Enter Me! The Skillionaire Says In Parentheses

Chapter 94 - Kappa From The Pond

A calm flight after the magnificent performance. MF could go faster than usual without minding her favorite black dress getting scratched by the air friction into dust, due to the better material that she created with the dark seed of creation.

Not only was it extremely convenient, it was an abusable ability! The only downside it had was the speed limitations of what MF could create as what she did wasn't a spentless creation, but an alchemical chemistry construction using genetic contraption.

What the black goo from her gauntlet palm provided was only the universal material, she could create literally anything but only when she knew the structure of the said object, or thing, or whatever in between.

Her angel vessel was the most precious reference she had for the current moment. If she could decode what was behind the otherworldly divine formation within the vessel, she might get the key to become a greater existence akin to gods themselves.

As usual, she was very excited to perform her experimentation. The childish grin cannot be wiped by any means unless something prevented her from indulging in her perverted obsession of nerdy dissection.

"Just you wait Anvriel! I'll uncover every inch of your body!"

Anvriel was already dead, but she felt sullied out there somewhere in another plane of existence.

A huge mountainous domain perceived, painted meticulously by Foel to hide the heavenly land from wrongdoer. The deconstructed part of the barrier from those buckaroos of scouts from the association had been fixed and fortified ten times more excruciating to break through!

"As expected of my little mouse!"

MF bypassed the barrier, her eyes were greeted by the entrancing view of flourishing nature filled with its rowdy residents from all kinds of material. A rather weird way of saying it but it certainly something that could stop the most angsty brute with awe because of its scenery alone.

Each time a forest spirit of a sentient exotic plant emerged, the Domeniul Ceresc was blessed with more energy. With more energy, more residents would be born, creating positive feedback for the whole century to come.

Fluttering on the night sky above the festive forest, MF saw Ain, one of the greater wisp, spreading his sermon to the newest addition of nature dweller within this land.

There were numerous rabbits directing their ears to the greater wisp. Aside from the four new humanoid-level mandragoras and also a newborn dryad. Five of the forest caretakers were there to supervise.

'Don't tell, the rabbits gained intelligence from an awakening…?'

MF decided to check on the northeast part from the center of Domeniul Ceresc. There was a poorly made small shrine below one giant tree, a horribly sculpted snake made out of clay was presented above the youkai-esque praying altar.

'Hmm!? Is it from that feline? No, the wisps didn't tell me anything about how she managed to get into Domeniul Ceresc.'

Upon a closer look, there was a creature behind the small shrine. A human-like being with webbed hands and feet, and a turtle-like carapace on their backs.

'A stray youkai?'

It was a 'Kappa', they were a rare instance of youkai race that sometimes appeared on a clean lake or pond. MF hadn't heard much of them and was quite curious.

Five meters from the giant tree was a rich mana pond. No wonder, it might be a stray youkai that decided to dwell within Domeniul Ceresc.

But how did it get in!?

Youkai was once thought as a being accumulated from subconscious energy akin to those of deities, but at a lower amount with many kinds of energy variation. They were once regarded as a creature solely purposeful to gather fear from the ancient ancestors of all mortals of Neamh; whether it still applied to the mortals of these days was still unknown.

MF approached slowly, trying to contain her excitement. The kappa was sleeping.

'They are quite cute creatures, do they have intelligence? I wonder if it was really a newborn or suddenly popped out from another plane of existence.'

All of it would be possible if not only for the fact that it had built a shrine with an obvious deity shown by the snake statue.

Not to mention, MF felt a moderate amount of faith streamline coming from the kappa.

Suddenly, Ain approached the owner of the land.

"The Wise One, may you happen to want to know something?"

"Who is our new resident over there?" MF Fondled with her chin.

"Ah, it was a foreign creature. Some of the residents found them peeking out its head from the pond beside this giant tree. I immediately made an encounter and welcomed them to our land. It bore no hostile intention so the others eventually got accustomed to its presence.

"It was smarter than a few of the newborn residents here and it seems to know quite a bit of the universal tongue. I preached your divinity and gave the foreigner the utmost importance of knowing your existence as the ruler of this land.

"It seemed scared at first, with shaky hands and legs, it immediately built this praying altar to respect you, Wise One."

"Fufufu, thank you for your great service."

"It was by your will, Almighty One."

MF have heard some story on a scroll that a kappa bore some interest to a rare fruit named 'Cucumber'. MF certainly had one or two, mild, lightly sweet flavors due to their high water content—back on ber vagabond few hundred years ago. They are crisp too, which made MF want to snack on this delicacy again.

She had examined the botanical material of this fruit. With some genetic creation, MF was able to create a couple of them with the dark seed of creation.

As she munched on the cucumber on her hand, she swiftly stacked the cucumbers beside the little creature. 15 Cucumbers pyramid.. MF then poured some of her ink-like mana and a decent amount of faith energy in the hope of triggering something when the cucumbers were consumed by the youkai.

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