Energy Group

Chapter 708:

Li Cong also knows from other places that this girl is too much love, and her hometown is too poor. Although the Energy Group has many charity schools in Lhasa, there are almost all from elementary school to high school. It’s for them to go to school, but not enough for them to eat. The thousands of poorest families in the entire Lhasa area have eaten their meals but have not eaten their meals. The more than 3,000 children in Kampot’s mouth are not just a burden. For this one child, she is responsible for the entire family of these children. Among them, dozens of elderly people are seriously ill. The medical expenses alone are an astronomical figure each year. This girl subsidizes some college students all over the country. Those wages are not allowed. She really can’t justify it after she spends it. Even Qing Shan’s salary for a vice president position in the group was received by her. Anyway, Li has never lacked the hundreds of millions of RMB. If you have any, you can eat it. Anyway, you can’t eat too much. , Hong Men made a lot of money for himself a year.

Even Zhong Qingshan, the godfather of a global hong sect, felt that he was too cruel before, so if he can stay for a while, he will not kill. If he can fight, he will not cut his hands and feet. Li Cong was so scared that he went to see Qingshan specially once. You can’t relent in what you did. If you don’t kill him today, he won’t be as charitable as you and can spare you. Fortunately, Li Cong followed These words that Qing Shan said made Qing Shan understand what he was doing, otherwise he would really leave a lot of hidden dangers for himself. Just like Li Cong said, you are not afraid of these people retaliating against you, are you not afraid of these people retaliating against you? cloth?

Qingshan’s defense of Kampot is of course well in place. The younger sister who protected Li Cong back then is following Kampot 24 hours a day, plus the ministerial-level defense work of the Energy Group is also very good. So many years have passed. This girl has always been fine, but this can’t be taken lightly. If something happens, I still can’t explain to Qingshan. My own brother put his wife here and something happened. How can my eldest brother have the face to see him? It.

"You still dare to talk about salary increases. Who said at the meeting that the welfare of senior leaders should be reduced on a large scale?" Li Cong said disapprovingly. This girl has never ignored some major issues of the group and is full of brains. I think about my own business, and when I have a chance to speak, I will talk about my own business immediately. It is not necessary for the group to increase charity investment or to reduce expenditures. It seems that the entire group is her will be in charge. Fortunately, this girl is not financial. Minister, otherwise this group will not be allowed to complain.

"The benefits of our group's senior executives are indeed too serious. Have you read some economic newspapers? The benefits of an executive of our group can even match the net profit of a factory of thousands of people for a year, and it is also the top ten in the world. Nine of the emperors of migrant workers are in our group. Just say that your sister and your sister like sports cars so much. But you can see how many sports cars they have. Everyone has more than 20 cars. They drive so many cars. Didn’t you come to work every day in the business car that the group gave them? And..." Li Cong ignored it. What the girl said has nothing to do with her, but she can’t interrupt her now, only that Listen, if you interrupt, you will immediately have to give yourself a big hat without love.

What’s wrong with the extravagant life of my family? People earn it on their own. They have a year’s salary bonus and various incomes of tens of billions of RMB. Can’t you buy something you like? This girl is really hopeless. Li Cong immediately greeted the waiter to "pay the bill."

"Wait, this meal is ready. I will invite you. Don't be here when you invite me. Go to the hotel. Just the five-star newly opened by the group. Let's eat seafood. That crab is very good. Eat it." Li Cong almost didn't drop his chin. Where did he come from such a superb product? I thought that this girl would not want to eat those things. The feeling is that it's okay to eat without spending her own money.

A meal of four dishes and one soup cost Kampot 130 yuan. When I came out, I kept accusing Li Cong of ordering such expensive dishes. Li Cong was almost not scared by this girl’s stinginess. I ate a meal. You can eat hundreds of thousands, why can’t you eat a dish that costs more than 100 yuan? Even the owner of the restaurant shook his head in there. Seeing that the man is dressed like a dog, why a few yuan? This woman cares about her change. Originally, she wanted to wait for the ribs that they didn't eat much to feed her pet dog, but look at the plate, the wipe is smoother than her own face, which is really unkind.

After just receiving the girl’s ideological education and watching her stingy performance, Li Cong almost forgot his business affairs, "By the way, Kampot, does our group’s charity department have any activities in Africa? Where are the main ones? How many countries?" Li Cong pretended to be very unintentional, fearing that this girl would see that she was using her to accomplish some shameful things. If she knew, the plan would not only be impossible to proceed, or she would have to look good. In her eyes, weapons are useless at all. If there is no weapon, everyone will fight at most if there is a dispute, and there will be no trouble, so all the sellers of weapons should be pulled and shot.

Kampot glanced at Li Cong with some incomprehension. Why did this boss suddenly care about his work? Is there any idea he wants to increase the charity budget for Africa? Impossible. Although there are doubts in his heart, the boss asks his own work situation justified, and the answer should be answered.

"Our philanthropy in Africa is not very good, mainly because the society in Africa is too turbulent. Some of the food and medicine we sent in the past are simply not in the hands of the people who need it, and we also lack a fixed local Organization, do you have any thoughts, president? I have a lot of thoughts. Do you want to listen to it?" Kampot flashed two bright eyes. This Tibetan is sincere. Just your little thoughts. Can't guess? But now it’s better for you to propose it yourself. Just wait for you to jump in. If I propose it, you will have to think about it for a while.

"Yes, I went to Africa to take a look a few days ago and found that the people there are really miserable. I just want to ask you if we should increase our charity output to Africa." Li Cong that The nonsense comes casually, but he knows that the girl Kampot doesn't care about it. As long as she can increase her charity output, she believes everything she says, and she must be the one to help you collect money if she sells her.

Sure enough, Kampot, a woman with a short-circuited brain, really didn’t expect what Li Cong wanted. She thought a little bit in her heart. Now the group’s annual assistance to Africa is limited to some food, medicine and cash assistance, totaling about 300 million yuan. , It is too little, but the group has invested a lot in Africa. The high-end market in Africa is basically controlled by the group. Although Africa is more war-torn, the group is also very powerful. If the boss is willing to be in Africa Charity is not impossible.

“It’s useless to increase charity output. We need to have our own charity organization in Africa. I mean fixed houses and fixed personnel. Our previous assistance to Africa was basically given to the locals. The government of the United Nations or some organizations of the United Nations can be handed over to the victims of the disaster, but the number is too small and it is not safe. It is normal for the United Nations charitable organizations to be robbed in Africa. As for the direct delivery to the local government Don't even think about it. They changed their names and transferred them to the army, and some even used them to sell money for arms." Kampot said helplessly, this is why she has not mentioned increasing aid to Africa in these years. The reason for this is that Africa is the largest place in the world for the poor and the region that receives the most donations in the world, but after so many years, not only has Africa not improved a little, on the contrary, the quality of life of the people there has also declined a lot.

"Well, to establish our own organization, yes, you will give me a detailed plan after you go back. The group is going to increase its charity output to Africa. Of course, the amount cannot be too much, but we must absolutely guarantee every penny. It has to be spent in the hands of those who need it.” Naturally, it is impossible for Li Cong to increase charitable exports to Africa. In his opinion, those people are already crazy, there are wars everywhere, and nothing is wrong to develop themselves and go to war. Such a person is not worth taking care of by The investigation department has calculated that for every additional dollar of charitable output in Africa, if you want to ensure that this money is in the hands of African refugees, the energy group must If you need to pay more than 20 yuan in security investment, then this account is better. The group can pay 5 billion US dollars for charity every year, so it can invest hundreds of billions of dollars in Africa every year.

Kampot is very happy about Li Cong's words. Of course, she doesn't think about any purpose of Li Cong. In her opinion, as long as it can help the poor people in Africa, it is good. Besides, the president always remembers something. What to do, what to do by yourself, as long as he is willing to approve the money, originally Li Cong told her to stroll back after the meal, but now there is no need to stroll, so he immediately stopped a taxi and got on. The car disappeared as soon as the car slipped. It is really rare to have such a passion for work. It would be great if this girl could have such enthusiasm in other departments. It is really a loss, with such a high enthusiasm to help myself spend money.

Li Cong didn't even drive out. Originally, he wanted to drive out. Who knows that this girl said that his car is 30 liters of gas per 100 kilometers. At the current retail price of ten yuan a liter, it would be enough to go for a stroll. It’s half a meal, and now it seems that I have to take a taxi back today, otherwise there will be nearly ten kilometers to walk back to Li Garden, I am not that sportsman.

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