Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 17 - World of Blades, Field of Corpses

{Pov: Rias}

I am Rias Gremory heir to the house of Gremory and my day today has, lead me from one place to another. Originally I had come to the eastern sector of the underworld due to a strang spike in demonic energy but once we actually got here things started to get out of control.

First, we meet Sona and her sister at the sight because like us they were also curious but later we made our way to the local devil noble's manor only to find out it was empty. Onii-sama and Serafall-sama along with a couple other people went into the house but we were told to stay but. They tried their best to hide it under their breath but I heard them mention the word blood.

When Onii-sama and the others came back the first to speak was Serafall-sama, she wanted to find a boy. A boy?? Thinking back the reason we were here was that we followed a trail left by a human boy, but I don't get why we have to specifically look for him.

When I asked who the boy was Onii-sama told me he was around my age but stronger, Sona also started to wonder who this boy was because both of us were around the same in strength. After getting some more details we learned that in this manner were bad devils who were working on illegal experiments. Then the people who were being experimented on were two Nekoshou sister who suffered for years.

I felt sympathetic for the girls as did the others with me but I was surprised at what came next. The boy the one were looking for happened to cross paths with one of the sisters and she told him their story.

The boy felt sorry for them and promised to help them, and with the use of all his skills he defeated everyone in the manor and took the girls away from here.

Akeno - It's like a story from a fairy tale.

She's right if some other person told me this I'd think it was a story too, but the people in front of me never lied to me so I could only believe it.

After that, we followed the boy's trail with the help of Gustav, and for some reason the more we travel to more I wanted to see this boy. I kept remembering what Onii-sama said over and over in my head and couldn't stop my self from wondering what he was like in person.

Akeno and Tsubaki (Sona's Queen) also seemed to wander the same thoughts as me, even Sona too while she tried to keep straight face I saw that her eyes seemed to wander from place to place.

We had already passed by their campsite and now we were closing in on the Nekoshou village. Then before we could even see to the village in sight we heard to sounds of battle, hastening our pace we exited the forest and looked at the destroyed village in front of us. To be honest it made pretty sad these were peoples homes and other people just had to destroy them.

Akeno - Look over there by the river!

Everyone looked to where she pointed and we save a male youth escaping the bombardment of spells by jumping over the river and running into the forest behind it. While I didn't get a good look there were to girls in his arms just like Onii-sama said.

Watching the army of devils enter the forest soon after I started to feel worried about the boy. I tried to get Onii-sama to help but before I could he made a motion to Uncle Mathers, I didn't know what he was going to do but before I knew it a magic circle appeared before our feet and we teleported to a new location.

I was confused, I wanted to know where we were but the sound of explosions attracted my attention. We seemed to be on top of a ridge by the entrance of a canyon, inside that canyon I saw the boy again but he didn't look like he was doing so good.

He was still having spells thrown at him but he now had a shield the shape of a lotus protecting him. Behind him were the Nekoshou sisters, in front of him were a lot of soldiers coming their way.

Surtr Second - Master should we intervene

Sirzechs - No, I want to see what he does. Look at his eyes they don't seem to have lost their fighting spirit.

Listening to Onii-sama I tried looking at the boy's eyes but he was too far away for me to see. As if he read my mind Uncle Mathers used a spell to enhance everyone's eyesight. Once I could see I confirmed Onii-sama's words. While the boy was covered in wounds, while he was fighting a losing battle his eyes didn't seem to lose hope.

Right now while he wasn't looking at the girls I saw that he was talking to them, when it seemed like he had finished talking teal colored lines appeared on his left arm.

Sirzechs - MacGregor!!

MacGregor - On it!!

Rias - Onii-sama what's wrong?!

Sirzechs - Look at the sky Rias, I don't know what happened but a spatial dome suddenly appeared out of nowhere! MacGregor is currently trying to lock our position in place so we don't get trapped!

I was surprised when I looked up at the sky it did look strange and I was having this thought the wind started to pick up really fast. While I was trying to adjust to the wind all of us heard a loud clear voice, it wasn't from a shout more but like a low calm declaration.

"I am the bone of my sword"

"Steel is my body"

"And fire is my blood"

"I have created over a thousand blades"

"Unknown to death"

"Nor known to life"

"Having withstood great pains to create many weapons"

"Yet these hands will never hold anything"

"Waiting for that one to arrive"

"So I pray"

"Unlimited Blade Works"


Rias - Ouch!

It hurt so I was in reality, and the world before me was real too. Currently, all of us are on a magic circle floating in the air, and before us is a landscape I don't know whether to call scary or magical.

On the ground, there were hundreds, if not thousands or weapons stabbed. The land was that of a dying meadow, it looked like it was once a beautiful field in the past, but dead grass and multiple weapons littered the area.

In the sky was a light fog, and within that fog was giant rusty gears. Pillars could be seen on the horizon, I counted five each a different color.

In the center was a clean marble pillar, on its north side was an aqua blue pillar. To the east an emerald green pillar, the west a crimson red pillar, and to the south an ebony black pillar.

Standing in front of those pillars was the boy, his shield was gone and he looked tired but be seemed to be calmer than before. Opposite to him was the devil army, they were confused by the sudden change but I could be some mages were trying to reorganize the troops.




However just as they were about to calm down 4 of the 25 we beheaded by flying swords, and with that, as it's trigger the world started to change.




In the sky, the gears started to turn, and while they turned the rust on them started to disappear and the sky started to clear. The pillars started to glow and that, in turn, caused the weapons on the ground started to vibrate as if they had just come alive.

??? - Rrraaaawwwwrrr!!!

Suddenly the boy screamed a loud warcry and charged towards the army by himself, in the air around him was 4 flying swords as well as two swords in his hand. The army heard his cry and some of the mages started to aim spells at him.

But just like they some him, he saw them as well, with a powerful throw both the swords in his hand shot towards the army and following them were the 4 flying swords on the boys back. 4 of the mages were unprepared and died but the last two put up a barrier and luckily survived.

The battle started with 125 soldiers, and 25 mages but in these few short minutes 8 mages were already dead and the troops were only just getting in battle formation once more. The boy on the other never stopped his charge and even replenished his lost weapons with the ones on the ground.

I at first thought that the flying swords were just swords enchanted with a levitation spell and threw with wind magic but I was wrong. If one soldier were to dodge an incoming sword the sword would change its trajectory and kill a soldier who dropped its guard.

As the boy progressed further the number of weapons that accompanied him grew and when the boy meets the army he had a sword in each hand and, 20 different weapons circled the air around him.

Even with the interference of the army, the boy didn't stop and he slowly created a path of blood and corpses.

Souji - Nice slaughtering techniques.

Rias - Slaughtering techniques?

Souji - Just like who sword techniques and styles are used for battle or in duels, slaughtering techniques are meant for one thing to kill. I say their nice because while they do have some opening here and there those weapons circling around him covers to opening. Even his healing techniques are unique.

Rias - Hu? But he hasn't been using healing techniques all he's been doing it fighting.

MacGregor - Lady Rias look closely at his body see how he isn't bleeding. While he does have decent, fighting abilities but his defense isn't perfect he is getting injured but he's not bleeding.

Listening to Uncle Mathers I look closer at his body and saw that when he does get injured balls of liquified steel entered his body and start healing them. How was he doing it was it a spell or something more...

When those thoughts were occu[ying my mind the boy broke through the siege of soldiers and tried to charge the mages but was meet with a large fireball. He didn't even have time to dodge and the fireball exploded. I thought he had died and looked away, the cheers of soldiers could be heard in the background.

Sirzechs - Keep looking Rias, he's not dead yet.

Rias - Huh?

I believed his words and looked to the battlefield and saw that behind the mages that had dropped their guard stood the boy and with the wave of his hand many swords flew and killed all 13 mages.

Before they had 5 mages set up a barrier in case the boy threw more swords at them while the other eat prepared attack spells but when they dropped their guard so did the barrier. Their deaths were clean and silent no normal person would be able to detect anything wrong but that army had some exceptions.

When those people saw that he killed the mages some were scared, some we calm, but they all had one thing in common they all looked to the kid as if he was a monster. Only a monster would be able to survive an explosion that big after just suffering from a siege of soldiers. Even I was surprised, I kept thinking "is this boy really my age and not just some short master who's had years of battle experience?"

The army grew silent no one moved, in their last fight with the boy of the 125 of them that participated 83 of them came out alive 42 of them had painted the floor with their blood. The boy then started to walk toward the army he no longer ran, I believed he had gotten tired and only wanted to conserve stamina but then I hear the sound of wind being cut.


Suddenly 20 weapons the weapons that had originally follow the boy before he was 'hit' by the fireball appeared from the ground and killed 20 unlucky soldiers died. When those blades had finished their job they stopped moving and 20 more weapons from the outside started to attack the soldiers as well.

This caused the army to go into a panic and thus let the boy join in the fight picking off anyone who wasn't taken care of by a flying weapon.

MacGregor - Oh!! I see now!

Rias - !?!?

While I was watching the fight Uncle Mathers suddenly shouted in understanding.

MacGregor - Before when the boy first used that technique I thought it was first a really complete enchantment but turns out it's more of an ability that lets him manipulates the weapons found in this separate space. He previously only could hand 4 at a time but he slowly got the hang of it and brought the number up to 20. My guess that this ability has limits and depending on those limits determines it's attack power. His limit now is 20 because if not he would have used every weapon in this place to rain down weapons on that army. Such a-

I decided to ignore Uncle Mathers now once he gets into a subject he really likes he tends to cause people headaches.

Finally, with the ȧssistance of his infinite arsenal of weapons, the boy was able to defeat everyone in the army. Once the battle was over the boy seemed to have lost most of his energy and fell down, with his fall the world we were in slowly dispelled and we soon found ourselves back on the top of the ridge. Below us was the boy but he was surrounded by a field of corpses and coming his way was a pair of crying Nekoshou sisters.

Surtr Second - I got to say I didn't think he had it in him.

Souji - Yes a boy who fought in a world of blades and created a field of corpses... you could write a poem about that.

Sirzechs - Let's go I want to go see who this boy really is.

Serafall - Okay I'll race you to him!

Coming down from the ridge we walked towards the boy, and as we were I heard Akeno tell me.

Akeno - Today has been a weird day hasn't it Rias?

Rias - Yes it has.

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