A month after I had both rescued the girls and evolved as a stronger person, life began to slow down for people of the Hyoudou household. While we were still on break, Issei and I were allowed to go out and play since Mom and Dad had work.

It was then I had decided to tone down my life a bit, for one I took a temporary break from getting stronger. There were multiple reasons for this 1) Understanding the power I had right now was a problem on its own so I had to hold off on gaining more, 2) As a 10-year-old I had already reached to a level of monstrosity for people my age, and 3) I needed to change my mentality.

Ever since I arrived in this world I've constantly been on the path to getting stronger. There were times though when I wasn't training like when I hung out with Irina, played with Issei, or went to school but even then I kept wondering how I'd get stronger. This was not a good mindset, I want to live an easy life and at first, I needed to have the strength to protect that. However, I soon realized that constantly pushing towards the path of strength while ignoring those around me would cause me to live a lonely life. Then what would I do, I'd have wasted part of my life only to end up alone and friendless.

Lucky for me I had people like Mom, Dad, Issei, Irina, Kuroka, and Shirone who were able to make me realize that my current mindset was unhealthy. I still remember Dad's words to me on my first day of elementary school.

Dad - No son of mine will live a lonely life!

Now I started to slow down a little. Rather than running off during the day and coming back at night to train, I cut my training time to 30 minutes in the morning and, that time was mostly spent on sparing with Kuroka, and Shirone.

Speaking about those girls when I checked their strength levels both were in the low-Ranking stage, but their tier levels were different. Kuroka was in the high-tier, while Shirone was in the low tier almost mid-tier. This was fairly reasonable considering that Kuroka trained far harder than Shirone did for 3 years.

If this was done in the first week of them being in the human world they would have shocked the populace with their cat ears but during this month I prepared a lot of countermeasures. With the ȧssistance of my Sub Jobs [Black Smith] and [Rune Maker] I made the girls equipment to mask not just their ears and tail, but even their aura.


Currently, Kuroka's attire consisted of a long black kimono with a red interior, a yellow obi, and a black choker on her neck. As for Shirone, she had a short white kimono with a baby blue interior, a light blue skirt, white stockings, a dark blue obi, and a white choker on her necks. Their outfits were similar to the ones they wore in the book the only difference was that they were still children rather than their more ȧduŀt forms seen in the book.

Another change is the choker, those were shape-changing equipment I bought from the system and it looks like a collar when they were in cat mode. Changing the chokers design a bit I took the previous necklace I gave them and attached the emblem to the choker to give it some sort of design. I always see them handle those necklaces with care so I thought they'd like it... they did.

But being fancy clothes wasn't the only thing they had, inscribed into the cloth was an aura concealing formation. The formation was used to hide the fact they were Nekoshou, and hide their magical signatures.


Other than that I also worked on trying to cure the poison of the Nekoshou, but I'm not getting much progress. Originally I was going to purchase some magic medical books to help me but they were really expensive! However, since I had previously spent most of my points buying materials for the girl's clothes, basic formation books, and formation materials my supply of points was less than 10 percent of what it used to be.

It took me 3 months after that of constantly doing mini-quests to try and earn points and for the required books to help my research.

[Basic How to Guide to Medicine Refining]: Shows the basic of how to refine medicine and prepare materials

[Poison Formula Book]: Contains the formulas of 1000 years of poison knowledge for most non-natural poisons

[Herb Index]: A glossary of all the worlds magical and normal herbs including their component uses (does not include divine herbs)

This knowledge was good and really helped me understand medicine and such but then another issue came up. In order to actually make the cure, I had to experiment with multiple herbs which I didn't have.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry after that, I had spent 3 months saving up point for the books so I had none to buy herbs. Once again I went on a mini-quest expedition and spent 5 months saving up points and buying both herbs and herb seeds.

I had specifically chosen herbs that contained components that had the possibility of being the cure and used those for my experiment. As for the seeds I planted them in my in the Eastern Sector of my Heavenly World and created an herb garden.

With the ȧssistance of plant nurturing formation I was able to have the herbs grow way faster than they should, extracted the seeds, replanted the seeds, and used the herbs for more experiments.

If this was done in the normal world then by now the ground would dry up and lose vitality but because the nature vein in my Heavenly World is so big due to my influence my herb garden didn't affect the ecosystem.


Then finally after 6 months of research at night, I was finally able to concoct a cure for the Nekoshou. When I told the girls of this they were really happy and begged me to cure them at that moment.

Because their previous village was destroyed by the devils of the Naberius house so I offered them the option of living in my Heavenly Wolrd which they accepted. Apparently, they liked the abundance of life force in the air and though this place was even better than the current Yokai factions territory.

Yu - [I think that's because they don't have nature and mana veins but oh well]

Things were going well, but then came a real problem while I could buy materials from the system the cost was a lot while the amount was not enough, they're 82 people after all. Now what I needed was money to buy material for their new village.

They told me they were fine living without houses since it didn't rain here, and lots of fruits and vegetables grew all around but I did like it. Since they were living in my Heavenly World they were my people and I didn't like the current living conditions they were living in. Thus in my last year of elementary school, I came up with a brilliant way to make money.

It was to go into the novel business, I had previously abandoned this idea because I wasn't in the need of cash but it was different now. During my whole life of living in this world, I noticed the tv shows in this world we to plain and had very little good content. However now it was about to change, I was going to bring work from my previous world here to both earn money as well as bring back my favorite books, manga, and anime to this world.

I may have perfect memory now but it's always nice to re-watch or read something you like from time to time even if you already know the plot. Thus I hardened my determination before starting I had first gone on the internet to see if there were already some works similar to what I was going to recreate when I saw there was none I instantly began to works.

---- A couple months later ----

...Months have passed and I'd like to say I'm doing good. Due to my first 2 releases of Naruto, and Dragon Ball Z as well as the making of there anime I had become really popular as a mangaka artist.

Naturally, no one knew my real name, my pen name was Sakamaki Izayoi {A/N: I took this from the comments section, and I really like the character}


When I first came to this company it was dying out and on the verge of bankruptcy but soon I came in and gave them both Naruto and Dragon Ball Z it caused their profits to soar. Now they treat me as their VIP client.

Obviously, I kept this from my parents and used one of the ȧduŀt Nekoshou to be my acting guardian claiming her to be my aunt. So when I asked them to get me a scholarship to a nice middle school that focused on art they were confused.

They knew I already had great drawing abilities so they couldn't understand why I'd want to go to an art school but when I told them I wanted to see how other people drew they accepted it thinking it was just a kids curiosity at work.

I had already told them that only my aunt and they knew I was [Sakamaki Izayoi] and after a bit of thought they knew what I meant and prepared the paperwork.

A couple weeks later I got a form telling me I got a full ride scholarship for my middle school year in the mail from a fancy school in Kyoto. My family was surprised when I said I wanted to go and were kind of hesitant but after a lot of persuading, begging, and negotiating they finally accepted.

Issei was sad but after promising to bring him back some souvenirs when I come back for the holiday he accepted although reluctantly.

And thus the time came and I was at the train platform waving good-bye to everyone. With one last look, I boarded the train and my time in Kuoh had come to a temporary end.

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