Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 16 - An Interesting Youth

{Pov: Sirzechs}

I am Sirzechs Lucifer formally Sirzechs Gremory but when I took the reins as one of the 4 devil kings of the underworld my last name was changed. Currently, I am at the Gremory Estate looking after my little sister Rias who had just gotten her first servant.

She is at this moment being lectured by my bishop class servant MacGregor Mathers in the ways of being a high-class devil. I'd do it myself but I'm not very good at that sort of thing, luckily MacGregor likes doing these kinds of thing. Thus I let him as well as some other tutors handle her teaching while I watch from the background.

It's been about a month since Rias returned home with her first servant, a fallen angel/human hybrid named Akeno Himejima. At first, she was a little reserved when walking around the estate but she soon got accustomed to it.

Rias has even told me that she is her best friend which brought me a lot of joy. Due to being the next heir to the Gremory Household, she hasn't had many opportunities to find friends so this change of pace is welcomed.

Right now we're all in the courtyard of the estate, I'm enjoying some tea and Rias, Akeno, and MacGregor are continuing on with their lesson. To my side was my Queen-class servant and wife Grayfia, ha~ it's times like these when you enjoy the finest things in like.


As if to disrupt this moment of peace I felt a sudden spike in demonic energy, it was very far but it was still there. I didn't seem to be the only one who felt it as MacGregor seemed to stop the lesson and gazed at the horizon and Grayfia also looked to the horizon too.

Rias - Onii-sama what's wrong.

Sirzechs - There seems to be something going on out in the far eastern sector of the Underworld. It's unusual... I'll send someone to investigate it later.

Rias - Hey can we go and see it?

Sirzechs - What? Why would you want to do that it's not like it's significantly important to you or anything why would you want to see that?

Unable to fathom why she'd want to go I asked her

Rias - Because I'm going to be the heir to the Gremory house and being aware of the danger and responding to it is something a leader should know!

She puffed out her ċhėst and showed me a confident stance and I honestly wanted to let her go but it wasn't something that felt dangerous. At most, it was just a natural phenomenon that had no drastic repercussions.

MacGregor - Master I think we should go an investigate as well, even if it ends up being nothing dangerous something of a natural phenomenon shouldn't reach us all the way here. Also, I'm very curious about what's going on over there. Right Lady Rias, miss Akeno.

Letting out a sign I had Grayfia ready my Rook-class servant Bahumut for our journey east. I was also curious about what was going on but as a Devil King doing whatever I want just to satisfy my curiosity wasn't something I could do.

On our way out we crossed paths with my other Rook-class servant Surtr Second and Souji Okita my knight-class servant. Before I could even greet them Rias told them where we were going and they asked to join. The more the merrier I always saw but I think it's a bit overkill to have so many powerhouses go and investigate something so small.


After a few hours of flying, we came to the scene of the disturbance and we were surprised by the sight. From birds, eye view all the trees in the area were whithered down and seemed no vitality in them what so ever. As for the amount of demonic energy it was close to zero, wasn't a large amount of it supposed to have gathered here?

??? - Yoohoo~~ Sirzechs-chan over here!!

Looking down from the top of Bahamut I noticed 5 figures on the ground, I was able to recognize two of them but the others were strangers to me.

They were Serafall Leviathan another devil king who came from the Sitri family and her little sister Sona Sitri. As for the other ones two of them were clothed in long black robes so my guess was they were members of the Sitri family. And the last one was a girl similar to Sona's age so I ȧssumed that she was her new servant considering the fact that she had left for the human world at the same time as Rias.

Coming down from the top of Bahamut I greeted Serafall who was in her pink magic girl outfit as always. Ha, she never changes...

Serafall - You came here to check out the disturbance too Sirzechs-chan?

Serafall - Same for me and Sona here, but why do you have your whole peerage with you?

Sirzechs - Some were invited by Rias and the others were curious. So what happened here?

Serafall - Nothing much we did meet some fellow devils of the Naberius house but they couldn't find anything so they spread further out to try and find something but~...

Sirzechs - You were able to find something and kept it hidden.

Serafall - Wrong!! It was all Gustav here!

Crossing her hands making an X she denied my ȧssumption and patted the shoulder of one of the robed men. Looking at him closely I noticed that he was a dogman so he probably could find something normal devils won't.

Sirzechs - So what did you find Gustav.

Gustav - Reporting while all of the devils were looking for physical evidence I happened to pick up the scent of a human child in the cave right behind us. The scent seemed a few hours old and when I followed the scent I discovered that it went straight to the Naberius Manor not too far from here.

Sirzechs - A human child?

He was able to find all that out with his nose I'm impressed, with no further delay all of us made our way towards the Naberius Manor but when we got to the gates no one arrived.

I was certain we were detected by their barrier but no one came after 10 minutes passed no one came to greet us and we started to get suspicious. Giving Serafall a quick look I ordered Surtr Second the command to break the gate.

Even then no one came thus we decided to search the manor with vigilance however, it wasn't long before we realized that the manor was empty not a person in sight. I was puzzled but then came Gustav's warning.

Gustav - Lady Leviathan, Lord Lucifer I smell a lot of blood coming from around the corner, it's faint but it's still there!

Serafall - Alright you two stay here and protect the children we'll go and investigate.

Making our way down the hallway we save a giant door that seemed to have been blasted open with magic. Through that door however came the scene of a bloody massacre, corpses were found lying on the floor left, right, and center.

Serafall - I'm glad I had the kids stay back this would have traumatized them.

Sirzechs - Agreed

Serafall who seemed to have lost her playful tone went to examine the bodies but found none were alive, two of which were even gunned down having multiple holes in the heads and ċhėst.

The Super-Devil research.

The Nekoshou sisters

Their suffering

And the mysterious boy who appeared out of nowhere.

This boy interested me the most, he was so young yet so powerful for his age. He had ideas that I could agree with, resolve to finish his tasks, and a proper head on his shoulders.

He was ruthless but he didn't kill without reason, the people here were terrible people and he put an end to the, what shocked most of us was that while he was only 10 years old he didn't have any problem ending a life.

A person like that could either have a strong and resolute will or a twisted personality but for some reason, I believed it was the first option. We learned a lot from these tapes but what I wanted to know was where the youth went with those two Nekoshou.

From what we learned from the bedroom camera he was brought here through a spatial rift, not through normal means. Alas, I could only leave without knowing my answer.


Serafall - Hey Gustav the boy whose scent you found can you still track it?

Gustav - The scent... Yes, it continues out on the other side of the manor into the forest but, it seemed that the boy had 2 more people with him.

Serafall - En, follow that the trail I want to see who this boy is with my own eyes.

Sirzechs - You were curious about that boy too?

Serafall - Ya I fell that he will be a powerful force one day and I want to see if I can make him my servant.

Sirzechs - You just want to hand your sister a strong servant don't you?

Serafall - ...

I was able to see through her instantly but I can't deny that I'd do any better. It's just that I feel that the boy won't serve anyone and will one day be the one who is served by many.

While I was in thought I felt a tug of my sleeve and saw that Rias was looking at me with a confused gaze.

Rias - Onii-sama what's going on, who's this boy?

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