Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 30 - Childbirth and Surprise Reunion



{Attention passengers we will be arriving at Kuoh Town in 5 minutes}

It has been about 8 months since the war in Kyoto and today I decided to visit my family for the weekend. I had previously come by a couple times to check on mom and the others but I'd have to go back the next day to continue with school.

I technically didn't have to go to school I still wanted to because it was like a small place for me to relax. In school, I was temporarily free from the mental strain of being a leader and had time to myself. Usually, I would talk to some of my classmates in class, read a book, or stare at the sky. My grades were obviously top of the grade so I had nothing to worry about and could live my school life relatively calm.

If I had to put it clearly I was pretty popular in school but I never went far in a relationship with my peers. I didn't have a normal life outside of school and didn't want to bring any harm to them since they were just normal people who'd probably die if they got involved with me.

Now that I had a week-long break I decided to go home and visit my family Kuroka and Shirone decided to stay at Yasaka's place to work on the Kasha ability. Then when it came to my relationship with Yasaka I'd say I'm doing pretty good she no longer calls my Hyoudou-dono and switched to a more informal Yu-san.

Over these few months, I not only learned some skills from her but also helped her out greatly in managing the Yokai faction. It was tough at first and we spent many sleepless nights filing new regulations and stuff.

As for Kunou, she accompanies me and Yasaka when we train and also tries to pick up on some skills we perform. One day when I was practicing by myself she came up to me and begged me with puppy dog eyes to help teach her since her mom told her she was still too young.

Since she is technically a princess she can't leave the compound without an escort so after getting permission from Yasaka I would take her out to play every Sunday afternoon. Adding up all the things of done for the mother-daughter duo brought our relationship really close.


Reminiscing about what had happened these last few months the bullet train came to a stop and I departed from my set. No one was there to greet me at the station since I didn't tell them I was coming. I just calmly walked through the streets looking at the small changes in the city.



Yu - Hm... Oh, it's Issei... I just got here and now I'm getting a call from him... Hello

Issei - Yu-nii where are you?!?!

Yu - I'm at the town station I was going to surprise you guy with a visit what's wrong you seem anxious?

Issei - Mom is in labor! Meet us at the hospital! We are on our way there.

Yu - Okay I'll be there as soon as I can!

Kuoh Town has multiple hospitals but I can tell that they're heading to the one closer to the house. It will take 20 minutes by car and another 10 minutes hail a taxi, but if I run I can make it there in 5 minutes.

Ignoring the signs of traffic in the road I broke into a sprint and took many back alleys to get to the hospital. If I tried I could get there instantly but I knew there were many supernatural being here and I couldn't expose myself now. I mean it wouldn't be a problem if I did but I didn't want to inconvenience my family.


Coming out of a nearby alley I saw the entrance of the hospital and went in.

Yu - Excuse me I'm looking for a patient by the surname of Hyoudou they should have just gotten here! I'm the family's eldest son.

Receptionist - A yes your younger brother informed us that you would arrive soon their on the second-floor room 203.

Yu - Thanks


Reaching the top of the flight of stairs I was meet with a somewhat large waiting room. There I could see the rooms 201, 202, and 203. Inside the waiting room, I saw dad pacing back and forth while sweating and bitting his thumb. An off to the side I saw Issei fidgeting while a small group of 3 girls and 2 boys were trying to calm him down.

Giving out a short shout I walked up to them.

Dad - Yu? I didn't know you were in town.

Yu - I just got here when I got a call from Issei... How's mom doing?

Issei - Mom is doing okay they just took her into the room right now.

Yu - Okay, right now we just need to calm down. Us worrying isn't going to do mom any good we should just calm down.

Dad/Issie - Ya I guess you're right.

I wasn't really worried about the childbirth since before this I constantly sent mom medicines that helped with pregnancy. These medicines were magic medicines so they work better than normal ones, with all these added together I wasn't worried about my little brother or sister. Mom and Dad never told us what the gender of the baby because they wanted to be surprised.

Once I was able to calm the two down I sat down in one of the chairs and looked at the group of children nearby. From the way they looked I could guess who they were but I still had to ask.

Yu - Hey Issei who are they?

Issei - Oh the guys are Matsuda and Motohama they're my best friends. You already know Murayama and Katase. The girl with the glasses is Aika Kiriyuu. We all go to the same middle school.

Standing up I extended my hand to them.

Yu - Nice to see you again Murayama, Katase I hope you've been taking care of Issei while I was away. And hello Matsuda, Motohama, and Kiriyuu, I'm Issei's older brother Yu Hyoudou.

All of them shook my hand and greeted me, apparently, all of them were at our house when Mom went into labor and they decided to come to support Issei.

Besides that Murayama and Katase knew me from before so they were fine with me. The others though, they were kind of distant since this was their first time seeing me. The one who broke the ice was Kiriyuu, and just as mischievous as she was in the anime. She kept telling me about how Issei, Mastuda, and Motohama would try to sneak a peek at the girls changing only to be caught and beaten to a pulp by Murayama and Katase.

This information gave me a shock before I looked at the three with a serious expression.

Yu - We'll have a take later about this Issei, and thank you Murayama and Katase for disciplining him... Reporter Kiriyuu I will expect a full report of the transactions of Mr. Hyoudou on my desk when I see you again.

Kiriyuu - Hai! Will do captain.

Yu - I also expect nothing short of the best from you two Officer Murayama and Officer Katase!

Murayama/Katase - Huh?

Looks like they could keep up with my act so I just told them to keep Issei from doing anything illegal. I knew Issei's perverted stage would come sooner or later I just didn't expect it to be this soon.

I have no real problem with him being a perv with the exception of him doing something illegal I pretty much give him free rein. But from my analysis, Murayama and Katase seem to want to fix his perverted trait of his. Issei may be too dense to see this but I can tell that Murayama and Katase have already developed some feeling for Issei.

I don't know if they came to an agreement or something but I think Issei's plan of being a 'Harem King' is slightly more possible in this timeline than it was in the last one before turning into a devil.


Time went by and sun it was night and I started to doubt whether the medicines worked. The other kids had to leave a while ago cause their parents were worried so it was just me, Issei, and dad left in the room.

When midnight rolled up the door of the room opened and the doctor came out.

Doctor - *sigh* Congratulations Mr. Hyoudou-

Not even listening to the doctor's words we charged into the room and found mom holding a newborn baby with a tired expression.

Mom - We did it, Dear, our family has grown again. We now have a new baby girl in the family.

Dad only said that before he dropped to the floor next to mom and held her in his arms.

Yu - What's her name?

Mom and Dad looked at each other before mom spoke.

Mom - She was born under the gaze of the moon, and she will be the Hyoudou family's first girl so I think Tsukihime.

Dad nodded at the name and raised her close to his face.

Dad - I like it from today you will be Tsukihime Hyoudou, my daughter.


It took 2 days for mom to recover and on the 3rd day, we took mom home. There we had a small get together of mom and dad's friends. Issei's friends also came and I was tempted to bring Shirone and Kuroka too but in the end, chose not to.


As I was looking at Issei and the other playing video games in our room I heard someone ring the doorbell.

Yu - Shouldn't everyone already be here?

Making my way to the door I told my parent I'd get the door. However, I was surprised, on who I saw. It was a group of 3. At the back was a middle-aged husband and wife pair but that wasn't what surprised me. What surprised me was who was in front of me.

Yu - ...Irina?

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