Enter Me! The Skillionaire Says In Parentheses

Chapter 205 - The Coming Of The Queen Of The Apocalypse

"Hmmm~" Damascus summoned her trusty throne and sentient cloud servant as she leaned her back. "As long as I keep an eye on them and save them whenever it's necessary, everything will be fine."

With the battle still ongoing more turbulent than ever, one of the Lautus Tunguska's disciples managed to reach for the Bearing Edge's Quilled Dragon.

His fist was hurled from the sky. The Quilled Dragon saw the action beforehand and he merely raised his wrist nonchalantly to block the destructive strike.

The shockwave permeated the surrounding, shuddering the expensive-looking carriage beside the Quilled Dragon.

"A foreigner?" The Quilled Dragon shook off his arm as if his challenger was a mosquito merely bothering him. "I have never seen that uniform before. Introduce yourself to me, young one."

Jaro landed perfectly on the sandy ground. He immediately went into stance again before straightening his left shoulder to his scoping fist, accumulating enough demonic energy that condensed on his right hand.

The demon then hurled his destructive fist of energy, unleashing a shredding wave of multiple dark pulses. The Quilled Dragon flicked his finger, assimilating a barrier in front of him.

'This will do,' the Quilled Dragon thought. 'Wait, where is he?'

At the same time the tall dragonoid raised his protection to the front. Jaro appeared behind him, building his momentum of clenched fist before throwing a twisted uppercut right to the Quilled Dragon's chin.

"You want my name!?" Jaro hurled his leg to sweep the face of the slavery mastermind in mid air, simultaneously accumulating his demonic energy on his hands. He then thrusted both of his knees in sequence before landing a finishing smash that forced the mighty Quilled Dragon to kiss the ground. "Make me!"

The Tunguska Blood genetic modification served its best justice to a close range fighter such as Jaro. Not only that his reaction speed was ten times faster, he was able to move his physical vessel to its maximum precision without a mental hurdle.

Not to mention, the mana accumulated within the blood was converted into his demonic energy. It constantly empowered him without needing to sacrifice his built up physique like the last time he did something with his demonic energy.

The Quilled Dragon transformed into numerous colorful smoke with a distinct red spark. It travelled to the roof of his own fancy carriage and reformed his whole appearance again. No bruises nor dirt on his clothing, he nonchalantly refilled his smoking pipe and dropped a droplet of fire before he sipped the vibrant smoke again.

"No cultivation, yet you're fighting at the level of a cracked street fighter stronger than those feeble Valkyries." The Quilled Dragon chuckled. "Demon, may I recruit you to join my merry caravan?"

"If what you meant as 'merry' is the shrieking and sheepish tears of innocence, then I suppose I will kindly reject your offer with another fist!"

"Ahahaha!" The Quilled Dragon flipped his smoking pipe. His body began emitting a strange pulse of blue smoke. In just a few seconds, his weight was multiplied by many, imminently crushing his personal carriage below him without moving a single inch. "Curse them Faranor! It's been a long time since I felt a real fight closing in!"

As the battlefield kept growing in complexity and sides, Damascus started to feel an itch in her arms the more she spectated the whole churning flesh and steel from above.

"Well, I can't help it." The woman with the appearance of an admiral simply walked as she hummed to the edge of her cloud. When she reached the edge, she lightly hopped before launching herself like a meteor to the battlefield. "Might as well have some fun!"

The bloodlusted Erinyes struck the wasteland with a huge wave of killing intent. Almost everyone in the vicinity of twenty kilometers within the center of the battlefield was pulled to the ground due to the sheer density of intent that was emitted.

Many were forced to freeze as they couldn't move their body. The flying Calamities were pulled to the ground, and many Usurpers below Golden Orb level have their whole front surface of their body latching to the ground without being able to do anything.

'Ah, that is definitely Elder Damascus,' Elon thought as he rode the Stunted Turtle's vehicle to a less dense warfare.

'Definitely our Elder,' Guda thought as her face was kissing the metal frame of a falling giant platform.

'Eldeerrrrr!' screamed Carla on the inside as her forced defensive battle had finally come to an end.

Ragoni was getting pushed to the sand, Jojo merely stood, and Jaro smiled ever widely and sinisterly as the gravity became ten times stronger than before. The same as the Quilled Dragon, as he started to crack his neck in excitement.

Zappur from the Faranor Citadel was currently trying to fight off the pressure that was overcoming her to her knees. 'What with this amount of power!? A

Don't tell me that a High Mage is sent here by the association!?'

"Aww," Damascus frowned. "Looks like none of the mortals here was higher than Fortress Establishment other than the white dragon over there. Although it would be really selfish of me if I snatch the foe of my disciples."

In an instant, she cut off her massive killing intent and went back to her throne with disappointment. The battlefield went on with a little bit of panic there and there but after a while everything carried on like usual. Just like how Carla was still getting pursued by a lot of Valkyries in the sky.

"WHY MEEEEE!!" Carla shed her tears as she performed a fast loop in the air to dodge numerous magic projectiles.

Everything seemed to be going in one liner and only time was able to tell when it would end. The spark of the conjoined flesh and steel, the welded soul of the dead from the feverish skeleton that was buried underneath.

On the western frontier, the sky was ripped open. Wind rumbled and the ground whistled. There was numerous shards appearing and disappearing, creating time disparities between the real world as it slowed down or accelerated anything that touched it.

The air was gushing in and out as the horizontal dark eye above started to stretch more and more until it reached the ground.

A choir of madness could be heard, the ground below the skyscraper portal became a bright blue as numerous bright hues of its illumination formed grasping hands, trying to reach something that was coming out from the sinister portal.

The phenomenal ripped space could be seen hundreds of kilometers away. It was so big that at the right angle, it could be perceived from the Earth's atmosphere.

"The unknown massive killing intent… and now this!?" Zappur frowned as she gritted her teeth in confusion and fear. "What is going on!?"

"Something is not right." Damascus immediately tried to contact her lord as she tapped her cranium. "Lord Ouroboros, can you lend me a second?"

The Ouroboros within Domeniul Ceresc, was currently in the middle of her speech as she tried to have more tasks and missions for the Pine-Looters to complete. The three Mandragoras siblings could be seen having numerous bruises and dirtied by dirt. Who knows what kind of instructions that the Ouroboros gave.

"Yes, Damascus, anything you wanted to report?"mF replied through the communication channel as she was crafting a giant bastard sword.

"There is a rip in space bigger than Domeniul Ceresc itself. It seems like the trip is getting too dangerous or should I keep an eye on them and continue the lesson?"

"Is it coming from the Void?" MF wryly smiled as she said so.

"This is definitely different from that of a Void."

"An Anomaly." MF stopped for a second. "I'll be going there to see it with my own eyes. If you can, I want you to cover the entirety of the battlefield and the rift with a concealment dome."

'Ah! As expected of Lord Ouroboros! Trying to claim and make use of this kind of phenomenon.' Damascus thought. "Consider it done!"

'Huwaa, this is bad,' MF felt nervous about this report. 'Why in Tavaroth!? Uuuhh, this feels like Anvriel's arrival all over again. The association won't help, they are slow as a snail. It will be better if they don't know anything about it.'

Just like what she got instructed, Damascus built an uber massive dome of concealment from the outside of the battlefield. With uncertainty in her mind, she then focused her sight to spectate the titanic rift's activity.

The glowing blue area with numerous grasping hands became bigger and bigger. Until, there was something coming out from the enormous space slit of the sky.

It was a massive machination of appendages. At first it was only one, until more pointy legs pierced the wasteland, connecting with the grasping hand. To the above it was more and more clear that this thing was overly massive than anything that was seen so far.

As it moved and came out from the portal, its body could be seen. Thousands of pulsating contraptions permeated the battlefield with its beating rhythm. Metallic tentacles could be seen sprouting and sprouting. With its form was more uncovered by the eyes of the mortal, it was comprehended to be a sky-high metal crustacean with extremely long limbs.

"... What kind of abomination is that?" Damascus shivered.

On its head, it could be seen that the complex machination was protruding the back of a small figure—a person that was probably piloting the entire thing. A feminine one to be sure.

She had a petite body, strapped with numerous protection such as the wide turtleneck armor that stretched to the shoulder, and numerous artificial body part extension that was spanning from her feet two meters to the ground. Her eyes were filled with moving runes. Her fluffy light-blue hair was bruised by the intense wind from the portal. She wore a tall admiral cap, reminiscent of a super soldier from another dimension. She also had those long elvish ears and pale white skin of those of a vampire.

Floating near her, was a phantom that is always exuding a crimson red vapor. She had the appearance and figure like the blue haired figure of the giant machination's pilot. Except that she had black hair with bangs that covered her eyes, and a pair of enormous gauntlets that were cuffed with one another. Grinning, she revealed the jagged teeth of that of a shark.

With a soft and raspy voice, the light-blue haired figure spoke.

"Which timeline is this?"

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