Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 49 - Massive Development and a New Treasure

--1 month later--

A month has passed since my deal with Grant and Gnome, and the days that followed after that became really busy for both me and all of Haven's upper echelon. When Grant announced that they'd be moving to another location one with abundant energy sources that'd give them a better life there was no opposition. In fact, the older generation even cheered when they heard this, as for the younger generation they didn't know what was going on but went with the flow. However, before having everyone in the Dwarf Faction come to Haven Grant first sent around 2,000 workers to start construction. And to be honest their work baffled me.

Within 1 day with the help of Gnome, the Dwarfs were able to clear all the unwanted vegetation from the area. After 6 days, 4 ten story towers were erected near the center of the capital bordering not far from the moat separating the rest of the city from the castle.

The tower in the north was the command center for Haven's army, navy, and airforce. In the future, unless I'm the one giving the orders Have's military strength will be managed by this tower. As for which of my subordinates I left in charge of this tower it would be Genbu. Though his forte is navel and defensive combat he has been studying a lot on subjects he did know much about.

The tower in the east was the home of Haven's intelligence division. Similar to Haven's counterintelligence department in the castle this division also had multiple operatives that collected information inside Haven, rather than its counterpart which focused on outer intelligence. The department head for this tower was Charollete who has loyally been following me for years. As for the counterintelligence head, it was Magari.

The tower in the west was Haven's R&D department for technological, medical, and magical research. From here the Dwarves, doctors, and magician will be able to future improve their crafts while also benefiting Haven. To help support this tower I donated most of my medical knowledge while also giving simple rune formations to the department library. Anything I didn't know was given by the dwarves. When I read what they gave I honestly spend 2 days reading everything I could before Yasaka dragged me out of the forcing me back to work. As for the leader of this department, it would be Suzaku since out of all of my guardians rather than focusing on physical strength like Genbu, Byakko, and Seriyu he focused on magical, and intellectual strength.

Then as for the southern tower this one was different from the other towers which were classified areas that only authorized people could get into this tower was a public location that almost anyone could enter. It was Haven's government building, where future court cases would be decided, and it also managed any residential records. In the future when Haven starts to expand and build new cities if a resident wants to move cities they'd have to file for transfer here. Esau became the head of this tower because I noticed that this guy was not only loyal but had a talent for handling office work.

Once these towers were done it took about 3 days to get them up and running. It was also around this time that the dwarves that stayed behind started to flow into Haven along with some of the residents living on the floating islands. At first, everyone thought they were going to be sleeping in tents but the Dwarves moved really fast and building homes left right and center. In 1 week 25% of the population returned to the capital and was living in a new home.

I originally wanted to be there to help with managing the change but Gnome had come to me 2 days prior to the move with important information. He told me about another guardian that he still had some contact with before moving to Haven. It was the Undine the guardian spirit of water, apparently, this spirit along with a lot of last sea species were hiding out in the Bermuda Triangle.

From what Gnome told me due to the amount of water pollution in the ocean most of the supernatural species that rely on the ocean have begun to decline in population. When this happened the Undine placed a barrier around its territory at the sea floor to purify the water and protect the remain sea species around it.

When I heard this I got a quest similar to the one I got when I was at the Dwarf faction and made my way to the Bermuda triangle sun after. While leaving the construction to everyone else I took Genbu and Grome with me to meet the Undine. The talk went by very smoothly with the help of Gnome and within 6 days of convincing, and migration Haven received a new species of water dwellers.

It must be stated though when I meet the Undine rather than a physical appearance like Gnome the Undine had a body of water. The only way I was able to tell it apart from normal water was the fact that it was more of a baby blue color compared to the rest of the water in the ocean.

Thus after I returned from placing the new residents in Haven's ocean I made my way to the capital. In the days I was gone not only had the dwarves made many new building, but they also made roads, courtyards, wells, parks, bathhouses, and even an underground sewage system that connects to a waste disposal formation that dematerializes the waste. How it was done I don't even know my formation knowledge still isn't at that level. Eventually, I began to wonder where they got all the materials since they were building faster than we were supplying, but I soon learned that they were using transmutation magic to turn older materials into new ones.

One thing that I was pleased with was the fact that the Dwarves even made a working light source in houses, and streets. It was all connected to 4 generators that absorbed both mana and sunlight to power the city. Each of these 4 generators were placed in a garrison outpost within the city for safety.

Surprisingly even with all these advances in the Capital, the scenery of the whole placed looked like something you'd see in an Isekai manga not that I mind in fact I kind of liked it. Time continued to move and at the 3rd week of the month, both the Undine and Gnome came up to me with more information. After I completely migrated the Undine's faction into Haven I gave both of them a mission to find the remaining 2 guardian spirits for me.

Making quick work of their time they returned to me a week after they were ȧssigned this mission with the Sylphs location but sadly told me that Salamander's location was nowhere to be found no matter how hard they looked.

Compared to the Dwarf and Sea-Dweller faction the Sylph didn't have a faction nor did it have a large population. The race that the Sylph blessed many decades ago was the elves and while they weren't large in number they were a race with high affinity with wind energy allowing them to fly in the skies with enough practice in wind magic.

When Gnome and Undine found them they were in a floating island found above England. Before contacting me about this they first talked to Sylph and told it all about the benefits of coming to Haven. Sylph was intrigued by what it heard but still couldn't fully bring itself to bow its head to me.

From what I was told Sylph wanted freedom and didn't like to be held down and contained. This was a problem since bringing it to Haven was technically binding it to a confined space. Actually, the world was in itself a confined space for the Sylph. Eventually, I decided to play the role of the devil and give Sylph a deal while also pointing out the faults in both the elf race and Sylph itself.

Actually, it wasn't very hard, compared to Undine which sealed itself away from polluted waters keeping it from weakening to the point of near death, Sylph couldn't seal itself from air itself completely and was not in the best state compared to Undine. I just told it that eventually, it would die if it continued to live like this and I had a way to restore it to its former strength.

With that, it didn't take long for it to agree and with Sylph's approval soon came the elves, but in order to obtain Sylph's approval, I had to make a simple deal. Sylph wanted me to one way or another help earth and stop humans from destroying the environment. It was a tough request but I had already begun making plans this long before I meet Sylph.

Now, however, rather than an idea in my head, it became a side objective for me. To ensure I kept my word I made an unbreakable vow before Gnome, Undine, and Sylph that within 30 years I'd make some progress in fixing the world's pollution problem.

And thus within a month out of the 4 guardian spirits, I obtained 3 of them as my subordinates, the capital went through a nice renovation, and Haven's population grew to around 40,000 residence. Although the only change, I'd make if I could be the mountains I paperwork I had to go through.


After everything that happened that week, I decided to take a full week off of any work-related stuff and spent my days relaxing in my herb garden. As if copying my idea Kuroka, Shirone, Yasaka, Kunou, and Valerie also relaxed with me. Sometimes Kunou would request we play board games or we'd simply lounge around drinking tea or reading books.

Valerie - Hey Yu.

Yu - Hm? What's up?

While I was basking in the shade of one of the trees of the garden Valerie came up to me looking like she wanted to tell me something.

Valerie - Um... When I went to the castle to get breakfast today I saw that the dwarves were dismantling the castle. I just wanted to know why?

Yu - Ah that... don't worry about it their just making space for a new castle. In fact, it'll be even better than the previous one abid more expensive than the last

Saying this I patted her head and glanced at the system interface which was showing me the name of a treasure I obtained a couple of days ago.

[Primordial Class Defense Treasure: Blueprints - Hanging Gardens of Babylon]

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