MF tapped onto her communication channel with Damascus once again.

"The negotiation is a success. We will have two new figures in Domeniul Ceresc. Do proceed the extra interrogation lesson for the disciples to its end, and don't forget to notify Foel and the other of our esteemed guests." All of this was done with a single tap on her own cranium.

"As expected of my Lord, I shall deliver this news to Madam Foel right away." Damascus nodded to herself with a smile.

MF knew that Pitka was able to snoop at her conversation. But knowing that she hadn't suspected nor instantly knew the identity of the Ouroboros of Neamh proved that she was not omniscient like how most of the Gods were. Although MF preferred to think that Pitka was actually suppressing her power to reduce the information flowing. Either that or she was playing dumb all along.

There was no sign of mind reading either. MF just only needed to control her emitted intent because that was likely the thing that an immaculate being such as these two foreigners to masterfully utilized.

Aside from all of those details, MF needed to reconsider the existence of the crimson phantom that had been eyeing on her in a hostile manner. She was most likely the most dangerous future guest of them all within Domeniul Ceresc. The fact that she was an Illfraz, one of the big three races of the Primordials, was not adding anything good to the situation.

With everything pretty much planned and calculated in her head, MF exuded a calm and friendly smile. "Either fate has bloomed its benevolence, or the two of you have just come into this world at the right time without any interference from it." MF clapped both of her hands. "As of now, my domain is holding a festival with many delicious foods being displayed all around. Having more family into the crowd will surely lighten the atmosphere even further."

"Oooh! Food!?" A waterfall of droll could be seen descending from the edge of her surprised gaping mouth. Her raspy yet gentle soothing voice appeared to be energetic immediately right after. "Yes, please, take us right away!"

'If you take away her power, she actually looks like an adorable good-willed child. A kidnap-able one at that.' MF tried her best to hide her inner thoughts behind her perpetual smile.

"Pitka, you're so easy to sway." Lues showed her dissatisfied grin. "If I was that lady over there, I would immediately kidnap you if not for your power."

'And she is right!' MF agreed and satisfiedly nodded unknowingly.

"This delicacy connoisseur is pleased to know that something will travel through her empty mouth." Pitka casually wiped out her drool, still with her droopy gaze and laid back expression.

"Still, it will be preferable if both of you changed your appearance into something casual, considering that we don't want to hamper the festival spirit with that." MF stared at the giant gauntlets that were hanging from Lues' arms. "Intimidating armory."

"That is a reasonable suggestion." Pitka snapped her finger, resulting in a flashy smoke arising from the ground. It immediately dissipated in two seconds, revealing her wearing a minimalistic midnight-blue rose themed gothic uniform with ruffle and frills. "I suppose this suffices to your liking."

"So, we're really doing this," said Lues before Pitka snapped her finger again and changed the crimson phantom's outfit with its matching red-rose-themed gothic uniform. The gauntlets were no more. Instead, it was replaced with antique and durable cuffs that sealed her ill-willed action out of possibility. "Pray that your food is good for my taste bud, heavenly scum."

"Ah! One more thing!" MF gestured her forefinger. "There were also a couple of people who could detect your hidden energy. It will be better if you can suppress the stream and condense it."

"I haven't thought of that method." Pitka caressed her chin. "I suppose that the metaphysical wavelength could be extracted and manipulated completely by that statement? I'll see if I can put that into a realization."

As of now, within MF's perception, the density of the Queen of the Apocalypse's mana wavelength range had exceeded more than 100 kilometers by raw calculation. Despite its sublimity, it could manifest into physical illustration of its existence when condensed by that amount. If MF was the one who did it, she would probably destroy the surrounding 20 kilometers in the process. Hopefully, it won't be the case for Pitka.

Pitka sprawled her insurmountable psychic power on her consciousness strings. Unlike the shape of a normal glowing and thin line, Pitka's consciousness strings were seen as branching roots of wings with numerous glowing fruit growing at every intersection.

To those who were able to detect and perceive the metaphysical properties of consciousness strings, this experience would be biblical, even to MF who had perceived the true form of an Angel.

In a few seconds, the wings of consciousness strings weaved the entire thin wavelength of electromagnetic frequency of her power, and forcefully condense them into a pitch black abyss ball akin to that of a less catastrophic blackhole with blue glows on its edge. It was the size of an adult's palm. Few second after the condensation, the blue hue transformed into golden, continuously producing yellow-black prismatic dust.

Pitka then placed the condensed physical manifestation of the produced wavelength onto her chest. So from now one, every frequency of the sublime wavelength would go into this specific point of condensation and disappear afterward. The way it was placed made it like there was a gaping abyss hole on her chest.

She then reshaped into a heart, matching with the gothic lolita aesthetic with a little bit of touch of perpetual danger that may or may not explode and consume everything at any given time.

"This will do."

'Ah yes, aside from Toma that Ki had created, now we have another entity that could result in a civilization ending scenario at any time,' MF thought, trying to scream inside beneath her innocent and friendly smile.

Pitka then looked at the nonchalantly grinning Lues who seemed to be rather excited after seeing the condensation point that would go 'kaboom' when triggered.

Pitka then did the same with Lues. Now the phantom had an upside-down heart-shaped abyss that constantly produced a red liquid with similar material like that of blood, dripping slowly from the edge. It might have suppressed the scary energy volume but now it only made Lues more creepier.

"This is exciting." Lues glanced at her upside-down bleeding abyss heart. "I can explode this whenever I want."

"Please don't," MF gently suggested. Of course, with her permanent all-hiding smile.

Regardless, MF was still heavily intimidated by both of them. Not to mention, one of them was a Primordial, a being that was older than the universe.

If Lues was a Primordial, then Pitka as her sister should be too, right? Although, MF had a hunch that it wasn't the case because of the contradicting soul wavelength. They were connected but different at the same time, it made MF extremely curious of their nature.

Alas, it seemed like her curiosity won't be satiated soon. Her current target would be either convincing the Primordials to join her side, or at least keeping them from destroying the entire continent by minimum.

Just like what was planned, MF then brought the two World Foreigners into Domeniul Ceresc. Both of them seemed to be ecstatic on their flight to Domeniul Ceresc, both bearing a contrasting reason for their delighted smile.

MF used her Angel Form for an even faster traveling. Pitka and Lues were able to catch up to the Pseudo-Angel speed with no problem. After a few minutes of flight, they arrived at the highly concealed heavenly land that even those Primordials weren't able to see through.

The moment they passed the identification system, their eyes were feasted by the glamorous sight of otherworldly heaven meant for spirits. The gorgeous mana waterfall, the rich and unique flora and fauna stretching across kilometers to the horizon. Numerous floating lamps and flowers could be seen, the festival was still at its peak.

"I'm astonished." Pitka slightly had her jaw hanging from the amazement. "If people would say that a place like this exists within Neamh, I would never believe them if I don't see it for myself."

"The barrier formation is godly too." Lues, who was somehow capable of feasting on the sight with her bang hiding her eyes, caressed her chin that arched a joyful grin. "This is actually a perfect place for us to hide as the years go on."

"I'm flattered by such words." MF put a genuine smile after her courteous one. "The great barrier was designed by my wife, I shall introduce both of you to her before the heavenly banquet."

"Yes! Food!" A drool could be sighted on Pitka's childish face once again. "How many years has it been? That my belly was filled by the darkness and absence of organic matter."

Thanks to their suppressed energy wavelength, both of the sisters was able to blend with the crowd without turning everyone into the state of panic. Normally, even mortals with untrained perception wouldn't be able to perceive their overwhelming strength.

But Domeniul Ceresc was filled with forest spirits who were sensitive to energy.

The three of them then arrived at the former location where Foel tamed the Pine-Looters with numerous challenges. With the three Mandragoras siblings absence, the tanomobi was greeted with the sight of her lover and two adorable children.

"Don't tell me that you kidnapped these two."

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