Time had passed and the night was here. Currently, I'm alone on a bench in a park near the tower of Kyoto. Before this, I had come into contact with Yasaka who was leading a team to infiltrate the underground base. Now I just had to wait for them to act as decoys so the Nekoshou and I can sneak in through the back.

Yu - A lot of people will die tonight... let's hope none are from my side.

Shirone - [Are you scared Yu?]

While I was talking to myself I heard Shirone's voice from a comlink I gave her and Kuroka.

Yu - No, I'm not scared I've already been in many life and death battles before but this is different. Right now I'm leading my own group of people and I have to keep track of a lot of things now. Rather than scared, I'm nervous in a way.

Kuroka - [It'll be fine Yu~ just believe in us. Our people won't go down easily~!]

Yu - I guess your right.

I don't know why but talking to them always keeps me at ease, so I just took my time to look at the stars before I went into the dark caves of the underground.




Yu - Guess it's time.


Infiltrating the base through an old sewer system I released all the Nekoshou from Haven. While the main faction dealt with the frontline troops we would sneak in through the back and hit them from both sides.

Making our way through the system we came to a halt when we saw a giant hole, there was a staircase going down but we didn't want to lose too much time.

Yasaka had previously given me a map of this place so I knew there was an underground freshwater system here which gave the base its water. All I had to do was get down there and I'd be in the base.

Yu - Welp maximum effort.

Ignoring the stairs I jumped straight to the bottom and came into contact with the water, following behind me were the Nekoshou and we all regrouped at the bottom.

Making use of some runes I dried all our clothes and we continued to move forward. The first place we stopped by was the small storage warehouse. We had to stop any of them from coming here to resupply their troops so I took all the supplies into my inventory for save keeping and collapsed the ceiling. We're really far underground so it shouldn't affect the surface at all even if I made use of a lot of explosives.

After that, we came into contact with the enemies communications department and silently killed everyone here. From what we could tell they hadn't been able to alert the other bases of our attack which was a good thing.

As I thought this a message came from both bases.

??? - Mayday mayday this is supply depot 1 we are currently under attack the enemy has already infiltrated the base and were losing men please send help!!

??? - Mayday mayday this is supply depot 2 we are currently under attack the enemy has already infiltrated the base and we already lost most of our men please send help!!

It seems the others are doing well for themselves, they've already infiltrated the enemy base and caused them to call for reinforcements. Thinking for a minute I came up with an idea.

Yu - Ahem... This is command HQ were are currently under attack the leader has been killed and they're taking over the base!! If any of you are listen send reinforcement this way the base is about to fall!!!

Depot 1 - Oh god no

Deport 2 - HQ!! HQ!! do you read me please rep-!!

The first depot seemed to have lost hope while the second tried to get back into contact with us but they were interrupted by what seemed like an explosion.

An evil grin appeared on my face and I looked at the others who were showing a similar grin. After clearing the communications room we went into stealth and started to pick off any stray soldiers running around here and there.

After 30 minutes we all came into contact with the main battlefield and saw that they had come to a stop in their advancement. Each side had many fighters in the center of the field while mages were firing spells from the sidelines.

Yasaka was in the center as a 9 tailed fox attacking enemies left right and center while also firing off spells from her tails. It was quite the sight and I stopped for a moment wanting to take a picture cuz it was pretty cool but stopped myself since we were on the battlefield.

Thinking for a moment I took the Nekoshou back into Haven for a minute and used my Void Demon Form to sneak up behind the enemy mages. Like a phantom, I attacked them and let out the Nekoshou. They never stood a chance.

Without the support of the mages, the soldiers on the battlefield started to fall like a puppet without their strings. Within 5 minutes I stood before Yasaka who had turned back into her human form.

Yu - Hey long time no see. Did you find the boss yet?

Yasaka - It has only been around an hour and sadly we haven't yet.

Yu - Hm~ I see give me a moment.

Releasing my domain I scanned the whole base and slowly found the boss. He was in a room east of here trying to gather the rest of his troops to his direction. Sadly for him, it wasn't much since we had killed off a good number of them on our way here.

Yu- He's east of here trying to gather his troops if we go now we can probably finish him off here and now.

Yasaka - How do you know that?

Yu - Trade secret! Only my family, friend, or woman will know it.

Giving a cheeky grin I made my way east to confront the leader. It didn't take long and when we did 30ish soldiers were blocking our way. They looked at us with eyes full of vigilance, anger, and sadness. They had mostly run out of hope for there victory in this war.

Yu - Listen up!! If you surrender now I'll let you all live!! You have 3 seconds!!

Hoping to at least end this quickly I gave them an ultimatum

Yu - 1!

Yu - 3!!!

Before I even reached 3 most of them had already dropped their weapons but some had still continued to put up a fight.

Yu - Oh well. [Trace On]

With the keywords spoken multiple swords appeared behind my back and shot towards the still standing soldiers. They tried to dodge but when they did new swords appeared and cut them to pieces.

This shocked not only the kneeling soldiers but even the faction's army and my army. They didn't think I knew a skill like this.

[Trace On] was a skill I learned over the 3 day time period. While I was forging a lot of new equipment my Blacksmith sub job ranked up from Expert to Master and let me have a good understanding of the skill.

It combines the sword properties of [sword force], the knowledge of a master blacksmith, and the influence of [Unlimited Blade Works] to create blades out of thin air rather than using my reality marble. The only downside is that it takes a while making a blade rather than pulling it from the ground.

Yu - ...Are you not going to capture them?

Yasaka - Huh? Ah yes!

I originally wanted to blast the door open with Deadshot but before I could Yasaka did some weird thing with her hands and before I knew it the seal was broken.

Yu - ...Can you teach me that?

I couldn't help myself from asking and she only gave me a smile before pushing the door open. Inside was a creepy looking guy and if I was to describe him in detail he would look like Orochimaru from Naruto.

Yu - [The resemblance is uncanny.]

Yasaka - Amano it's over surrender now.

Rather than attack him Yasaka chose to talk with him but even I know this guy won't surrender. He seems like the kind of guy who'd curse at you before he'd surrender

Amano - You filthy B**** you've sided with the humans, and used them to help you win. Do you have no pride.

Yu - ...Pride is nothing more compared to life. Now surrender or I'll kill you.

I already didn't like this guy so I used [Spatial Movement] to get behind him and held him at gunpoint.

Amano - Ha! What do you think you can do with that, you runt. I'd rather kil-


One bullet saved me from his boring speech, it was one of the best deals I made if I don't say so myself. Holstering my pistol I looked at the crowd of yokai who looked at me with disbelief.

Yu - What?


They were pretty mad with how I didn't at least hear him out but they couldn't change the past and just accepted it since, in the end, they knew he was going to die one way or another.

After that, we got reports that most of their forces were killed off that night and only 10% of them lived because they surrendered. Most of these came from the first supply depot, while the others were stragglers found here and there.

Once Yasaka was able to put everything back into order she started holding up her end of the deal and gave us a stable supply of materials that we'd need in the future. She even offered to teach me some skills which I accepted full heartedly. As for the migration process, turns out the Yokai Faction was having population problems since they had been holding up in their small pocket world without expanding so it had gotten pretty tight for some people.

In the end, I was able to gain a lot of new people and I sent them into Haven. Lots of them were in really bad shape but I kept giving out lots of medicines and stuff to them and got them back to their peak. They had begun to help with the manual labor in the village to finish the houses and stuff.

Then came the Widows they had become sad that their husbands were no longer here, but after a while, some of them decided to do work in order to keep their minds off it. Some worked on making new clothes for the orphans, other prepared food for everyone, and the stronger one helped in the village completion.

As for the orphans they had taken Haven as their new home and wanted to work hard to protect it. I was impressed with their determination and strong will so I had one of the Nekoshou train them.

It didn't take long for them to accept me as their leader since I didn't stay idle and helped them a lot when I could. They also knew that Haven was literally made by me which impressed them a lot. They didn't know about world power though since I wanted their loyalty without having to be a tyrant. Lucky for me they had no prejudice against humans or Nekoshou so it was fine.

What weirded me out though was that some of the older yokai didn't mind living in the woods but I still had them move into the village to keep everyone in check. Before I knew it the village was expanding and my castle was almost done. I had even begun to work on my own army.

All this took about 7 months but, I couldn't see everything since I had to get to school as well as go see Yasaka for teaching but I'm pretty sure there's more to see. What I did find out later though was that all of this was planned by the Khaos Brigade I didn't expect to see them so soon but in life, anything can happen.


Completed Quests -

[Kingdom Building:

1st Quest) Population - Now that you are a King you needed people to serve under you

- Task: Increase the population of your territory Gain 1,000 citizens (1000+/1,000) {A/N: Most of these are orphans}


- 1x Sky Vein

- Haven will gain another sun

- Human life form data will be inputted when Haven reaches 7th Sun Rank

[Secret Quest - War:

Task: Win a war


- 4x ***** ***** *******

- 1x Legendary Equipment Gacha Ticket

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