Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 51 - Intermission: Change within the Supernatural World

Month 1, Week 1, Day 5:

[Enigma] the person everyone believes is the leader of the Haven Faction raided an Angel Faction pocket world killing one exorcist, injured multiple guards, and knocking out 5 ultimate class angels under the command of Pure Angel Gabriel. It was rumored that after the arrival of church reinforcements lead by Vasco Stranda was [Enigma] forced to escape from the pocket realm suffering major injuries.

Month 1, Week 2, Day 2:

The son of the leader of Chicago's major mage faction was ȧssassinated. After some investigating, they claimed it was done by a member of the Haven Faction, and demanded an explanation from the accused faction. Haven replied saying that the leader's son angered too many people and was killed by his own arrogance. This caused the faction leader to rage and vent his anger on the factions within the vicinity of Chicago forcing people to submit or die.

Month 2, Week 1, Day 1:

The leader of Chicago's mage faction now 5 times the size it previously was, declared war on Haven swearing to use Haven's death to avenge his dead son.

Month 2, Week 1, Day 2:

The now recovered [Enigma] marched 10,000 soldiers and 12 dragons towards Chicago. Accompanying [Enigma] was a squadron of highly skilled mages on par with Chicago's upper echelon. Haven's main forces meet with Chicago's forces at the gates of their faction, but the fight only lasted 15 hours.

The reason was that a group of Shadow Clansmen a race of shadow monsters previously thought to have been extinct snuck into the enemy faction's compound and sabotaged many of the faction facilities. The Chicago faction now forced to fight on two front had no choice but to have their faction leader come out and try to stabilize the situation. Sadly this led to his immediate death at the hand of [Enigma].

Seeing their leader fall right before them, all the faction members lost their fighting spirit while some feel to the floor dejectedly and other cheered in joy. That day Chicago's Mage Faction meet its end and was taken over by Haven.

Month 4, week 3, Day 7:

The Chicago's Mage Faction that was previously defeated two months ago reopened as a subsidiary to Haven, while also doubling as an outpost for Haven forces. The faction may have shrunk in territory size but their combat power and base defenses were now way beyond what they previously were. It was even reported by the Grigori that the factions attack and defense formations resembled that of old dwarf formations only these were more advanced than the ones in the past.

Month 5, Week 1, Day 3:

Multiple new factions started to appear throughout the globe. Japan's Kyoto, Egypt's Cairo, Brazel's Rio De Janeiro, India's Mumbai, and Australia's Sydney all of them suddenly gained one new faction within their ranks. However, all of these factions had one thing in common and that was their size and similar defense and attack formations. It wasn't until later that day that all of them were declared as Haven Faction Outposts.

Month 5, Week 3, Day 4:

Haven's outpost factions have started to gain a strong foothold in the cities they resided in and this caused a lot of dissatisfaction from other factions in the area. It was still within the manageable range during the first month but, it all changed when Haven started sheltering individual settlements full of supernatural beings. These beings were a decent source of income for some factions who made those settlements pay commissions and the fact that Haven had taken them under their care enraged many.

Month 6, Week 1, Day 1:

The Egyptian God of Chaos Set attacked Haven's outpost in Cairo, but because Set didn't try to hide his ȧssault on the outpost the forces in the outpost were able to fortify their defenses to handle the god's attacks. The outpost was able to hold on at first but after 2 hours of constant defending eventually, the barriers collapsed and the base was defenseless. Many viewers believed the base was done for, but before Set could even step foot on the property [Enigma] and 4 cloaked individuals appeared before Set.

Set being the god of Chaos he was, attacked [Enigma] and his group the moment he saw them and that lead to a 2-day long fight between Set and the forces of Haven. During this fight, it was revealed that the 4 cloaked individuals were in a fact humanoid dragon, a giant turtle, white tiger, and Phoenix. Each of them were close to the peak of ultimate rank and each of them ȧssisted [Enigma] in the fight.

Month 6, Week 1, Day 2:

On the second day of the fight seeing that things were getting out of hand due to all the damage the two sides caused [Enigma] cast a giant spell that encompassed the fighters and some viewers. All that was left was an empty space, and no one knew what to think of it but eventually, a ripple appeared in the sky, and out of that ripple came a badly injured Set.

Month 6, Week 1, Day 3:

2 days have passed since the fight in Cairo with Set but, it was reported that Set not only suffered major injuries but also went into a state of suspended animation to prolong his life while having his subordinates slowly heal his wounds. Even with these conditions, it's unlikely that he will wake up any time soon.

Baffled by this news people started to wonder what happened during the fight, even going as far as to use mind magic to read the memories of those who say the whole fight. Unfortunately, when the results came out it was discovered that their memories were wiped and any knowledge on the fight was nowhere to be seen. Experts everywhere tried to regain these memories but in the end, couldn't and many were forced to give up their hopes of finding out the truth.

Month 7, Week 2, Day 1:

A month had passed since Set's attack on Haven, and once again smaller factions began to cease their opposition against Haven but there were still those who tried to hinder the growth of Haven. However, their resistance didn't amount to much since people knew that unless a god level being ȧssisted them they could even dream of damaging Haven's foundation. Some actually tried to receive ȧssistance from a good, but not all gods are as free as Set. Many of them had certain restrictions hindering them from interfering, so even if they wanted to help they could unless they were prepared to suffer the consequences afterward.

Thus, in the end, no one was able to stop Haven, but this didn't stop people from scheming against it. If they couldn't get a god to help them than they'd just have to outnumber Haven and destroy any of their footholds on earth. While Haven did continue to run their businesses as normal, it became known to many that [Enigma] was nowhere to be found neither was the four cloaked beasts that ȧssisted him in the fight with Set.

Month 7, Week 4, Day 3:

Believing that a majority of Haven's main fighting potential was unable to fight due to the injuries they sustained in the fight with Set, large bands of mages, rouge devils, and other supernatural beings started to make constant raids on Haven's outposts.

These teams consisted of peak high ranking fighters as well as a good number of ultimate ranks and they had one goal in mind which was to destroy Haven's outposts. This plan seemed to be successful in the beginning, since they were able to breach the outpost's defenses and kill or injure a lot of Haven's personal, but before they could celebrate their success Haven reinforces came and it was anything but small.

In each outpost location, there was a magic circle in the sky and each one released around 10 fully grown dragons, some of which carried around 500 soldiers. Alongside those soldiers were many beasts, elemental spirits, Shadow Clansmen, and even some ultimate class fighters with the ability to fly. All of them dropped from the sky and began their attacks on the enemy forces.

The fight went on for hours but in the end, Haven was able to either capture or kill the intruders. Some of which were leaders of factions, and some were paid mercenaries, but in the end, they meet their match against Haven and were made prisoners.

Month 7, Week 4, Day 6:

It took 3 days for Haven personal to repair their outpost and manage the prisoners, but right as they were about to go and weed out the rest of the enemy factions, the Angel Faction one of the factions that previously didn't interfere with worldly affairs made an announcement. The claimed to have given asylum towards the survivors of the enemy faction and stated that if Haven continued to pursue them that they would stop them.

Apparently, some of the higher-ups in some of the factions requested asylum from the Angel faction stating Haven to be a power-hungry group of terrorist. With these claims along with Haven's previous actions and their previous feud with Haven, the Angel faction did hesitate much with siding with the enemy faction over Haven.

Many wondered what Haven's next move was, but to their surprise, the first to make a move was not Haven but the Grigori. Azazel founder and acting Governor of the Grigori declared that if the Angel Faction were to fight against Haven than the Grigori would fight with them. After that factions from Egyptian Mythology, the Carmilla Faction, and many other small factions also stated their will to side with Haven.

This left the Angel faction in a tough spot since if they fought there was a chance that they'd lose, but also that their fight might cause the peace in the world would be at risk. Some forces had even decided to side with the Angel faction in hopes of defeating Haven and the Grigori. At this point, things were about to reach the point of no return, and the Angel Faction didn't know what to do. Should they go to war, or should they ruin their reputation and hand over the sheltered faction members, as they thought this Haven came out and declared something to the world?

Month 8, Week 1, Day 2:

Right, when people thought to prepare for the impending war Haven declared to the world that the Angel Faction can keep the sheltered factions, but in order to avoid a war, they must provide compensation for the damages they suffered in the attack 8 days ago.

To many, this was Haven's arrogance getting the better of them, but to a select few this was Haven giving the Angel faction a way out. Haven most likely didn't want a war, but they also didn't want their comrades' deaths to be in vain. Thus they wanted compensation in order to compensate the families of the lost.

Month 8, Week 1, Day 3:

The Angel Faction agreed to the Haven's deal but added the condition that Haven must stop their mercenary business, in hopes of causing any more unnecessary deaths. To the surprise of many Haven agreed after a moment of thought and both Haven and the Angel Faction signed a small treaty between the two factions.

Ending their mercenary business was a mysterious move on Haven's part is what many thought since other than mercenary work no one knew how they made their money. Some factions went into business, others controlled cities, and some even contributed towards the world economy. As far as many could tell Haven wasn't part of any of these so now they wondered what their next move would be.

be in vain. Thus they wanted compensation in order to compensate the families of the lost.

Month 9, Week 1 - Week 4:

In the month since Haven abolished their mercenary business Haven had gone silent only to now appear in the world again but this time it was not in the supernatural world but in the human world.

Though they might have been under different names, there were many businesses that were traced back towards Haven. There were STEM research facilities that made major breakthroughs in science. Desert farming companies that provided food for not only major cities but also villages in Africa and other countries where people don't get enough to eat. Ocean clean up groups that clean up trash from our shores and oceans to recycle and reduce ocean pollution. Bio companies that were finding new ways to reduce the worlds carbon footprint. Land restoration companies that are working to return land that was previously destroyed due to the influence of human activity.

All those companies started off small but eventually blew up into major companies in the world. Even if there was some opposition in society they were still going on strong. There was a lot of support towards these companies, and they were constantly making changes to society so even if someone wanted to stop them it would be close to impossible for normal people to stop them. In fact when people in the supernatural world found out that the power behind them was Haven they were thoroughly shocked.

Was this the same group of killers that caused many to cower in fear? How could they be the symbol of change in one world but the symbol of death in another? Many people couldn't fathom what was happening, but by then Haven had not only become an influential force in both worlds.

This change made everyone realize that Haven was no longer a small group and that it was now a strong faction that had not only power but also wealth. From this, it was decided that no one wanted to cause trouble for Haven since they knew that trouble would only befall them if they did.

In the end, Haven had begun to leave its name in history as the faction that started an era of change one that would affect everyone. And to where that change will lead to nobody knows.

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