Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 50 - Castle Upgrades

[Hanging Gardens of Babylon] that was the name of the treasure I obtained recently. I didn't get it from a gacha draw or a quest reward, from what I discovered it was in the Gates of Babylon. It was inside one of the 4 golden containers I previously couldn't open but when I received [Gnomes Blessing] the container suddenly opened by itself.

From within the container rather than a weapon, potion, or material I found an old piece of paper. After having the system analyze it, I discovered that it was blueprints that used words of power to build a treasure that was classified as Primordial Class which was far above divine class.

From what I could understand by using these blueprints, with the correct words of power, and a lot of materials I'd be able to create a defense type primordial class treasure. This made my blood boil but at the time I didn't have the time to build this since I was so busy but now was different. I already knew from watching the Fate series that Hanging Gardens of Babylon was a floating fortress so I had the dwarves dismantle the castle since I have HGB take its place.

As for the materials I would be using all the precious material in Gates of Babylon and all the leftover materials from the castle to do the job. If this was before Haven's big expansion I don't think I'd have the materials needed to form HGB but after Haven's expansion with the addition of the new races, I'm now confident I have enough.

Gates of Babylon has a nice feature which makes it manifest riches equal to the cost of all of its owner's property. So every time I improve Haven or gain new subjects my wealth will grow even larger than it is now. Honestly, it's already to the point where my money senses have become dull so I tend to not think about money these days.

Also, HGB wasn't the only treasure I got in the past month. When both Undine and Sylph joined me I got their respective blessing and with those, I opened to more treasure a speed related one and a sealing one but those can be talked about later.

--Later that day--

Yu - It only took you 8 hours to dismantle a castle that took me months to build...*sigh* I'm not even going to doubt your construction prowess anymore.

Grant - That would be good for your health. Anyway, what are you even going to do with this empty lot?

Currently, I'm standing next to Grant looking over a small plateau that used to be the location of my castle but now was empty with just piles of materials taking its place. Behind us stood the girls, the castle maids, and the guardians. On the other side of the moat stood almost every resident of Haven. Apparently, word got out that I was going to do something big when they saw the dwarves dismantling my castle so most of them have been camping outside waiting for the show.

While ignoring the watchful eyes of everyone around me I walked towards the center of the plateau and waved my hand. With the wave, multiple golden gates appeared above the plateau and bronze, silver, gold, and platinum coins along with many precious jewels came falling from within those gates.

Once I was certain I dumped every bit of wealth I had on the floor I closed my eyes and began to chant the incantation needed to create HGB. Then while I couldn't see it I could feel a giant magic circle appear at my feet. For 3 hours I continued to chant my incantation while feeling all the materials around me float into the sky. As this happened I felt my energy reserves deplete rapidly, and in order to keep myself from blacking out due to mana depletion, I fueled the spell with world power.

When another hour passed I began to open my eyes and the light from the magic circle began to fade. Then I looked up to the sky I saw a floating fortress floating gloriously above my head.

Yu - [It looks just like it did in the anime huh... I like it.]

After I had my fill of this magnificent sight I turned my sights towards the crowd only to see everyone shocked with their mouths open. Even Yasaka who usually puts up a composed face in public was shooked. Giving out a small chuckle I took a picture of everyone and saved it in my phone for future laughs.


It took a while for the crowd to disperse but once it did I teleported all the maids into the castle to get a feel for the place along with the girls who seemed really interested in HGB. Besides them I teleported myself and everyone in the counterintelligence department to one of bigger more spacious rooms within HGB to act as their departments base. Since counterintelligence is one of my more classified departments I always had to keep it close and well hidden and there is no better place than in this floating fortress.

After everything was taken care of I went towards the control room of HGB to try and understand what this thing was capable of. It didn't take long to find the control room but I'd rather call it a throne room instead. The control system was located on an elevated platform installed in a throne when I found it.

With a simple thought, I opened up the fortress's interface and began scrolling through the options. As I was doing this I could confirm that this was a high-grade defense treasure. Not only did it have multiple magic shield and a strong hull, but it also had 4 drone fleets installed within the outer wall of the fortress, and multiple magic cannons were mounted throughout the hull.

As for the interior, there were golems disguised as armored knights and golden statues. There was even a surveillance system that let me view every location in the fort. I had a little fun going through everything in HGB but eventually, I closed the forts interface and rested my body on the throne, thinking of what to do next.

Yu - [...System use the 3 gacha tickets I have in my inventory.]





*Ding*[Congradulation Host has drawn one skill, one weapon, and one miscellaneous item.]

Yu - [Show me the skill.]

Active effect - Creates a small pocket dimension within the user's astral body which draws energy from the void to constantly supply the user with magical energies and stamina. (Active timelimit 1 day)

[Warning: Once used 1-month cooldown is necessary]

Yu - [That could be a useful trump card. Now show me the weapon.]

*Ding*[Weapon - Fractured Excaliber (Undefined Rank)]

- A sword fetus that has devoured a part of the original Excaliber. Rather than absorb materials to get stronger this sword fetus has the recorded abilities of the original Excaliber. In order to obtain these abilities, the sword and the owner must both be strong only then will the power of the sword be unlocked.

-Soul Bound to Yu Hyoudou]

As soon as the system showed me the details a golden sword with a blue handle appeared in my hand. After examining it for a while I didn't see any cracks or anything and was going to store it in my inventory but before I could it integrated itself into my left palm. Strangely enough, I now had a demon sword in my right hand and a holy sword in my left hand.

Yu - [I have so many questions regarding this but I'll put them aside for now. Show me the item.]


Yu - Hm what is it?

Right as I was about to look at the item the doors to the control room opened and a maid came in leading a counterintelligence operative.

??? - A report just came in from one of our operatives on the outside. Apparently one of their ȧssassination targets has entered a pocket realm controlled by the Angel faction. Up until now, we have never encountered members from one of the 3 biblical factions thus we wish for your opinion before we process any further.

Saying this he stepped forward and extended the folder to me. Using telekinesis I took the folder from him and started to read the contents of the folder. Once I was done I thought for a moment before I returned the folder to the operative.

Yu - Have our field operatives standby, for now, I wish to see this pocket realm myself. Tell them that I will meet them tomorrow in the morning.

??? - As you wish.

With those words, the operative left and so did the maid. I, however, stayed sitting on the throne wondering how tomorrow will play out. Thinking it would be better to get some rest rather than of think thing I stood up and prepared to get some sleep. Unconsciously, however, while I was talking to the operative I forgot about the item I previously had in my hand. When I returned my sights towards the object I could help myself from giving it a questioning stare.

Yu - ...A...brick?



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