Enter Me! The Skillionaire Says In Parentheses

Chapter 93 - Song For The Restless

All of the forest residents began to return to Domeniul Ceresc one by one, except one of the Forest Caretaker's vessels.

MF silently told her to guard Kushi out of kindness, the curious kindred spirit did what was told by her owner. She sat beside the young aiseirighian, watching over the sky filled with gleaming stars and colorful semi-transparent blanket, waving up and down gently to make the night more enjoyable for its admirer.

"'They are pretty, aren't they?"' Kushi thought that was read by the Forest Caretaker. "'My buddies and I used to go to the rooftops and watch them once a year, sometimes they don't appear, sometimes they do."'

The spirit replied, "'I feel a great amount of mana from it, as if it showers me like the sunlight."'

"'Mana? Do people really get superpower after harnessing that thing?"'

"'I don't know, mana needed to be converted manually or to be attracted by something old, I was the same, I'm born from mana and the subconscious beliefs of the forest that needs me and can hold my existence."'

"'So what if the forest is destroyed? Will you cease to exist?"'

"'Probably not, my existence will be imbued with a soul and I will continue to live."'

"'Hmm, I'm having a hard time referring to you, is it okay if I refer to you as Kayta?"'

"'Kayta? As in nickname?"'

"'Yeah! It means forest in my tribal tongue."'

"''Well, feel free."'


As much as they wanted this moment to stay forever, time had eventually passed. It was midnight and a soothing voice of a caring young female had permeated the entire Citadel.

It came from the Director, but unlike her fiery and overwhelming demeanor, she could be heard more kindly within this time of the night.

"Greetings, to the young, the old, the kind, the relentless. I shall now deem each and every one of you as the citizens of this newly born Citadel.

"Every event has its purpose, and none of them will go to waste. In exchange of the destruction made and unrelenting questions you all have, I shall firstly promise all of you one thing that will differentiate our civilization from the rest.

"All of you will become immortal, somewhere in the future. I have presented to you a hint of what the new authority is capable of, may it be a flourishing society with no poverty we shall thread, may it be the pursuit of greater good we shall thread.

"If you're not bloated enough by the heavenly banquet this morning, feel free to keep the stupidly heavy rectangular token as your wealth. It worth more than an artifact that those so called Usurpers could make.

"You may use it as a means of exchange for now on, happily refer to it as 'aur' as they are worth the same as gold when compared to your hard work and effort to survive this unforgiving world.

"Tomorrow, the information on how to earn them will be told. As of the current moment, is the changing of day, the time where the soul may rest and soothe your blistered soul."

A melody of an instrument coated every being within the Citadel. It was sad and calming at the same time. Gentle, yet trying to be vibrant then slowly descended in tone to tender and affectionate.

It wooed many hearts of its listener, the children felt sleepy as the lonely adult closed their eyes and sat. Stopping what they were currently doing, just trying to feel the message given by the compassionate bard that was performing it

Then a voice accompanied the entrancing melody.

'Gather brothers! Gather sisters! Soothe your blister by the fire! May our bones ache and groan, but may our spirits never tire!

'If that sun won't rise in our horizon, we'll march on to spite the skies, and find that wheel of progress so well worn, brought us no shelter from the storm.'

The song and melody goes on and on, eventually it blends with their life as the stereo theater in the background.

Until it stopped, leaving the feeling of home to those that rest and befriending the night in a way that their eyes refused to sleep.

"Meshia, you're cruel, making me fall in love with your music, your voice…"

"Fufufu, I may or may not continue my performance, if not for our guest suddenly joining."

"Hmm?" Foel glanced to the side as she found someone sitting there. "The fuck!?"

"Yo!" Gushen raised his hand. "It stings that I died, but I hope we can be a better acquaintance from now on—"

Foel immediately prepared her Yaykha Kieli and threatened the dead man by the neck. "My partner's song made my sense dull and you're lucky that I didn't mince you into a cube."

"Indeed, that is scary and painful. Regardless, I apologize if I somehow killed your pet—"

Foel pressed the edge of the blade to the neck, blood dripped down, rather brutally as it splurted to the grass in front of him.

"—I mean no harm, can I get my friends back?"

"Mmhhh~ no can do," MF replied. "They were our property now. Well, you too actually."

"That is depressing." Gushen glanced at the fierce tanomobi, hoping that his head wouldn't fall to the ground. "What can I do for you then?"

"Be my citizens, that's all."

"I see."

Both Foel and Gushen held an abrupt staring contest. It was not until after it became so stale that MF tried to think of something to get away.

"My dear, I'll be having a seclusion somewhere at Domeniul Ceresc." MF slightly smiled. "Please guide our new citizens to the Citadel and tell them everything they need to know."

"Sure, any injury and uncomfort during the service will be to each of their own." Foel pressed the blade deeper, Gushen felt more uncomfortable.

"I'll be on my way then."

MF grew her segmented trident propulsion in the form of wings. She soared to the night sky, leaving the awkward confrontation to Foel.

MF was planning to use as much available time as she had to uncover the divine formation on her Angel form and eventually, the raging scroll within her pocket space pouch. The system essence had been giving so many signal to the gap of the pouch, too much to the point that MF felt irritated by the uncanny experience she felt because of it.

Not to mention, she needed to plan for her future sect and also dealing with the curious people from Dorian Citadel that kept sending cannon fodder to Ouranos Citadel.

"Ouranos Citadel isn't ready, I need to shut their mouth before it reaches Kratos Citadel somehow."

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