Energy Group

Chapter 709:

Li Cong also stopped a taxi casually. After entering, he realized that the car was a little different from the taxis he used to take. The advertisement on the car cover turned out to belong to the energy group. The driver’s clothes also hung the Energy Group logo. It seems that Zhang Zhi’s pace is good. In fact, Li never thought that Jinan is the headquarters of the Energy Group. If you can’t figure it out here, you should probably throw Zhang Zhi away. I went to feed the fish in the sea.

"Master, I think your car is branded by the Energy Group. Why are you also a member of the Energy Group now?" Li Cong was okay. Anyway, there is a traffic jam now. Just chat with the driver. Was it also because of the relatively wide-ranging news of these drivers that they thought of acquiring these taxi drivers?

"Hehe, the guy came back from another place. It's not just that our taxis in Jinan belong to the Energy Group, but all of us in Shandong. We are not members of the Energy Group, but our taxi company is a subsidiary of the Energy Group. We can barely be regarded as it. Every month, the energy group gives a subsidy of 100 yuan. The company didn’t have it before.” The driver looked forty years old and was very grateful for this one hundred yuan. He used to work in that taxi company. I work more than ten hours a day, and it costs more than 2,000 yuan a month. Now that I have changed the system of sharing, I can have more than 3,000 a month, and there are subsidies from the energy group, and the energy group brand is hung. , There are fewer people who are looking for trouble, and the car is also equipped with a GPS positioning system and a miniature camera. This set can be thousands of dollars. This is all paid for by the energy group. I have to thank others, at least my safety is guaranteed.

"Looking at the old man, it seems that the Energy Group is still very happy after acquiring your company. Isn't they a monopoly." Anyway, it's fine, and Li Cong will just chat with this old brother for a while, and he will talk to his hometown people. There are not many opportunities to chat. Li Cong still feels that the people in his hometown are the best when he is used to seeing all kinds of people all over the world.

The taxi driver looked at Li Cong right now. This kid looked like a dog, and he was not a simple person. There are not many people who know what monopoly is. If it weren’t for the girl who studied finance, it would be true. I don’t know if there is such a thing, "I’ll take care of that if I have a monopoly and no monopoly. Anyway, I’m better than before. Now I drive an hour a day, and there are more cars in the fleet. Everyone has more than 1,000. The minimum salary of RMB was also bought with pension insurance, and the income was higher than before. This company does not drink human blood like before. Besides, those companies in the past did not get a new car in order to guarantee the value of taxis. We have to work more than ten hours a day. To be honest, we should be grateful to the energy group." The old man said with a general feeling, but he almost choked him to death with his next sentence, "The boss is called Li From there, some are money. People don’t care about our money. We are sorry for that kid if we don’t take advantage of him."

Although this made Li Cong feel like he was a fool, but he didn’t care. This is the most true idea. If he keeps saying that he is good, then he won’t believe it. Besides, he is just a businessman. If so many people say what they are good for, Li Conggang wanted to say a few words, the car stopped, and there was a car accident in front of him, "Oh, really, I am most afraid of a car accident at this point," but then the old driver will not Having said that, the accident was a taxi, as if the driver was in a coma, someone next to him called the police and someone watched the bustle.

The driver immediately took out his phone and said, "Hey, Accident Handling Division? One of our brothers had a car accident on Jingshi Road. At the entrance of Dafu Department Store, come here." Seeing Li Cong, he was a little surprised. Looking at himself, the driver went on to explain: "We who are taxi drivers must have something to do. After all, do we deal with cars every day? In the past, almost everyone in the company didn’t care about it. It’s the same. Our company’s accident handling department was managed by some insurance companies in the past. Our boss paid a lot of money to dig it up. We can save a lot of losses with them.” The driver said triumphantly, as if This is the same thing that can be shown off.

It seems that this kid Zhang Zhi is really the material for doing this. When I think of Zhang Zhili, I suddenly remembered that Zhang Xiaoou in Beijing had come. I haven't seen that girl for a long time. I actually forgot about her. Maybe I forgot about it. Good thing, she should have her own happiness, maybe Li Cong likes her very much at that time, but now Li Cong feels that career is more important. I don’t have so much time to go to Beijing to pick up girls. Men are in career and love. When choosing between, most people choose their careers.

After a while, I saw several people in black suits running over. Li saw the NY logo in front of those people at a glance. It seemed that these people belonged to the accident handling department, and they worked very smoothly. Arranged for the driver to go to the hospital, some took pictures, some negotiated with the two sides of the accident, some learned about the situation with the people around, and some prepared to copy the video on the road at that time. It seems that these people are really professional, but Li Cong looks at the traffic jam for a while. For a while, the evacuation will not be possible, so let's get off and walk after paying for the car.

At this time, the driver found out that this guy had gotten off the car after looking for the change and was going to give it to Li Cong. Hehe, yes, today I showed off to this kid, and I don’t need to find this change anymore. My cigarette money came out again. , No, why is this kid so familiar? I seem to have seen him somewhere. Looking at this kid Zhang is very handsome. Is it a certain celebrity? No matter what, it’s a strange and generous shot. You don’t have to look for a fifty yuan. Hehe, the driver knows that there is nothing he can do about it, so he hurriedly bought an evening paper with those on the road who saw the opportunity to sell newspapers, and passed the time slowly.

But when I saw the large photos on the front page, the driver understood that the kid was Li Cong, chairman of the board of directors of the Energy Group, no wonder he was so familiar. I x, I will show off when I go back. I have made the world's richest man. , I humiliated with him for a while. Don’t be afraid that the boys don’t believe that there is a camera in the car. They will definitely envy themselves, but when the driver returns to the company to deliver the car at night, I will brag to my colleagues about taking the video. I was dumbfounded at that time. How could there be any president? At that time, his car was completely empty, but it was in good condition at other times. I can still see the newspaper I bought from it. Did he meet a ghost? Turning around, I took the newspaper and looked at it again. That's right, that photo was taken by Li Cong a long time ago. The two of them are definitely the same person. I can't figure it out.

The one he saw was naturally Li Cong. It’s just that this is the ability of the Energy Group’s Information Department. The super-powered computer analyzes cameras all over the world every moment. The videos related to the energy group giants are all It needs to be processed, and the processing time will not exceed ten minutes. If he takes out the hard disk within ten minutes, it is estimated that there will be Li Cong, but then again, how can they know the information department of the Energy Group These things.

After Kampot returned, he immediately asked all the senior executives of the charity department in Jinan to work overtime immediately. They must produce a plan that can be obtained by tomorrow morning. Those who can work in the charity department of the energy group also have them. Some caring people immediately became excited when they heard that their generous president wanted to increase the aid plan for the African region. Moreover, the group’s overtime pay was also very generous. It would cost money to go out on a date with a partner. The overtime work here is paid for by the group, so it's worth it after all.

Kampot once went to Africa when she was Minister of Charity. She would never forget the situation there. There were **** all over the floor, insufficient food and terrible sanitary conditions, high birth rate and high birth rate. Mortality, anyway, I can’t find a good word to describe Africa. Only one-fifth of the food that the energy group sent to Africa last year was given to refugees from various countries by the hands of the United Nations, and most of them were taken by the warlords. It has become military rations, and part of it has been transported by warlords to other countries for sale and replaced with weapons and shipped back. The increase in aid today will definitely not be such an increase in quantity.

Kampot initially planned to set up five large warehouses in Africa to store materials for the energy group. However, after two hours of busy work, it was discovered that the construction of these five large warehouses alone would require hundreds of millions of As for To be responsible for their safety, you will have to pay more than ten times the price. The security fee absolutely exceeds the price of the materials inside. The robbers in Africa are not the same as China. There are a few or dozens of people. There are hundreds of people. Thousands of them are all loaded with live ammunition. It seems that this idea of ​​my own is going to fail. Where can I find so many people to watch? There are so many welfare hospitals and hope elementary schools that need security personnel. Yes, otherwise the children here are in class, and a bunch of rebels rushed in there. They don’t care if this is a school or not. Raising their submachine guns, it is estimated that there will be a blast. This situation is quite common in Africa. Yes, in the eyes of Africans, killing each other’s children means leaving them without soldiers. Most African warlords are happy to do this.

Finally, after working all night, Kampot was a little scared. The first phase of the assistance program included five large warehouses, four large hospitals, 30 schools, more than 100 small medical centers, and more than 200. The food distribution center and the three relief points are not very expensive. The initial budget is about 3 billion yuan. The money may be a large amount for others, but it may be spent every day for the energy group. It’s just that the security cost required is an astronomical figure... It takes 70 billion RMB to make these places safe. Forget it... Kampot decided to take this to see Li Cong. .

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