Energy Group

Chapter 1992:

nbsp;"I don’t know if the two distinguished guests are here. I’m really negligent. Let me introduce myself. Now I can say a few words about the Axe Gang. The people in's face also called me Fourth Master Hu, but this is just to say to the people outside. Although the two met with me for the first time, our entire axe gang depends on your Cao family for food. , Two people who call me Hu Si or Xiao Hu are fine. I saw this fifth master at the dock last time. I don’t know if this is?" This guy quickly introduced himself when he came in. Said, what this said is a fluency, Li Cong also had to admire such an eloquent boss, people not only look at the more clear, the efficiency of everything is also very good, no wonder the axe can help It started to expand. m♠

"Siye Hu is polite, we are here this time mainly because there is a very sī person who wants to ask you for help. This is one of our steward, Cao steward, our family has lost a person. To be honest, that is It didn’t take long to disembark after this merchant ship. It was only a few hours at most. So I would like to ask Fourth Master Hu to rely on your relationship to help us inquire about it in the city. If there is any news, we will definitely Thank you very much. This is our manager Cao." They have already said it on the way. This can't be said too clearly. He is also a person who does business in partnership with Cao's house. Such a person is credible. The degree is really not enough, so it's not bad to be able to speak to this level.

"It turned out to be like this. Why don't you thank you? I don’t like to tell lies. Now that our Axe Gang can have this status, it is all dependent on your trade. To be honest, things are more important than my own, and I will send people to find them immediately, but this Yunlan City is the largest city in the southern part of our Eastern Empire. Many forces can be said to be a mixture of clouds and dragons, and neither can our Axe Gang. Speaking of eating everywhere, we can only do our best. I don’t know what the characteristics of the lost person is. If there is a picture, it’s best. I can ask the people below to spread this out." This guy Speaking happily, but you can't talk nonsense about this, mainly because the axe gang is not so powerful now. If you talk too much, it would be shameful if you can't get things done. In fact, it's nothing to lose face. The face is not worth much at this time. The most important thing is that they are afraid of not being able to do this. If Li Cong resents themselves, this matter will become a big issue. Now more than 80% of the income of the Axe Helper depends on it. With this, the thousands of brothers are all relying on this money. If they don’t have this money, they will be really sad, so you have to tell this ugly thing to the front. I can't do it myself, and people will not be happy then.

"This is natural, thank you Fourth Master Hu..." Li Cong nodded and said, and quickly explained some of Xiaoao's characteristics to others. In fact, in simple terms, the whole body is green. It's easy to find.

Hu Si quickly and very nervously wrote down everything that could be remembered, and immediately ran out. Li Cong saw the nervous look of this guy and thought it was because the kid’s family had disappeared. In fact, it was nothing. It’s easy to say that Hu Si was able to revitalize the Axe Gang because of his relationship with the Cao family. If they lose the customer of the Cao family, they still don’t know what will happen to them. Axe It’s a great thing to help you survive the last time. If you don’t do well this time, you might regret it.

The axe gang’s ability in Yunlan City really can’t be said to be too good. It’s been an hour, and there is still no news coming back. Li Cong has already flashed many thoughts in his heart. The kid doesn’t know anything, he will definitely be used outside, and this kid is a treasure in itself, it’s nothing if no one knows him, it’s really troublesome if someone knows this guy, this guy will definitely be It was picked up by someone.

But now Li Cong and the others have no other way. Even if they temporarily set up their own intelligence network in this city, they cannot be so fast. It is better to rely on these guys to build the network by yourself, but Li Cong also tries to rely on his own. Induction to find that kid, but the city is really too complicated. If that kid rises to level 4, I might feel that kid, but now his level is too low, I can’t feel him. of.

An hour and a half later, Hu Si ran in. Seeing the expression on his face, he should have news for the little guy.

"Is there any news?" It is said that the person talking to him should be the fifth, but Li is too anxious now, so he doesn't have so much reservedness. Now he can get news from the third child, but it is better than anything. Much more important.

"Well, there is some news. Someone saw him enter the Juding Casino and came out from there a few hours ago, but he seems to have disappeared, and there will be no one since he came out." The guy said Although there is no definite news, it is still a piece of news. It’s better than Li going out from them and looking for it by himself. In a city with hundreds of millions of people, if you find someone’s news yourself, you can also talk about the axe in disguise. The ability to help is okay. In fact, he was able to get this news mainly because some people in their gang saw it while gambling at Juding Casino. It didn’t mean that their news was so good. If Xiaoao couldn’t do that. If you go there, they probably won't get any news now, and it's pretty good now. Li Cong already knows where this kid is.

"Take me to that place." Li Cong said after walking around the house for a while. He felt that there must be problems there. Business establishments like casinos are different from other places, and there must be some promise. Officials heard what the kid said, or where he was going to go. Some regular casinos have their information. If you can ask anything, it’s best. If there is no news, then you can go out. It's a moment, it's enough to sit here and wait for news from Li Cong. This is more than an hour more uncomfortable than when he advanced. That torment, this stinky boy.

"Yes...Yes..., Master Cao, I have to tell you about this. The Juding Casino is not an ordinary place. It is the site of the Jia family. This Jia family is a great family in our Eastern Empire. Yes, their family is from the great-grandfather's generation, that is, they have had their own influence in the dynasty 7000 years ago. Those people are not so easy to provoke. If there is anything, Cao Ye is still a little bit. It’s better to be more restrained. Our Axe Gang has a good relationship with one of their managers. Why don’t we go and check it out first?” Hu Si said. In fact, he was mainly afraid that this matter would involve him. If you break up with yourself, you can’t let your head fall immediately. If something involves Juding Casino, Cao’s people can just slap their buttocks and leave. They are all locals. They won’t. If they left on this matter, then the Cao family might come to them without them.

"Hehe, I understand what you mean. The person who asked you to send us there, and your people also helped me a lot. You can take the money and give it to the brothers to eat supper. If you follow If the manager is familiar, just help me find out about the news." Although they helped themselves, they also have a bottom line. This Li Cong understands that he took out a fifty thousand taels of silver bills. , This is Cao’s banknotes, which cannot be used in the Eastern Empire at all, but this guy still picked it up cheerfully. Others can’t use it, but he can use it, because these things can be handed over to himself Those people from Cao's Commercial Bank who traded, this can be regarded as how they came and how they went back.

"I'm sorry, Master Cao, our strength is a little bit small, and there are thousands of people who mix with me. I really can't follow along. This is my nephew at home, and he is not a member of the club now. The talented person is still clever. If Mr. Cao doesn’t dislike him, let him follow you.” When he went out, this guy pushed a guy who looked like a teenager out, and this guy can do something, himself. However, I was afraid that Li Cong would anger myself, so I got his nephew out. This kid looks handsome. With such an uncle who knows how to calculate, I believe that his ability will not be much worse. Yes, he can do things.

"Thank you, I will definitely repay you for what happened today." Li Cong said with a smile. He did not refuse at this time, because if there is no local person after entering, he will feel something wrong in many places. And doing things is not so convenient. This guy has won his approval, otherwise he wouldn't say that.

Hu Si also breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone was messing up on the street. People who came out of the casino and disappeared were usually taken back by the casino people. The reason is that these guys made too much money. They can’t go out, they can only die. Only when they die can the money be returned to the casino. Otherwise, the casino would have lost money.

The Axe Gang are still very sturdy in the south of the city. They drove a horse-drawn carriage along the way, and everyone on the road was talking about it. Didn’t the Axe Gang not have the courage before? Why are they so courageous now? Yes, it started like this on the main road. If you don’t know how to do it in a remote place, but when they entered the southern district, the carriage started to slow down. At this time, there were a lot of people on the street. They don't have so much guts here.

Juding Casino is still the same casino just now. There seem to be more people now than before. Just after Li Cong got out of the car, the nephew of Hu Si who followed Li Cong dragged Li Cong to a side alley. Here, this is the dark street of the casino. If you make a lot of money in the casino, it is estimated that you will be dragged here to give a good political meal after you go out. If you are obedient and quickly take yours It’s good to say if the money is taken out, but if you don’t take it out, just look at the blood stains on these two sides to understand what is going on.

"Master Cao, I brought you here to meet someone. He is a thug in the casino. He has been doing things for us for many years. He knows some things, but he said it takes 200,000 silver to say this. Yes, my uncle has already given the money. If you have anything to do, just ask this guy as soon as possible. Time is very urgent. He will go out overnight. Otherwise, if Sanye Jia responds tomorrow, this The guy’s family may be dead.” The boy lowered his voice and said, it seems that something was difficult to say just now. It’s no wonder that it was at the headquarters of the Axe Gang just now. Who knows them? Do people there have any eyeliner for this casino? You can place one for others, and they can also place one for you. This is a normal thing, you can only deal with it carefully.

Li Cong nodded and followed this guy in. After entering, Li Cong saw that there was only one person in front of him. Although it was dark inside, Li Cong could still see the guy sitting in the innermost. The guy's anxious appearance does not seem to be a lie, it should be expected.

"Why are you here? Lao Tzu is going to run away at night, who is looking for the kid just now?" The people inside saw Hu Si's nephew and said quickly, and the person holding the silver was also nearby. They would not give the silver casually. This must be given only after Li Cong is satisfied. Otherwise, someone would just say something like this. How much silver can the Axe Gang have to give them? This is simply impossible. The silver is precious. Who doesn't want it anymore, two hundred thousand silver, there are many people who are willing to lie for him.

"It's me, isn't that kid all green and good at it? Where is he now?" Li Cong said quickly, he knew this kid must know it, and Li Cong seemed to see it from his eyes It’s hard to understand something like telepathy.

"Yes, that kid is here today. We haven't seen him before. He is in this casino now. There is a secret room under this casino. There are some weird things collected by Sanye Jia. By the way, the fabric of this dress is from the kid just now. I will give it to you now. If you don’t believe it, you can go in and have a look." This guy quickly taught Li Cong, Li Naturally, he remembered what clothes this kid was wearing. Although he didn't remember it very clearly, he didn't have the possibility of harming himself. What this guy said should be truthful, but how to see him is a problem. I can’t just go in like that. This casino is not that terrible. But if it spreads out that I have arrived in the Northern Empire, it is estimated that the masters of this city will come and besiege myself. I may not be able to save anyone by then. You have to catch your own life. All of these are very possible things. With so many people in this city, it’s okay to come out a few masters. If you can’t do such a mindless thing, you have to follow This Sanye Jia had a good talk.

"I ask you, what is Sanye Jia doing for collecting these things?" Li Cong thought for a while and said, he has to start with this. If this guy is for the benefit, it is best. This is what he lacks most. If the other one can't help it, then they can only come hard.

"Yes, Sanye Jia collects these strange things to make a difference at those auctions. Sanye Jia said that the kid you are looking for is not an ordinary valuable item. Everyone gave it to us. There are a lot of silver rewarders, I think Sanye Jia can make at least millions of silver." This guy’s eyelids are too shallow, and millions of silver can just stop the mouth of ordinary people. How could Sanye Jia be fooled by such a small amount of money? People asked for more things, hundreds of times this amount, or even more.

"How can I see this Sanye Jia?" Li Cong was a little anxious. He didn't expect to know Xiaoao's news so easily. Now it seems that Axe Gang is doing very well, at least people. I gave myself a very useful message, relying on what I did not agree with.

"This is very simple. As long as you can go in and win a lot of money, it is estimated that Sanye Jia will come out soon. What he cares most is whether anyone comes to his casino to kick the game. Okay, you Do you have anything to ask? If you have one, hurry up. If you don’t have one, I’ll leave.” This guy looked anxiously at the casino side. In the past, this kid would often watch the road from the entrance of the casino. Of the people, he himself was very comfortable at that time, but now he has become a betrayer, so he can run as fast as he can.

Li Cong nodded, and Hu Si’s nephew asked him to give him the money, and the guy who paid the money after this guy went out followed suit. Such people’s brains just don’t understand. Since the Axe Gang wants to pay If this secret is kept, he will not let anyone go out alive. Killing this guy is their best choice. Otherwise, they might all die here. If such informants are alive, it is estimated that they It is impossible for the whole community to fall asleep. Now there are no such people, so they can sleep peacefully.

Li Cong naturally doesn't care about these things. What he wants now is to find Xiaoao quickly. Since that guy likes to collect some weird things, it means that this guy will not hurt Xiaoao, because this kid But it’s a very valuable thing. If something happens to him, Sanye Jia will suffer a big loss. For such a person who loves money like his life, it will simply kill him. Li Cong wants It’s easy for this guy to show up. Just go in and have a good time. It’s just that Li Cong is carrying all the banknotes from the Cao’s house. This thing is useless here, too. People from the Eastern Empire Those who don’t recognize this thing, because they are not very close to the other three empires, so they use some of their own country’s banknotes. Seeing Li Cong embarrassed, this Hu Si’s nephew quickly took out two. One hundred thousand banknotes come.

"Master Cao, there are rules here. Anyone with less than one hundred taels of silver can be played here, and those with more than one hundred taels of silver can be played here. The games there are bigger, and losing money is more comparable to winning money. It's easier." The guy said when the money was delivered, and he became a tour guide.

"Hehe, since we are going to meet Sanye Jia, I don’t think we need to go upstairs. It’s better to play this downstairs, so that more people can come over. Otherwise, this guy might not show up. Physically." Li Cong said with a smile. He himself is not here to gamble, so it doesn’t matter how big or small he is. If these guys are embarrassed, that’s the main thing that can force that guy out. Otherwise, this matter is really not that easy to handle, and now I can only talk to this Sanye Jia, and no one else can do it.

"Also, Master Cao, there is the place where you can exchange your chips. There is no limit to the money you can exchange for your chips every time you exchange chips on this floor. But if you exchange money for it, it will only be 95%. It’s because their draw is done, so many people will trade below. Their purchase price is about 96%. After the receipt, they will go in and gamble. This will save a lot of money than there. Although it’s not much, it’s considered a deal.” The kid said with a smile. It seems that this kid also often hangs out in the casino, otherwise he doesn’t know so much.

In the casino, Li never spends his own money very much, but this time because of saving people, he can only do that. He has no money to help with an axe. If he wins more in the future, it won’t be so much. It's easy to talk, who owns the money? Li came out with two gold ingots from mō, each of which was a hundred taels of gold. He walked to the exchange window over there, "I wonder if you accept gold?" Li Cong put down the two gold ingots and said. The two people inside looked at the gold ingots. It may be that they usually saw too much money, so they were not surprised.

"According to the ratio of one to five, you are lucky kid, this is already the official exchange price, and only this time." A guy inside said, one to five? Li Cong feels something is wrong. What is going on here? How could the gold here be so worthless, only one to five. You must know that the other three empires are definitely not the same as here. The gold in their empires It’s not as good as silver. It’s converted from one to ten. Now there’s less so much. Li Cong feels a little uncomfortable. But Li Cong soon knew that this was a loophole. The Eastern Empire and several other empires The value of the currency is completely different. If you are good at it, there may be a huge economic crisis waiting for the dignitaries of the Eastern Empire. Such a war without gunpowder is even more difficult to deal with.

Li Cong smiled and nodded and took ten chips. This is one thousand taels of silver. In the Northern Empire, it can be exchanged for 2,000 taels of silver. This is only half of it. This loophole is really good. I thought the exchange rate. It’s all the same. Since I found a loophole for yourself, don’t blame Lao Tzu for not giving you face. This will definitely make you lose your money. At that time, you will know the importance of gold. In this world There has not been any realisation of hard currency, in fact, it is mainly because the connection is not too close.

Xiao Wu asked Hu Si’s nephew to go back first, and the kid doesn’t need to stay here for the next thing. If you don’t want to help out with the axe, it’s better for them to master less. , Otherwise it might be the axe busy destroying the door, so be careful.

Li started from the doorway and looked over. The bet at this door is too small, and even a couple of silvers have been made. If this is the case, I don’t know when the guy will come down and take a look. Li Cong Straight to the sixth table, the inside and outside three floors of the good guy couldn’t walk at all. People who came here to win money were very afraid that the casino people would remember themselves, but Li never Fearing this, he quickly put all the chips in his hand on the table, and then said, "I want to book a table..." After he finished his words, the few people around here who were still very confused hurriedly all There is nothing to say, the one over there has already been opened, is this going to be reserved? There was a good show. Last time, a guy who wanted to book a station came here, but the one who was beaten didn't even recognize his mother. I don't know what this kid will be like.

Charter? This kind of thing hasn't happened for a long time. When he said what he said, the dealer on the table and the other spectators were a little bit stunned. Did this kid not wake up and behave? This is the Giant Ding Casino. Let’s talk about the Jia family’s name and the people who can’t make trouble here. What’s the matter with this kid, but they see the hundreds of taels in this kid’s hands. I understand, this kid didn't come to make trouble, maybe he was just a stunned boy, and he didn't think it was too crowded, or what was going on? With 1,000 taels of silver, you can go upstairs and try your skills. Why are you still here? Didn’t that guy tell him when he walked in, but this kid has already said it, if you don’t let this kid come to book the market? Maybe it's a bit unreasonable, but when we are afraid of him, he won't make it? This has to make his money lose faster.

"Guest, please sit here. It's okay to book a place. It's just that you have to bet at least 200 taels of silver for each hand. I don't know if the guest is ready?" Everyone can stop and think. But this croupier can’t. His time is very limited every day, so he must send this guy away quickly. If he is an expert, he can see it first. If that’s the case, You don’t need to come forward by yourself. Naturally, there will be a dedicated croupier to deal with this guy. He is the lowest level among croupiers. If he is a second fool, this guy may quickly take what he has. The money is lost. In that case, there is not much to do. You can dismiss this kid by yourself, and you can make part of the money in this kid's hands become yours. This is the best solution.

"That's okay, I either don't play, or if I want to play, I will have a big one, but I don't know if you have any upper limit for betting? If not, I can prepare to bet all of them." Li Cong made one. The face of the nouveau riche, and the few people watching the place next to the downstairs have also noticed this kid, but seeing that the silver in his hand is about 1,000 taels of silver at most, this is a big scene, almost every day. A few people who watched the venues can see that this kid is a rich native of the country. It is estimated that playing a game of thousands of taels in the country is considered to be very good. It is a pity that this is nothing at all. Lancheng, let alone their big casino, even those small gambling stalls on the seaside will often appear, 1,000 taels of silver? Haha, it's a shame to show it out.

"Naturally not, this sir, it has been a long time since our Juding Casino opened. We have also hosted gambling games of hundreds of millions of dollars. It's just that this is the first floor, which is a relatively civilian place, so we The quota given is up to one million silver. If the guest official wants to play a little bit bigger, he can go to the second floor. There will accept a quota of about five million silver. If it feels that it is not enough, Our third floor is the largest. No matter how much you play, we will pay for it.” The dealer said in his own mouth. He had no chance to say these things before, now. It’s really comfortable to say these words to a rich man in the countryside. Don’t think you are richer than Lao Tzu, but I don’t know how much more things I have seen than you. It’s in my heart to teach you this guy. Comfortable.

The croupiers at the other tables around looked at Li Cong with disdain. Li Cong smiled at the corner of his mouth. This is what I want. The more you look down on Lao Tzu, the more you feel that Lao Tzu is really here to gamble. , When I can attract a large number of people, it’s time for you to not come off the stage. Sanye Jia is not very good to see. Even if I change hundreds of millions of dollars to go up and gamble, I guess this guy will not come out. Seeing his own, but starting from his most fancy reputation is different, this guy will definitely get down.

"Very good, then what are the rules for me to book a table?" Li Cong smiled and put his money down and said. Although knowing that there are no rules for betting on big or small, it is better to ask, maybe people here are different from ours. , His voice is loud, there are dozens of people around.

"The rules are very simple. As long as the husband is rich, we will roll the dice. If the husband wants to do it himself or a designated person is all right, it must be done by one person, not always. This person’s.” The croupier said that the casino did this for a reason. They wouldn’t be willing if it was people in the casino who were playing the dice, but if they were all customers coming, if they were a master. They may all lose money, so it is stipulated that one person on both sides will control one hand. The next time you can control one, we will control it. At most, it will not lose or lose.

"Then you can shake it. If I want to change, I can talk. I will come up with a big one. I have all bet on it. Did I win or have 2000 taels of silver?" Li Cong was pleased. Said, I don't know how, this guy will feel excited when he arrives at the casino.

"In theory, if you win, sir, it will be what you said, but we have to draw 100 taels of silver as our bonus. This is the rule of all casinos." The croupier said with a little ridicule. I can’t say that. Now I’m afraid that such a hillbilly doesn’t know the rules here. When I exchange money for him later, this guy will yell and say that his money is not enough. If that’s the case If you do, your face will be clean, and the entire casino will be ashamed. Maybe you have to get out of trouble.

After the croupier finished speaking, he started to shake it up. In the past, Li Cong could only see what was inside after waiting for this guy to put the sieve down, or the sieve inside changed by some vibration, but now There is no need at all, because Li Cong himself is a space magician, as long as he wants to do anything within a certain range, let alone make the inside become bigger, just dismember all the sieves It’s okay, so I bought a big one before this guy started shaking. In fact, according to Li Cong’s idea, the leopard is the best, but it’s too obvious that way, maybe not so many. By the time he was brought up, he was definitely not what he wanted, and he had to resolve the matter here peacefully, and take that little **** away safely.

There are not many people around Li Cong at this time. In fact, many people have encountered such a situation. For them, such a thing is not a big deal. He may be out of money after a while, even if it is a fluke. It is useless to win a few hands, because in the end the money will be returned to the casino. The old gamblers who have been mixed up here for a long time know all of them. If you want to get some in the casino For money, it’s better to mix it at the various gaming tables. If you win more at one table, then trouble will come. This is also one aspect of their disapproval of this guy. They come up so high-profile, what are they doing, they are afraid of casinos. The thugs here can't remember you, or are they afraid that the thugs who are in the casino don't know how to rob you? It is better to keep a low profile in the casino.

Ten minutes later, it was already seven hands. All seven hands are big. This is too evil. The croupier has already changed a person. In the third hand, that person was already replaced. Second, Li Cong’s money became 2,000 taels, the third was 4,000 taels, the fourth was 8,000 taels, the fifth became 16,000 taels, and the sixth was 32,000 taels. After this time, it was 64,000 taels of silver. The eyes of the people around were enthusiastic. Damn, Li Cong won consecutively, and they all pressed one. This ability is really incredible. It seems this one. After the completion, it is necessary to change the croupier. It is not uncommon for a card to lose hundreds of thousands of silver in the Juding Casino, but it is really rare to have such a thing in a lobby like the first floor.

"Brother, you are too great. I think you should leave as soon as possible. If you continue to stay, this casino will not say something will happen. Leave early and live early." A gambler next to him watched. Said when Li Cong was still happily putting the money on top.

"Hehe, you are a good person. According to the rules here, the talents I allow can follow me to place bets. You can put all your money on the so I guarantee you can earn A handful." Li Cong smiled and said to the guy who reminded him, unless there is a space magician higher than Li Cong's level, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for such a thing to happen, even if it is. A tenth-level warrior here cannot be more powerful than Li Cong. The Space Mage is definitely the most powerful in controlling objects. Of course, there is a premise that he must be in the area he controls. , If you go out of this area, this matter is not so arbitrary, there may be many possibilities, so in such a situation, if it is absolutely fair in theory, Li Cong can be in such a picture It is possible that the entire Juding Casino, and even the entire Jia family, went bankrupt on the table.

The guy glanced at Li Cong and shook his hand twice, but he still didn't have the courage to put his money down. He knew that this man might be a powerful guy, but his two fists are hard to beat four hands. This giant ding There are more good players in the casino. This kid is very happy to win now, and may be *dropped in a while. This is all possible. Don't follow this guy here and take it honestly. That's all the money in his hand.

This one was opened, amidst everyone’s surprise. Li Cong’s amount of silver has reached more than 200,000 taels. This amount is considered a very good **** on the second floor. Now Li Congle is around. But there were hundreds of people, and he threw all his chips on the table again, this time he wanted a big one. RS! .

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