Before the attack from the crimson phantom occurred.

Damascus held her head high despite the anxiety. She already evacuated the disciples away but she needed to remain within the sky above the giant concealment dome in case that her lord instructed her anything related to an emergency for this event.

At first she noticed a killing intent was slipping behind the light-blue haired foreigner with the admiral cap. She felt that something bad might happen to the point that she was ready to sacrifice herself. Brandishing the seven deadly sins of a weapon, she leaned to the front of the edge of her sentient cloud.

"Those two entities are but unfathomably powerful beings. If they claimed that they were gods in ancient times, I would instantly believe them the moment I glimpsed the amount of mana that they had.

"No, only 40% of the energy that they emitted is mana. The rest are something else…

"The fate of the continent, or even the entirety of Neamh, has now rested upon your shoulder, my Lord. Alas, none of those ungrateful ingrates would even remember you as their savior."

Just like she predicted, the crimson phantom attacked her Lord all of a sudden in the middle of the negotiation. The force that was unleashed was enough to give a heartbeat to the sky, disrupting Damascus' perception with all of the bloody explosive energy being scattered all around.

Damascus was always an Erinyes, she would love to have a fight to the death, facing the impossible and beyond. But now, she had a master to serve, and by putting her master into an inconsolable demerit of losing one if her powerhouse would give nothing but a devastating decrease in management and other sections.

With her faith upon her lord as bright as the sun, she waited and waited until the dangerous forcefield around the sand wall that encapsulated the blast was gone.

But before she could even reached those chances, a figure of crimson got blasted out of the dome of sand, tearing a large hole from the inside as the unknown figure was launched into the nearby mountain on the south that was merely able to be glanced from this location, while also leaving a huge trail of destruction along its path.

A few seconds later, a huge blast of grey could be seen on that far away mountain. Damascus' jaw was left hanging after that very scene.

She then immediately shook her head to remove her state of confusion and tried to check upon her Lord's well being. Luckily, she could still feel the divinity and there was even a sign of angelic power for a moment being unleashed before the blast.

Using a delicate formation, her perception pierced through the descending thick wall of sand. There, she only saw a shadow of her Lord's presence and the light-blue foreigner residing in front of her.

'C-could it be, Lord Ouroboros!?'

There was no mistake, Damascus thought. The Ouroboros have proven to hold an unfathomably destructive amount of energy that she refused to absorb. It wouldn't be such a huge stretch for her Lord to have an emergency technique or hidden mana supply. Not to mention, the Ouroboros never appeared to be using all of her strength after she received the runic halo above her head.

'Apologize for underestimating you, my Lord.'

As of now, the one person that the Erinyes deemed as her lord was having a good time.

'Scary, these two are scary.' A sweat could be seen flowing through her cheek. 'The other is a sadistic battle freak, and the other is an otherworldly genius. What a dangerous combo.'

"Fine," grunted Lues as she showed her croissant-shaped frowned grin to show her frustration. "As long as you have that Angel's Approval on top of your head, I'm still not convinced that you're not one of those scheming spies."

"Regardless." Pitka put her glove back to the right hand once again. "We plan to ask you for protection for quite a while. I think it's truly the fate of nature that brought you to such a thought of trying to offer us your humble abode before I spoke anything about it.

"Also, please be casual around me and Lues. Call me Pitka without any honorifics. I'm quite tired of hearing any kind of addition to my name."

"So, Pitka. Am I correct?" MF gulped her saliva, as it was quite unnerving to be forced to call someone as strong as these two foreigners with their name only like a close friend. "Once again, my name is Meshia." She then gave her curtsy. "So, Madam Lues?"

"Just call me by my own name too." Lues pouted. "I don't want to be left behind in this kind of thing."

"Alright." MF put a friendly smile. "Lues it is."

A haughty sneer could be seen on the formerly lifeless droopy face of Pitka, as if she had succeeded in accomplishing something regarding her sister's behavior.

Of course, there was a reason why MF didn't reveal her pact name. One of them being her trust upon these two foreigners. There might be an unknown feud that she didn't know about them and the infamous Ouroboros, or even all kinds of ancient beasts for who knows who.

Although, it would also be impossible to kept the secret going because if they were about to live within Domeniul Ceresc, they would likely to interact with the forest dwellers and they would know that that owner of that concealed land was actually one of the ancient beast—an singular of the entirety of World Line at that.

The veil of the sand was still descending. MF still needed to buy more time and gather more hints and information on whether they were fine with an infinity snake existence on their side or not. The offer to stay on her humble abode was actually just a courtesy, she didn't expect that the foreigners' aim was to get protection that directly. At most, MF could fake her own living place away from both Domeniul Ceresc and Ouranos Citadel.

Then again, the one with the admiral cap could just tap onto her conversation and trace back her real home. All of the scenarios were risky in one way or another.

'Hmm, this is hard. Maybe I need to disguise myself as something else so that none of the forest dwellers would know me and I could just change my own occupation unorthodoxly. Then again, the halo above my head won't change nor could be hidden no matter what.'

As her mind raced against the clock, an obvious peek from Pitka was thrown. Likewise, she was staring at MF's chest although this time she bore a more serious expression than before.

"Have I ever met you?" asked the Queen of the Apocalypse. "I'm late to say this but I noticed that your soul is somewhat extremely similar to someone I know."

"Eh?" MF's face showed a genuine surprise while deep inside, a great anxiety was looming out. She wanted to pray to whatever god she believed in to hope that what Pitka refers to someone she knew was actually her friend and not her enemy. MF then realized once again that she was literally a deity, so she prayed to herself.

"Hmmmmmm." Pitka lifted her gaze up, trying to remember who was the person she met that bore the same soul wavelength as Meshia. So far, she only knew some hints as some of the memories were clogged and hidden behind a safe. "I can't quite grasp it yet. Nevertheless, I guess it won't matter as much knowing that you genuinely don't know me that well."

"How can you tell?" MF pondered, as she had never had her mind read by anyone other than her family. Either that Pitka used a special ability and magic, or she could be using a psychological technique as far as she knew.

"Well, when someone tells a lie, I can see through their heart and interpret the color that they emit."

"Ah." MF slammed her clenched fist to hammer her other palm, subconsciously saying 'eureka' as she did so. "So that's why you're always looking at my chest."

"Nah, I just like gazing at voluptuous boobs."

The two of them shared a deadpan for a moment. One of them was rather disgusted and the other was saying 'yes' in an unorthodox manner.

Meanwhile, Lues was showing an expression of an expert that was used to this. "I already told her that I can shapeshift my body and give her all the view she needed if this cuff is removed. Yet she never listened to me."

"No, you traumatized me after what you've done right after."

The atmosphere had become less intense and the crimson phantom started to emit less hostile intent. Without letting herself to miss the opportunity, MF wanted to make sure that the two of them won't hold some kind of hatred or anger to her name.

"So, Pitka, you said that my soul is similar to someone you know."

"Yes, indeed."

"Is that person one of the people you hate?"

"I think not. Don't tell me that you're afraid that I will kill you?"

MF's brain chibis council began to throw a huge party after the reveal.

"You can say that." MF showed a wry smile.

"Well, I think it's normal to feel that way."

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