Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 8 - 1.5 Years Later: First Blood

Before I knew it another 1.5 years passed and I was 9 years old. Issei, Irina, and I had graduated and our 2nd year of elementary school had come to an end. And just like last year, I got to the top of the class but unlike last year I got no rewards.

Many things happened over this long period of time. For one Issei, Irina, and I as well as some other kids in class started going to a dojo to learn martial arts. I went for two reasons 1) I wanted to rise my [close combat] and [swordsmanship] skill. Lucky for me this dojo had multiple martial arts classes and kendo classes. 2) I wanted to see how others fight, I remember taking boxing in my previous life but I have no knowledge of any other fighting styles.

When I mentioned I wanted to train at a dojo Issei immediately asked the same thing. His reason was that he didn't want to be weaker than Irina because he knew that she'd join me if I told her I went to a dojo. Irina and Issei have developed a close relationship close to one of brother and sister. However unlike me who treats Issei as an equal Irina treats him as a younger brother even though she's younger than him.

I never put much thought into correcting Issei because I thought he should be able to live how he wants. Although Irina chooses to side with my parents who want to correct some of Issei faults. One of which is that he's picky about his food. {A/N: Don't know if that's true just making it up} When Irina stays over for dinner my parents leave controlling Issei to her cuz he knows that behind Irina is me who he both respects and fears.

She's never gone too far though and has only lectured him when he was bad or tease him when the time called for it. So all an all the status I'd rate their relationship is one of a playful older sister and younger brother.

Besides the relationship with Irina, Issei, on the other hand, has suddenly grown interested in girls. Maybe it was due to his interaction with that creepy old man in the park {A/N: If you read the novels you'd know who I'm talking about.} or his interactions with me but Issei has developed to that stage in life now.

Who is the target of his affection well it's more than one? They're two girls from the kendo department of our dojo Murayama and Katase from the original works. Originally these girls would beat up Issei whenever he tried to peep on them but in this timeline their decent friend.

It was hilarious when Issei first asked me about this issue, he was blushing and everything but I didn't want him to use me as reference material so I told him to be himself. Surprisingly they hit it off really well.

It was that moment that I realized that I may have distanced Issei from the original path he should have taken. Not that I'm complaining. I did want him not to use me as reference materials when it came to making friend {A/N: FYI his only friends are Issei and Irina everyone else is afraid of him} but I did notice him somewhat copy my routine.

Like me, he started to wake up early; he tried to start cooking like me (but doesn't have the talent). He began to take studies seriously which even I don't I may look like it on the outside but I already know this from my past life so I don't need a refresher thanks to my [Eidetic Memory] skill. One change that surprised me the most was that he copied my meditation routine.

In our house outside in our backyard, I have a flat stone bed where I meditate every day. When he first tried it he didn't really get the point of it but later liked how it calmed his mind a little. Now he joins me for short meditation sessions when we get home. This was another factor that probably led to a spike in his mental development.

Now unlike his previous immature mindset, he still is a little childish but now has a somewhat better understanding of things. All an all, I'm impressed that he was able to befriend both Murayama and Katase.

Currently, both me and Irina were taking a break from practice and at the corner of my eye, I saw a scene I was too used to already. However, this time I had a mischievous light flash into my eyes. What I was looking at was Issei telling Murayama and Katase a joke from the looks of it. They laughed and Issei smiled at that.

I did commend the guy for being with those 2 because, to be honest Irina, Murayama, and Katase were the top 3 cutest girls in this dojo. And while he was a couple steps further than most people here it was obvious that they didn't see him as a man of interest.

Being his older brother as I was and Irina his self-proclaimed older sister we obviously had to help him out before he gets friend zoned.

Yu - Hey Irina

Irina - Hmm~

Yu - Look to the other side of the room but don't make it obvious.

Following my orders, she also notices the triad on the other side of the room. Like me, a mischievous light flashed through her eyes as well, which caused me to smile. Seeing my smile she probably knew where I was getting at.

Not leaving anytime to spare I snuck behind Issei and Irina behind Murayama and Katase. The 3 of them were talking about kendo stuff and it was very easy to sneak up behind them.

Yu - Oh~ hey little brother what do we have here. Are you talking to two girls, let me see.

Holding my chin with my left hand and Issei's shoulder with my right I pretended to examine both Murayama and Katase and add a nod to my act.

Yu - Yup yup yup ... Older brother approves of your choice little brother now which one will be my future sister-in-law or ... perhaps it's both?

All three - Wha?

All of them started to blush not knowing what to do or what to say and could only gaze at the floor. Then as if on cue Irina appeared.

Irina - Ow my gosh, you 2 are going to enter the Hyoudou household too? Hooray same here, I'm Issei's older sister-in-law I hope we can be good friends.

Originally I wore a friendly smile on my face but hearing Irina's world caused it to twitch. That wasn't what I wanted her to say but I can't let my act crumble to pieces now.

Yu - Now now Irina lets not bother these three any longer and give them some space.

Right now Irina was holding Murayama and Katase's hands and was twirling in a circle but when she heard me she stopped.

Irina - Right we need to go bye~ bye~

Happy with our completed mission me and my partner in crime made our way to the locker room before Irina a opened her mouth.

Irina - Nee? Yu are you still coming over to spend the night at my house next weekend?

Yuu - Of course, why wouldn't I be?

Irina - Just asking~

---- Later that Afternoon ----

Dad - So how'd today's trip to the dojo Yu, Issei

Yu - My day went okay as always but Issei here was flirting with some girls during our break time.

Right now every one of the Hyoudou family was eating dinner with the T.V playing the news in the background. Dad like always asked us about our day but, probably didn't expect me to give him some surprising information.

Dad - Oh really ... witness Yu please clarify with us in detail: how many, are they cute, and who are they?

Yu - *cough* we'll you see Hyoudou-san it went a little like this...

After that, I detailed what saw in detail with some exaggeration to my parents. They were surprised but one of the funniest expressions was Issei who looked like a fidgeting tomato.

Suddenly while I was enjoying my family time a report on the news caused me to feel unease.

[Report: Citizens are advised to stay indoors at night. There have been a string of murders these past few months with 30 already dead. The culprits are at large.]

Yuu- [It's gotten worse. I thought it was normal criminals but it could be the work of stray devils. I'll have to take action this recent case is too close to the house.]

News like that started to show up during the middle of my 2nd school year but I ignored it, now however it seems more serious than I thought.

---- Midnight ----

Currently, I was jumping from roof to roof scouting the surrounding area. So far there was no activity in the north, south, or western districts. I thought that the culprits moved to another area but when I was about to finish the eastern district 4 magic signals came into the range of my spirit sense. Not wanting to waste any time I used [reinforcement] as well as [dash] and was able to

cross one mile in 20 seconds.

Scum 1 - Hahaha guy that chick back there was so pitiful. ~Oh please stop all do anything~!

Scum 3 - Ya I got to say this has been fun, I'd say running away from our master was the best thing we could've done. Now we have power and are unrivaled here.

Scum 4 - Ba who was our master that kid was nothing but a brat in my eyes.

Scum 2 - I know right! Hahahaha

My urge to kill them grew more just by listening to them, but I needed to be careful I needed to check their strength with [Appraisal]

[Name: Omitted {A/N: I couldn't be bothered to making names for mob characters}


[Discription: A reincarnated human who was brought back to life by ******, infused with the pawn piece.]

[Rank Level: Low-Rank Devil]

All of them were the same, their level was a little below mine but mine but our combat prowess was too different

[Name: Yuu Hyoudou]

[Level: 115]

[Rank Level: Low-Rank Magic User]

[Strength Level: Middle Level]

Knowing there was no danger I appeared a little way in front of them on the street. These dumbasses didn't even notice me. When they did rather than be alert they were evilly smiling.

Scum 2: Hey kid what are you doing out here it's not safe at night.

The guy walked a little faster than his friends. He appeared friendly but I could feel the malice he was trying to hide. Once he got 3 meters away from me, though he instantly made a grab for me.

Little did he know I saw this was coming and was prepared. Once he was about to grab me I swatted his left hand away with my right palm and gave him a big left hook. That punch had [reinforcement] placed on it so it was harder than usual, adding all my strength to the punch the result he was sent flying into a nearby.

With a glance I knew his jaw and skull was broken his death was certain. his friends were like deer in front of car lights and were frozen in place. With a thought, I used [Ground Shrink] and appeared behind the furthest to the back location.

Jumping the second I arrived, I grabbed the guys head and turned in 180 degrees. That was 2, but my action woke up his two friends. One chose to run but one chose to fight. This one seemed to know how to fight but I ignored his left jab and gave him a right palm to the gut.

While he received the impact of my palm strike I waved my had and used [Void Slash]. Moving away before his blood could get on me I watch his head fall. That's 3, turning around I saw that the escapee was pretty slow and didn't make it far.

Not wanting to chase after him I pulled out one of my Deadshot Revolvers and fired. That was 4, he didn't even make it a quarter mile.

The air was silent but my insides started to churn, in the past when I first killed a humanoid monster the impact caused my body to shake. But this was a person and I almost threw up my dinner.

I didn't though I didn't want to leave any DNA evidence so I held it in. After 10 minutes passed I calmed down and used space magic to throw the corpses into the void and went home.


Name: Yu Hyoudou

Race: Pseudo Human (Fake) / Primordial (Sealed)

Bloodline: Primordial Bloodline

Title: Monster's Poison


System Points (SP) - 1,392

Strength - 151

Endurance - 151

Agility - 151

Intelligence - 74

Luck - 48

Energy Reserves:

World Power: 1,000

Mana: 2,872 -> 7,492

Life Force: 1,002 -> 2,722

Spacial Essense: 5,000

Special Skills:

- Max Lvl: Calm Mind

- Max Lvl: Leadership

- Max Lvl: Unlimited Blade Works

- Max Lvl: Appraisal

- Max Lvl: Eidetic Memory

- Max Lvl: Language Comprehension

- Max Lvl: Rally Cry

Active Skills:

- Lvl 7/10: Hawk-Eye

- Lvl 5/10: Parallel Thoughts

- Lvl 41/100: Meditation

- Lvl 29/100: Reinforcement

- Lvl 53/100: Spirit Sense

- Lvl 4/10: Time Alter

- Lvl 25/100: Space Magic

- Lvl 29/100: Stealth

- Lvl 8/10: Dash

- Lvl 3/10: Ground Shrink

- Lvl 5/10: Void Slash

- Max Lvl: Coercion

- Lvl 1/10: Bloodlust

- Lvl 50/100: Blacksmithing

- Lvl 1/5: Thought Acceleration

- Lvl 13/100: Senjutsu

Passive Skills:

- Lvl 62/100: Pain Resistance

- Lvl 50/100: Close Combat

- Lvl 49/100: Swordsmanship

- Lvl 99/100: 3 Dimensional Movement

- Lvl 6/10: Detection

- Lvl 3/5: Bloodthirst Detection

- Lvl 4/5: Magic Detection

- Max Lvl: Charisma

- Lvl 32/100: Cooking

- Max lvl: Shadow Boxing

[Senjutsu] (Active) Lvl: 13 [Max Lvl: 100]

Active Effect - Allows the user to manipulate life force from the surrounding areas as well as the life energy from the body.

[Shadow Boxing] (Passive) Lvl Max

Passive Effect - Based on the user's sense and comprehension ability the user can better understand fighting styles by watching them. (Skills mimicked through this skill will not always be a good as the original)


Strength Ranking Levels:

- Low Rank

- Middle Rank

- High Rank

- Ultimate Rank

- Super Rank

- God Rank {A/N: Just because a god is a god doesn't mean their god ranked}

Tier Levels:

- Bottom Rank

- Low Rank

- Middle Rank

- High Rank

- Peak Rank

- Half Step {Means their going about to move up a level they just need a little push}

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