Six months have passed since I started using the [Dungeon] function and I'd say that I've made a great success out of it. I discovered that inside the dungeon if I use the right method of activation I can gain new skills. Through the first month of my dungeon expeditions, I got multiple skills such as:

[Detection] (Passive/Active Skill) Lvl: 1 [Max Lvl: 10]

Passive Effect - Allows the user to feel the presence of others around the user

Active Effect - Can specifically hone in on a specific presence if the user has memorized the presence's signature

[Bloodthirst Detection] (Passive Skill) Lvl: 1 [Max Lvl: 5]

Passive Effect - Allows the user to better sense malice (Derived from the [Detection] skill)

[Magic Detection] (Passive Skill) Lvl: 1 [Max Lvl: 5]

Passive Effect - Allows the user to better sense magic and other energies the user knows of (Derived from the [Detection] skill)

[Stealth] (Active Skill) Lvl: 1 [Max Lvl:100]

Active Effect - Allow the user to thin the user's presence from others [If mastery is made the user can even hide from the senses of god)

[Dash] (Active Skill) Lvl: 1 [Max Lvl: 10]

Active Effect - Allows the user to boost the user's speed slightly

[Ground Shrink] (Active Skill) Lvl: 1 [Max Lvl: 10]

Active Effect - Allows the user to move from one point of contact to another. (The higher the level the farther the distance traveled)

[Void Slash] (Active Skill) Lvl: 1 [Max Lvl: 10]

Active Effect - User can now use spatial essence to create a sharp blade with the wave of his hand or with the use of a weapon (Derived from the [Space Magic] skill)

Skills in the [Detection] category were made by me just focusing on my sense rather than my Spirit sense while [Stealth], [Dash], [Ground Shrink], and [Void Slash] needed lots of practice and training.

My pre-existing skills were also able to make huge breakthroughs. I've currently been trying to build a solid foundation so along with my new skills my states have also been pilling up greatly. I'm confident now that if I fight against a low ranking devil I won't lose or at least I'd be able to escape with my life.

However, while my level rose a lot I suddenly hit a bump in the road that caused me to now focus more on my skills rather than my level. That was all in the first 2 months and afterward, more interesting things happened.

When they first meet Irina one of kids ended up opening his mouth and tried to cause some trouble with me for being with a girl. I knew they were just kids but I grew very fond of Irina of these past 2 months.

---- Flashback ----

Irina had just meet Issei's friends and-

Kid 1 - Ha you're friends with a girl! You should stay away from girls they have cuties! Hahaha

Kids 2, 3, 4, and 5 - Hahahaha

Issei - !!!! Guy's st--

Yu - Oi!

Issei tried to calm things down but I saw that Irina was hurt from their laughing and was a little-pissed off. While I couldn't see it my face went emotionless before I gave those kids a fierce glare. With less than 0.0000000001 percent of my magic pressure emissions released everyone within 2 meters of me felt the temperature drop a couple degrees and felt a chill down their spines. Unconsciously my toned turned cold and strict.

Everyone - !!!!

As if it was rehearsed hundreds of times over those kids got on their knees and hit their heads against the floor.

Everyone - WE'RE SORRY!!!!

I was dumbfounded for 2 reasons 1) this was the first time I've seen the Legendary Seiza of Apologies and 2) I got 3 messages from the system.

*Ding*[Congradulation Host for comprehending the skills [Coercion] and [Bloodlust]]

[Coercion] (Active Skill) Lvl: 1 [Max Lvl: 10]

Active Effect - Through the use of energy emissions the user can use pressure to incapacitate a target

[Bloodlust] (Active Skill) Lvl: 1 [Max Lvl: 10]

Active Effect - The user can now use bring out its inner dėsɨrė to kill and force a target to submit to the user in fear. (Effect depends on the target)

While I was focusing on the messages Issei couldn't handle the pressure I was emitting and spoke up.

Issei - Nee? Yu-nii can you let them go? They apologized already.

Hearing Issei his friends looked at him like he was a saint that would save them from the big bad devil (me)

Yu - Huh ... Sure you guys can go, but watch your mouths next time. Irina is my friend I won't let you guys disrespect her.

Everyone - YES YU-SAMA!!!

With the end of those words, all of them left the hallway at top speed. Issei was conflicted whether to stay with me or follow his friends. Since I didn't want him to lose the only friends he has so I simply gestured to him that he was okay to leave.

Receiving my signal he smiles lightly before running in the direction of his friend. Once everyone was gone I was going to talk to Irina but before I could she hugged my arm and gave me honestly one of the happiest smiles I've seen on her face.

Irina - Yu treats me so good!!

Afterward, she snuggled up close to me which caused us to receive stares from the surrounding people. Without intending to Irina's affection towards me rose greatly that day. She used to act like a tomboy when we hung out but now acted more girly in a way when I was around.

---- Flashback Ending ----

On weekends I would go to Irina's house or she would come over to play with me and Issei. I'd always adventure out of the house with them so we never got bored.

Unfortunately, Dad was able to notice the subtle change in Irina's behavior towards me and ended up making a joke asking when we were going to get married. This caused Irina to start to blush while calling Mom and Dad, Okaa-san and Otou-san before I begged her to stop due to embarrassment.

Of the 2 events that happened over these past 6 months, one was that my parents took me and Issei to an old Japanese town where we went and learned about the past and stuff. There I found an old workshop where I saw a blacksmith forging a katana.

I wasn't really interested in the katana but I said I was so I could slowly get him to let me try out forging with a single iron ingot. Once I was able to thin out the ingot he praised me for my good arm and said I could be a blacksmith in the future.

I smiled back at him not because of what he said but because I got a new skill.

[Blacksmithing] (Active skill) Lvl: 1 [Max Lvl: 100]

Active Effect - User can now start down the path of forging {A/N: Hmm the way of the forge is strong with you young one}


The other event was that I was able to finish my second subquest of [Honor Student] quicker than I thought. The teachers and staff were impressed with my leadership I showed in class as well as my constant thirst for knowledge.

Little did they know that during class whenever a kid miss behaved I told them to stop calmly from an outside perspective but from the class's perspective I was using my [Coercion] skill to make the kid behave as well as a warning to everyone else. Naturally, I excluded the teachers and Irina so as not to leave a bad image on the former's mind.

Actions like that, however, lead me to have the rumored nickname [Smiling Tyrant], as well as scare everyone but Irina from being around me. I didn't care though because I was too busy enjoying my rewards.

[Charisma] (Passive Skill) Lvl: MAX

Passive Effect - Allows the user to seem more appealing to others

[Rally Cry] (Active Skill) Lvl: MAX

Active Effect - Once a day the user can use this skill to summon one or more of the user's servants or contracted subordinates.

*Ding*[1x Equipment Gacha Ticket Used]





[Dual Deadshot Revolvers - (Epic Grade)

- Two raven black revolvers that have the capability to shot magic infused rounds.

- 8 rounds per load

- Heavy recoil on release (possibility of breaking wrists)

Requirement: strong arms and wrists]


Item Grade Level (Will only apply to things taken from the system)

- Common

- Uncommon

- Rare

- Unique

- Epic

- Legendary

- God

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