Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 14 - Judgement and Rest

Giving my jacket to Kuroka, I slowly made my way to the 5 dead men in the corner. My steps were slow but loud, and to them, it seemed like I was death knocking on their door. By the time I could get to them the 3 lackeys in front had already fainted leaving only 2 conscious men. I just looked at them and said no word, the first to speak up was the devil.

Naberius - Who do you thin-- Ahh~

I didn't like his tone so I shot him in the tight. I was already planning to kill these f***ers in the beginning but went I saw their lab I was enraged. Mingled body parts and mutilated corpses were everywhere, I knew they were trying to create super devils but this made me sick.

Lucky for me Shirone was too focused on finding Kuroka that she overlooked this or else she would have been scared. While I was watching the fallen devil with cold eyes I heard some soft footsteps.

Before long both Shirone and Kuroka were at my side looking at this whole mess. Shirone was scared so she hides behind both me and Kuroka.

At first, he was scared of what I'd do but, when he saw the girls he put a smile on his face (which was obviously fack) and spoke to them.

The man - Ah girls it's good to see your up and healthy, can you-

Kuroka - Do you even know our names?

He tried to get them to help him, but he was cut off by Kuroka who asked a question with an ice-cold tone.

The man - That's um... it's-

Kuroka - You don't know them yet you still try to play off as our father. Do you even remember our mother?

The man - Huh the Nekoshou wo-


She seemed to be enraged by the man but I had to calm her down. Grabbing her shoulder I held it with a little pressure hoping to bring her back to her senses. After a couple short breaths, she spoke in a tone colder than before that even gave me chills.

Kuroka - Are mother was a beautiful, caring, and sensible lady and the only fault she made in life was falling in love with you. This will be the last time we see you.

Not even saying good-bye she turned around and started to lead Shirone out of the lab.

Yu - What do you want me to do with these guys?

I asked her a question while looking at her retreating figure. She stopped but didn't turn around,

Kuroka - I'll leave it to you...

The man - Hey wait you're not- argh

Yu - The only person you can blame is yourself, and don't even think if asking for help. I'm a guy who holds family in the highest esteem, and guys like you who create a family but don't take care of it disgust me.

The man - Please n-








I had enough and wasted 8 bullets on him, 4 in the heart, and 4 in the brain. As for the devil, he was pale-faced and even peed himself.

Devil - Name your price I can gi-





With my other gun I wasted another 4 bullets, 2 in the hear and the head.


As for the guys who passed out in fear I let them pass on quietly in their sleep with a void slash. Give the place one more look I exited the lab and saw kuroka beside the door holding Shirone in her arms

Yu - Come on let's go.

She said nothing and simply took my hand followed me obediently. After that, I took them out of the manor through the secret passage and entered the forest. I choose to go into the forest opposite of the one I came out of for a number of reasons.

What I didn't expect was once we got inside the forest Kuroka collapsed, after further observation she seemed to have a lot of mental stress. Having no other choice I carried her in my arms like a princess and had Shirone jump on my back.

With all of us ready to go I went into stealth and left the Manor as fast as I could.


After a full hour of travel, I found us a quiet cave in a mountain ecosystem and let us rest. I haven't had some proper rest in more than 18 hours and my fatigue has been building up. Setting Kuroka down on a blanket I withdrew from my inventory I began to make us some food.

My inventory stopped time flow so I always had lots of survival gear in case something ever happened. Right now I've already lit a fire and I'm currently roasting some hot dogs on that fire cause they were easy to make. Taking out some buns I brought my finished hot dogs over the Shirone and Kuroka who seemed to have woken up.

Yu - Here eat up, you're probably hungry, right?

Both simply nodded and we all eat in silence. By the end of our meal, I asked what they wanted to do from here on. I was okay with taking them into my Heavenly World but the system had to unseal it first. While I did have that in mind I wasn't going to force them if they wanted to leave.

Yu - Your people what do you mean?

There she told me about the dispatch force sent to her village and was surprised, it appears that me being brought to this world changed more things than I thought. Although I don't want to take all the credit, I'm pretty sure some other factors needed to be taken into account first.

When she finished she wanted to depart immediately I stopped her by asking her how far away her village is from here.

Kuroka - 4 days walking 1 day running.

Yu - Okay I understand that but do you think that you can make it there with the condition your in, not even I'm at 100% right now due to constantly being on the run. Right now it's best to take a quick rest and leaving when we're ready to go.

She most likely knew she was being hasty and listen to my words, but was still a little sad deep down. Seeing her like this I couldn't help myself from patting her on the head.

Yu - Listen to me you two... We're not gods we can't help everyone the best thing to do is just try our best. I'll help you two for as long as I'm still able to stay in the underworld.

With those words, I set down a big futon and a warm blanket. It was pretty cold in the mountains so I left the fire on and laid down to get some rest. I laid down a futon and blanket for the girls too but they got in my futon instead.

*Yawn~* Oh well I'm too tired to comment on this, I'm going to bed.

Time Spent on Quest: 20 hours

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