Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 73 From Various Sides

Luccio gritted his teeth. Even now his hands clenched tightly. This was something rare because normally Luccio always kept his cool.

Agatha realized that his attitude had changed drastically.

Inside her heart, Agatha also felt tensed. What if Luccio took out his anger on her?

"How did it happen?"

Luccio's question which he asked in a cold and deep tone of voice made Agatha flinch.

"W-What do you mean?" she asked.

"How did he find that green Wendigo?"

"Maybe he just happened to meet it. Then killed it," answered Agatha. 'Right?'

Agatha herself wasn't too sure either. Considering everything Clyde has done so far, it's possible that he was able to find and defeat the green Wendigo.

"No," Luccio said. "I don't think so."

"Why do you think so?" she asked.

"I've been paying attention to him since you met him. He seemed to have a specific purpose when he walked out of the motel this morning," Luccio replied.

Agatha didn't say anything in response to Luccio's words. It's just that she wished that Luccio didn't check the details when she met Clyde.

Agatha had indeed done something with the footage that appeared on the monitor when she met Clyde.

With that, what actually appeared on the monitor earlier was Agatha making the offer she should have made to Clyde.

Nothing about Agatha giving Clyde her own Personal Request. If Luccio knew, he could give her even worse torture.

All of that is thanks to this very outdated Selection Stage system.

Luccio leaned forward. His forehead creased and his eyes narrowed as he stared at the monitor screen.

He had his full attention on Clyde. Agatha had never seen him act like this before.

It made her feel a little scared. Because maybe Luccio would notice signs that Clyde wasn't just walking around and killing any Wendigo he happened to meet.

But after a few minutes of staring at the screen, Luccio didn't budge. He said nothing more.

Of course, Agatha didn't know what was in his head and what he was thinking when he looked at Clyde's figure on the screen.

"Could it be that he has encountered a Celestial figure who intruded into this Selection Stage?" Luccio muttered without taking his eyes off the screen.

That possibility also crossed Agatha's mind. However, she didn't really care even if it was true.

A word about Clyde might indeed have spread to the Celestials Realm. And knowing that they are powerful beings, Agatha is not surprised that they can find a way to infiltrate and contact Clyde through this outdated system.

But Agatha thought that it was not too important for her to worry about.

After all, they - World Masters - couldn't do anything if there were Celestials doing it since the Stage Selection system wasn't very useful.

So Agatha just wants to take whatever she can get. When Clyde completes her Personal Request, she will get Tokens.

Luccio leaned back on the couch and looked thoughtful.

"Maybe I should see him. If I can get a player like him, I can use him and raise my Rank," Luccio said.

Agatha turned her eyes away from him and also stared at the screen. 'It won't be like that if I get it first.'


The place is dimly lit. Illuminated only by the candles lining the walls. But that didn't matter to the figure of a woman who had just come through the door.

She was already very familiar with this room. Even when she extinguished all the candles, the darkness would not bother her.

Gremory folded her bat-like wings. She then stepped foot up the short stairway that led to her throne.

She sat there with a satisfied smile on her face.

"He is good. I want him," Gremory muttered.

A moment later from the shadows behind her throne, another figure stepped out. The figure wore a black robe that covered her entire body.

A long tear in the thigh part of her robe, and her body curve indicate that she is a woman.

"You finally found the person you wanted, Your Grace," said the woman while kneeling in front of Gremory.

"Yes, Nimue. I will assign you to watch over him," Gremory said.

Upon hearing Gremory's words, Nimue looked up.

"What do you mean, Your Grace?" she asked.

"You should watch over him and show him the right path. With his strength, I think there will be other Celestials who will be attracted to him," Gremory replied.

"But... can I, who only a mere servant, be able to enter the Selection Stage?" Nimue asked in a worried tone.

"Ha ha ha!" Gremory laughed as if what she said was funny. "You don't need to worry, Nimue. The system they used at the Selection Stage is trash. Even with your power, you should be able to infiltrate there easily."

Hearing that, Nimue who was worried before now smiled. If Gremory had said that, then what she said must be true.

"If you say so, I will do the job well, Your Grace," Nimue said.

Gremory nodded in satisfaction. "You can leave now. And don't let yourself be found out. Remember, this human has a great ability. So, you should be extra careful watching over him."

Nimue nodded once again. Then she got up and walked out of the room.


Elsewhere, a man had just emerged from a golden-colored portal.

The man wore a white cloth-like garment that was wrapped around his body and a golden sash that went from his left shoulder to his right waist.

What made him noteworthy were his sandals which were golden in color and gave off a golden and white glow.

There was a pair of small wings flapping at the heels. The wings stopped flapping the moment the man stepped outside the portal.

As soon as he came out of the portal, the man immediately ran towards a large door decorated with golden lines and arches.

The door opened on its own as the man approached. He immediately went inside and slowed down his footsteps.

Inside the room, there was a man who was lying down and watching something from the screen above him.

The man had blonde curly hair that looked like a collection of golden clouds above his head. He was wearing white clothes that looked smooth and thick.

When the man came inside, the man with blond hair turned to him.

"What? Do you have anything to say?" he asked.

"Your Majesty," said the man with great emphasis. His eyes were wide open as if indicating that he couldn't hold back the turmoil of the news he wanted to give.

Seeing his servant's behavior, Hermes - the man with golden blond hair - swept his hand and the screen above him disappeared.

Then he sat up and looked at the man. "What's wrong, Lykon?"

Hermes suddenly felt worried seeing the look on Lykon's face.

He knew that the situation was not very good right now. The arrival of Lykon who seemed to bring bad news made Hermes get up and immediately pay full attention to him.

He's the only one who knows about this problem. As the fastest God, of course, Hermes could notice that there was trouble somewhere much faster than anyone on Olympus.

"I just saw something good on a Selection Stage that is currently running, Your Majesty," Lykon said.

"Yeah? What is that?" Hermes said impatiently.

"There is a Candidate who looks quite promising."

Hermes breathed a sigh of relief because the news Lykon brought him wasn't something he was worried about.

"Lykon, you know I'm not that interested in that." Hermes flopped down on his bed again.

"But this human is impressive, Your Majesty. I ask you to look at the Selection Stage itself. After that, Your Majesty can decide for yourself."

Hermes sighed boredly. "Fine. Just watch your back if this isn't interesting."

Hearing Hermes' half-threatening tone, Lykon swallowed his saliva. But he was sure that what he was about to show would appeal to Hermes.

So Lykon showed a show about the Selection Stage that happened in the world where he saw something that he thought was interesting.

"You were able to gain access to the Selection Stage system that easily?" Hermes asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty. The World Masters who run the Selection Stage in that world use an outdated system," replied Lykon.

Hermes laughed. "They're still using the old system, huh?"

A floating screen appeared before Hermes' eyes. Showing the figure of a man dressed all in black fighting thin, gray-skinned creatures.

No, what happened on the screen is more accurately described as a one-sided massacre.

"He's pretty great," Hermes commented. "But I've seen one like that before. Why do you think I'd be interested in this one?"

Hermes looked at Lykon with an annoyed look. As if to say that he was wasting his time watching that man slay monsters.

"That man is already at a very high Level, Your Majesty. On the third day, he is at Level 68 now.

He also has very expensive skills for players who are only on the third day."

Hermes looked interested. "Go on."

"His weapon, is a Grade A weapon that he got on the first day!"

Hermes frowned. "Okay. That's quite interesting."

Out of all the Selection Stages he had seen, Hermes had seen humans who were strong and able to survive well many times.

Although in the end most of them were unable to succeed on the fifth day.

However, he had never known a human with such an advantage.

"You have to keep an eye on him and give me information," Hermes said.


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