Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 9 - Separation: A New Adventure

Turns out that fight last night affected me more than I thought, I know it's perfectly normal to be tense in times like this but I'm still bothered.

It never went as far as me having nightmares about those guys but I now had constant thoughts of how I would die. It's true that I've already died once but I wasn't conscious at that time so I don't really know.

For the next couple of days, I slowly started to piece back together thoughts and began to return back to my normal life. I mean who was the one who wanted to come to this dangerous universe me I can only blame myself. I choose this path and I'm not going to back done on something like death.


Right now I'm currently at Irina's house and we're just watching cartoons. While they weren't bad I still preferred works from my past life. I mean they were good to pass the time but in a way they were plain.

Then I remembered that Issei's show was able to get really popular really quickly. Maybe it was because it was something new and people couldn't find anything better to do?

While I was thinking things like this Irina's Dad, Touji Shidou called her to his study. So when she left I made my way towards the Holy Sword on the side of the room. It didn't seem like a really powerful holy sword but it was still a nice looking sword.

As a blacksmith, I had my eye on things like this and slowly started to examine the sheath and handle. In the background, I was able to hear some muffled voices but I set it aside as I was feeling the engravings of the sword.

Lost in my own thoughts I heard the day slam open and noticed are teary-eyed Irina. I wanted to ask what's wrong but she jumped into my ċhėst and started to ball her eyes out. Confused and dumbfounded I saw her dad standing there with an awkward expression.

I got a basic understanding of what was going on when I remembered the storyline and slowly gestured to him to leave it to me. Giving me a thankful expression he closed the door and left us alone.

A couple minutes passed before Irina calmed down, but she would release me from her grip. Knowing that I had to do something I spoke out.

Yu - Can you tell me what's wrong?

Irina - I-it's my family...

Her voice was shaking almost like she was scared.

Yu - Irina... come on Irina you know you can tell me anything right?

Irina - Were moving my family is moving out of Japan b-but I don't want to leave!!!!

She started to cry again and held me tighter.

Yu - Where are you moving?

Irina - England

Yu - That's far.

Irina - En

Yu - Is there no changing it

Irina - En

Giving out a sigh as if I'm giving up I grab Irina's shoulders, pull her away from me and look her in the eye.

Yu - Listen, Irina... there's nothing we can do here we're just kids. We can't change the decisions of ȧduŀts.

Irina - But what abo--

Yu - I'll be fine it's not like we'll never see each other again... Here take this.

Interrupting her I state my claim and start looking for something to have her remember me by. What I came up with was the black chained necklace I was wearing. It was one of the most difficult things I've made so far with my [Blacksmith] skill.

The chain was only 1 centimeter thick and it had no real fancy design. The only decor I had on it was the set of black and white wings overlapping each other. {A/N: Think of the Scouting Regiment Symbol from Attack on Titan}

Irina was surprised by my action because while it did look plain it also looked expensive up close. Not giving her a moment to respond I took the necklace off my neck and placed it on her's.

Yu - See this now we'll have to meet each other again. This is my favorite necklace and I expect it to be brought back. You have no problems with that, do you?

She kept staring at the emblem in her hand for a while before she eventually nodded at me with a smile. That night Irina snuck into my bed and slept with me the night. For the next eight days, the Shidou family packed up their belongings and I was there to help because Irina seemed to want to spend lots of time with me before she left.

On the 9th day, their house was empty and they were making their way to the airport. Watching them get in the car I turned around to leave but then I heard Irina call my name. When I turned to look at her what I was meet with was a quick kiss on the lips and a blushing Irina.

Irina - Good-bye I'll miss you.

---- Some days later ----

Urgh, life has gotten boring...

Ever since Irina left I've been in a slump and everyone in my house has noticed. Usually, Dad would try to cheer me up but he's currently on a business trip down in the southern provinces so he's not here.

The people who were here though were Mom and Issei. Mom was cooking and Issei was trying to cheer me up by doing funny dances on the couch. I already told him to stop, and that he'd get hurt but he wouldn't listen.

Then when I wasn't looking I heard a thump and found out Issei had fallen on the floor and seem to be injured. There was a gash on his forearm that hit the coffee table and he also seemed to have fractured his wrist.

Calling mom I got her to take him to the hospital to make sure things are alright. I was fine and told her to leave things to me while she left with Issei. She knew I was responsible so she gave me some check orders before she grabbed her coat and left the house.

Once I was alone I finished the tasks mom left for me then I sat down on the couch once more. What I didn't expect however was that the system which had been quiet these past few weeks suddenly became active.

*Ding* [Congradulations Host has received a quest]

[Survival -

Time Needed: Unknown (Time will be called when Host has reached the limit)


1) skill - Teleportation

2) skill - Void Form

3) skill - Ice Magic

4) Primordial Bloodline will become close to partially awakening

5) A dramatic boost in strength will be added to the Host]

Yu - Huh!?!?

*Ding*[Transportation will beginning in..]


Yu - Hey hold up! Stop!!!


[Good luck on your adventure~~]

Without even listening to me the void opened up behind me and suċkėd me in. My day which was originally going to be boring and plain suddenly became one that would be full of bloodshed and pain.

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