Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 21 - Train Ride and Arrival

The bullet train had left the station and I had just left the station it would take around 3 hours to get to Kyoto {A/N: Don't quote me on that} and I was sitting in first class. Apparently, the school I was going to got a big donation from my editing company Scripture Depo {A/N: my naming sense sucks don't expect much from it} in order to have them enroll me in.

And thus because they really wanted to have a good relationship with the rising star that is Scripture Depo they decided to bring me to Kyoto in first class. They even listened to my request when I asked them to prepare 2 more tickets.

Right now I was working on the final volume of Naruto for the series, while the current release schedule doesn't have this volume be released for another couple months, I want to get this as well as a couple other novels done with and out of my way.

Drawing a manga for me didn't take long since I had amazing, hand dexterity for drawing and I was ambidextrous so I could work with both my hands. And with my perfect memory and keen eyesight to fix minor mistakes, I could draw a volume in a day.

While I was working to my right was Shirone snacking on a pile of sweets she bought at the confectionery stand, while Kuroka was diagonal to me was Kuroka who was gazing out the window enjoying the noon sun.

Both of them still wore kimono's but these were different from the ones I gave them a long time ago. These were hand sewn by the Nekoshou seamstresses and were made of a silk-like material, I mean it felt like silk but it didn't have the reflective shine that silk did. The designs didn't change much and in all honesty, while the clothes didn't change by much the subtle change gave them a hint of noble aura.

Compared to their clothes mine were lackluster all I wore was a pair of dark blue pants, a black t-shirt, and a dark grey collared jacket. My choice of clothes wasn't bad but I felt like it was outshined by the girls a little.

Besides the clothes through while they were young the girls were extremely beautiful. I mean they were cute before but when they reunited with their people they underwent training to extra the devil pieces in their bodies. The process to a month but in the end, both of them were able to use senjutsu to extract their devil pieces from their bodies and return to being normal Nekoshou again.

Since the process also extracted their demonic energy they started to train their senjutsu now that their bodies were more 'balanced' without the interference of demonic energy. Thus after a few months of training their complexions turned fair and natural beauty increased with their age.

Now, wherever we go they always attract many eyes their way. Even the number of admirers have increased, but they never gave them as much as a look before denying them. Even if some tried to do anything fishy they would be beaten down before they could even more.

I do like that other people appreciate their beauty but sometimes it can get annoying like now for instance.

??? - Hello the miss may I know your name, I'm Souta Ren.

Kuroka - Hmm? What do you want?

Right now some guy was trying to hit on Kuroka but what he got was a cold reply.

Souta - Ah um I just wanted to talk to you I've noticed you since we got on the train and I've been wanting to talk to you for a while now... So I was-

Kuroka - You've been stalking me?!

Souta - Wha- no no no I just couldn't get you out of my mind since I saw you. I wanted to ask you if you'd like to accompany me for dinner later.

Kuroka - No I don't now go away.

Souta - Come on its just dinner, and it's not like you'll lose out on anything. I don't mean to brag my families pretty rich.

Kuroka - Hmph your family may be rich but you aren't, and who told you I was alone.

Kuroka we obviously offended by her words, the people she hated most were those who flaunted money where ever they went. There had been a number of pursuers who tried the same tactic but most ended up as shemales.

Then as if to prove her words of not being alone true she stood up walked over to me sat on my ŀȧp and gave me a deep kiss in front of him. I may have been 12 while she was 15 but she was 5,1 and I was 5,1.5 I was tall for my age and it didn't seem wrong to be seen kissing her.

Souta was surprised than embarrassed and to make him feel worse she gave him a Shu Shu gesture as she continues to enjoy kissing me. While I couldn't see him I could feel that he left as quickly as possible with a tomato face.

Yu - Haa you're cruel you know that.

Kuroka - What do you expect he was hitting on me and with such cheap means to, I'd rather be with you who treats me nice~

Yu - Haa I know but were in public so keep it in moderation.

Kuroka - En~!

She did agree with me in words but her body said otherwise and she snuggled up into my embrace and started to take a cat nap. Then as I felt a sharp gaze facing me I turned to Shirone who looked at me with pleading eyes.

Giving a small chuckle I reached my hand to her head and petted her head lightly which caused her to close her eyes trying to enjoy the sensation of my touch while also snacking on her sweets. This is my life, as my age progressed so did my relationship with the girls. To the world, they'd be indifferent but with me, they'd be affectionate spoiled princesses. And while I did kiss them I didn't cross the final line yet cause I was too young, inexperienced, and my body hasn't hit puberty yet.

While pampering these girls I knew I wasn't going to get any work done so I went out of work mode and went into relaxation mode.


Yu - Are you the driver sent by Scripture Depo? I'm Yu Hyoudou they told me you'll be taking me to my house in Kyoto.

??? - Yes Mr. Hyoudou and the misses I'm Sato Ito, and I will be your driver for the evening. Would you like me to take your bags in the car?

Yu - Yes, please.

I wasn't surprised that he didn't ask about Kuroka and Shirone it seems he was properly told what to do before coming here. Most of the managers in Scripture Depo know I have a relationship with more than one girl so they've gotten used to it and stopped asking.

The drive lasted 40 minutes but he did inform us of many interesting sites to see while we were here. He even passed by the school I was going to attend and I found the school to be very interesting. Because it was a school that focused greatly on art their were pieces of art posted on the walls and even murals on most of the walls.

Some people might call the murals vandalism from afar but when they got closer they would see the large number of details found in the artwork. While I knew I was going to pass middle school no problem it nice to know that school won't be boring and dull.


After another 5 minute drive, we parked the car in the underground parking lot of a high-class ċȯndȯminium complex and got out of the car. Once we were out we grabbed the car took the house keys from Sato and left for my new home.

Sato - OH! Yes, Mr. Hyoudou there is a staff meeting at the office tomorrow. Director Nakamura would like for you to come after the meeting is over.

Sato - Yes.

With that, we parted ways. The condo I asked Scripture Depo was more than I asked for there were 5 rooms, 3 bathrooms, a terrace, a large living room, and kitchen. It was even 2 stories and fully furnished, like goddamn.

Well, I do give them popular content to this is reasonable. Quickly setting down our stuff I obviously took the master bedroom on the second floor, while the girls shared the room next door.

Once everything was settled down I was sitting on the couch in our living room when Kuroka and Shirone asked to let them into Haven.

Haven was the name Nekoshou called my Heavenly World and I liked it so I kept the name, a lot of changes have happened to it since I entered the underworld and I'm still surprised by it. After a bit of thought, I nodded since I needed to check something.

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