Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 74 The Blue One

"Phew..." Clyde sighed. He looked up at the dark, overcast sky.

"I've lost count."

He had killed enough Wendigos that he had forgotten how many he had killed.

Clyde started walking again. The day is getting late but time is still very long for today.

And his hunger still makes him anxious. Occasionally Clyde would get hungry even when he was fighting Wendigos.

So he has to eat while swinging his sword. That's actually not a problem because Clyde can still do it well. But still, it's annoying.

But all of that worried him. Even though he was sure he could fight the Wendigos, Clyde had to face the hunger that haunted him.

Hunger is like a silent cold-blooded killer. Who always watches behind his back and strikes at any moment.

The moment when Clyde runs out of food, hunger will succeed in sticking the dagger into him.

'This is bad. How am I supposed to deal with this?'

Suddenly, when Clyde was feeling very worried about it, an unexpected help arrived.

[ Private Attribute: Easy-Mode has been activated to counter the effects of hunger! ]

Clyde immediately stopped in his place.

'What? What the hell? If it can be like that why are you just activating it now?'

Clyde can't help but wonder. He didn't know what really happened until now. He thought all the effects of [Private Attribute: Easy-Mode] had activated from the start.

But who would have thought that the effect was only active now?

Suddenly, there was another notification with a blue background and white text. Again, it's a notification that seems to be outside the system.

[ We apologize for the late activation of the Private Attribute effect. Various things happened to limit our access to the system. ]

Clyde shook his head. He didn't know why there could be so much outside interference on the system in this apocalypse.

But then again, actually, there are still many things he doesn't know.

'Should I answer this apology or...'

After a few moments of thinking, Clyde finally chose to just ignore it. After all, the notification definitely won't wait for a reply from him.

So now Clyde walks with a calm feeling. His hunger suddenly disappeared instead, he felt his stomach was quite full.

Maybe this is the effect of the amount of food he has been devouring since earlier.

Clyde continues on his way to find the rest of the Wendigos of different colors that he must kill.

He searched every dark corner of the city. But all he found, in the end, was just ordinary Wendigos.

Though, Clyde wasn't completely disappointed with that because he was still able to finish them off to complete Agatha's Personal Request.

Time passed and it was now almost eleven o'clock in the afternoon.

'Ahh, damnit. Where the hell are those Wendigos!'

Clyde, in the end, felt so frustrated because he could not find them.

He was beginning to feel that he would probably only complete one of the three Personal Requests Gremory had given.

That's pretty disappointing. But that doesn't mean it's too bad because he doesn't have to pay anything even if he fails.

And besides, he still has a Personal Request from Agatha. When it comes to her Personal Requests, Clyde is sure that he will be able to complete it.

He walked more calmly now because there was no longer the influence of hunger that haunted him. A few minutes later Clyde finds a pack of Wendigos in a former factory building.

Of course, he went straight in there and finished them off.

Flashes of bluish-white lightning were seen from inside the factory. Illuminating the darkness that previously filled it.

Within five minutes, Clyde had managed to kill all the Wendigos in there.

It turned out that there weren't as many Wendigos in the sizable factory as he had thought.

Clyde checked Agatha's Personal Request Window to see her progress so far.

[ World Master Agatha's Personal Request. ]

[ 1. Kill 1,000 Wendigos. (530/1,000) ]

Clyde exhaled because he saw that there were still many he had to kill.

'No use complaining now. Let's just kill those skinny gray monsters!'

Clyde, who didn't want to waste time just complaining, continued to walk around the city.


Nimue, with more suitable clothes to move quickly, has now arrived in this world.

Nimue covered her head with a hood and mask. Leaving behind a pair of dark eyes that looked mysterious.

Her job now is to track down Clyde. Because Clyde was carrying Gremory's necklace, Nimue could track him more easily.

'He's over there.'

Nimue uses her powers to hide herself. Then she jumped over the buildings to reach Clyde's location.

'I don't feel any pressure here. It turns out that this system is indeed so outdated. At this rate, this system can no longer even be called functioning.'

A Selection Stage system that cannot block interference from outsiders. Then the system is only useful for running Chapters of the Selection Stage and supervising the Candidates.

Even Nimue thought that maybe this system also couldn't keep an eye on the Candidates properly.

Inwardly she laughed.

'Those World Masters are simply stupid.'


On the other hand, Lykon has also come to this world. Behind him, the golden portal closed as soon as he stepped on the ground.

"Okay... let's find that guy."

The small pair of wings on the sandals he was wearing flapped lightly. Then in an instant, Lykon had just disappeared accompanied leaving a blurry golden trail.


Clyde was still walking while looking around. He felt that he had walked very far from the motel that became his base for a while.

Clyde feels a little bit of regret that he couldn't drive a car. That way he won't feel this bored because he's just walking.

Clyde gasped at the unexpected sight before his eyes.

'Is that...a woman?'

Clyde squinted his eyes and stared ahead. Where there was a woman who was sitting on a chair.

The woman was wearing a long brown coat that covered her body. She also wore high boots.

She wears a black mask and dark glasses. As if to hide her face.

Her hair is long black and shiny. She also styled her hair in such a way as to cover her face.

Clyde was confused. Who - or what - was that woman? Why is she dressed like that in this apocalypse?

And why is she alone in the middle of the ruined city and the monsters' siege?

She also didn't look like she was eating anything even though there were attacks of increasingly intense hunger.

All these questions were enough to make Clyde feel suspicious. So he held the hilt of the Elderglass Sword as he approached the woman carefully.

"Hey," Clyde said.

The woman flinched in surprise and stood up. Clyde could feel her gaze from behind the dark glasses.

"W-Who are you?" the woman asked.

"I'm just an ordinary survivor. Who are you?" Clyde asked.

Even so, Clyde knew from previous experience that she was most likely one of the Wendigos of a different color that he had to kill.

Her encounter with Jacob the green Wendigo made him know that there are Wendigos that can look and act like humans. Perhaps this woman was also one of them.

"My name is Candice," the woman answered. "Listen... can you help me?"

"Sure," Clyde replied. "Take off your mask and glasses."

The woman named Candice seemed nervous and was reluctant to open her mask. However, when she saw Clyde staring at her firmly, Candice chose to comply.

"I'll open it. But you have to promise not to be surprised, alright?" Candice said.

Upon hearing that, Clyde became even more convinced that she was one of the Wendigos that had a different color. Now it remains to see what color she actually is.

Candice took off her mask and glasses. Finally, Clyde could figure out what color the woman was.

It's blue. The woman who claims to be Candice is the blue Wendigo.

"I don't know what happened to me. Suddenly I woke up in this skin condition," Candice said in a trembling voice.

She looked up to see Clyde.

Candice's eyes immediately widened when she saw Clyde already lunging at her with a sword in hand.


Candice screamed. Then she stomped on the ground in front of her and sent hundreds of ice spikes from where she was standing toward Clyde.

The ice spikes looked like monster spikes coming out of the ground.

Its crystal-clear form made Clyde see the reflection of his face when the ice spikes drew closer to him.

Clyde jumped sideways to avoid the ice spikes. But the ice spikes turned and followed him.

So Clyde slashed the Elderglass Sword repeatedly to slash the ice spikes.

Fragments of ice spikes flew into the air from Clyde's slash. Then suddenly the ice spikes attacks stopped after he destroyed them all.

Clyde stood looking at Candice with cold eyes. Where she stood, Candice was also looking at Clyde. But the look in Candice's eyes conveyed surprise and anger.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Candice shouted at Clyde. "Why are you attacking me?!"

"Because you are a monster," Clyde answered simply.


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