars when they go out. It is also a very good income for a declining gang like them. They have our channel and are also People are staring, but we rely on them to get information." Xiao Wu said, Li Cong was also frightened by this trade, shit, he knew that a team of ships would arrive in about half a month. This is a round trip. After returning home, they can make so much in the Northern Empire. They can make 250 million silver in a month. The smuggling money is really good. Li Cong's dozens of fleets can earn hundreds of billions of dollars in a year. It seems that the size of these fleets will be expanded in the future.

"Who are looking at them? Will we be exposed?" Li Cong asked, and he was only worried about him.

"As far as I know, they are also a local society, but this society is much stronger than them. Their people are distributed throughout the province. We have also told them, but they face this. There is no way, our people are mixed in the porters to give us information, so there is no problem, our people will not be exposed." Xiao Wu said.

"Yeah. Very good. Let's go to the axe gang first. This time we have to find that person at all costs, and you don't need to care about our network or anything. These are compared with that person. It doesn't matter," Li Cong said. Compared with his own three sons, the Internet and other things are far behind.

Xiao Wu nodded. It seems that this person is really important. On the way, Li Cong had told them countless times about the importance of this person. Since this time, Li came out with these four people. Fortunately, all four of them belonged to fifth-level fighters. Although it doesn't have much effect, it is at least much better than ordinary people. Xiaowu is a young boy, but Li Cong who does things can also see that this boy is very sophisticated.

The headquarters of the Axe Gang is in the prosperous Yunlan City. If the north of the city is the place where high-ranking officials and nobles live and they have no way to go, then the east and south of the city are good choices. In the past, Axe Because they collect protection fees, they all work in the south of the city. What about now? They no longer have that headquarters. Since their people had a problem last time, the headquarters in the south of the city can only be sold to others. Now they can only be in the west of the city, which is called a slum. , But there are also advantages here. For example, Li from the five of them all came on horseback, and the speed is also very fast. If this is walking, it will take a long time, and other places in the city are not allowed. Riding horses, but the law in the west of the city is not allowed, but no one is in charge of these things, they can run around casually.

Li Cong looked up at this place. At the door stood a few people dressed up and looked similar to the family members of ordinary people. They seemed to be organizations, like the house of a large family. In Li Cong’s impression , The community members on this planet are very arrogant. When I see you, I can’t wait to show you his machete, otherwise they can’t show their ability. It seems this new boss Li Cong's management is really good. Li Cong wants to meet this guy. If he is really capable, it’s okay to push him by himself. This time when someone else looks at him, it’s a test. If you can pass it, it means that this guy is still capable. If he can't pass it, he will be a passerby.

"Several people, this is the Axe Gang, don't you know what you have to do?" said the doorman and kindly, not to mention the gate of the community, even the concierges of ordinary large families will definitely not be so talkative. .

"Hehe, I thought it was me who went wrong. How can you guys from the Axe Gang be so polite to outsiders?" Li Cong did not wait for Xiaowu to speak, and several other people felt puzzled. The janitor was not unhappy. He seemed to be willing to explain to others what this happened.

"This sir, this is what our boss meant. Since last month, we have not been able to be the gatekeepers, and we have to pass some tests. If we don’t face you with a smile like this, then Who wants to come to us? Our boss also said that our axe gang is different from before. In the past, there was a business that came to us, but now we have to go out and look for business by ourselves, as long as we arrive Those who come from our door have to be treated politely.” This guy said with a smile. He used to talk to people fiercely, but at that time he was not as happy as he is now.

"It's really good, what your boss said is right. We are from the Cao family. We have just done business with you recently. I hope to meet your boss." Li Cong said with a smile, originally wanted I'll say a few more words, but Li Cong, who is really worried about the stinky boy, said quickly, it is better to get in touch with the local snake here earlier.

Cao's family? The janitor also knows some news about the society. The Cao family here must belong to the Cao family of the Northern Empire. There is no one with the surname Cao in the Eastern Empire. They also know that they can’t meet people in business with the Cao family. , If it were known to others, this matter would be bad. He glanced at the person behind Li Cong, and he also knew that Xiaowu.

"Hehe, it turns out that it was brought by Wu Ye. If I saw Wu Ye early, this matter would be much easier to handle. Please come in, a few people from far to the living room to drink tea , I’ll inform our boss right away.” This guy knows Xiao Wu, and someone who knows how much this kid is in Cao’s house is considered a small official. He is more diligent. In fact, he still has an idea in his heart. At the time of five, this guy asked himself to take her out for a walk, and gave himself twenty taels of silver. What he inquired about was the news of a beautiful top card. He originally thought he was going to join him. Who knows what happened in the end. I left, and it was a waste of twenty taels of silver for me. In fact, Xiao Wu had to see the intelligence personnel on his side at that time, and he could only spend money to disburse this guy.

The axe gang is not very luxurious. Although they have done a good deal with Li Cong and their business recently, they also need to be managed in many ways. In the end, they don’t necessarily have much money in their hands. The money needs to be used. On the edge of the knife, naturally you can't spend money indiscriminately, and sometimes you have to save money honestly in case you need it.

Some of the furnishings in the living room are a bit outdated. It is really interesting to be the boss. It is good to be the boss, but it will always be a bit uncomfortable if the boss of the club is not public.

The headquarters of the Axe Gang is not very old, so it took a while for the boss to come. He looks like a young man in his twenties, but Li Cong knows that he can’t look at his appearance on this planet. Maybe such a young man is a young man. They are older than their grandfather, and they live a long life. . )

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