Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 6 - A Reality Marble: A Call of the Order: A Dungeon Adventure





Yu - *Grunt* Shut up already!!

Being woken up by constant ringing coming from my head I obviously wasn't in the best mood.

Yu - What is that ringing anyway?

[Host it is recommended that you leave the Heavenly World now. Host has already been asleep for two hours and Host's parents are about to wake up.]

Following the suggestion of the system, I exited my Heavenly World and snuck back into my room before mom and dad could wake us up. The morning then went the same as it always did: wake up, brush our teeth, wash our faces, watch morning cartoons, eat breakfast, and then drive off to school.

When we got to school I was greeted with a cheerful morning Irina and separated from Issei since we had different classes. Although I wanted to check out all my loot I got early this morning I still focused on what I previously had to do. And that was to complete the quest I got the previous day which was to gain the trust of teachers and staff.

Let's be honest it's going to take a while to gain their trust because 1) I'm only 7 years old and 2) Some of the teachers here are pretty strict. So I passed my school day by being as ȧssertive as I could with trying to make friends and seem like a perfect student to those around me.

Irina also made a lot of female friends her age but she would never be more than 2 meters away from me. Unless I went to the bathroom. People started to think that we were related but when we denied that we were meet with surprised expressions.

By the end of the day, I departed school with a good-bye from Irina, and a stupid smile from not only Dad but Issei as well. Yesterday he asked Dad what he meant by daughter-in-law and for the rest of the day after that, he was with Dad. Lucky for me he knows not to poke fun at me because while I was a kind older brother most of the time, he would never be able to beat me in 'play' wrestling.


When we got home and things settled down I sat in the living room with a book. From other people's perspective, I was reading but only I knew that I was looking at my system interface.

Yu - [System what's with this skill [Reality Marble] why is it at 0, I can't even understand how to use it?]

*Ding* [The skill [Reality Marble] is like the description says it's based on Host's state of mind. Currently, the skill is at 0 because Host hasn't used any [Words of Power] to help form the reality marble. Once the [Words of Power] of infused into the chanting incantation of the skill will the skill be usable.]

Yu - [I see but why is this skill named the way it is. Wouldn't it be different since the concept behind a reality marble would cause the name to be different?]

*Ding* [Host is correct but the system has organized things in a way where Host will better understand the powers at use. This would be shown in many ways one of which is having Host's skills named after other skills that are similar or the same to skills Host's knows of previously.]

Yu - [That's helpful, but how do I create my chant? Don't does have to have some deeper meaning behind them. I don't really have something like that.]

*Ding* [Simple Host can use some words of power based of others to help ȧssist Host in making Host's Reality Marble. However, if the words are copied off another's chant then it will influence Host's Reality Marble. Be advised Host can only have one Reality Marble with the help of the system and it won't differ from it's set path after it's made.]

Yu - [Sweet! Set the Reality Marble incantation chant as Archer Emiya's chant from Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works. I remember watching a youtube video in the past that clearly stated the meaning behind those words as well as the power of his Reality Marble.]

*Ding* [Chant creation process beginning, repeat the chant and the meaning behind it to the system.]

Voicing out the chant in my mind I remembered Archer Emiya's words and feed them to the system. Following it I got a notification saying my skill [Reality Marble] has changed to [Unlimited Blade Works] and has leveled up to surprisingly Lvl: 10 {A/N: The max level if you forgot}

Yu - [...Why did my skill max out? I don't understand?]

*Ding* [Host has understood the meaning and powers behind the concept of Host's chant leading to mastery of the skill leaving no room for current improvements. The only way to change it is through the way Host processed now and in the future.]

I also found out that once a person is my servant the only way out of servitude is death. Once the servant dies the servant pieces I gave them will return to me so I can get a new servant. Though I could somewhat understand the reason behind that it still bothered me that the system thinks I'll abandon a servant if they just die.

If I plan to make someone my servant I want them to be someone who will follow me throughout my life. I don't plan to always have them be with me though, I'd give them free rein of their life and only call them when they are needed. Rather than a servant I also want them to be my friends and family.

When I asked to see the chant the system's reply was:

*Ding* [Host has to create the chant, the quest prize was only the right to make the chant rather than the actually chant itself. The system will later rate the quality of the chant and determine whether it's worthy of being used as the foundation of the Host's Knight Order.]

I don't know if I was expecting this deep down but I wasn't fazed by this. Following how I made the chant for [Unlimited Blade Works] I used a chant from the Fate series. I remember watching Fate/Zero and Stay Night a couple times and I do like some of their chants. Modifying my chosen chant a little I feed it to the system. It was accepted and as an added benefit.

*Ding* [Congradulations Host has received a quest]

[Call of the Order -

The time has come and a King is on the verge of being crowned. A King must have the support of his Knight's Order, build an altar that will be the meeting and summoning ground of the Knight Order.

Task 2: Build a throne room on top of the altar as a sign of nobility

Task 3: Strengthen your body so as to awaken your true race

Task 4: Awaken your Primordial Bloodline that will then use Primordial energies to perform the Knights Enrollment Ritual


1) 1x Primordial Throne

2) 2x Lord statues

3) 4x Saber statues

4) 4x Caster statues

5) 4x Berserker statues

7) [Knights Order] Function of the system will be unlocked]

I didn't even want to ask about this quest right now so I temporarily promised myself I would check it out in the future. After enough time passed I focused on the [Dungeon] function of the system.

Yu - [What's the purpose of this function?]

*Ding* [The [Dungeon] function allows Host to create a dungeon where Host can improve both in skill and body.]

*Ding* [Would you like to enter a dungeon:

Nature Dungeons:

- Meadow (Low-level rabbit monsters)

- Jungle (Low-level wildlife monsters)

- Swamp (Low-level amphibian monsters)

- Volcano (Mid-level fire-based monsters)

Other Dungeons:

- Graveyard (Low-level undead monsters)

- Cave (Low-level humanoid monsters)

- Labyrinth (Level will match host varies types of monsters)

Be advised the stronger Host gets the more difficult the dungeons will be!]

Yuu - [Hold off on going into a dungeon, for now, I'll go in later today.]

I got little to no sleep last night and while it didn't affect me much I still liked the feeling of having a nice nights rest. Rather than immediately running off into the dungeon I wanted to have a nap to refresh my mind.

---- Later at Night ----

Once the count down was done I found myself in the middle of a meadow. Searching any nearby enemies I released my Spirit sense and made my way to my first target.

[Dashing Rabbit]

[Level: 3]

[A rabbit that has both a hard head and strong legs. Headbutts might cause concussions.]

*Ding* [Congradulations Host has gained the skill [Apprasial]]

[Apprasial] (Special Skill) Lvl: Max

Active Effect: Allows users to identify most if not all object in the world

Relishing in the after taste of gaining a new skill I momentarily paused before gaining back focus. My target knew I was here and got into fighting position. This was the first time I was going to engage in a fight where one party will die but I didn't seem scared at all.



With each party dasing towards the other the battle began.

That night a small mountain of furry corpses with an exhausted child were found in that dungeon.


Name: Yuu Hyoudou

Race: Pseudo Human (Fake) / Primordial (Sealed)

Bloodline: Primordial Bloodline

Title: Rabbit Slayer

Level: 12 -> 27

System Points (SP) - 3.152

Strength - 21

Endurance - 26

Agility - 26

Intelligence - 31

Luck - 31

Energy Reserves:

World Power: 1,000

Mana: 3,129

Nature Energy: 1,002

Spacial Essense: 5,000


Calm Mind, Parallel Thoughts, Hawk-Eye, Meditation, Pain Resistance, Reinforcement, Close Combat, Swordsmanship, 3 Dimensional Movement, Spirit Sense, Time Alter, Leadership, Space Magic, Unlimited Blade Works, Appraisal

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