Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 52 - Encounter in Kyoto

Months have passed since Haven's Capital got a major upgrade, and while that problem was out of the way, new problems soon popped up out of nowhere. The past few months were not only extremely busy but also very tiring at least mentally and while I did get a break every once and a while to visit family by the time I returned I would be stumped with even more work.

No one told me being a King and a Faction Leader was such hard work. If it wasn't for the new support staff I hired 3 weeks prior I might have collapsed from the excess amount of paperwork I was given. Thanks to them my workload has started to decrease tremendously and I even began having enough time to actually go to school.

It must be known that the last time I actually attended a class was in my second year of middle school, and I'm currently in my first year of high school. Honestly, when I read the reports of how my doppelganger was doing in school I played it off like it was nothing but when I actually went to school it was totally different from what I was expecting.

Same of for when I was in elementary school I was top of the grade in all subjects, and still, a loner but there was one thing I forgot to take into account. Though it might be narcissistic of me but I'm pretty handsome and stand out a lot because of my looks, but I never really saw it as something that would be so troublesome.

Since I told my doppelganger not to make any unnecessary connections due to it not actually being me, my doppelganger thought that I wanted me to isolate myself from the rest of the school. These actions caused guys to hate me for both my looks and 'arrogance' while girls even made a fan club for me giving me a title like [Prince] or something along those lines. These actions alone caused me sanity levels to drop by a lot and when I got home I had a major migraine bothering for the rest of the day.

Naturally, though I was able to get used to this new environment and learn to accept it even if it was annoying before I knew it my first semester of high school was done and I was on break. Previously my plan before coming to Kyoto was to use the art school as a jump start for my mangas and other artworks to make some money which I did end up doing. However, in addition to my plan I was also meant to return to Kouh in the second semester of my first year of high school.

This realization didn't bother me much since I was a complete loner in school, but I was a little bumed since I had begun to actually like the city and even spent some of my afternoons in Kyoto's downtown markets with the girls. Sadly however I been gone from home too long and I began to miss my family. While it's true that I have been visiting them once every 2 weeks but the realization of visiting and actually living there were 2 totally different things for me.

So for my last five days as a Kyoto resident, I have been spending my free time enjoying the Kyoto scenery with the girls, but since all of them had their own things to do I was usually only accompanied by one at a time.


??? - Yu~ Yu~ Wake Up Yu~!

Yu - *Low Groan* Good morning Kunou.

Kunou - Yu let's go already.

Why was Kunou in such a hurry some might ask well it's because I promised her I'd take her around Kyoto today even though it was my last day here before I leaving tomorrow morning? I've done this with her multiple time in the past but, usually, she'd tire herself out before we can even see a twentieth of the city. Thus while I have taken her to see most of the city she has yet to see Kyoto's downtown shopping district.

Unfortunately, I don't know if she developed this due to being around me or if she already had it but she's very impatient when she's excited. This can be seen when I looked at my phone clock and it read 5:58 AM, when originally we were planning to leave at 7:00 AM. So rather than get up now I decided to get some extra hours of sleep.

Yu - 10 more minutes...

Yu - Ah! H-hey knock it off.

Seeing that I was going back to sleep Kunou started hitting my cheeks. While it was hard and it didn't really hurt at all it was annoying. Plus add the fact that she was loud caused my drowsiness to go away.

Yu - Kunou quiet down you're going to wake up Kuroka.

Yesterday I explored the city with Kuroka and when we got back we took a bath and went to bed, but we didn't cross any lines. Shirone and her had somehow made some kind of agreement while I wasn't looking that completely left me blue balled. All I know is that there was a sparring match between the two and Shirone won.

Kunou - She's still sleeping look!

Turning my sight from Kunou to Kuroka I saw that on Kuroka's head was a set cat ear muffs that blocked sound.

Yu - [How the-]

Kunou - Come on let's go~

Now she was trying to pull me out of bed. Since I didn't want to wake up Kuroka I carefully extracted myself from her embrace, got out of bed, and decided to go and take a soak in the bath. Ignoring the subtle complains of Kunou I left my room and walked towards HGB's built-in hot spring.

When I got to the baths changing room I put my clothes in one of the baskets grabbed a towel and entered the bath. If I were to describe the hot spring it would be like any other hot spring you'd see on tv but occasionally you'd see golden statues scattered throughout the spring spewing water from their mouths.


??? - Ara~ Yu did you also come to take a bath.

Right as I was about to step into the hot spring I heard Yasaka's voice when I turned to get a look I saw that both Yasaka and Shirone were already in the bath. If it was me a couple of months ago I'd probably try my best to keep a straight face but at this point in time, I've become used to this scene.

Actually, for a while now both Yasaka and I have developed mutual feelings for one another after spending so much time together. Both of us know each other's likes and dislike and it could be said that my relationship with Yasaka has reached the level of Shirone and Kuroka's except for the fact that we don't sleep in the same bed together.

If we're being honest however Yasaka and I might have even crossed a few lines if not for one major factor.

Kunou - Mama! I'm here too!

Yasaka - I see you Kunou there's no reason to shout.

Yup, it's Kunou whenever one of us starts to set the mood for anything she somehow magically appears. This wouldn't be a problem if I was shameless and didn't care about her presence, but neither Yasaka nor I wanted her to be influenced by our actions.

Yu - Is it just you two?

Yu - It's that time already...Huh.

Ever since I began my work on curing Valerie's damaged soul she's always lived in the herb garden to help with her recuperation. Naturally, her injuries are already healed and everything but she grew to like the herb garden and made the gazebo her own special room.

I didn't have a problem with it but, soon after she started coming to me asking me to teach her how to refine medicine. When I agreed I gave her the basics of it first, to my surprise she had a lot of talent in this field. As for the herb garden, I couldn't even consider it mine anymore since she took better care of it than I did.

I was still allowed in but it just didn't feel like my own garden anymore since she had made lots of changes to the plant layout. As I was thinking this I had already settled myself into the hot spring and was in a daze for a moment before I felt someone touch my shoulder.

Yu - Hm...Shirone

Shirone - You're still using these things.

Yu - Ya I kind of need to if I want to get stronger.

The 'things' Shirone was talking about were, in fact, golden chains used to restrict some of my skills. The reason for this was because during the fight with Set I reached the peak of high rank but couldn't progress towards ultimate rank.

The cause was that my body was special and as of this moment it was that of a human, but once I reach ultimate rank not only would I be able to use the primordial energy that was previously sealed but a lot of other benefits too. However, in order to gain these benefits not only did my control over mana and other energies need to be strong but my body needed to be faster, stronger, and more durable than other ultimate rank fighters.

After a few tweaks in the sealing process I was able to seal all the skills recommended by the system and started to train myself once again. My stats themselves looked like this.


Name: Yu Hyoudou

Race: Primordial Helix

Bloodline: Primordial Bloodline (99%)

Title: King of Haven

Job: [Ancestral King]

Sub Jobs: Blacksmith(Grandmaster), Rune Maker(Grandmaster), Cook(Advance), Medicine Refiner(Master)

Level: 400

Strength - 500

Endurance - 500

Agility - 400

Intelligence - 500

Luck - 100

Energy Reserves:

World Power: 6,000

Mana - 50,000

Life Force - 20,000

Spatial Essence - 10,000

Frost Essence - 10,000

Wind Essence - 10,000

Earth Essence - 10,000

Flame Essence - 10,000

Innate Bloodline Skills:

- Genbu's Defense (Sealed)

- Suzaku's Rebirth (Sealed)

- Seiryu's Wrath (Sealed)

- Byakko's Charge (Sealed)

- Spirit Flames

- World's Eye

- (New) Yin Yang Palm

Innate Bloodline Abilities:

- Void Demon Form (Sealed)

- Domain (Sealed)

- Spatial Movement (Sealed)

- Telekinesis (Sealed)

- Flight (Sealed)

- (New) Dream World

- (New) Battle Avatar

Special Skills:

- King's Authority

- Unlimited Blade Works

- Sword Projection (Trace On)

- Senjutsu [Max LvL]

- Sword Force [Max LvL]

- Time Alter [Max LvL]

- Space Magic [Max LvL]

- Sealing Magic [LvL 92/100]

- Fire Magic [Max LvL]

- (New) Energy Furnace

- (New) Martial Comprehension

- (New) Weapon Mastery

- (New) Close Quarters Combat

- (New) Earth Manipulation

- (New) Water Manipulation

- (New) Wind Manipulation


- Dual Deadshot Revolvers

- Lost Blood

- Fractured Excaliber

- Gates of Babylon

- Hanging Gardens of Babylon

- 9-5 Brick

- ??????

- ??????


Shirone - ... Is getting stronger really that important?

While I was looking at my stats Shirone asked me this question and my answer to it was

Yu - Yes it is. If I'm not strong I can't protect what's important to me. The only reason I work so hard to gain strength is so I don't lose what's important to me whether it's your guys my family or even Haven.

From what I told everyone these chains were a form of training that restricted my strength but also help strengthen my body. Wearing them may cause some discomfort but it wasn't enough that it affected daily life. In fact, if I wanted too I could release them any time I wanted to, but I would until the time was right. This choice wasn't favored by many but after they saw that I wasn't going to listen to their complaints they agreed abid reluctantly.


Yu - Time to get ready I suppose.

While I did enjoy my times inside the hot spring, I could already hear my phone alarm going off in the changing room. This told me that it was 6:45 and that I should probably get ready to leave.

Yu - Kunou come on let's get ready to go.

Kunou - Yay~

Yasaka - Ara maybe we should get out as well.

Shirone - Nn...


After we all got out of the bath we changed clothes and Kunou and I separated from Yasaka and Shirone. They went to do their things somewhere in the castle and Kunou and I teleported into Kyoto. I teleported into my apartment in Kyoto while Kunou teleported in the apartment next door, and we both meet at the ground floor.

From there, I noticed that Kunou was getting hungry since we both didn't eat breakfast so I took her to a coffee shop not far from where we were. From what I could remember the shop was pretty popular so it was no surprise to me when I saw that it was pretty packed.

After scanning the area a bit I noticed an open table by the window and made my way for it. However right when I had just put my hand on the chair another hand also touched the chair.

When I raised my sights to match the other persons I saw that it was a girl with crimson red hair, and behind her was three other girls. One had a short bob cut and glasses, another had a high ponytail reaching all the way down to her legs, and the last girl in the back had glasses and heterochromic colored eyes.

Yu - [Well I'll be damned... Didn't expect to run into these guys so quickly.]



[Yin Yang Palm]:

- Obtained through bloodline awakening

[Dream World]:

- Obtained through bloodline awakening

[Battle Avatar]:

- Obtained through bloodline awakening

[Martial Comprehension]:

- combination of [Meditation], [Calm Mind], [Language Comprehension], [Parallel Thoughts], and [Shadow Boxing]

[Weapon Mastery]:

- combination of [Sword Mastery], [Polearms Mastery], [Bow Mastery], [Dagger Mastery], and [Gunslinger]

[Close Quarters Combat]:

- combination of [3 Dimensional Movement], [Close Combat], and [Gun-Kata]

[Earth Manipulation]:

- combination of [Gnome's Blessing] and [Max Lvl: Earth Magic]

[Water Manipulation]

- combination of [Undine's Blessing] and [Max Lvl: Ice Magic]

[Wind Manipulation]

- combination of [Sylph's Blessing] and [Max Lvl: Wind Magic]

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