Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 13 - Talking: Rescue Operation

---- Some Time Earlier ----

We both look at each other without saying a thing. I was stuck in a mid crouching position and not even 5 feet from me was Koneko who was hugging her knees while shaking. Unable to handle it anymore I spoke up.

Yu - Hi, I mean yo--

Koneko - Kyaa~!

Looks like being the first one to speak wasn't the best choice cause when I spoke she got scared and threw a punch at me. She was quick, it seemed like she strengthened herself with senjutsu but it was still not enough to kill me.

However, since I didn't want to hurt her so all I could do was defend my face while enduring her punch. Little did I know that that too was a bad move. I forgot to take into count that she was a short little girl and the punch I thought was aimed for my face was aimed for my crotch.

While the physical pain wasn't too bad the physiological pain caused me to instinctively go into the fetal position while my brain processed the fake pain it was inflicted. Koneko probably thought I was playing dead so she grabbed a book from a nearby nightstand and started hitting me with it.

It didn't hurt, but I couldn't really retaliate cause I could hurt her. All I was left with was waving my hand lightly hoping she would stop. I think she got my intentions and back away lightly and looked at me vigilantly book still in hand.

Slowly ever so slowly I readjusted myself so I was sitting on my buŧŧ with my hand in front of me making an innocent gesture.

Yu - I mean you no harm, I didn't even know where that door led to. First off my name is Yu Hyoudou you can call me Yu. What's your name?

Koneko -> Shirone - Sh-Shirone.

Yu - Okay Shirone I'm only here to hideout until I can find a way home. Can you please put down the book and we can talk?

She nodded slowly and put down the book, I breathe a sigh of relief and dropped my shoulders. Giving her a long look I noticed that she was pretty cute, then as I looked at her ears I saw them twitch slightly and then felt a presence coming this way.

I tried to hide in the secret passage but notice the door was closed so I made a dash towards the bed rolled under it and went into [stealth].


A shout came from the other side of the door and I just stayed under the bed. Soon are the voice died down I heard Shirone call out to me.

Shirone - They're gone now.

Poping my head outside like a goffer on Earth Day I make my way outside.

Shirone - You're not from here are you?

Yu - Huh... Ya, I was suddenly pulled here through a spatial rift, all I know is that I'm in the Underworld and that's it.

Shirone - You're human is that why you're hiding?

Yu - Ya, if I'm found out I'm as good as dead. I am confident in my strength but I'd like to be as secretive as possible.

Shirone - En

Yu - So Shirone can you tell me where I am.

She gave me a nod and slowly started to tell me stuff I already know, but when I heard about how she's been feeling being locked in here for the past few years my heart turned cold.

Shirone - It's scary being left alone *Hic* I miss my sister but they will only let me see here once a week *Hic* an-n-and when I do see here she looks just like mama before she-

Yu - Shh~ it's okay, you don't have to speak if you don't want to.

Before I knew it I was sitting in a lotus position and Shirone was in my arms receiving soft pats to the head to calm her mind.

Yu - [I'm going to kill those f***ers when I see them!!]

From what I could understand Kuroka and Shirone have been separated for 3ish years and can only see each other once a week for 1 hour. Lately, Kuroka has not been looking in the best of shape and this scares Shirone.

She doesn't want to lose the last bit of family she has left and being stuck in this cold dark room isn't helping her. No longer caring about being noticed I released my senses and found out that besides to mid-rank devil the rest are just low rank. A cold flash passed through my eyes and I knew what I had to do.

Yu - Shirone

Shirone - ...

Yu - Do you want to find your sister and get out of here?

Shirone - !!!!

She immediately looked at me with red eyes and tears forming on the side of her eyes. A look of disbelief can be seen in them but I just smiled.

It took her a while to process my words, and she wanted to say something but only looked down with droopy ears.

Shirone - But didn't you say you didn't want to be noticed?

Yu - I did say that but what's more important is what you want to do? I can't stand bear so see this kind of thing being done. From the way, you told your story your sister is suffering. I'm no hero of justice or anything but if I see someone I want to help I will.

This was my true self talking here, and I'm not doing this just so I can get a favorable impression from the two but because I think family is a sacred thing that should be cherished. In my past life and this new one family is one of the things on my must protect list.

If it's for my family even if I have to soak my hands in blood or fight against gods I'll do it. That's how important family is to me, I honestly admire Kuroka a bit. She was able to let herself suffer so they wouldn't touch Shirone but she forgot one thing. One of the most important things in a family is to be there for each other. She forgot that and thus rather than protect her only family she was hurting it.

That's why I'll help because it's in my ideals. As for their father, I can care less neither Shirone or Kuroka care for him if I have the chance I'll kill him, but without them looking so I don't scar them (However I think Kuroka will be fine with it, glad even).

I spoke my ideas to Shirone (minus the last part) and gave her another firm look while extending my hand too her.

Yu - I'll say this once more do you want my help?

Tears came out of her eyes again and she simply nodded while taking my hand. Standing up and turned my back from her and crouched down.

She gave no resistance and got on my back willingly. Taking out a loss black jacket from my inventory I covered the short Shirone as she clung to my body.

Yu - Whatever happens, don't leave my body and don't look at what I'm about to do.

Feeling her nod off in confirmation I broke the door handle with brute strength and pulled open the door. Entering stealth mode I first went to a room that was not too far from Shirone's room. There I found the guard who previously banged on the door if he suddenly came to check on Shirone and find the door is broken I'm almost certain that they'd sound an alarm.

Like a grim reaper, I gave the guys neck a twist before dumping him into the void. I had a bad opinion of the manor and it's guards so I had no qualms killing them.

After taking out the trash I then feel the presence signature of Shirone and tried to match it with another signature. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it but I did hide a barrier that blocked all observation skills and magic.

Within 5 minutes I traveled the manor, killing any guards I saw and dumping them in the void. When I found my self in front of a big dorm, I released stealth and felt the door for any magic resonance. The door did have mana in it, it was also very hard so breaking it down will be hard for normal people, but not for me.

Backing away from the door until I was 4 meters away I summoned one of my longtime partners my Deadshot Revolvers. These things use mana as bullets and currently, the densest energy in the air happened to be one of the most destructive.

Aiming at the door with both revolvers I activated [meditation] and sent any excess energy to my guns. Once I saw the magic build up, reach its limit I pulled the trigger.


I could feel Shirone's fear from the blast and I spoke while walking into the room.

Yu - Shirone when I stop walking get down and look for your sister I'll make sure nothing happens to you.

At the end of my words, I walked out of the dust cloud made from the blast and surveyed the room. There were 12 scientists, but most of them looked unimportant., all of them were scared still by my arrival.

Then in the corner of my eye, I saw a human and a devil that was dressed in fine clothes, around them were three other scientists but they looked like they'd fall any minute.

Shirone had already ran to the side of her sister and no one stopped her they were looking at me with caution. Done with my observation I used [Ground Shrink] and came up to the group of 6 scientists that were closest to me. With 2 void slashes, 6 heads rolled, as for the other 6 that were across the room, I release 3 bullets from each gun and 6 bodies fell to the ground.

As for the remaining 5, I left them at gunpoint and made my way towards Shirone who was having trouble releasing Kuroka. She was not in the best shape her back was bear and multiple puncture wounds were found, her skin was pale almost as if she had now blood in her, and her body was frail looking.

Placing down one of my guns I injected most of the life force I had in reserve while also taking the life force in the air and healed her. Probably because I didn't want to see such a cute girl look so unhealthy I used not only healed her wounds but also fixed her complexion, and nourished her body.

I noticed she was looking at me and smiled lightly.

Yu - Don't worry it's going to be alright.

Kuroka - Thank you!

Within 7 minutes she was able to get up and walk like normal, now how are we going to deal with these guys in the back.


Time spent on Quest: 17 hours 59 minutes

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