Enter Me! The Skillionaire Says In Parentheses

Chapter 204 - Rain Rain Down The Rain


All shouted in surprise except Elon and Jojo.

"Yup, all of you heard it." Damascus arched her smile even wider. "All of you will be practicing toe squeeze the cold hard lemonade of your innate survivability and assassination skill while utilizing your newly found symbols pill!

"Starting from Jojo." Damascus pointed her walking cane to one of the Lagoons. "You will be capturing one of the people who summoned all of these Calamities, the same with Jaro and Ragoni." She then threw her gaze to Jaro. "I know that you really want to beat up the bad guy. Heh."

Jaro started to crack his knuckle. Albeit nervous, he really did want to smudge his fist upon those enemies of society that abused the power of the void instead of exterminating them. "That will do!"

Guda's face was frozen with her unruly smugness. It looked dead though, as if her soul was already leaving her body. 'Ah yes, we are all gonna die,' she thought with an almost fainting expression that looked deceivingly sinister from the outside.

'Ah, as expected of the scheming fox,' Elon thought as she stared at the contradicting one-tailed kitsune right beside her. 'I thought you're a good person, turns out, you're just a homicidal maniac who likes to see the suffering of others. I bet that this kind of gruesome battlefield looks like a great heaven for you.'

Meanwhile, Carla was too nervous to think of anything because of the sudden difficulty in trying to stay alive.

"Guda, and the rest will be capturing the soldiers from the other side, one for each of you. I know that neutralizing the flying warrior would be a hassle, but there were many of the ground unloyal mercenaries lurking around the shadow of the battlefield. That ought to do it, humu.

"So! Any questions?"

With a lifeless deadpan, Ragoni raised her hand. It could be seen that she was at the edge of shedding tears. "Elder, what about the rest who can't fly? The wasteland is huge and there won't be any hiding spot to claim our mission accomplishment. Do we still get this platform we're standing on?"

Damascus, with a kind and understanding smile, replied with a blissful expression, "Nope, you can try to survive until the battle is over. If you do, I'll give you a huge point for that!

"Okay! Enough talking! Time to start our fun curriculum!"

Damascus snapped her finger. A circuit formation at the size of an elephant appeared right above the row of disciples. There was a bright wave of red color that was on its progress to fully taint the circuit veins within the magic circle.

When the circuit formation was fully red, it simultaneously erased the platforms that the flightless stood on and propelled all of the disciples to the ground, while granting them protection for a short period of time until they hit the ground.


The Erinyes abided them with good luck with a light waving from her hand. "This will surely turn them into something right after the hunt."

With the disciples of Lautus Tunguska being thrown into the battlefield like a wild asteroid, bringing natural tribulation to those who didn't acquire the knowledge of their sect's leader—each of them were redirected to their prospective target locations.

Guda, Carla, and Elon were going to the area filled with the army from Faranor Citadel. As their protection shells were piercing through the air at intense speed, it created a barrier of flame that made them look like a falling meteorite from outer space.

From the army's perspective, numerous unknown burning objects were heading at their fortification from the sky might be one of the abilities or projectiles thrown by the enemies.



With a swift chain of command, 20% of the vanguard rallied their message to the obelisks handler, putting quarter of the massive resonance of the mana conductor to form a four meters thick protection barrier in the air.

'AH YES! WE'RE DEFINITELY GOING TO DIE!' Guda couldn't muster to speak due to the intense stimulus from the ride, and she must scream. "AAAAAAHHHH!!"

It was the same with Carla except for Elon who was able to take her time on redirecting herself to the east frontline that was dealing with the incoming Calamities from the Bearing Edge's recaptured outpost. There seemed to be less conflict going on in that location, a perfect place for Elon to capture one of the personnel of war.

As both Carla and Guda were going head first to the great protection barrier with their own defensive shell granted by Damascus, they prayed and thickened their streamline of faith unconsciously and right now, MF was wondering why they did so.

'Ah, Damascus must be having fun.' MF nodded somewhere within the forest as she was dealing with a peculiar follower of hers that was begging to be taken as a disciple, while the real disciples were suffering.

Of course, both MF and Foel were sadistic in nature. They didn't do as much to preserve their image but because of these three Pine-Looters inviting themselves for trouble, both of the important figures of Domeniul Ceresc wanted to see if they could do experiments and have their own fun.

Regardless, the fate of the Pine-Looters would be addressed at another time. As of current, all of the Lautus Tunguska's disciples were travelling three times faster than the speed of sound.

Unknown to the force of Faranor Citadel, they were too late to realize that the falling meteor from the sky was more than a simple projectile thrown by the raging Calamities.

Both Carla and Guda pierced through the great fortification as if it was a feeble glass out of sand. Their velocity was only heightened every second they existed within the sphere of the broken barrier. Until they land on the ground with a marvelous bang.

It was the same on the Bearing Edge's side as they perceived the very same thing on the sky that the Faranor's forces perceived. While both Jaro and Jojo were indifferent about the imminent danger that they were going to face, Ragoni was on the verge of tearing and pissing her pants.

While the others had acquired and stacked their potential symbols pill, Ragoni had only acquired one and it was mostly focusing on utility instead of all mannerisms of brutal strength or formidable defenses.

Not to mention, she didn't have any mana cultivation beforehand to ensure her survival and combat capability.

Jojo was in the same state but at least that he would be fine even without any kind of cultivation, knowing that his demonic lineage would already enhance his physical ability immensely far stronger than a Golden Orb Usurper ever could.

With their eyes set on the arduously long caravan—except for Ragoni because she was closing her eyes out of fear for her feeble life that was hanging on a mere thread above a flaming torch of hell—they were able to crash on the area near the notorious carriages of criminal, destroying a couple of their ballistas.

Because unlike the Faranor Citadel's army, the Bearing Edge were mostly run by smugglers and criminals that weren't meant to counter literal meteorites like this. Life doesn't matter as much for them. As long as they were able to summon more Calamities, they would kindly take a beating of a few losses knowing that this battlefield was as massive as it looks.

With every disciple arriving at their designated target's location, their fate could only be woven by none other than themselves.

Elon, with her powerful symbols pill and the blessings from the goddess of luck, had managed to secure one of the Stunted Turtle's armored vehicles. She had neutralized three people for her capture mission. Two of them being the owner of the vehicles, and the remaining one was one of the Steel Stugs that got knocked in the head, barely living if not for the fact that he was a usurper.

Guda encountered a dense amount of troops coming her way. With the help of her subconscious deterrent talisman, she was able to sneak her way out, leaving Carla that was being the primary target from all directions she faced.


Jojo was able to knock many foes and elite personnel from the Bearing Edge alike with no trouble at all. Ragoni managed to rendezvous with him, now she was being carried on the tall and buff man's shoulder, shouting "Woooo!" while Jojo neutralized a slave masters or two.

Jaro who was true to himself, rushed to the far left where he glimpsed a towering white dragonoid man commanding numerous slave masters when he was still above the ground.

He thought that he was the leader of this disastrous caravan. And so, he decided to take him out as his target capture.

With brute force and his newfound power of being the bearer of Tunguska Blood and Symbols-Pills, he trashed all kinds of abomination with fists and kicks with gleeful ease.

"I, Jaro Lagoon.." The demonic giant gauntlet began to form on his hands once again. "Will be coming for you!"

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